Little God Theology? Bethel Prophet Says you are ‘Made like God’ and Made ‘After the God-Kind’

And God created man in His own image in the image of God, He created male and female, He created them.
Kris Vallotton is the co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church. In a recent post, we covered how he claimed that when Adam named the animals in the garden, he was “procreating” and co-creating” with God– and that we can do the same thing. But that wasn’t the only squirrely part of the message. Previously, Vallotton goes to great lengths to establish the creds we have to be “co-creating with God” and “co-reigning with God” by explaining that we can do these things because we are made after the “God-kind.”
Eight times God says, I’ve made the cattle, the birds after their kind, the cattle after their kind, creeping things after their kind, and eight times God says, ‘Let us make these things after our kind’.
And then he gets to you, and he says, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ The connotation is ‘let us make man after our kind’. And God made you after the God-kind. You weren’t an amoeba that warped into an ape that warped- you are made in the image of God, in the likeness of God. You’re actually made like God.Ephesian 5:1 says, ‘Be imitators of God.’ How many understand when you’re acting like God you’re being yourself? Because you were made in the image and likeness of God. And I love this part. It says that he gave us power over all birds of the sky of the cattle and over everything that creeps on the earth…and so we were made after the God-kind.
It’s not the first time he’s said it, previously claiming:
The reason why you can heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons is because of who you are. Jesus didn’t say ‘pray for the sick’. He said ‘heal the sick.’
“Well only God can heal the sick.”
That’s why he said ‘be imitators of God.’
“Listen, I can’t heal the sick, only God can heal the sick.”
That’s right. You are sons of God. In fact, Jesus quoted the psalmist when he said ‘you are gods’ and the word ‘gods’ is little ‘g’. Ye is big ‘G’ and you are a little ‘g’. You’re ‘little g’ god.
For more on Vallotton:
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God like baloney
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