
Copeland! Hinn! Dollar! Jakes! Former LifeWay CEO Opens New Bookstore Peddling Heresy and Blasphemy

Former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer has started a new bookstore, selling the same blasphemous trash and prosperity-gospel heresy his old organization did before running it into the ground.

Originally designed as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board and commissioned to create Sunday School material, LifeWay Christian Resources, led by Rainer, became the nation’s most prominent peddler of outright heresy, including Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, Word-Faith Theology, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, New Age mysticism, and Anti-Trinitarianism. LifeWay’s doctrinal standards amount to profit motivation.

Before 2014, however, few focused on the heresy being sold at LifeWay Christian Resources until a tweet from Ed Stetzer set off a firestorm on social media and set our eyes on the prize. We took it and ran with it, calling ourselves the #15movement on account of Ed Stetzer blaming the uproar on “the same 15 Calvinists who are mad about everything.” Thousands of Christians began a grass-roots movement to boycott LifeWay, chiefly because of the theological heresies by their stores. We did undercover investigations and used recording devices to determine that LifeWay would special-order nearly anything for customers, including everything from TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and gay propaganda. Basically, they were stocking every sort of soft-covered spiritual strychnine they could put on their shelves in any space not currently occupied by a Beth Moore bible study.

During that time, Alex Malarkey joined #the15 movement. He was incensed that LifeWay continued selling the best-selling ‘heavenly tourism’ book falsely ascribed to him, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven. Malarkey wrote his Open Letter to LifeWay and Other Retailers, raking them over the coals for selling such wretched doctrine and for refusing to pull the book when he and his mother asked.

The blog article at Pulpit & Pen soon became the #1 news story in the world on January 17 and 18 of 2014. This website was featured on The Today Show and as far away as the UK Daily Mail and the South China Morning Post. LifeWay’s shame was covered in the New York Times, the LA Times, and the Chicago Tribune. In response, LifeWay spokesmen claimed they had no idea the book was false. Then, we released private emails with Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer in which Justin Peters told them that the book was false and asked to pull it many months earlier. They refused to do so and attacked their critics instead. Simply put, LifeWay, under the leadership of Thom Rainer, was caught in a lie.

Rainer never responded to Malarkey’s letter or gave him an apology for using this story against his permission and in the full knowledge that it was contrived. LifeWay was run into the ground half a decade later, losing tens of millions of dollars, closing all their brick-and-mortar stores, selling vast chunks of property, and engaging in mass layoffs.

Thom Rainer left LifeWay in 2018 but remains heavily involved in SBC life. He oversees his ‘Church Answers’ Ministry and partners with the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) while co-hosting the Revitalize and Replant podcast with NAMB CEO Kevin Ezell.

Recently, his ministry announced that they opened up a new bookstore, partnering with Christianbooks. His son Art Rainer, executive director of retail of Church Answers, and Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers are intimately involved with the new venture, as the Press release explains:

Church Answers has taken a major step forward to provide resources for local churches and Christians, including homeschool parents and leaders. Thom S. Rainer, founder and CEO of Church Answers, expressed his enthusiasm for this new venture: “We are always looking for ways to serve local churches and Christians better. This full-service Christian store is a natural and exciting step toward that purpose. For now, we will begin with a digital store, but we are open to other possibilities.”

Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers, noted some exciting aspects of the new store: “The new Church Answers store includes special curation to address the needs of local churches. We also have many specialty areas such as homeschool resources. Even more, we have committed to give a percentage of our profits to missions. Our initial gifts will go to train pastors in East Africa.”

What’s he selling that’s specially curated? Basically all the heretical books that LifeWay had to drop which resulted in sales tanking.

These include books by Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, open and unrepentant homosexual Jonathan Merritt, Joyce Meyer, Arch-heretic Benny Hinn, prosperity-gospel preachers Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar. There’s the emergent heretics Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and Tony Rollins and then the usual suspects of liberals and pagans like Justin Lee, Jim and Jay Bakker, Richard Rohr, Marcus J. Borg, Tony Campolo, Joseph Prince, John Dominic Crossan, Rachel Held Evans, Sid Roth, Eddie Long, Donald Miller, Norman Vincent Peale, Pope John Paul II, Pope Francis, John Shelby Spong, and William P Young. All caried by this bookstore.

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Thom Rainer’s new bookstore features the worst of the worst. They are not serving the church, but rather their own bank accounts and their spiritually bankrupt hearts.


Thom Rainer Caves To LifeWay Legal Pressure, Will Honor Non-Compete Contract

The peddler of theological poison known as LifeWay Christian Resources, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention and publisher of all things Beth Moore, announced late Tuesday that they’ve reached an amicable agreement with former President Thom Rainer, one that was settled out of court and will end all legal proceedings.

You’ll recall that we leaked emails a few days ago from LifeWay’s board revealing these four salient points, in the process serving as a bit of a reputation wrecker in the eyes of the commonfolk SBC peasants, unaware that their favored son was acting quite poorly.

1. Dr. Rainer entered into a very lucrative transition agreement that was not disclosed to the board’s compensation and executive committees that would pay him in excess of $1 million.

2. Since his retirement on Feb. 28, 2019, Dr. Rainer has been paid in excess of $1 million plus benefits, not including royalty payments.

3. The transition agreement carried a non-compete clause.

4. Dr. Rainer has clearly violated the non-compete clause by entering into a partnership agreement with a competitor explicitly against his transition agreement.

Now that LifeWay has lifted up Rainer by the scruff of his neck, yelled at him for peeing the proverbial bed, and smacked him on the nose so that he won’t do it again, Rainer acquiesced to the organization’s demands and will honor the terms of his non-compete contract after all, meaning that he can’t move ahead with all those books planned for Tyndale until November 2021, 14 months away.

Rainer also must immediately discontinue any references to Tyndale and the promoting of certain company-owned products according to RNS who have seen a draft, writing:

Under the terms of the agreement, a draft of which was provided to Religion News Service, Rainer must also ‘cease using any and all tags such as @Tyndale, #Tyndale @NLT, #NLT or any other reference to any competitor of Plaintiff, Tyndale,’ on social media. (NLT is the New Living Translation, a Tyndale Bible.)

Rainer has also started returning a portion of the $1,000,000 severance packaged he received, though it’s not clear how much he will or has actually given back . In a statement, Todd Fanning, chairman of LifeWay’s board of trustees said:

Our prayer has always been that this could be resolved between LifeWay and Dr. Rainer amicably. We’re thankful Dr. Rainer agreed to honor his word and commitment to LifeWay, which has been our goal from the beginning. The trustees and Dr. Rainer are looking forward to putting this behind us.

Breaking Evangelical Stuff News

Exclusive: Leaked Internal LifeWay Emails Reveal $1,000,000 Severance to Thom Rainer, Breach of Contract Details

In a leaked internal email sent to all Lifeway Employees on October 3,2020 and obtained exclusively by Protestia, details have emerged in the form of an “executive summary” and “background information” which reveals details and a timeline of LifeWays decision to sue outgoing President Thom Rainer

LifeWay’s and Rainer’s will-they-or-won’t-they, on-and-off-again legal relationship has played out in the public eye with accusations being made of impropriety on both sides. We wrote two days ago that after a brief pause where it was hoped that arbitration might be secured, Rainer announced that LifeWay was going ahead anyway with the lawsuit. It is this move that prompted him to release the following tweet yesterday, announcing that he was agreeing to a series of stipulations from LifeWay so that he might end the legal battle, playing the noble martyr as only he can do.

Given such a “magnanimous” act by Rainer in throwing himself on his own sword for the sake of the gospel, we’ve decided to release the following emails in order to give context to Rainer’s brave and selfless act.


Message from the Board Officers


Recent events have created a difficult period for LifeWay. As each of you know, LifeWay cherishes her opportunity to serve the church and is most energized when engaged in supporting the advancement of the Kingdom. As is the case for many organizations, there are times when circumstances arise that force us to deal with matters contrary to our primary mission. 

We have attempted to show grace and restraint in a difficult process and to preserve what will be embarrassing information to many involved. We had hoped our request for a season of prayer would be embraced by all involved, but as misrepresentations continue to be published, we now believe it best to present these facts. Ultimately, it is always our goal to allow the truth to prevail. In that spirit, we offer for your review information covering the events causing and leading up to the filing of a complaint against Dr. Rainer.

The goal has been and continues to be an amicable solution, but such a solution requires two parties. At the heart of what follows are these facts:

1. Dr. Rainer entered into a very lucrative transition agreement that was not disclosed to the board’s compensation and executive committees that would pay him in excess of $1 million.

2. Since his retirement on Feb. 28, 2019, Dr. Rainer has been paid in excess of $1 million plus benefits, not including royalty payments.

3. The transition agreement carried a non-compete clause.

4. Dr. Rainer has clearly violated the non-compete clause by entering into a partnership agreement with a competitor explicitly against his transition agreement.

In this executive summary, we’ve included more details that support and outline the exact circumstances of the above items. As you review the information, you will find much of this very disheartening and troubling. However, it has been and is the intention of this board to hold firm to truth and bring oversight and accountability as is the responsibility of a Board of Trustees. 

As trustees of LifeWay, we have been given the responsibility from Southern Baptists to give oversight to this amazing organization. We have a responsibility to protect LifeWay from harm, and we have a responsibility to protect LifeWay employees and make sure their excellent work in ministry will go forward.

Todd Fannin, Chairman
J.D. Perry, Vice Chairman
Amy Mielock, Secretary

Along with the executive summary posted above, the email also contained some background information and a timeline that brings clarity and context to their decision to sue outgoing President Thom Rainer, who won our award for the Worst Christian of 2018, the reasons which can be seen here.


August 2018
On Aug.13, 2018, in anticipation of his announced retirement, Dr. Rainer signed a lucrative transition agreement. The transition agreement was signed by then Board Chairman Jimmy Scroggins and former Senior Vice President of Organizational Development Selma Wilson on behalf of LifeWay. The document was signed without being reviewed by or with knowledge of the Compensation Committee or Executive Committee. 

The transition agreement provided that Dr. Rainer would remain an employee of LifeWay and provided him with full salary and benefits until Oct. 31, 2020 and gifted him a new car. Since his retirement on Feb. 28, 2019, Dr. Rainer has been paid in excess of $1 million plus benefits, not including royalty payments.

● In addition to full pay and benefits, the transition agreement bridged Dr. Rainer to gain full retirement pay as opposed to a lesser amount for retiring before completing fifteen years of service. This agreement overrode Dr. Rainer’s 2005 Letter Agreement which provided a maximum benefit of only 6 months severance.

● The transition agreement also contained a non-compete clause that restricts him from competing with LifeWay or having any association with a competitor until Oct. 31, 2021. The agreement specifically listed Tyndale as a competitor.

● By signing the agreement, Dr. Rainer acknowledged that a violation of the agreement would cause irreparable harm to LifeWay and that damages would not be an adequate remedy. Dr. Rainer agreed that LifeWay would be entitled to a permanent injunction, enjoining, prohibiting, and restraining him from the continuance of any such violation and specific performance—the exact remedy that LifeWay is seeking now.

On August 27, 2018, Dr. Rainer announced his plans to retire in the coming year. Dr. Rainer agreed to stay in place as CEO until a successor was named and ready to work.

March 2019
In an email dated March 1, 2019, then Board Chairman Jimmy Scroggins announced Dr. Rainer’s retirement effective Feb. 28, 2019, despite the fact that a successor had not yet been named. From Feb. 28, 2019 to this day, despite retiring and not working for Lifeway, Dr. Rainer, under this transition agreement, receives his full salary and benefits. 

October 2019
On Oct. 28, 2019, Dr. Rainer received a letter to document LifeWay and Dr. Rainer’s mutual agreement to terminate a contract between himself and B&H Publishing Group dated April 22, 2019 for the manuscript of a work tentatively titled The Church Attendance Manifesto. While this document terminated his publishing relationship with B&H regarding this specific book, it did not terminate the transition agreement with LifeWay. The idea that he was released from his obligations under the transition agreement is untrue.

Spring 2020
This spring, Lifeway CEO Ben Mandrell approached Dr. Rainer to discuss amending or canceling future payments to assist LifeWay during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Rainer initially agreed to the request and offered to terminate the agreement.

At a later date, Dr. Rainer indicated he would not terminate the agreement but preferred to donate his monthly salary as a charitable contribution to LifeWay. He donated his salary back for only two and a half months. He still retains his benefits and company car.

August 2020
On Aug. 3, 2020, Church Answers, a business owned and operated by Dr. Rainer, announced a ministry partnership with Tyndale House Publishers to provide resources, including books, resources and curriculum, for local churches.
From their joint press release:

● Tyndale House Publishers and Church Answers today announced the formation of a new ministry partnership dedicated to serving and equipping the local church with thoughtful, practical, and innovative resources of all kinds to help churches grow and thrive in their God-given mission.
● Working together we have no doubt we will create tools to serve the Church in unique and powerful ways.
● Tyndale and Church Answers will also work jointly on the new ministry site,
● Tyndale and Church Answers partnership will do everything within in its power to supply the local church with what it needs to fulfill its unique calling. New cutting edge-initiatives are currently being developed to supply church leaders.

In addition to the press release, the Church Answers website is now sponsored by the New Living Translation, a Tyndale product. Dr. Rainer began promoting Tyndale products and hosting Tyndale employees on blogs and podcasts.

Learning of the partnership, the board officers expressed concerns regarding Dr. Rainer’s activities and public announcement, and they inquired as to what restrictions were in place to prohibit Dr. Rainer from entering into a partnership that clearly competes with LifeWay and the resources we supply for the local church.

Upon review with LifeWay’s legal counsel, the board officers concluded Dr. Rainer was in breach of his agreement. The board officers sought outside counsel to review the agreement, as well as the actions and announcement by Dr. Rainer and Tyndale. Outside counsel agreed that it appeared to be a clear breach of his agreement.

In order to give Dr. Rainer an opportunity to bring clarification, the board officers directed LifeWay’s legal counsel to contact him via email to request an explanation.

September 2020
On Sept. 8, 2020, at the direction of the board officers, LifeWay’s chief legal officer sent an email to Dr. Rainer requesting he clarify the press release and his partnership with Tyndale. 

Dr. Rainer responded that the relationship with Tyndale was simply a book deal and does not violate the non-compete. The short response did not address any of the substantive issues raised by the news release and social media announcement of the broader ministry partnership.

On Sept. 14, 2020, the board officers directed LifeWay’s chief legal officer to send a second email asking for a written explanation of the partnership with Tyndale. The second email requested Dr. Rainer address specific issues raised by the press release and Dr. Rainer’s continued promotion of Tyndale and its products. He was asked to respond within five days.

To date, Dr. Rainer has not responded to the second email and has not addressed the concerns it raised.  

Due to the board officers’ desire for Dr. Rainer to address these issues and comply with his agreement, the officers directed LifeWay’s legal counsel to file a temporary restraining order and injunction to prohibit him from continuing the partnership with Tyndale and to require him to abide by his agreement with LifeWay. 

On Monday, Sept. 28, 2020, LifeWay filed a complaint in Williamson County Court with the intent to file the temporary restraining order on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020. The complaint was a first step in seeking an injunction. Dr. Rainer was provided advance notice of the intent to file the temporary restraining order.

On Tuesday of this week, the board officers met with the executive committee to let them know of the transition agreement and to review the process they are taking with Dr. Rainer and to determine next steps.

Following the formal complaint, Dr. Rainer’s lawyer contacted LifeWay on Tuesday, Sept. 29, requesting the parties attempt to sit down and resolve the issue. In response to his lawyer’s request, we provided written proposals on Tuesday, Sept. 29, that would bring the parties together for an agreed resolution. At the present time, however, we have not heard back from Dr. Rainer’s lawyer in response to our proposals.

On Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020, the trustee executive committee met and in good faith agreed not to move forward with filing the temporary restraining order to give both LifeWay and Dr. Rainer time to enter into an agreed upon resolution.

If you have any more information on this, please email Anonymity is guaranteed.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

SBC’s LifeWay will Sue the Pants Off Ex-President Thom Rainer After All

In the shortest cease-fire ever, LifeWay has uncrossed their fingers from behind their back and has re-upped their lawsuit against Thom Rainer after a brief detente, choosing to proceed with it rather than seeking alternative methods of arbitration. We brought you the details of this case in our Theologically Bankrupt LifeWay Halts Legal Action Against Morally Bankrupt Thom Rainer article, where we wrote:

The world’s worst organization, LifeWay Christian Resources, has taken a step back from the brink and has put a hold on its breach of contract lawsuit against the winner of the 2018 Worst Christian award, former president Thom Rainer.

LifeWay was suing Rainer for violating his non-compete clause by heading out to enjoy a multi-book, multiyear agreement with rival Tyndale Publishing House while still serving as chief advisory officer for LifeWay. The suit claims this action violated their severance deal, as it would have allegedly given Tyndale a competitive advantage.

Apparently cooler heads turned to steam after all, with Thom Rainer’s son announcing that LifeWay is not a believer in “No take-backsies” and will bring the full wrath of the arm of the law against the embattled ex-president.

The post by Sam Rainer links to a petition, which has garnered about 500 digital signatures at the time of writing and explains:

“LifeWay CEO Ben Mandrell and the trustee officers decided to sue former CEO Thom Rainer without the knowledge of consent of the Board of Trustees. The immediate past trustee chairman, Dr. Jimmy Scroggins, has asked the board to withdraw the suit, but trustees have been denied the chance to meet thus far.

Tell the LifeWay trustees to seek a Biblical Solution for Life.

Tell them to WITHDRAW their lawsuit against Thom Rainer and seek resolution of the dispute OUT of court.”

The real travesty of course is that Rainer wasn’t fired and sued by the Southern Baptist Convention for his long-lived reign of theological terror, where he presided over and organization that packaged and sold a deluge of inspiringly awful material; a cornucopia of heretical trash that has run roughshod over the souls of many who turned to their offerings for guidance, wisdom, and sound biblical teaching. Page after page of theological “filthy rags” was produced and pushed under Rainer’s watch, and he made a mint doing it.

One particularly noteworthy act of scumbaggery was with the pushing of “heavenly tourism” books. Rainer was warned in emails that Alex Malarkey was recanting his book, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, but he mocked the messenger and dismissed his concerns and continued to sell the book. When Malarkey’s Open Letter to Lifeway (originally posted on this very news site) made international news, Thom Rainer’s spokesperson at Lifeway lied and said he just heard about the book being fraudulent, and immediately pulled it down. When we released the emails showing Rainer knew much sooner and didn’t care, choosing to profit from the book anyway, Rainer simply said, “No comment.”

We will update details on this slap-fest accordingly.