
Lifeway’s Sunday School Quarterly Written by Lady Pastor?

As SBC congregations grapple with the realization that they have many churches with women pastors and that prominent denominational leaders want to keep it that way, Lifeway Christian Resources, the convention’s publishing arm, continues to advocate for the former, doing what it can to insert a little egalitarianism into everything it does *

We previously shared how the Spring 2022 edition of LifeWay’s “Bible Studies for Life” curriculum was written by Brandon Hiltibidal, the lead pastor of a non-SBC church that employs five women “pastors,” including word of faith teacher Christine Caine.

Not content with these minute intrusions, Reverend Christina Zimmerman, a former SBTS grad and Lifeway editor who is an Associate Minister at Faith United Missionary Baptist Church in Nashville, TN, wrote a new article for the 2024 edition of the “Bible Studies for Life” curriculum.

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We wouldn’t be surprised if next year they have one of the lady pastors from the since expelled Saddleback Church author part of the quarterly. After all, since they seemingly cannot find enough qualified men or women within their denomination who aren’t acting in disobedience to the scriptures, the next iteration can only be far worse.

Lifeway Christian Resources, once primarily known as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, has morphed into a controversial behemoth in the Christian publishing world. A purveyor of spiritual strychnine and peddler of outright heresy, their portfolio includes Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, New Age mysticism, Anti-Trinitarianism, Word-Faith Theology, and good old fashioned wretched theology, demonstrating Lifeway’s commitment to upholding doctrinal standards is primarily swayed by profit motives.

Lifeway’s progressive leanings aren’t exactly surprising. Just look at how Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1. Or their decision to omit Voddie Baucham’s anti CRT, best-selling Fault Lines book from their catalog. Or the controversy surrounding Lifeway’s Spring 2022 Curriculum

Financial difficulties have plagued Lifeway since 2014, with a series of losses leading to the closure of 170 physical stores in 2017. A staggering $50 million was lost between 2014 and 2019, and the 2020 budget year saw a $45 million shortfall in revenue. In a desperate move, Lifeway sold its $100 million headquarters in 2021, after occupying it for less than 4 years.  


After Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars, SBC’s Lifeway Opens 46,000sq.ft ‘State of the Art ‘Teaming Space’

Lifeway Christian Resources, once primarily known as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, has morphed into a controversial behemoth in the Christian publishing world. A purveyor of spiritual strychnine and peddler of outright heresy, their portfolio includes Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, New Age mysticism, Anti-Trinitarianism, Word-Faith Theology, and good old fashioned wretched theology, demonstrating Lifeway’s commitment to upholding doctrinal standards is primarily swayed by profit motives.

Lifeway’s progressive leanings aren’t exactly surprising. Just look at how Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1. Or their decision to omit Voddie Baucham’s anti CRT, best-selling Fault Lines book from their catalog. Or the controversy surrounding Lifeway’s Spring 2022 Curriculum

Financial difficulties have plagued Lifeway since 2014, with a series of losses leading to the closure of 170 physical stores in 2017. A staggering $50 million was lost between 2014 and 2019, and the 2020 budget year saw a $45 million shortfall in revenue. In a desperate move, Lifeway sold its $100 million headquarters in 2021, after occupying it for less than 4 years.   

Yet, against the backdrop of these financial struggles, Lifeway recently celebrated the grand opening of a new 46,000 sq. ft. teaming space that includes “An open-concept design that features a social hub, drop-in workstations, meeting rooms with videoconferencing capability, quiet workspaces, video, photography and podcast studios, as well as post-production suites.”

Lifeway President and CEO Ben Mandrel explains:

“This space was designed to draw writers, designers, editors, artists and craftsmen together. When you create a space that’s designed for relationships, communication and teamwork, everyone who enters the building benefits….

The open workspaces, collaborative team rooms and state-of-the-art technology come together to support our work-from-anywhere culture and encourage collaboration….When staff who live outside of Nashville come to town, we want to have a space for them that feels like home, that feels fresh, creative and fun.”


Defamation?! Man At Center of Massive SBC Sex Scandal Sues Denomination, Along with 11 Prominent Southern Baptists For Lying About Him

Former Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor David Sills has filed suit against the SBC and 11 other high-profile personalities, including current SBC President Bart Barber, former president Ed Litton, Albert Mohler, Jennifer Lyell (the woman who accused him of sexual abuse) and others. Sills is requesting a trial by jury, claiming that he’s been repeatedly and unfairly maligned for years, and is seeking monetary damages and compensation for having his reputation destroyed by his denomination. Baptist Global news, citing the brief, quote from the lawsuit:

“Rather than seek the truth, defendants repeated and circulated false statements about Dr. Sills, causing him to be cast as a toxic pariah. After various mischaracterizations, misstatements, and a contrived ‘investigation’ by defendants, the plaintiffs, David Sills and Mary Sills, have been wrongfully and untruthfully labeled as criminals and shunned by the SBC.” 


(The defendants) understood the value of making an example out of SBC member and employee David Sills who, without controversy, had admitted to an affair with Lyell and willingly accepted the SBC requirement that he depart from his position at the seminary. In essence, defendants saw an opportunity to improve the appearance and reputation of SBC’s handling of abuse cases, long under fire, even though there had not been any legitimate and proper investigation into the allegations, nor was Dr. Sills adequately informed of the specific nature and extent of accusations made by Lyell.

Several years ago, Lyell, then a Vice-President at Lifeway Christian Resources, admitted to being involved in a sexual relationship with David Sills for over a decade. She claimed that it resulted from him ‘grooming’ her while enrolled in a missions class at the seminary in 2004 when she was 26 years old, ending 12 years later when she was 38 and having long moved on. She says that he “sexually acted” against her but never provided details or offered what the grooming looked like throughout their relationship, particularly when they were away from each other for months at a time. Once their affair was revealed, however, it resulted in his swift termination and public disgrace.

A year later, she would seemingly walk back any suggestion that she was guilty of any sin for the relationship, explaining in an update that just because she was ‘compliant’, it did not mean their relationship was ‘consensual.’ As her understanding of her role in the whole affair continued to evolve, she also appeared to dispel the notion that there was any sin on her part for which she ought to apologize, supposing that she was and remains a complete, guiltless victim in every sense of the word, sharing the same culpability of a 4-year-old being, molested by her step-father.

Everyone agreed with her. The SBC Committee ultimately defended her victimhood the Sexual Abuse Task Force dedicated approximately 35 of its 288 pages to Lyell’s story and the circumstances surrounding it, repeatedly castigating Sills not as an “alleged abuser” but a definite, for sure, unequivocal “abuser” while framing the 12 years together as one long incident of “nonconsensual sexual abuse” between adults.

The SBC Executive Committee, in a rare move, also issued a personal apology to Lyell for failing to “adequately listen, protect and care” for her after she came forward with allegations of sexual abuse by her professor, as well as acknowledged the “unintentional harm” they caused her by not correctly reporting her case and framing what happened to her in a blameworthy and distressing manner, resulting in a confidential monetary settlement to Lyell of $1,500,000. The Baptist press writes further:

Sills has not denied engaging in an inappropriate relationship with Lyell, and he resigned his post at Southern Seminary after being confronted about it. However, in the new court filing he insists he did not sexually abuse Lyell, force himself upon Lyell, use violence against Lyell, threaten to use violence against Lyell or “engage in sexual intercourse” with Lyell “at any time whatsoever.”

The filing says Sills acknowledges “a personal and emotionally intimate relationship” between the two but claims it was initiated by Lyell, who was “well above the age of consent.”


The court filing further claims Lyell maintained the relationship by driving several hundred miles — from Nashville, Tenn., to Louisville, Ky. — to see Sills. It also claims Sills “ended the relationship with Defendant Lyell who nevertheless persisted her pursuit of Sills and undertook efforts to reach Dr. Sills through his family.”

David and Mary Sills also contend that Lyell, “relying on her expertise as an accomplished writer and executive in the fields of advertising and publishing within the SBC, a lucrative and powerful position, constructed a false narrative against Dr. Sills and Mrs. Sills, at the height of awareness of SBC scandals.”

“Thereafter, Ms. Lyell engaged in an effort to restore her reputation and preserve her powerful position of doling out lucrative book deals, while affirmatively and skillfully dismantling the reputations, careers, and family life of David Sills and Mary Sills,” the court filing states.

Sills has apparently taken umbrage with everyone who decried him as a sexual abuser and engaged in both slander and libel against him, including:

None have publicly responded to the suit.


Lifeway Research: Half of Churchgoers Want Their Congregation To Share Their Politics

According to a new Lifeway Research Poll, most Christians say they’d prefer if their church votes the same way they do and have the same political identity; results that are hardly surprising given the current climate we live in. 

The research found that “Half of U.S. Protestant churchgoers (50%) say they’d prefer to attend a church where people share their political views, and 55% believe that to be the case at their congregation already.”

While these statistics are not dissimilar from a previous 2017 poll, what has changed is the adamancy of “worshipping alongside political peers,” with 19% “strongly agreeing” that they’d prefer not to worship next to someone whose political perspectives are completely contrary their own, a 7% increase from 2019. 

Though there are several biblically defensible perspectives on which party or candidate to vote for, from Republican to Independent, write-in to Libertarian, to even not voting at all, who one votes for does reveal something about the spiritual state of a man or woman. For this reason, no Christian should feel kinship and comfort when surrounded by people who consistently vote for a certain party that is rabidly and unapologetically pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-child grooming, pro-theft and pro-tyranny.


Immigration: 78% of Evangelicals Want Secure Border and Pathway to Citizenship

(Christian Headlines) A large majority of evangelicals describe legal immigration as “helpful” to the United States, according to a new Lifeway Research survey that also found that evangelicals support a balanced approach to immigration reform.

The poll, sponsored by Evangelical Immigration Table and World Relief, found that 83 percent of self-identified evangelicals describe legal immigration as “helpful,” with 40 percent saying it’s helpful and that the U.S. should maintain the current number of legal immigrants and 25 percent calling it helpful and saying the nation should increase the number of legal immigrants. Another 19 percent call it helpful but believe the U.S. should decrease legal immigration. A total of 17 percent of evangelicals describe legal immigration as “harmful.”

Meanwhile, evangelicals support an approach to immigration reform that is best described as “balanced.” For example, 90 percent of evangelicals say they support legislation that would “guarantee secure national borders,” and 78 percent back legislation that would “establish a path toward citizenship for those who are here illegally, are interested, and meet certain qualifications for citizenship.”

Asked the best way for Congress to address immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally, only 25 percent of evangelicals say they should be deported “to…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and posted at Christian Headlines.


Copeland! Hinn! Dollar! Jakes! Former LifeWay CEO Opens New Bookstore Peddling Heresy and Blasphemy

Former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer has started a new bookstore, selling the same blasphemous trash and prosperity-gospel heresy his old organization did before running it into the ground.

Originally designed as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board and commissioned to create Sunday School material, LifeWay Christian Resources, led by Rainer, became the nation’s most prominent peddler of outright heresy, including Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, Word-Faith Theology, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, New Age mysticism, and Anti-Trinitarianism. LifeWay’s doctrinal standards amount to profit motivation.

Before 2014, however, few focused on the heresy being sold at LifeWay Christian Resources until a tweet from Ed Stetzer set off a firestorm on social media and set our eyes on the prize. We took it and ran with it, calling ourselves the #15movement on account of Ed Stetzer blaming the uproar on “the same 15 Calvinists who are mad about everything.” Thousands of Christians began a grass-roots movement to boycott LifeWay, chiefly because of the theological heresies by their stores. We did undercover investigations and used recording devices to determine that LifeWay would special-order nearly anything for customers, including everything from TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and gay propaganda. Basically, they were stocking every sort of soft-covered spiritual strychnine they could put on their shelves in any space not currently occupied by a Beth Moore bible study.

During that time, Alex Malarkey joined #the15 movement. He was incensed that LifeWay continued selling the best-selling ‘heavenly tourism’ book falsely ascribed to him, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven. Malarkey wrote his Open Letter to LifeWay and Other Retailers, raking them over the coals for selling such wretched doctrine and for refusing to pull the book when he and his mother asked.

The blog article at Pulpit & Pen soon became the #1 news story in the world on January 17 and 18 of 2014. This website was featured on The Today Show and as far away as the UK Daily Mail and the South China Morning Post. LifeWay’s shame was covered in the New York Times, the LA Times, and the Chicago Tribune. In response, LifeWay spokesmen claimed they had no idea the book was false. Then, we released private emails with Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer in which Justin Peters told them that the book was false and asked to pull it many months earlier. They refused to do so and attacked their critics instead. Simply put, LifeWay, under the leadership of Thom Rainer, was caught in a lie.

Rainer never responded to Malarkey’s letter or gave him an apology for using this story against his permission and in the full knowledge that it was contrived. LifeWay was run into the ground half a decade later, losing tens of millions of dollars, closing all their brick-and-mortar stores, selling vast chunks of property, and engaging in mass layoffs.

Thom Rainer left LifeWay in 2018 but remains heavily involved in SBC life. He oversees his ‘Church Answers’ Ministry and partners with the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) while co-hosting the Revitalize and Replant podcast with NAMB CEO Kevin Ezell.

Recently, his ministry announced that they opened up a new bookstore, partnering with Christianbooks. His son Art Rainer, executive director of retail of Church Answers, and Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers are intimately involved with the new venture, as the Press release explains:

Church Answers has taken a major step forward to provide resources for local churches and Christians, including homeschool parents and leaders. Thom S. Rainer, founder and CEO of Church Answers, expressed his enthusiasm for this new venture: “We are always looking for ways to serve local churches and Christians better. This full-service Christian store is a natural and exciting step toward that purpose. For now, we will begin with a digital store, but we are open to other possibilities.”

Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers, noted some exciting aspects of the new store: “The new Church Answers store includes special curation to address the needs of local churches. We also have many specialty areas such as homeschool resources. Even more, we have committed to give a percentage of our profits to missions. Our initial gifts will go to train pastors in East Africa.”

What’s he selling that’s specially curated? Basically all the heretical books that LifeWay had to drop which resulted in sales tanking.

These include books by Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, open and unrepentant homosexual Jonathan Merritt, Joyce Meyer, Arch-heretic Benny Hinn, prosperity-gospel preachers Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar. There’s the emergent heretics Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and Tony Rollins and then the usual suspects of liberals and pagans like Justin Lee, Jim and Jay Bakker, Richard Rohr, Marcus J. Borg, Tony Campolo, Joseph Prince, John Dominic Crossan, Rachel Held Evans, Sid Roth, Eddie Long, Donald Miller, Norman Vincent Peale, Pope John Paul II, Pope Francis, John Shelby Spong, and William P Young. All caried by this bookstore.

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Thom Rainer’s new bookstore features the worst of the worst. They are not serving the church, but rather their own bank accounts and their spiritually bankrupt hearts.


Lifeway’s 2022 Vacation Bible School (VBS) Soundtrack Hits the No. 1 spot on Apple Music Chart

According to Lifeway President Ben Mandrell,” Last week the @Lifeway VBS Spark Studios soundtrack hit the No. 1 spot on @AppleMusic” for the  Top 100 Children’s Music Albums chart last week, including the 63rd spot for all genre’s. He went on to say “We’re talking about *all* kids albums here; not just a religious category. This is not the first time they have received this kind of recognition. I couldn’t be more proud and grateful!”

Albums it beat out include Nursery Rhymes by Cocomelon, Disney Princess: The Ultimate Song Collection, KIDZ BOP 2022, and Patriotic Kids’ Songs.

The album is the soundtrack for their Vacation Bible School program for this summer, where according to the promo material:

In summer 2022, kids will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us–His creation–to the design He planned for us. Kids will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s workmanship as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.

You can hear some of the songs below.


Lifeway Eats Itself from Within as Golden Goose Continues to Create Women Pastors

Christine Caine is one of Lifeway’s most prized possession. She’s the golden goose-one of the famed ‘Lifeway Women’ who have her own landing page, where the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention promotes her relentlessly, along with a gaggle of other women. In fact, the ratio of women authors to men is so great, that we’ve had to seriously ask Does Lifeway Only Carry Women Authors?

This is nothing surprising from Lifeway, given that they’re by and large a bunch of progressives. How else do you explain why Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1? Or refusing to carry Voddie Baucham’s anti CRT, best-selling Fault Lines book? or how LifeWay’s Spring 2022 Curriculum Written By Non-SBC Pastor Who Denies BFAM, Has 5 Pastrixes on Staff. Forever and always, this purveyor of spiritual strychnine is always seeking a way to defy and undermine the SBC and their beliefs, and Caine is special in how hard she goes at it.

Caine is the charismatic, egalitarian, one-time leader from Hillsong who preaches the word/faith prosperity gospel. Caine holds to the notion that Jesus died on the cross to give you possessions, wealth, and health, and that it is there for the taking if you have enough faith and confess it positively. It’s no surprise then that she cut her teeth on Hillsong, the Brian Houston-led boondoggle that has the reputation for being among the most immature, Scripturally ignorant, and carnal people in the history of the world to ever call themselves Christians. 

She also leads Propel Women, a network designed to empower women to become preachers and pastors, and they just graduated a bunch of them yesterday, ready to unleash upon the world prospective pastrixes who have cut their teeth on Caine’s own teaching. She shared on Twitter:

Given that 10% of the biggest SBC churches already have women pastors, they’ll likely have far more job opportunities than previously imagined. Retweeting the picture and in fact featured in the picture is none other than Ed Stetzer, the former Executive Director of Nashville-based LifeWay Research. To quote JD Hall:

Stetzer is a guy who has projected himself as a church planting specialist, even though he’s never once successfully planted a church (he’s done so unsuccessfully on multiple occasions). He has projected himself as an expert on culture, which might be his only accomplishment, but only because his devotion to momentary fads is his shtick. Every time we see him on stage giving advice on the church’s decline it reminds of what a hypothetical absurdity it would be to see a whore have a day job of selling antibiotics out of her trunk to clear up all the venereal diseases she passed around during her night-job. In short, he is the problem in the church, but makes a living selling the latest evangelical elixirs.”

While Lifeway has been a lost cause for a long time, it’s nice to see a bit of clarity now and then in order to assess how badly the rot has set in within the organization, to what degree they’ll partner and promote folk so bent on undermining the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and their own denomination.


LifeWay’s Spring 2022 Curriculum Written By Non-SBC Pastor Who Denies BFAM, Has 5 Pastrixes on Staff

The Spring 2022 edition of LifeWay’s “Bible Studies for Life” curriculum for senior adults was written by a man who explicitly denies the Baptist Faith and Message’s view of the roles of men and women and is not even a Southern Baptist, being one of the pastors at Mariners Church in California.

Brandon Hiltibidal, who is the former Director of Adults and Discipleship Strategist at LifeWay and who is contributing to the spiritual development and growth of Southern Baptists through this literature, is the lead pastor of a church that employs 5 women “pastors,” including Christine Caine who is a Word of Faith false teacher.

Our source, who did not want his name used for this article, uncovered this egregious act and explained his issues with this practice, which represents the drift in the denomination.

1. LifeWay should not employ writers who show such blatant disregard for God’s Word.
2. LifeWay should practice enough discernment to select writers that agree with the Baptist Faith and Message (The doctrinal statement of the Southern Baptist Convention) and are at least members of Baptist churches.
3. LifeWay should understand their responsibility to local churches as it relates to providing biblically faithful resources.
4. LifeWay should not make a profit off local churches through the sale of biblically unsound curriculum.

LifeWay continues to give churches curriculum that is written by people who do not agree with the beliefs of the churches that use their material or support them.

We could not agree more and hope that this is the sort of nonsense a revitalized and conservative resurgence of the SBC could help smoke out and put an end to.


Lifeway Worship Choral Club, Featuring Songs Written by Steven Furtick and Roman Catholic, Shuts Down Forever

The Lifeway Worship Choral Club (LWCC) has announced that they are shutting up shop and closing down their club boxes, citing lack of interest and “significant decline in its use by churches for the past several years,” with their final September/Easter 2022 box being the last ever.

While this may seem like a sad thing, we don’t suspect they’ll lose sleep over it. After all, the corrupt for-profit publishing arm of the Southern Baptists Convention has demonstrated over a decade a blatant disregard of being consistently biblical and a wanton promotion and promulgation of every sort of theological chicanery and perversion they can make a dollar off of. (See examples at the end of this post.)

That’s not all. A quick perusal of the contents of this box show sheet music for a song co-written by ‘narcissist’ Steven Furtick, (a word invented to describe him, because he narcissistically exegetes himself into every part and portion of the bible) and music for a song by non-Christian, Roman Catholic Matt Maher.

Lastly, we get an ad for the ministry staffing company run by who appears to be the main LWCC song contributor.

Basically, it’s about what we’ve come to expect from Lifeway.

Does Lifeway Only Carry Women Authors?
Lifeway DOESN’T Carry Voddie Baucham’s #1 Best-Selling ‘Fault Lines,’ but Has Entire Landing Page for Christine Caine
Exclusive: Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1
Lifeway: Jesus Wouldn’t Be Calling If They Really Had Doctrinal Guidelines
Lifeway Bible Study ‘The Psalms Don’t Fully Reflect the Ethic Taught By Jesus’
Leaked Audio Reveals Details about LifeWay & Thom Rainer’s Sweetheart Deal
Exclusive: Leaked Internal LifeWay Emails Reveal $1,000,000 Severance to Thom Rainer, Breach of Contract Details
Lifeway Is Hurting And We’re Happy
SBC/Lifeway to Host NAR Faith-Healing Event at Ridgecrest Conference Center
#The15 ‘LifeWay Boycott’ Likely the Cause of $50 Million Loss, Shut Down
“Lifeway Women” Promote Hillsong Prophetess, Christine Caine
Lifeway Indoctrinating Children with Modalist View of the Trinity at VBS 2017
Lifeway VS the SBC: Lifeway’s Fight to Promote The Shack