
Larry Reid Names Prominent Prophet as One of T.D. Jakes’ Alleged Grooming Victims

Larry Reid, the founder of the MBN Network (MBN), the owner of LDREnterprises, and the Senior Spiritual Leader of Reformation Church of Atlanta, has named ‘Prophet’ Manasseh Jordan as one of the alleged victims of Bishop T.D. Jakes’ alleged homosexual predations.

Jordan is a millionaire prosperity preacher whom both Benny Hinn and T.D. Jakes mentored. Jordan has claimed to heal the sick, raise the dead, and has made a name for himself promising obscene wealth and ‘financial transfers’ to those who give him “seed” money, particularly through the use of robocalls. Jordan recently took to Instagram to share about the ‘grooming’ he experienced at the hands of a prominent Christian leader.

“2024 (is) going to be the year of exposure and God is exposing certain people, people that normally was able to use their power,their influence and their money to silence people. Those days are over.”

I’m referring to the black church specifically…there’ll be a bishop, a pastor, apostle someone who has big conferences, everybody knows, ‘oh my God they’re the holy man of God’ and they will pick their victims and they groom them. And it first goes through stage one where they ask questions; ‘what are you into, what do you like, you need to tell Daddy everything.’ And so they’re using verbosity and they’re using this type of garrulous narrative to try to make you feel comfort, to build comfort with their victim.

And then from there it goes into stage two. And stage two is where it begins to become sexual and it first starts by either making facetious jokes, making little statements, innuendoes, and then it goes into the questions of ‘what turns you on, what do you like sexually, you need to tell me this because I need to know because I need to be able to pray for you.’ So it’s almost like a psychological power game that they’re playing with you.

..And then it goes into the third stage, and the third stage is where they try to become intimate with you.. And if you do not allow this they drop you, they treat you like you’re nothing, and they abandon that young male or that young woman. But from my experience, I can only speak from a young male point of view, they abandon that young male and they treat them like they’re nothing because they didn’t acquiesce to what they wanted sexually and they look for another victim. And they know they can get away with it because their followers are not people that love the Lord. They worship the pastor, they worship the bishop, so they’re not seeking for truth.

In a follow-up video, Jordan says he received calls from two people who say they were victims of sexual assault from the same person who groomed him. Jordan says they will be pressing charges against the unnamed leader.

While Jordan has not revealed the name of who tried to ‘groom’ him, Reid has released a series of videos over the last week, insisting that TD Jakes was the one manipulating for sexual favors, sharing in one video:

Everything else he discussed in this video, he experienced it at the hands of Bishop T.D. Jakes. And he told me it was Bishop T.D. Jakes. This is not the only situation or the only person that has a testimony or story like this. For Manasseh it was grooming, and the grooming was excessive, manipulative, and he did confront Bishop Jakes about it and how he was handled.

And in his video header:

“The evidence of grooming and manipulation has been viewed. I confirm that the viral video viewed over 1 million times so far across social media posted by @prophetmanasseh was referencing Bishop T.D. Jakes.”

Jakes has denied all allegations against him, but recently said during his Christmas service that if the allegations of homosexual activity against him were true, all he would need to do is “repent sincerely in his heart.”


Ironically enough, while Reid is championing this cause, a few months ago, a man named Lavontraye Andrews publicly accused Reid of molesting him when he was in his teens, using many of the same behaviors Jordan is claiming Jakes used on him.


Hillsong Paid Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to T.D Jakes, Joyce Meyer for ‘Honorariums’

With the blockbuster news that Hillsong Church, under the leadership of Brian and Bobbi Houston and also Phil and Lucinda Dooley, has been spending millions of dollars on luxury items and flights, treating their private jet like Ubers, and buying luxury clothing with church resources, some people are accusing the embattled church of money laundering and tax fraud over ‘honorariums’ they both give and receive.

In Christian circles, “An honorarium is a payment made to a person that does not represent full compensation for the time and effort expended. It may also be a payment for which a fee is not traditionally or normally charged. According to Clergy Financial, “This would include payments made for things like weddings, baptisms, funerals, pulpit supply, or speaking engagements. In most situations, it would be rude to ask for a price, so any payment is totally up to the person who asked for the service.”

Most churches pay a couple of hundred dollars if the guest preacher is local. If not, they’d pay more to cover hotel, meals, transportation, and speaking fees for their time.

Not Hillsong.

According to reports: 171. TAB 110 explains in detail how this Celebrity Preacher’s Scam works. Hillsong pastors such as Brian and Bobbie Houston and Christine Caine were some of the ‘OGs’ of this abuse of  church funds. In essence, one mega-church pastor who is the founder and Chair from their own church (the host church), invites a founding celebrity pastor of another mega-church to speak at their church or event. For this, the host church pays for business or first-class flights for the guest pastor, along with luxury accommodation, restaurant meals, gifts and green room  comfort. The icing on the cake is the payment of a generous honorarium (around $10k to $20k  or more) to the visiting celebrity pastor to preach a couple of 30 minute sermons.

In addition, the visiting pastor receives royalties from the sale of his or her resources at the church service or event. This arrangement is then reciprocated. That is, the original celebrity preacher guest  subsequently invites the celebrity pastor from the host church to come to their church or event to preach and offers all of the same benefits they had received. 

The problem with this arrangement is that it is church money which pays for the honorarium, flights, accommodation etc, yet the pastor receives the honorarium into their personal pocket. This scam means that Australian tax-exempt church income is being used to make celebrity pastors personally wealthy. The mega-wealthy pastors of the world’s largest mega-churches are all ‘in on it’ by continually inviting each other to speak at their church services and events. 

They are effectively lining each other’s personal pockets and enabling luxurious lifestyles – all with church money sacrificially donated by the general public who are not wealthy. TABS 110A to 118 detail this scam in extensive detail using Hillsong as a case study. 

TAB 111 details the amount of money Brian and Bobbie Houston received in tax-free honorariums over the past 10 years from speaking at the churches of their friends. Many of these honorariums have even been paid to Brian or Bobbie from Hillsong’s own global churches such as those in Europe. They are already being paid a combined salary of circa $1 million by Hillsong to work full time jobs, yet also receive honorariums from their own churches in addition to their full-time salary – simply for performing the duties you would reasonably expect them to perform in return for their generous salaries. 

TAB 112 demonstrates that the celebrity pastors who participate in this speaker circuit scam fly business class around the world – paid for by the host church congregation. At Hillsong Australia, it’s not only the Houston family – other participants in this scam include Steve Dixon, Robert Fergusson, Donna Crouch, Laura and Peter Toginavalu and Joel and Julia A’Bell. 

This is where things get interesting.

TAB 113 demonstrates how pastors can use their church’s money to ‘buy’ their way into this exclusive reciprocal speaker’s circuit so they too can become wealthy from honorariums. 

That is, churches around the world pay up to $100k per year to be a member of the Hillsong Family ‘Club’. This entitles the senior pastors of the member church to go on retreat with the Global Senior Pastors of Hillsong a couple of times per year – usually at a luxurious overseas resort. At this retreat, they can solidify their relationship with Hillsong so they will continue to be invited to speak at Hillsong church services or events. Thus, the senior pastors of the member churches are buying their way into, or consolidating their spot in, celebrity preacher’s circuit scam.

This also works in reverse. For example, the likes of Laura and Peter Toginavalu, and Ben and Lucille Houston, attend the retreats so they can solidify their relationships with the senior pastors of other mega-churches to shore up their future speaking engagement on the preacher circuit. TAB 115 outlines in great detail those pastors around the world who have benefited from this honorarium scam over the years – many of whom are part of the Hillsong Family ‘Club’, Brian and Bobbie’s BFF gang or Hillsong’s own pastors such as Phil Dooley, Mark Wilkerson, Carl Lentz, Ben Houston and Chris Mendez. 

TAB 118 provides evidence that the host church pays for these celebrity speakers to fly business class both internationally and domestically to travel to speak at the church service or event. TAB 119 shows the enormous amount of money these pastors are receiving in royalties from the sales of their book and other resource royalties when they speak at a church service or event – in addition to their generous honorarium. 

While we don’t (yet) have access to the whistleblower report tabs, Wilke did mention several people listed:

“US Pastor Joyce Meyer enjoyed honorariums of $160,000, $133,000 100,030, $2,000. And US. Pastor T. D. Jakes received $71,000 and $120,000 with a staggering $77,000 worth of airfares to and from Australia thrown in.


Popular Christian YouTuber Allen Parr Refuses to Condemn Heretics and Trinity-Deniers

Allen Parr is a popular Christian YouTuber and host of The B.E.A.T (Biblical Encouragement And Truth), an “online video ministry dedicated to communicating God’s word in a creative, practical and easy-to-watch format.” Featuring videos like Should Christians Have Titles…OR NOT?, 5 Things Modern Day Preachers Need To STOP Doing, and The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast | MY REACTION, Allen teaches theology to his nearly 1 million subscribers, one of the biggest audiences on the platform. 

Parr frequently offers a good amount of proper teaching, yet he repeatedly demonstrates he has fatal blind spots manifested by his refusal to condemn false teachers, specifically men like Joel Osteen and Trinity-deniers Marcus Rogers and T. D Jakes, doing so in the most inconsistent way possible. 

Speaking to Ruslan KD, (who also gives passes to Modalists like Marcus Rogers), Parr explains that there are three categories of bible teachers, Recommended, Not Recommended and False Teachers, and that everyone basically goes in the first two buckets:

Because even someone like Joel Osteen. I don’t agree with prosperity theology, I wish that he would challenge people in the areas of sin, I wish he wouldn’t preach a cotton-candy gospel, I wish that if I actually went to his church, I’d be challenged in areas of purity, holiness, and sanctification, all that stuff.

But I’m gonna be honest. And some of you you’re gonna fight me for this, right? But I’m gonna be honest, if I go to his website, and he adheres to all of the non-negotiable tenant, core beliefs of the Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the inerrancy of Scripture, the deity of Christ, all these different things, right? The Trinity and all that stuff. It’s hard for me to label him as a false teacher when he is saying, ‘This is how you can be saved. You need to be saved. And we want to be a church who’s going to help you become saved’ right?

Allen makes several large errors here. First, he promotes “Website Orthodox” which is when a pathological Bible-twister or false teacher has an orthodox statement of faith on their website but ignores it entirely in their body of work, sermons, books or teachings.

It’s easy to have an orthodox statement of faith or doctrinal statement on a website, and false teachers regularly point people back to the website whenever their orthodoxy is challenged. In truth, their “website orthodoxy” is mere cover for their theological confusion and abuse. 

The fact is that every woke, pro-choice, openly lesbian pastrix-leading church in the apostate ELCA or PCUSA has an orthodox statement of faith on their website or has the apostles creed put up somewhere. Here’s a list of 600 gay-affirming churches in New York alone who all have an orthodox statement of faith on their website, demonstrating it’s entirely irrelevant to a church’s soundness.

Parr acknowledges that Osteen’s gospel is marked by prosperity theology, is “cotton-candied” and does not challenge people on sin, holiness and sanctification.” Still, he regards this as a true, biblical gospel.

And this is where I’ve caught flack, is instead of me going around naming a whole bunch of people and saying ‘they’re a false teacher, they’re a false teacher, they’re a false teacher’ I would rather focus on the teachings…I’d rather look at the individual teachings of Joyce Meyer. I’d rather look at Bishop Jake’s teaching, I’d rather look at these different people and say, you know what, because of the fact that he teaches a cotton candy gospel, because he preaches prosperity and health and wealth and a name it claim and positive confession and all this stuff, then these teachings by Joel Osteen or Bishop Jakes, these are false teachings. And therefore I put them in the category of “not recommended.”

If I’m giving advice to a new Christian, and they’re asking me, ‘who were the people that you would recommend I listened to?’ I would not put these people in that category. And that’s where I kind of differ, but does that mean that I can’t have fellowship with these people? You know, and that’s where I see the the toxicity online, particularly in the space that we operate in is like.

Parr points to Lakewood Church’s statement of faith as his justification for affirming Osteen’s orthodoxy, regardless of what the megachurch leaders preaches or doesn’t. Yet Jakes has gone on record saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. Even now, his website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Parr has previously pointed out the Bishop’s problematic website in an earlier video, rightly affirming that Trinity-deniers have “the wrong view of the Trinity, Jesus and salvation.” 

Despite this, he glosses over Jakes’ modalistic statement on his website, offering, “even though Bishop Jakes has since embraced more of a Trinitarian perspective, there’s still a problem with him leaving this type of language on his website, which is the idea of God manifesting Himself in three distinct ways, which is not the typical way that we describe the Trinitarian Godhead.”

Contrary to popular belief, Jakes has never recanted his modalism, yet Parr still won’t condemn him as a false teacher, but rather a brother to freely fellowship with. Can you trust a teacher who can’t identify a wolf like Osteen, the lowest hanging fruit in Christendom, and call him on it? We certainly don’t think so. 

Until Parr gets this right, he’s definitely ‘Not Recommended.’

Editor’s Note. It’s not just Parr. Prominent discernment minister Mike Winger likewise can’t bring himself to call Osteen a false brother, suggesting that he teaches a true gospel. This is categorially false.

In the gospel of Joel Osteen, the “good news” that he brings is that “God loves you and wants to save you from life of mediocrity and small dreams. Therefore, if you believe in God and be obedient to him, God will give you a plan for your life that includes big dreams, self esteem, favor, health and wealth, influence, a better job, a positive self image and a fulfilled life free of negativity”.

That’s it. That’s what it’s all about. That is the sum of just about every book, every sermon, every media appearance, and every tweet of Joel Osteen, condensed into a few sentences.

That being said, there is something significant to understand about Joel Osteen: He does talk about God. A lot. You cannot accuse the man of not mentioning him because he’s all over that. Yet it’s never really in a personal sense. Joel talks about God, but it’s always in a vague, amorphous sense. There is undoubtedly nothing distinctly Christian or Biblical about it. There’s nothing doctrinal or theological about the way he talks about God. Instead, He is an ethereal, shapeless, formless, customizable, singular being thing that is out there called God that functions like a cosmic vending machine whose sole purpose is seeming to bless you and make your life better. Even when he mentions God, it’s not ABOUT God, but it’s about what God can do for YOU.

And while he talks about God a lot, he NEVER talks about Jesus. We did a survey of his Tweets one year and out of nearly a thousand tweets, he mentioned ‘God’ over 330 times and ‘Jesus’ just three time. GT notes:

More often than not, Osteen sounds like an inspirational life-coach, instead of a herald of the gospel. He often preaches about how people can improve their lives, be prosperous, and experience happiness. Noticeably absent in Osteen’s optimistic message is any mention of sin or repentance. The atonement of Christ provides us with healing and the abundant life, according to Osteen, but apparently receiving forgiveness from a holy God is not necessary.

In numerous interviews and writings, Osteen has failed to proclaim that Jesus is the only way to heaven. He has repeatedly refused to agree with the teachings of the Bible that certain behaviors are sinful. This is not a new convert being interviewed; it’s the leader of a church of tens of thousands. Osteen can’t bring himself to support fundamental doctrines of the faith he claims to preach. His words communicate relativism and demonstrate a profoundly poor understanding of the Bible.

When you don’t talk about sin—and Osteen purposefully does not—you’re not preaching the whole gospel. When you barely, if ever, call sin what it is, you’re not helping anyone, least of all the sinner who is enslaved to sin (John 8:342 Corinthians 4:3). Joel Osteen’s teaching would lead us to believe that we are being saved from unhappiness and failure in life, not from sin and God’s wrath. Osteen does not teach that we need a divine rescue from judgment, but rather simply a self-improvement plan.


Self-Help Hell? T.D. Jakes Preaches His Weirdest Sermon Ever. Featuring Self-Hugs and Affirmations

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire; And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way. So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives. Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep. And David’s two wives were taken captives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite. And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:1-6

We’ve recently written about Jakes when we noted how he disgraces his wife with his twerking comments, joined Joel Osteen for a conference where tickets cost $1000.00 , and is known to frequently wear insanely expensive designer shoes, clothes and watches, that cost more than many of his congregants make in a year.

Jakes, who has continued to be platformed and lauded by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, has gone on record saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. Even now, his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

In a sermon titled “I have Permission” preached on February 13, 2022, the prosperity preacher butchers the notion of what it means to strengthen or encourage oneself in the Lord and then makes things weird.

The courage you need to survive must come from within you. When it doesn’t come from around you, it must come from within you.

You’re not a grown woman until you learn how to encourage yourself. I don’t care how old you are, but until you’ve gone through something that stripped you of all other resources and backed you in a corner where you had to come fighting out of there and say, ‘I will not die today, tell hell you’re a liar, I’m getting back up. If I gotta crawl on my knees, if I got to take one step at a time, if I have to push myself, if I have to roll in a wheelchair, if I have to walk on a walker, if I have to get on crutches and hop, I will not die right here.

This is terrible eisegeses because all these examples are circumstances where one must rely on one’s strength, fortitude and resilience. It’s basically a call to dig deep and power through it via self-affirmation and declarations of never giving up. T.D. Jakes gives some examples of ways to encourage oneself while leaving out the part about “in the Lord your God,” which mainly consists of taking yourself out to dinner and buying things.

I’ll encourage myself, I’m taking myself out to dinner. I’m gonna be my valentine. You’re not going to help me. I’m gonna be my own valentine…If the kids don’t bring you no roses, get yourself some roses. If they don’t send you no card, get yourself a card. Encourage yourself!

It’s worth noting that pretty much every other translation other than the KJV reads vs 6 as “But David found strength in the LORD his God.” Colin Miller, responding to the clip, offers this:

In true prosperity-gospel fashion, he has to make everything materialistic. You could pray, read scripture, or simply trust God to be encouraged in the Lord. That would make sense; that would actually be biblical. But no, according to TD Jakes, apparently you have to order yourself at least 10 things on Amazon and take yourself out to dinner. The problem is that TD Jakes seemingly cannot think in spiritual terms. He’s interpreting everything in terms of money, possessions and physical things. That’s why David’s spiritual encouragement in the passage is changed. It’s manipulated and instead it becomes a consumerist desire to buy yourself tons of stuff.

This is par for the course of the famed heretic, but then Jakes tells congregants to hug themselves and repeat the mantra ‘I got you,’ with the ‘I’ referring to yourself in some self-help trash that has nothing to do with the way we are encouraged in the Lord.

I want you to do something right now. I want you to throw your arms around yourself and hug yourself. I want you to rock from side to side and say ‘I got you’. ‘I got you.” 

In the season you’re in in your life, hug yourself and say, ‘I got you. I got you.’ You’re gonna get through this. Your heart is broken but I got you. Your feelings are crushed, but I got you. Your home is in shambles, but I got you. Your house is on fire, but I got you. Squeeze yourself and say I got you.

h/t Fight for Truth Youtube channel.


T.D. Jakes Called out for Welcoming Pro-Choice Politician Beto O’Rourke at The Potter’s House

(Church Leaders) America’s famous bishop T.D. Jakes has come under fire for welcoming Democratic nominee for Texas governor Beto O’Rourke to The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, this past Sunday (Oct. 23).

The politician thanked Jakes on Twitter, saying, “It was an honor to be welcomed into The Potter’s House by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Thank you for having me at this morning’s service in Dallas.”

O’Rouke, the 50-year-old former Texas U.S. House of Representatives (2013-2019), is campaigning against current Texas governor, Greg Abbott (64), in this year’s November election.

O’Rouke is known for his extreme pro-abortion policy stances and is making abortion one of the top issues of his campaign, attacking Abbott’s pro-life stance and…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jesse T. Jackson and published at Church leaders. Title changed by Protestia.


Promise Keepers CEO says Churches are Making Men Effeminate by Teaching Jesus Wrong

Last time we checked in with Promise Keepers, we were ragging on them clucking our tongues after they brought in Trinity-denier T.D. Jakes to be a speaker at their 2020 conference.

Founded by former University of Colorado coach Bill McCartney and led by Ken Harrison since 2018, the Promises Keepers have seen a decline of their influence and prominence since their peak in1997 when they led an open-air gathering of nearly 800,000 people at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. In the years since they’ve cut their staff from nearly 350 to 30, and their operating budget has fallen from a peak of $30 million to $2 million now.

One of the biggest contributors to the effeminization of men, is the church. I’ll say that. One of the biggest reasons. Why? Because we’re teaching cheap grace. And by cheap grace, I mean, the identity that you have of yourself will dictate how you behave.

And so the church has said over and over again, like the last several decades, that you’re a bad person, but Jesus loves you anyway. So try not to be bad. But if you are, don’t worry, Jesus will still love you, now have a nice day.

Now, how is that identity going to affect how I behave, if I hear that over and over? Especially as a man, right? ‘I can’t help but look at pornography, and I know what makes uncle Jesus really sad when I do, but he’s still gonna love me, so I’ll try not to, but if I do, whatever.’ And that’s not the gospel.

Harrison explains that Satan is the great deceiver and what the church is doing is 99% true, but that the rest of the story is that “you WERE a bad person before you gave your life to Christ” but now have become a new creature prepared for good works. That’s a mission that men find attractive, and he agrees with the interviewer’s summary that the church has been complicit in making men less masculine.

…We’ve taught a Jesus that’s an idol. It’s not the real Jesus. We’ve taught a Jesus that says that ‘love’ means being nice to everybody all the time. Well, when I read my Bible, Jesus wasn’t very nice. He was not very nice most of the time.

I mean, when you’re sending (unintelligible) set the world on fire and how I wish it was already alight and I came to this turn father against son and mother against daughter, what was Jesus saying?

Love is forcing people to make a choice, and doing all I can to get them to choose the only way to joy, which is salvation of Jesus Christ and then living for Him with complete abandon afterwards. That’s joy. And so if I’m doing all that right, He promises us ‘Blessed are you when people persecute you and say all kinds of evil things against you great is your reward in heaven, rejoice.” That’s Jesus…”

Beth Moore, is perhaps one of the biggest proponents of this teaching.


$19,997? T.D. Jakes Joins Scientologist Grant Cardone in ‘Path To Prosperity Mega Conference’ That Costs Mega Bucks

Trinity-Denying TD Jakes frequently joins heretics of all stripes in a quest to build his own empire. Last year Jakes teamed up with Your Best Life Now author Joel Osteen for a conference that cost $1,000 to attend. Jakes is all about personal kingdom-building and wealth-building, which is why he fits in so well with Osteen. Jakes recently bequeathed his long-running Woman, Thou Art Loose Oneness Pentecostal conference to his daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, who he “slayed in the spirit” at the final conference.

While one might hope that a Trinity-denying, prosperity Gospel-preaching money-grubber would hang up his old collection plate, TD Jakes has chosen to join forces with Scientologist entrepreneur Grant Cardone in the Path to Prosperity Mega Conference. The conference seeks to bring together secular business leaders and faith leaders who have bought into the heretical “law of attraction”, that is, the idea that positive thoughts create positive energy, which leads to positive results. This heresy unites prosperity preachers like Jakes with fellow keynote speaker Grant Cardone, a professing Scientologist. The conference’s tagline is “We believe abundance is your birthright.”

Cardone, a well-known motivational speaker and entrepreneur, believes that Scientology is true because it helped him find his “purpose” and “energy”. Contrary to clear Biblical teaching, Cardone also believes that Scientology is just a worldview lens that helps people. According to Cardone, Christians can join Scientology and remain Christians.

The difference in this religion and other religions is it doesn’t impose how you think about God. This is not a Muslim god. This is not a Christian god. This is not…, they leave that alone. okay and like you could be a Catholic, and Scientology would just make you a better Catholic, but what’s that’s really gonna do for you is this is gonna make you a better husband, better father, better leader better mother, better son.

The retail price of the general conference admission is $994, with a current sale price of $497, while the “Diamond Package”, which includes meet and greets with Path to Prosperity Founders and access to the Prosperity Ball and Private Yacht party, has a retail price of $19,997, but a current discounted price of $4,997. 

With a bankrupt spiritual philosophy and prices like these, the Path to Prosperity Mega-Conference is sure to attract some of the poorest rich people in the world. Those at this conference who believe that prosperity is a means to godliness would do well to receive the counsel given to the church of Laodicea by Jesus in Revelation 3:17-18.

For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. 


Famed Trinity-Denier T.D. Jakes Names his Daughter as Spiritual Successor

Famed Trinity-denier T.D. Jakes, who is loved and praised by 90% of evangelical Christian leaders and personalities, from Steven Furtick to Priscilla Shirer to Christine Caine, anointed his daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, as his spiritual successor during the final Woman, Thou Art Loosed! Conference this past weekend.

We’ve recently written about Jakes when he noted how he disgraces his wife with his twerking comments, joined Joel Osteen for a conference where tickets cost $1000.00 , and is known to frequently wear insanely expensive designer shoes, clothes and watches, that cost more than many of his congregants make in a year.

Jakes, who has continued to be platformed by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, has gone on record saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now, his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

During the service, which saw Jakes lay hands on her and ‘slay her in the spirit,’ he revealed that she and her husband would be taking over the conference going forward, which has been rebranded as ‘Evolve.’ Roberts presently co-pastors the Los Angeles and Denver branches of the Oneness Pentecostal paradise. Anointing her with oil, Jakes declared:

“With every drop of oil that falls upon your head, may the strength and power of the Almighty God rest upon your life. After 30 years of Woman, Thou Art Loosed! and 45 years of preaching the Gospel, the time has come that I must decrease, and you must increase. This is not an inheritance; this is a calling. You are not standing on this stage for family legacy. This is not a favor, but a divine assignment that Woman, Thou Art Loosed! must evolve.”


Copeland! Hinn! Dollar! Jakes! Former LifeWay CEO Opens New Bookstore Peddling Heresy and Blasphemy

Former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer has started a new bookstore, selling the same blasphemous trash and prosperity-gospel heresy his old organization did before running it into the ground.

Originally designed as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board and commissioned to create Sunday School material, LifeWay Christian Resources, led by Rainer, became the nation’s most prominent peddler of outright heresy, including Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, Word-Faith Theology, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, New Age mysticism, and Anti-Trinitarianism. LifeWay’s doctrinal standards amount to profit motivation.

Before 2014, however, few focused on the heresy being sold at LifeWay Christian Resources until a tweet from Ed Stetzer set off a firestorm on social media and set our eyes on the prize. We took it and ran with it, calling ourselves the #15movement on account of Ed Stetzer blaming the uproar on “the same 15 Calvinists who are mad about everything.” Thousands of Christians began a grass-roots movement to boycott LifeWay, chiefly because of the theological heresies by their stores. We did undercover investigations and used recording devices to determine that LifeWay would special-order nearly anything for customers, including everything from TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and gay propaganda. Basically, they were stocking every sort of soft-covered spiritual strychnine they could put on their shelves in any space not currently occupied by a Beth Moore bible study.

During that time, Alex Malarkey joined #the15 movement. He was incensed that LifeWay continued selling the best-selling ‘heavenly tourism’ book falsely ascribed to him, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven. Malarkey wrote his Open Letter to LifeWay and Other Retailers, raking them over the coals for selling such wretched doctrine and for refusing to pull the book when he and his mother asked.

The blog article at Pulpit & Pen soon became the #1 news story in the world on January 17 and 18 of 2014. This website was featured on The Today Show and as far away as the UK Daily Mail and the South China Morning Post. LifeWay’s shame was covered in the New York Times, the LA Times, and the Chicago Tribune. In response, LifeWay spokesmen claimed they had no idea the book was false. Then, we released private emails with Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer in which Justin Peters told them that the book was false and asked to pull it many months earlier. They refused to do so and attacked their critics instead. Simply put, LifeWay, under the leadership of Thom Rainer, was caught in a lie.

Rainer never responded to Malarkey’s letter or gave him an apology for using this story against his permission and in the full knowledge that it was contrived. LifeWay was run into the ground half a decade later, losing tens of millions of dollars, closing all their brick-and-mortar stores, selling vast chunks of property, and engaging in mass layoffs.

Thom Rainer left LifeWay in 2018 but remains heavily involved in SBC life. He oversees his ‘Church Answers’ Ministry and partners with the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) while co-hosting the Revitalize and Replant podcast with NAMB CEO Kevin Ezell.

Recently, his ministry announced that they opened up a new bookstore, partnering with Christianbooks. His son Art Rainer, executive director of retail of Church Answers, and Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers are intimately involved with the new venture, as the Press release explains:

Church Answers has taken a major step forward to provide resources for local churches and Christians, including homeschool parents and leaders. Thom S. Rainer, founder and CEO of Church Answers, expressed his enthusiasm for this new venture: “We are always looking for ways to serve local churches and Christians better. This full-service Christian store is a natural and exciting step toward that purpose. For now, we will begin with a digital store, but we are open to other possibilities.”

Sam Rainer, president of Church Answers, noted some exciting aspects of the new store: “The new Church Answers store includes special curation to address the needs of local churches. We also have many specialty areas such as homeschool resources. Even more, we have committed to give a percentage of our profits to missions. Our initial gifts will go to train pastors in East Africa.”

What’s he selling that’s specially curated? Basically all the heretical books that LifeWay had to drop which resulted in sales tanking.

These include books by Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, open and unrepentant homosexual Jonathan Merritt, Joyce Meyer, Arch-heretic Benny Hinn, prosperity-gospel preachers Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar. There’s the emergent heretics Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, and Tony Rollins and then the usual suspects of liberals and pagans like Justin Lee, Jim and Jay Bakker, Richard Rohr, Marcus J. Borg, Tony Campolo, Joseph Prince, John Dominic Crossan, Rachel Held Evans, Sid Roth, Eddie Long, Donald Miller, Norman Vincent Peale, Pope John Paul II, Pope Francis, John Shelby Spong, and William P Young. All caried by this bookstore.

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Thom Rainer’s new bookstore features the worst of the worst. They are not serving the church, but rather their own bank accounts and their spiritually bankrupt hearts.


Priscilla Shirer Keynote Speaker at Trinity-Denying Heretic’s Conference

Lifeway darling Priscilla Shirer, daughter of Pastor Tony Evans, has teamed up with famed Trinity-denier Bishop T.D. Jakes to be one of the keynote speakers at his final ‘Woman Thou Art Loosed’ conference in just a few weeks.

It’s not the first time she’s done it either. She preached at his church for their Easter service.

The prosperity-gospel preaching, capital ‘M’ Modalist T. D. Jakes, though continuing to be platformed by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God.

In fact, even now his website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” He is what we like to affectionately call an ‘Arch-heretic’ who has weaseled himself into the ways of evangelicalism, frequently being promoted by the likes of Stephen Furtick and Judah and Chelsea Smith.

Shirer, for her part, is quite possibly a worst preacher than her gal-pal Beth Moore. When she’s not advocating for mysticism and contemplative prayer, or platforming other awful teachers like Christine Caine, she’s demonstrating with startling clarity why she is such an objectionably terrible preacher and bible teacher, recently framing scripture as just “hand-me-down-the-revelation” that is not sufficient.

Ultimately, sound bible teachers know better than to preach at churches and conferences put on by Trinity-deniers, and the fact that she doesn’t says all there is to know about her.