
Thabiti Anyabwile: Considering Oneself a ‘Christian’ and Not a ‘Black Christian’ will Lead to ‘Annihilation’

(Former?) Gospel Coalition author and council member Thabiti Anyabwile has preached a sermon where He explains that all black Christians and minorities must imbibe a ‘twoness’ to their identities, and must not assimilate into the mindset where they see themselves simply as a Christian, but rather must view themselves as both Christian and Black, as failing to do so will result in their destruction.

Note. As a brief refresher to familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden while claiming that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. He has claimed that resisting reparations is ‘the echo of Cain’s voice’. and that white folk who reject systematic racism and reparations can’t read their bibles right.’ Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.

He explains:

Here’s what the dominant culture often says to the exile: ‘forget about your identity, focus on assimilating, become one of us. If you just play by our rules, you’ll be okay. Those other problems are not really your problems, you’re one of the good ones or you can be.’

You ever notice that almost all of the incentives of the dominant society emphasize assimilation? Here’s what the dominant society does not or refuses to understand. If Esther assimilated then Israel would be annihilated.

It is group self-destruction when people who are exiles forget their own exile community and their identity, and assimilate entirely with the dominant community and adopts their interests. Dominant groups, especially those who are hungry and lustful for power, they really refuse to acknowledge that exiled and oppressed groups experience an interconnectedness, a mutual dependence that is necessary for survival.

Esther has what W.E.B Dubois would later famously call ‘double consciousness’. Across chapters 3 to7, Esther has grown more fully into that double consciousness, she’s become aware of her two-ness- that she is simultaneously Queen of the Persian Empire and conquered Jewish woman. Sometimes like in Esther 4:13-14 she has to choose between the two. As Dubois pointed out, this is the strange existence of African Americans. We are simultaneously American and ‘other’. Even inside the broader church, we are simultaneously American and Christian and ‘other’.

Thabiti shoehorns the notion of ‘ double consciousness’ in the scriptures. This notion was crafted by W.E.B Dubois in his 1903 book The Souls of Black Folk, which describes the psychological challenges of black folk living in a racist society, particularly when just decades earlier slavery was legal and hundreds of thousands of slave owners were still alive.

More recently it has been co-opted by the LGBTQ Kommunity in order to describe living in a sexistbigotedracisthomophobic society. It forms the foundation of critical race theory and intersectionality, which draw heavily upon its ideas. The ‘twoness’ quickly came to be found insufficient to reckon with people’s lived experiences, and the idea of “triple consciousness’ was introduced- Ie, an ‘American Black Woman’ or an ‘American Hispanic Lesbian.’ As one can imagine, as the intersectional identities stack upon another, with black feminist introducing their version to describe living in the world under the patriarchy, it get can get a bit bloated as ‘quadruple consciousness’ is considered.

We simultaneously love and work for the betterment of our country and at the same time receive rejection and mistreatment from the hands of our country. This is why our poets (Langston Hughes) say ‘I, too sing America’. I’m the darker brother. I want us to understand that this kind of double consciousness is true with any exile group.

Christians submitted to their governments experience it. Latin Americans and Haitians immigrating to the US experience it. Afghan refugees fleeing persecution in their home land experience it . African Americans looking for justice from the criminal injustice system experience it. This double consciousness is an ordinary and complex part of being an exile people, whether we are exiled religiously or ethnically.

Let me lean on that last phrase, whether religiously or ethnically. Religious persecution and ethnic persecution can sometimes travel together. But at other times they are different. That’s why it’s a mistake to just make Esther a story about God’s covenant people when they are also ethnic, racial and gender things happening in this text. So sometimes they travel together, but other times it can be different.

And that’s why Christian conversations about racial injustice need to slow down. It’s more complex than Twitter could ever make it. Sometimes majority Christians say to minority Christians that ‘the only thing that matters is being Christian’. They’re calling for a kind of religious assimilation- a religious assimilation that seems unaware of kind of various identities.

However, the minority Christian knows full well when they are persecuted because of their faith and when they are being persecuted because of their ethnicity. The minority Christian knows full well that to ignore their ethnic persecution would be to comply with their destruction. We don’t escape this double consciousness , this double reality because we are now Christians. We understand that the foundation for solidarity must be the place where oppression and mistreatment are actually experienced. That’s what Elie Wiesel was saying- whether it is race, or religion, or national origin or gender. When that becomes the site of mistreatment, it also must become the site of solidarity.

So if it is experienced religiously, then we express solidarity religiously. If people persecute the church, then we identify with the church, and we respond in solidarity to that persecution.

If it is experienced based on gender, then we must enter express solidarity with the gender that is being persecuted in this text, with the way women have been mistreated throughout this book.

If it is experienced racially, then we must stand with the racial group being mistreated, whether it is African Americans suffering or Asian Americans and the rise of anti-Asian hate or Latin Americans and Haitians suffering various things at the border, we must stand with the group who is being mistreated.

Solidarity is not fundamentally a religious project. It is more fundamentally a human in the image of God project. This is why it is complex. And we need more than a soundbite understanding of how to stand with one another in the face of injustice. This is why people watching the various trials (Rittenhouse and Aubry) over this last week experience some mixture of both hope and ‘I knew it’. It is the echo of this two-ness, this double consciousness.

h/t to WokePreacherTV for the clip


David Platt is Going to a Very Bad Conference

David Platt’s theology continues to shift from the good kind of radical to the bad, with the Mclean Bible Church pastor joining a bunch of Revoice teamsters and allies at the Theology in the Raw conference, whose theme is ‘Exiles in Babylon’

To be a Christian is to be an exile. The Bible has a name for the country we’ve been exiled to: Babylon. As exiles living in Babylon, we need to think biblically, Christianly, indeed exilically—not partisanly—through cultural and political issues.

Some of the speakers at the event are Preston Sprinkle, Jackie Hill Perry, Thabiti Anyabwile, Chris Dates, and Greg Coles.

Readers of Protestia will recognize many of those names present, with a friendly reminder that we last saw Preston Sprinkle organizing the latest Revoice conference, which featured a devout Roman Catholic ‘who praised an X-rated gay BDSM film, and Chris Date, a self-styled apologist who openly, actively and vigorously rejects hell and the possibility of eternal damnation.

Jackie you can read more about here, Thabiti here, and Greg Coles? He’s also a Revoice acolyte who had to have theological reconstructive surgery after his queer LGBTQ positions were curb-stomped by the PCA at their recent General Conference. As far as the others, we don’t know much about them. Some may be fine, with the exception of having to have their discernment radars rejiggered.

Lest you think Platt is the odd man out from that serving of scallywags, the past President of the International Missions Board has drifted in other ways, from saying that he is part of the problem in promulgating racial injustice on account of his white skin, or telling congregants who “can’t live” with the fact that their church family may be members of the Democratic party, who may vote for them, campaign for them, fundraise for them, and even run for office under their banner, that they should leave the church. Oh, and his co-pastor was caught explaining how it’s difficult for him not to ‘torch all white people’.

Unfortunately, with his trajectory, we see many more of these and other conferences like it in his future.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured News Social Justice Wars

TGC Author Likens Bill To Remove CRT from Schools to ‘Jim Crow Attitudes and Laws’

The Gospel Coalition author and pastor Thabiti Anyabwile joined fellow race-baiter Dwight McKissic to condemn a recent Texas Senate Bill designed to remove Critical Race Theory (CRT) from the classroom as an “insane” and “gutwrenching” tip-toeing back to the racist “Jim Crow attitudes and laws” of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Note. As a brief refresher to familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden while claiming that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. He has claimed that resisting reparations is ‘the echo of Cain’s voice’. and that white folk who reject systematic racism and reparations can’t read their bibles right.’ Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.

Thabiti is referring to the terrible fact that several states in the mid-21st century enacted “separate but equal” laws designed to segregate races, with the idea that black folk would be given equal protection under the constitution and would be treated the same as white folk, but would have separate bathrooms, water fountains, busses, entrances, etc. These racist laws are evil in every way imaginable, and yet he’s saying that the same heart and motivation that came up with them, likewise is behind the banning of CRT from schools.

Of course, this is nothing but alarmist fodder and a dishonest reading. Texas SB3 does nothing of the sort and has absolutely nothing in common with Jim Crowisms. According to the article being quoted by Anyabwile, the bill would “remove more than two dozen teaching requirements from a new law that bars the teaching of critical race theory, an academic framework exploring racism’s shaping of the country”…and…”the measure also would bar the teaching of the 1619 Project— a New York Times initiative exploring U.S. history starting at the date enslaved people arrived in the English colonies.”

In a statement after the vote, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), said that “Parents want their students to learn how to think critically, not be indoctrinated by the ridiculous leftist narrative that America and our Constitution are rooted in racism.”

Teacher and historian Brian Franklin explains more on Twitter:

“Many folks are claiming TX Republicans are “removing” teaching requirements about the civil rights movement & its leaders from TX curriculum standards w/ #SB3. This is not true. But it contains just enough truth to make for powerful political fodder.

True: the version of the #SB3 bill that the TX Senate just passed (w/o Democrat support) did in fact remove a *bunch* of specific people & events from the bill, including stuff on civil rights, women’s suffrage, slavery, labor, & more.

Also true: the current version of the bill also removed mentions of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abigail Adams, the American GI Forum, the 19th Amendment, and *much more.* Why remove all of this? Well, I find myself reluctantly agreeing with Sen. Hughes’ explanation.

B/c specific requirements aren’t typically dealt with by statute, but in the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills standards (TEKS), developed by the State Board of Education.

And what civil rights history do we find in the TEKS? *A lot.* High school US history should teach a multiethnic array of civil rights organizations; King, Chavez, Parks, Garcia, Friedan; the Black Panthers; Letter from a Birmingham Jail; the VRA; more.

They’re not removing teaching about Martin Luther King Jr. or suffrage, but rather ensuring it only being taught in its rightful class, context, and without the specter of CRT wanting to strangle and hijack the narrative.

Apart from all that nonsense, these hysterics by Anyabwile and McKissic reveal a disturbing new tactic to deal with dissent. For certain professing Christians of a more progressive stature, apparently yelling “Jim Crow!” has become the new “RacistBigotHomophobe!” invective and accusation to paint the other side red with.

The Georgia voting bill that actually expands voting rights rather than constricts them, and has been lied about and trashed by dishonest democrats? Jim Crow! Refusing to go along with reparations as a means of social justice and reconciliation? Jim Crow! Resisting CRT being taught in our schools and churches? Jim Crow!

They may not always call you an outright racist, but seemingly they have a shiny new socially acceptable accusation to make the same connection.

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Gospel Coalition Writer Disputes Claims that Massage Parlor Murderer ‘Wasn’t a Real Christian’

Gospel Coalition writer and SBC Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile has been mourning the deaths of the 8 people killed in the horrific massage parlor shootings. This is well and right, and it is a tragedy that this disturbed young man killed so many people on account of an addled mind consumed with sin and depravity.

While things are too early to know the extent of the killer’s motivation, Thabiti has been tweeting up a storm, declaring that it’s for sure, 100% on account of racism that this happened. This is not unexpected, as there is little that happens in the world that he does not consider a matter of racial conflict.

He likewise shared a post from Rebecca Shrader, a pro-choice bible study leader who attended J. D. Greear’s Summit Church for years but just recently left. In her post, she notes that the shooter’s church was a member of the Founders Ministry (dun dun dun!) – in one of the most despicable attempts to draw a connection we have ever seen, shy of Rachel Denhollander taking a swipe at John MacArthur for this same thing.

Furthermore, in a mess of confusion, Anyabwile shared a post by Samuel Perry, who argues that the murderer, Robert Aaron Long, was in fact a “real” and “committed Christian” when he let loose and imploded the world of countless souls.

It would perhaps be accurate to say that he was a committed “church goer” except that there has been no indication of what his church attendance has been in the last three years since being baptized in 2018, with no information on how frequently he attended services or what his participation level was.

But more importantly, secretive, highly disturbed, sex-addicted porn-fiends who go out and commit mass murder are not born-again believers, no matter how much Anyabwile wants to claim they are. There are things called “fruit of the spirit” that exist, and filling 8 bodies with bullets coupled with a plot to commit more murder is not one of them.

Of course, this is all being done to further the narrative of the SBC as a denomination full of white zealots that are being radicalized into bible-believing white supremacists with the blessing of the church.

This belief, coupled with their contention that the SBC is not playing nice with egalitarians while emphasizing an unhealthy focus on sexual purity (something Beth Moore recently said amen to, as a matter of life and death situation), has led them to believe that culpability lies squarely in the hands of the sin-enabling leaders and pastors who won’t deal with “racism” in their congregations.

Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Big Eva Silent or Supportive as Biden Names Transvestite as Assistant Health Secretary

(Evangelical Dark Web) Mean tweets are the reason we were supposed to support a Biden Regency, according to Big Eva. Because after all, it cannot truly be said that any of the sins that plague Trump are absent in Biden (adultery, shady business practices, lying). But Joe Biden does not send mean tweets at six in the morning, so Russell Moore, John Piper, Tim Keller, JD Greear, and many others in the guild worked diligently to undermine Trump’s reelection despite knowing full well what a Joe Biden regency would entail.

Without being inaugurated, the amount of total depravity we are seeing from the incoming regency is truly remarkable. In addition to touting future pro-abortion policies, Rachel Levine is to be named assistant secretary of health. Levine is a transvestite serving as the Secretary of Health in Pennsylvania. He is most known for demanding reporters conform to his preferred pronouns and removing his mother from nursing homes right before sending a nursing home pandemic there.

Thabiti Abnyabwile of The Gospel Coalition voices…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was originally published at the Evangelical Dark Web

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Politics

Exit Polls Show Evangelical Support For Trump dropped 5%. Big Eva Rejoices

We wrote three weeks ago how certain men who make a living creeping in unawares have been waging a war to shave points off the evangelical vote for Trump and turn the tides of war towards the baby-killing braggarts of the Democratic Party. According to exit polls released by the New York Times, they got their wish.

In 2016, Evangelicals voted 81%-16% for the Republican Party. Following four years of leftists losing their ever-loving minds and promising a radical mandate that would make even Canada blush, the numbers shifted to 78%-23%, with Trump losing 3% but most alarmingly, Biden gaining 7% of the evangelical vote.

While not claiming to be prophets, we said last month, “The good news is that Donald Trump is gaining supporters in the black and Hispanic community commensurate with what he’s losing in evangelicalism. And the irony is sweet; the evangelical talking point against Donald Trump is that he’s racist. It would only make sense in God’s divine irony to make up for his evangelical losses in minority communities.” By all accounts, this has occurred, with Trump gaining large swaths of the Black and Latino vote.

Men and ministries that have encouraged people to either vote for the Democrats, or vote for either party include Tim Keller, JD Greear, TGC, 9 Marks Ministries, John Piper, David Platt, Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, and a host of others.

Mark ’em even more.

Featured Op-Ed Religion

The SBC Must Repent for Its Black Privilege

An unfortunate reality has become apparent in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. A once-conservative network of autonomous Baptist churches has caved on almost every single distinctive of their faith. Today’s Southern Baptist Convention is no longer the bulwark of conservative Christianity and has now become yet another mainstream denomination to cave on its core principles in the name of political correctness. And this record-breaking turn of convictions in the SBC is largely due to the systemic Black Privilege that liberal African Americans now enjoy in the once-great denomination.

The Southern Baptist Convention was considered the last, best hope for conservative evangelicalism. Unlike the United Methodist, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopalians, the Presbyterian Church USA, and the American Baptist Convention, the SBC eschewed worldliness, liberalism, and compromise even in recent memory. But something has now changed.

Denominational leaders led primarily by Albert Mohler have turned a blind eye to the rampant liberalism that has overcome the institution that helps 45 thousand churches and 12 million church members cooperate for a Gospel-centered purpose. The cause for this turn of events is largely due to the carnal and sinful fear of denominational leadership being accused of politically incorrectness, and under the guise of “inclusivity” they have opened the door to virtually any subversive teacher who desires to rip the doctrinal guts out of the denomination…so long as they are black.

If an Anglo preacher helped bus rioters to race protests to assault police officers, they would be disfellowshipped out of the denomination in no time.

If an Anglo preacher espoused hyper-charismaticism of the Pentecostal variety, they would be disfellowshipped out of the denomination in no time.

If an Anglo preacher espoused support for a Democratic candidate whose chief policy proposal is the rip apart babies in their mother’s womb, they would be disfellowshipped out of the denomination in no time.

If an Anglo preacher advocated for female pastors – and if they called their own wife their “co-pastor,” they would be disfellowshipped out of the denomination in no time.

And all of these things have been done regularly by Dwight McKissic, a hateful, race-baiting, hyper-charismatic, pro-abortion charlatan who spends his time in the pulpit campaigning for Joe Biden.

McKissic is a godless unbeliever who would be far more at home in the Evangelical Lutheran Church Missouri Synod or the Unitarian-Universalist Church than in the Southern Baptist Convention. But as it turns out, McKissic has one (and only one) thing going for him…he’s black.

Because he’s black, he can assault the Sufficiency of Scripture with his charismaticism. Because he’s black, he can assault conservative Southern Baptist values like being pro-life. Because he’s black, he can assault Complementarianism and promote feminism. Because he’s black, Albert Mohler will pick up the phone and coddle him (how many other random Baptist pastors could expect Albert Mohler to answer the phone for their call?).

Being black in the Southern Baptist Convention allows Ron Burns (Thabiti Anyabwile), Eric Mason, Curtis Woods, Jarvis Williams, and Dwight McKissic to terrorize the denomination with their incessant vitue-signaling harassment that always drives the denomination to the left, not the right.

No Ango pastor could remain in good relationship with their local association, state convention, of national denomination and espouse the views and doctrinal compromises as these black men.

So instead of following Scripture and not judging someone by the color of their skin (Galatians 3:28), Southern Baptist leaders have bent over backwards to accommodate the liberalism of black Cominterns who have invade our churches to take it captive with their vain philosophies (Colossians 2:8).

Instead of rebuking those who teach falsely by marking and avoiding them, (Romans 16:17-18), the whitest-of-white SBC leaders (JD Greear, for example) have done everything possible to prove themselves a respecter of people (Acts 10:34) for no other reason than that they have darker skin.

In the Southern Baptist Convention, being black is the surest and quickest way to have your voice heard, to be nominated to boards, to be appointed as trustees, and to be nominated and elected as denominational leadership. Even Matt Chandler was blunt about this reality, promising that his church would happily hire a black man over a more-qualified white man. Almost every single Southern Baptist blog – like SBC Voices – has advocated vigorously for a denominational quota system that would appoint black people over white people, no matter their qualifications.

God hates favoritism (James 2:1-13) and God hates the Southern Baptist Convention’s bequeathing of Black Privilege. And the problem isn’t only that black candidates are clearly favored over their white counter-parts, it’s that – as Burns (Anywabile), McKissic, Wiliams, Strickland, and Mason all show – the Southern Baptist Convention is willing to scrape the very bottom of the barrel to find token negros to promote to the top.

In every single conceivable way, white people are equal with black people. There is one race, and in Christ, there is one chosen people for God’s possession. When the evangelical community forgets that – or buys into the Marxist Critical Theory and the concepts of White Guilt, White Privilege, or White Fragility – we will end up with the least qualified men possible to lead our institutions just because of the color of their skin.

Albert Mohler and the woke Social Justice gang, in the promotion of sub-quality and subversive leftist ideologues only because they are black men, are committing sins even worse than the Convention’s slave-holding founders, Boyce, Manly, and Broadus. At these forbears of our faith weren’t both racist and patronizing at the same time.


TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile: If You’re Upset ERLC’s Ex-Policy Director Supports Biden, ‘You’re Racist’

The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile has criticized anyone upset over the ERLC’s recent Policy Director endorsing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, calling them straight-up racists.

To familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and claims that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.

Steven Harris is the ERLC’s recent Policy Director in DC who worked with government leaders in the legislative and executive branches to advocate for the ERLC’s position on important issues while also analyzing legislation and producing content for ERLC outlets. He resigned from that position just recently, and has since joined up with a group called “Evangelicals for Biden” to endorse the Democratic candidate for President.

Harris was highly endorsed by Anyabwile, which led to him lashing out on social media at anyone who anyone criticizing his young endorsee.

Certain Voices in the SBC are intent on denigrating and vilifying any African American who dares think for themselves and who rejects Trump Worship and conscience-binding legalism of fundamentalist elements.


Until those voices are challenged and rejected, the SBC is doomed to its racist and racially intransigent past and culture.


It’s time to end the partisan and racist foolishness that blemishes the Church.

It is of note that Thabiti doesn’t name names and say exactly who are these overt racists who are specifically denigrating black folk who support Trump and “think for themselves.” He says “until those voices are challenged and rejected, the SBC is doomed to its racist and racially intransigent past and culture” but doesn’t give a list of examples of the racist elements that should be challenged. Which groups is he talking about? Which people are the racists?

Second, we at Protestia have no issue with someone who cannot vote for Trump due to conscience issues. That is completely fine and praiseworthy. It’s one thing to not vote for Trump, or to vote the third party or not at all; it is another to actively endorse Joe Biden, a vote which is really going to Kamala Harris who reigns queen over the democratic culture of death.

In Harris’s role with the ERLC, he was allegedly lobbying on behalf of “pro-life issues” and getting paid to do it from the Cooperative program. Now mere months later, in contradistinction to his earlier role, he is actively promoting these decrepit leaders who are entrenching and expanding access to these Mephistophelean evils, seeking to persuade other Christians to join him in lifting up the Democratic party and all the policy horrors that would come from that.

We don’t like that, and we’re racists because of it?

Thanks, Gospel Coalition, but we’re not buying what your race-baiting boys are selling.