Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured

Steven Furtick Goes on a Wild, Wild, Willllldd Rant about Betas and Blessings

Presented without comment, other than to say that the music in the background isn’t added by anyone; that’s the musicians adding that in by design. Also we hate everything about this clip. From his January 21, 2021 sermon.

h/t Christian Nightmares


Elevation Church Tries to Take Down Video Critical of Them: Loses Case

Elevation Church has lost their case to have a video critical of them removed from YouTube, according to content creator Colin Miller, who emerged as the victor in a battle between BigHeresy and the little guy.

Last month, the increasingly cultish church filed a copyright strike against Miller for this video, which has 150,000 views. In the video, Miller demonstrated how over a span of 10 sermons, not once did Furtick command people to repent or call anyone out for their sins or mention the fact that humanity has a sinful nature, and not once did he warn people about hell.

Instead, the entire time, Furtick “often made it seem like sin was something that happens to you rather than something you actually participate in. He never really saw it as a verb, he only uses it as a noun.” Miller ultimately concluded that Furtick was trafficking in a woeful unfaithfulness to the scriptures and a watered-down message of sin and repentance, and therefore was disqualified from the ministry.

In response to the video, Elevation Church went on the attack and issued a copy strike for the channel on account of him playing a 18 second clip from an infamous 2007 sermon where Furtick asserts that church is “not for believers” as part of his overall critique.

The strike was not an automated action by YouTube’s algorithms, but rather according to Miller and the information he received, was the result of direct intervention and a personal touch by an employee at Elevation church.

Miller was naturally torqued that the church took what is essentially a legal action against him, one that is being undertaken in a scripturally unjustifiable way. He describes it as an “unbiblical” and “sinful” action because it bears false witness against him, claiming that he did something unlawful when in actuality they have no proof that he did. Furthermore, it is against the law to fraudulently issue false copyright against someone, making Elevation Church doubly in the wrong.

As a result of these bullying tactics, Miller filed a counterclaim, which gave Elevation Church 10 days to respond by taking him to a federally recognized court to offer proof that he violated their claim, or else the video would be reinstated.

10 Days later, Elevation did not respond, and with no case against him, his video was back up and collecting those views.

Emerging victorious, Miller reached out to the Elevation Church employee who reported the video to see if he would apologize for his fraudulent actions, or would do anything in the way of explaining why he did what he did.
Unsurprisingly, the employee did not respond, having enough time to personally file a strike, but not worth the time or Christian integrity to be accountable for his actions or offer an explanation.

We are grateful that Miller won, and look forward to more videos in the future.

Backround: Steven Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” named after him (narcissistic exegesis) based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him.

Furtick has incredibly close ties with Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, preaching at each other’s churches and conferences and publicly declaring themselves to be the best of buds, with Jakes mentoring Furtick for years.

He’s also known for all things filthy lucre. He wears an insanely extravagant wardrobe, routinely appearing on Preachersnsneakers for wearing shirts and shoes that can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars each, as can be seen here. Furtick is also known for his lavish house – a 16,000 square foot, $1.6 Million dollar mansion sitting on 19 acres that Furtick downplayed as “not that great of a house” when pressed about it after news broke.

Hopefully, Furtick won’t be promoting his Trinity-denying hero on tour, nor will he be going on bizarre rants about angels anytime soon.


You Can Attend an Elevation Worship Concert for only $195

If you ever wanted to hear Elevation Worship sing songs of praise to Jesus and maybe a bit to themselves, now’s your chance. Steven Furtick and the worship and praise team from the North Carolina church by the same name are going on the road, with the 8-city arena tour “Elevation Nights” kicking off October 26 and ending November 4. The tour will see the musicians hitting up Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and ending in Florida.

Furtick will be joining the tour to give a little sermonette before each performance, and then the band will perform some of their worship hits like “Graves Into Gardens,” “RATTLE!,” “Do It Again,” “The Blessing”

Individual tickets range from about $38 for the nosebleeds, up to $195 for front row access, with most tickets in the 50-110$ range.

If $100 or $200 for tickets seem like a lot to hear what is ostensibly the house band, don’t forget that Furtick once joined T.D. Jakes for a Christian conference where some tickets were $1000 each.

Furtick of course is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” named after him (narcissistic exegesis) based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him.

Furtick has incredibly close ties with Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, preaching at each other’s churches and conferences and publicly declaring themselves to be the best of buds, with Jakes mentoring Furtick for years.

He’s also known for all things filthy lucre. He wears an insanely extravagant wardrobe, routinely appearing on Preachersnsneakers for wearing shirts and shoes that can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars each, as can be seen here. Furtick is also known for his lavish house – a 16,000 square foot, $1.6 Million dollar mansion sitting on 19 acres that Furtick downplayed as “not that great of a house” when pressed about it after news broke.

Hopefully, Furtick won’t be promoting his Trinity-denying hero on tour, nor will he be going on bizarre rants about angels.


Steven Furtick Rants About Angels and it Gets Weird Quick

From his May 13th “sermon”. Presented without comment, other than to say the bible never says this and we hate it so much.

h/t to Revealing Truth


Steven Furtick Screams ‘I Am God Almighty!’ In Wild Sermon

“Pastor” Steven Furtick declared himself to be “God Almighty” during a recent sermon, taking his most bold venture into rehashing the warped “little god” theology of yesteryear, except with a twist, dropping the little “god” and going for the capitalized one.

Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist-associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” (narcissistic exegesis) named after him based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him, as well as his penchant to wear outfits that cost more than most mortgages and buddying up to Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes.

Ten months ago he replaced Kenneth Copeland at the always-heretical TBN, filling the role of the Innkeeper Thénardier from the musical Les Miserables (TBN being the Inn), with these “Masters of the house” doing whatever is the theological equivalent of “Charge ’em for the lice/Extra for the mice/Two percent for looking in the mirror twice” in his efforts to promote his brand of prosperity preaching.

Now, in a May 4 sermon, he tells his congregation, in context:

What you have to be so careful about is not to let people put anything on you. I’m not just talking about failure, I’m talking about success. Jacob’s biggest issue is that he always identified himself by something external. So, when it came time to make peace with Esau, he sent gifts ahead of him, because he thought, “Maybe my gift will bring me peace.”  

And some of us are like that. We always think we have to make a good impression. We’re always living in an avatar. We’re always living in some version of ourselves that seems presentable. Or we’re always identifying…by what we can do.

In doing what we can do, other people will identify you by what you can do, and then they will limit you by what you can do, and then you will begin to think you are what you do, and then you will lose yourself and gain the world, and Jesus said, “What good is it?”

Don’t let anybody put anything on you that will cause you to forget what God put in you.

That goes for your struggles. See, I think Jacob – his name means supplanter, but his new name Israel is almost just as bad. It means struggles with God.  [Um…God actually gave Jacob that name…Furtick’s message is based on false assumptions. -Ed.] So, he’s trying to get him to see, “You’ve never been fighting with Laban.  You’ve never been fighting with Esau.  The fight you have to win for your life has not been with them. It’s always been in you.

Because if you believe it’s in you, there’s nothing anybody can put on you that can cancel what I put in you. “Before you were born I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”   It’s always been in you…

It’s always been in you. There’s nobody who can leave my life who can keep God from keeping his covenant with me. I’m not in covenant with a person. I’m not in covenant with a political party.  I’m in covenant with God Almighty! I am God Almighty!

Get that off you! That’s not your name. That’s not your station. That’s not your end. It’s in me! It’s in me! It’s in me! It is God who worketh in you!  It’s always been in you.”

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Steven Furtick Promotes Trinity Denier’s Book + Says His Kids Think his Words are Scripture

Famous Trinity-denier TD Jakes has been getting an awful lot of love lately, with a raft of Christian people and organizations cuddling up to the money-loving Modalist. For years he was even loved by LifeWay before they quietly stopped carrying his books, the result of a barrage of negative attention and cage-rattling from us back when we were Pulpit and Pen. [Editor’s note: Apparently us “15 angry Calvinists” are a formidable force!]

And why wouldn’t we? T. D. Jakes has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Despite denying a fundamental, primary doctrine of the Christian faith, T. D. Jakes is widely accepted within Christendom and nowhere more than by Elevation Church’s Steven Furtick, who speaks of him in a way reminiscent of a 12-year-old schoolgirl whose crush just asked her to the prom, gushing praise and affection for an enemy of the church who is leading his congregants to hell.

Naturally, they preach at each other’s churches and attend each other’s conferences – even one that costs $1000 to attend. In this case, Jakes uploaded a video on April 21 featuring a conversation between him and Furtick discussing his new book Don’t Drop the Mic, which was also recently promoted on Charisma News.

Speaking to the audience, Furtick goes on to explain that the Bishop is quoted so often and frequently in his house that his 16-year-old son started believing that his words were bible verses and that Jakes’ snippets were actually scripture. He recounts:

How many have ever listened to Bishop Jakes’ preaching and you’re like, ‘Does he have the same bible that I have?’

I was going to tell you this. So my oldest, Elijah, the other day…we’re on the porch and I quoted a Bishop quote to him. And I said, ‘you know well bishop always says, “badadadada naadada,”‘ one of these little parables that you spit out. You know, just this beautiful, uh, beautiful…beautifully crafted thing right? And he goes, ‘Oh, that’s Bishop? I always thought that was a bible verse.’

[What] I’m saying to you is, you are so loved in the Futick home, that my kids think you wrote parts of the bible that aren’t in the bible, that how much you mean to us.

h/t to Doctrinal Watchdog for the video.

In-person Church News Scandal

Instagram Account Catalogs Pastors Wearing Luxury Watches, up to $400,000

As a complement to our piece Scandal to End All Scandals: John MacArthur Owns a Nice Watch, we wanted to draw our readers’ attention to the Instagram Account Prophetsnwatches, which catalogs Pastors wearing both high-end luxury timepieces whose price is only “available upon request , all the way to 10$ Timex specials.

The website is essentially identical to Preachersnsneakers, except whereas the excesses on that one top out at around $3600, the accessories shown here are far more expensive.

It covers most of the players we routinely cover here Protestia, such as TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, Brian Houston, John Gray, Lecrae, Ed Young Jr, Judah Smith, Creflo Dollar, and others, all sporting stunning wrist candy. It also demonstrates some contrast, such as showing the new pastor of Hillsong N Chrishan Jeyaratnam wearing an $89 Casio, and then contrasted with the disgraced pastor he took over for, Carl Lentz, who is rocking a $38,000 Rolex

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Prosperity Preacher Steven Furtick Preaches in $1095 Boots

Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina has once again taken to do some preaching crowd work in an outfit that costs more than most people’s rent, this time wearing a pair of St. Laurent’s Wyatt Harness Boots, which cost just shy of $1100.

It’s not the first time the fashionista Furtick has adorned himself in higher fashion. Preachersvssneakers– a shrine to the love of filthy lucre with such exhibits as Ed Young Jr. wearing a $955 Gucci belt, T.D. Jakes wearing $4,000 Nike shoes, and Judah Smith wearing a $3,600 jacket, has amassed a collection of other Steven sightings, including:

  • 4-Bar Solid RWB Stripe Shirt $450
  • Farfetch Offwhite Diagonal Arrows Sweatshirt $500
  • Kingsnake Print GG Supreme Baseball hat $390
  • Offwhite distressed bleach denim Jacket $750
  • Jordan 1 Shattered Backboard Shoes $965$
  • Saint Laurent men’s brown Boots $1,145
  • Jordan 6 Retro Shoes $300
  • Air Presto Off White White Shoes $637
  • Nike Air Fear of God 1 Triple Black Shoes $610
  • Nike Dunk Low Off-White Pine Green Shoes $510
  • Nike Air Fear Of God 1 Oatmeal Shoes $390$
  • Saint Laurent mens SL10H lace up leather high Top Sneakers $575

At least Furtick is consistent. He openly preaches a prosperity gospel, unashamed, and likes to show off the fruit of his labors.

That’s got to count for something, right?

For more on Furtick, here are some of his best/ worst hits:

Never Forget: The Steven Furtick Coloring Book+ All the Pages We Have Uncovered
Uncovered! 2013 ‘Boot Camp Book’ from Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church. Feat. ‘THE CODE’
Heresy Alert! Steven Furtick Says Whatever God is, ‘You Are Too’
Steven Furtick Molests Jesus’ Birth Story With Awful Christmas Sermon
Steven Furtick Engages in Rank Heresy: ‘What God is; You Are’
Would you Pay $2480.30 For Tickets to a Steven Furtick/ Elevation Worship Concert?
Steven Furtick’s Son’s New Rap Song Ft. Guns, Sex and Designer Clothes+ Mother Endorses
Steven Furtick Says God Doesn’t Make You into a New Creation
$1090 Sweater? $1990 Handbag? $2720 Coat? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers
Steven Furtick Goes on a Wild, Wild, Willllldd Rant about Betas and Blessings
‘Twerking for the Lord?’ Steven Furtick Laughs as TD Jakes Disgraces his Wife
Steven Furtick Screams ‘I Am God Almighty!’ In Wild Sermon
Steven Furtick Promotes Trinity Denier’s Book + Says His Kids Think his Words are Scripture
TNB drops Millionaire Heretic Kenneth Copeland after 40 years, Picks up Millionaire Heretic Steven Furtick

Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

TNB drops Millionaire Heretic Kenneth Copeland after 40 years, Picks up Millionaire Heretic Steven Furtick

Trinity Broadcasting Network, the hive of scum and villainy where discernment goes to die and sheep butchers merrily go out on daily flock-fleecing expeditions, announced that after 40 years of partnering with arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland and his Believer’s Voice of Victory program, that they were taking old bessie out to pasture in “pursuit of a new vision under Matt and Laurie Crouch’s leadership,” bringing on Steven Furtick of Elevation Chuch instead. In a statement to The Christian Post, Marketing Director Nate Daniels said:

“As a part of this transition we chose to move away from telethons, upgraded to HD, expanded our streaming platforms, forged partnerships with family brands like K-LOVE, Museum of the Bible, and others, and have replaced some programs with new original content from voices like Christine Caine, Mike Huckabee, Mike Rowe, and more.”

Copeland made the announcement to his supporters earlier this month, writing.

For 40 years, Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been privileged and honored to partner with TBN in preaching the gospel to the world! From the beginning of our friendship, the Crouch family has been a blessing to our ministry, and to Gloria and me personally…

Recently, Matt let me know they believe The LORD is taking TBN in a new direction, and our daily program, Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV), isn’t really a fit for their future programming. Therefore, as of Oct. 2, 2020, the BVOV broadcast will no longer air on TBN.

It’s an apt choice to replace Copeland with Furtick, as either man could fill the role of the Innkeeper Thénardier from the musical Les Miserables (and TBN being the Inn,) with these “Masters of the house” doing whatever is the theological equivalent of “Charge ’em for the lice/ Extra for the mice/ Two percent for looking in the mirror twice. Here a little slice/ There a little cut/ Three percent for sleeping with the window shut.”

Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” named after him (narcissistic exegesis) based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him.

Furtick has incredibly close ties with Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, preaching at each other’s churches and conferences and publicly declaring themselves to be the best of buds, with Jakes mentoring Furtick for years. In fact, Furtick is joining Jakes for a Christian conference where some tickets will be $1000 each.

He’s also known for all things filthy lucre. He wears an insanely extravagant wardrobe, routinely appearing on Preachersnsneakers for wearing shirts and shoes that can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars each, as can be seen here. Furtick is also known for his lavish house – a 16,000 square foot, $1.6 Million dollar mansion sitting on 19 acres that Furtick downplayed as “not that great of a house” when pressed about it after news broke.

Can’t preach. Can’t teach. Mingles with other false teachers. Rejects criticism. Loves money and flaunting his wealth.

He’ll be a perfect replacement for Copeland.