Featured SBC

SBC Prez Candidate Bart Barber Believes That BLM, CRT, and MeToo Opposition Has Nothing To Do With The Bible Or Theology

Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the hypocrisy of the pharisees, who presented themselves as the religious leaders of the nation of Israel. Their whitewashed clean public persona was like a nice-looking tomb that contained the dead bones of uncleanliness and hypocrisy. Jesus promised that their backroom dealings and heart motivations would one day see the light of day.

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.

Matthew 12:1b-3

No current figure in the Southern Baptist Convention personifies the modern-day Spirit of the Pharisees better than Presidential hopeful Pastor Bart Barber. An establishment Big-Eva candidate, Barber prides himself as the unifier who will save the convention from divisive conservatives who ally themselves with the likes of the Conservative Baptist Network. In the wake of his campaign announcement, Barber has been eager to cast himself as the candidate who is on the right side of SBC politics, CRT, and even secular politics; all the while claiming that conservatives don’t have a properly nuanced approach to the most important issues.

Fortunately, things written by Barber in the past remain for clear-headed observers to judge. Contrary to his current position of rejecting CRT, Barber continually casts those who oppose CRT on theological grounds as unhinged political hacks who are hellbent on bringing political issues into the SBC arena. Barber even goes so far as to say that Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and Me Too movement opposition have their roots in politics as opposed to matters of the first conservative resurgence, which he considers to be purely centered around theological matters.

To Bart Barber, the leftists who introduced CRT, BLM, and the MeToo movement into the church are not the problem. He sees these issues as tertiary matters- things that are disputable on the basis of scripture. However, when it comes to conservatives who oppose these things on the basis of scripture, and want to present a Biblical answer to clearly leftist anti-Christian propaganda entering the church, Barber believes that they are “WAY off message.”

Leftist proponents of CRT gush at Barber’s repudiation of conservatives. Race baiter Dwight Mckissic, who has appeared at Barber’s church even went so far as to proclaim Barber a “prophet” on the basis of Barber’s Proclamation that the convention is in a “Golden Age of Southern Baptist Unity” and that the current problems faced by the SBC are not as bad as the problems that caused denominational splits in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

The fact that someone so far to the left as McKissic has been invited to appear at Barber’s church and approves of his approach to CRT and politics speaks volumes about how Barber would steer the SBC. Barber has been positioning himself for the opportunity to run for President of the SBC for quite some time, despite claims from Barber that he “wouldn’t be an SBC entity head for a barge of gold.” This begs the question, which Big Eva entity or influential benefactor will pony up the barge of gold to pay for Barber’s services, in the event that he wins the election for SBC President?

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Paul Brown for Protestia


World’s Worst Candidate Announces Bid For SBC Presidency

With the news that SBC presidential hopeful candidate Willy Rice torpedoed his own candidacy, another pastor has stepped up to the plate and announced his bid to lead the denomination, and he’s likely one of the worst candidates to ever run in the history of the denomination.

Bart Barber is the derelict pastor of FBC Farmersville, Chairman of the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention Resolutions Committee, and quisling compromiser on nearly everything that matters. He long ago sold his soul to the liberal-front organization known as the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and has mindlessly parroted their talking points for years, all the while drifting with exquisitely awful stutter steps to the left. He is the epitome of a #BigEva company man, and now is seeking to run the show.

Barber despises conservatives and consistently complains about those who oppose critical theory, leftward drift in the SBC, and compromises on abortion. Since the election of Ed Litton as SBC President, Barber has been rabidly unapologetic in his defense of the plagiarizer-in-chief, offering increasingly bizarre defenses of his actions by twisting the scriptures.

Barber claims to be pro-life but was instrumental in seeking to torpedo the recent abolishing abortion resolution. He fought against it, voted against it, and then raged against it when it was ultimately passed.

Barber consistently picks fights with the Conservative Baptist Network and will go out of his way to criticize them.

Barber criticized churches that chose to remain open during the pandemic, all the while the Planned Parenthood abortuary located less than 40 minutes from his church remained open.

He hosted the racist, democrat, egalitarian liberal at his church who uses his position as a token spokesman for progressives in the SBC to drive the convention to the left, and has shown himself time and time again to be the useful idiot of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Heck, this guy thinks Russell Moore, that old fox, served the ERLC and SBC well.

Of course, Barber is definitely the #BigEva candidate and may have already been endorsed by David French.

Barber leading the convention would be nothing less than a sign of God’s judgment upon the convention. If conservatives were hesitant about making the trek down to the convention before, they were just given a large dose of motivation.


Breaking: Tom Ascol Nominated for SBC Prez, Voddie Baucham Nominated for President of Pastor’s Conference

According to an exclusive report by Megan Basham of the DailyWire, a group of conservative southern baptists has nominated Pastor Tom Ascol of Founders Ministries for SBC President, and Voddie Bauchaum, dean of theology at Zambia’s African Christian University for president of the pastor’s conference- posts to which they both have accepted.

According to the Daily Wire:

Baucham…agreed to be nominated for president of the SBC Pastors’ Conference because he feels sound preaching has fallen out of favor in his denomination. He believes the Pastors’ Conference leader sets the spiritual tone for the annual meeting and offers a chance to highlight great preachers and make a statement about what preaching ought to be.

“I would love to see a revival of great biblical preaching in the SBC,” Baucham said. “The Pastors’ Conference has the potential to play a significant part in that, especially if it is part of a larger movement that brings a man like Tom Ascol into the SBC presidency.”

There were those who wanted to nominate Baucham for President of the SBC but he believed himself ineligible, on account of being a member of a church in his country not affiliated with the SBC. Pastor JD Hall, publisher of Protestia, publicly told Pastor Tom Buck that he should run, promising to send 1000 delegates to the convention if he made the move. This is perhaps the next best thing.

Baucham had a major health scare last year and was within hours of dying after making an emergency trip from Zambia to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and then raised over 1.2 million dollars in Gofundme support for his surgeries and post-op medical care. He wrote the best-selling book “Fault lines” and has been openly critical of Critical Race Theory and liberalism creeping into a church.

For Ascol, he is the second person to commit to running for the presidency, after Willy Rice announced he was running to replace Ed Litton, the serial plagiarize who is not seeking a second term. Unlike Rice, who is deeply theologically comprised in terms of his views on critical race theory and biblical manhood, Ascol is by far the far more conservative choice. He notes that he believes Rice is going “to go along with the direction we’ve had the last four or five years. And I don’t think that’s a healthy thing.”

Former presidential candidate Mike Stone, who lost to Litton last year after being broadsided and sabotaged by Russell Moore and is not running again this year, announced his support for Ascol on Twitter.

Conversely, this move is likely to send the liberal wokefolk within the denomination ‘REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE’-ing with angst and physical pain, as they contemplate two open antagonists of critical race theory and progressive values at the helm of the ship they wish to steer into the ground.

Church Critical Race Theory Featured

SEBTS President Danny Akin Urges White Evangelicals to Give up Power and Leadership Roles – Except for Him

A prominent Southern Baptist leader has declared that white Christians need to “give up power” and “surrender leadership at the table” to ethnic minorities in order to foster kingdom diversity, except he is not volunteering his own positions of prestige to be sacrificed on the altar of white privilege.

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) President Danny Akin, who recently took heat for signing a statement against Critical Race Theory that didn’t really come out against Critical Race Theory, has come to the forefront of the CRT discussion in a recently unearthed 2018 video from the ERLC (color us surprised!) where he pushes standpoint theory and regurgitates every conceivable race-baiting cliche imaginable, particularly his “indigenous to our nature” nonsense.

To the question of “What do white Christians need to be mindful of when speaking out about Racial reconciliation?” he explains:

White Christians need to learn above all things, I think, to be good listeners. Over the last several years as I’ve tried to held build a culture for racial reconciliation and kingdom diversity, which is a core value of Southeastern Seminary, I’ve come to understand more and more that my perspective is not the perspective of my African American brothers and sisters, or my Hispanic brothers and sisters or my Asian brother and sisters.

They really do see life differently. They’re operating out of a different paradigm, a different context that’s very different than mine. And I didn’t really realize that until I stopped talking and began to listen.

So I think one of the things that white evangelicals, in particular, have got to do is become better listeners. In addition to that, we have got to be willing to surrender power, which is again, not indigenous to our nature.

As I often say, not only do we need to invite ethnic minorities in our room and to have a seat at the table, we even need to be willing to surrender leadership at the table if we’re really going to make progress and really help our brothers and sisters understand we see them on an equal plane with ourselves.

Great. He can start with himself and Russell Moore, and take most of the other seminary presidents with them.

The fact is that Danny Akin is overseeing the most rapidly liberalizing anti-revival in the history of any institution of the Southern Baptist Convention. During the tenure of Paige Patterson at SEBTS, it could be counted on to have been a stronghold for conservative principles. Now, its president does ads promoting atheist groups, they do Malcolm X read-ins, promote Black Liberation Theology, and recently hired one of the most extreme leftists in evangelicalism, Karen Swallow Prior.

Akin has been in power for years, ruling his little kingdom with a tiny woke fist, but apparently, he doesn’t want to lead by example and surrender his own power and seat of influence seat to some darker-skinned brothers, all the while enjoining others to do so.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff News SBC

SBC President J. D. Greear Compares Conservative Critics to Pharisees and Terrorists

Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President J. D. Greear took aim at his conservative critics in a speech to the SBC Executive Committee on February 22 in Nashville, comparing them to Pharisees and terrorists and suggesting those dominating the conversation are acting in a “demonic” fashion.

In what seemed like a speech dedicated to defending his record and pushing back at those who might besmirch it, Greear explained that the SBC “is in a crisis that comes from the recesses of our own hearts” and that “this last year has revealed areas of weakness in our beloved convention of churches, fissures and failures, and fleshly idolatries. COVID did not produce these crises, it only exposed them.”

Greear describes how “almost immediately after I began to lead our convention, the character assassinations and false accusations and innuendoes and exaggerations began,” and that people were accusing him of wanting him to turn people into Calvinists, gut state conventions, and soften statements on homosexuality. That he was friends with Nancy Pelosi, personally privately funded by George Soros, and that he was a Marxist and card-carrying member of BLM.

Of course, none of his serious and vocal critics were accusing him of these things, but rather had other, more specific grievances and criticisms that he does not list, which is a common tactic those want to obfuscate and misrepresent what the true concerns are.

Speaking of the influence of the Pharisees, he explains how they were “full of envy, slander, deceit, and backbiting. They made up stuff about Jesus and his apostles because they challenged their authority.” Bringing this into a discussion about what has surprised him most about his time as leader, he offers:

How loud, and how dominating, and how virulent are that relatively small cacophony of voices that seems bent on sowing division and anger in our midst. In fact, there have been times I’ve got a glimpse of who’s actually behind it, and it feels like that scene in the wizard of Oz where you know Dorothy pulls back the curtain or Toto pulls back the curtain and there the Wizard of Oz is just a scrawny little old man with a huge microphone and you’re like that’s it? You’re the one that’s making all the noise…

The people who are dominating the conversation are not representing Southern Baptist People, these things are demonic.

He further laments:

I am mainly grieved for many of our entity leaders and some of you who have been slandered and lied about. It was not what I expected us to be spending our time on.

Every moment that you or me or Dr. Floyd engages in a silly argument or spends time debunking untruths is a moment I’m not focused on the Great Commission.  I think we need an attitude like President George W. Bush called for in 2001: We make no distinction between those committing terrorism and those who harbor terrorists.

Greear mentions 5 of 6 times through his short address how in the 1980s they “beat the liberals” and “repudiated the leaven of the liberals” and had some “hard-won battles of the 1980s and 1990s.” He argues that now that they’ve done that, it’s time to address those sowing divisions and “repudiate the leaven of the Pharisees.”

What is lost on Greear, however, is that he keeps on pointing to the “hard-won battles” against the liberals in the 1980s and 1990s as if it’s all done and dealt with just because they were able to kick out a few people and get a Baptist Faith and Message out of it. But he doesn’t acknowledge or recognize that you need to continue to fight those battles yearly, into 2020 and beyond, lest the SBC eventually become the St. Harvey Milk’s United Episcopalian Church.

The need to “repudiate the leaven of the Pharisees” now only exists because they took the pedal off the metal. The problems of 2021 exist because people have rested on the laurels of what they and their predecessors did decades and decades ago. As a result, while SBC heads sat around high-fiving themselves while giving 2003 George Bushesque “Mission accomplished” speeches, the enemy regrouped, and over the last 20 years, liberalism and progressivism crept in and saturated much of the SBC, particularly in the leadership, resulting in misdirected targets.

Greear finishes up by explaining that the SBC needs to engage in a robust theological discussion about critical race theory and need careful, robust, “bibles-open-on-our knees” discussion about what biblical justice looks like.

But we should mourn when closet racists and neo-Confederates feel more at home in our churches than do many of our people of color. And to be sure, for the vast majority of our churches that is not true, and if that is not true of you and your church then praise God.

But I have received the emails and phone calls from people in our Southern Baptist churches who do fit that description. The reality is that if we in the SBC had shown as much sorrow for the painful legacy that racism and discrimination has left in our country as we have passion to decry Critical Race Theory, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News Social Justice Wars

J.D. Greear Statement Response Lauds Critical Race Theory, Affirmative Action in SBC

Southern Baptist president J.D Greear has offered up a response to the progressive resolution JUSTICE, REPENTANCE, AND THE SBC. The only thing you really need to know about it is that the original signatories were Rev. David Bumgardner- that young pastor-wannabe kid who voted for Biden, and Dwight McKissic, a notorious liberal who should have been kicked out of the SBC 20 year ago. The statement offers no resolutions, no arguments, no solutions, and no definition of terms. It is useless and vague, but that’s probably the point.

The whole resolution can be boiled down to these two paragraphs:

Many people deny the existence of systemic injustice (and systemic racism) as a reality. Many who recognize systemic injustices are labeled as “Marxists,” “Liberals,” and “Critical Race Theorists,” even though they are theologically orthodox and believe in the total sufficiency of Scripture…

Further, we stand firmly in opposition to any movement in the SBC that seeks to distract from racial reconciliation through the gospel and that denies the reality of systemic injustice. To deny systemic injustice would be to ignore the effects that sin has on both individuals, societies, and institutions.

Naturally, JD Greear, who might as well have been chugging thirty red bulls a day and dancing in the CRT Klubs all night for how woke he’s become, has some thoughts on the matter. They’re about what you’d expect from someone who never saw a police interaction between white police and a black person that he didn’t pronounce to be racist, and who has essentially become the “Al Sharpton for Evangelicals.

Greear has three main takeaways:

1. Slavery of the 19th century has left a “long trail of destruction” that is “corrupting our institutions and subtly shaping our perspectives.” He further writes “Wherever we find damage caused by the legacy of sin, we must be committed to pursuing healing and restoration.”

This is to say, no matter how many times you repent of it, it won’t go away. Racism and white supremacy is alive and well in the SBC and is pervasive. It’s what prompted Beth Moore to say that “White Supremacy has held tight in much of the church for so long because the racists outlasted the anti-racists.” Everything is stained by the legacy of sin, and that trail of destruction manifests right now. There is never any escaping it. Think of it as the SBC’s shadow- it’s always there casting shade over every interaction between the races.

2. Far from condemning Critical Race Theory, he suggests that it isn’t that bad, and that “there are often things we can learn from questions raised and observations made.” He says that we shouldn’t resist those who are looking into the benefits of CRT or ” default to labeling believers who parse certain questions differently as “Marxist” or “racist.

Ie. CRT is a useful tool, and you’re being “uncharitable, sinful, and intellectually lazy” if you name names and label proponents of it to be theologically suspect and question why they are so bent on protecting the use of it.

3. Greear believes the SBC needs more “affirmative action” and has been personally accomplishing this by rounding up the black folk and promoting them based on the color of their skin. He says: “Our leadership should reflect the diversity of our communities and proclaim the diversity of Christ’s coming kingdom (Acts 13:1–2; Revelation 7:9). To that end, I have aggressively sought to appoint people of color into trustee spots and other positions of influence.”

If you’re white and equally as qualified, tough luck. You’re free to dolezol yourself up a little to get that edge for the next appointment, but so long as your melanin count is a little low, J.D Greear will be passing over you.

All in all, his statement is what you’d expect from a racist-baiting marxist. About as clear as mud and twice as convincing.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Politics

Trump Declares it ‘My Great Honor’ to be Considered ‘The Most Pro-gay President in American History’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to embrace a new ad calling him the “the most pro-gay president in American history,” enthusiastically embracing the accolade after his former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, an openly gay man, made the claim in a new viral video ad

This is not the first time that Trump has taken on this mantle and pursued praise and support from the LGBTQQIP2SAA “community.” He became the first Republican president to recognize Pride Month when he encouraged celebration and support for it in 2019, with the president’s official merchandise store routinely selling LGBT campaign gear.

The video not only calls President Trump “the most pro-gay resident in American history,” but also gives further commendations into Trump’s acceptance and promotion of this perversity, saying:

I know firsthand that President Trump is the strongest ally that gay Americans have ever had in the White House.

Donald Trump is the first president in American history to be pro-gay marriage from his first day in office.

President Trump began a historic campaign to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe at the United Nations, where he publicly challenged the 69 countries who make being gay a crime to change their laws.

Though Trump has made many comments lauding the LGBT community, critics have generally regarded his commitment to LGBT values cooly, due to a range of policies they feel violate their ideals of “openness and inclusion.”

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Coalition of Liberty Alum, Profs and Students Seek to ‘Permanently Remove’ Falwell Jr. as President

(Christian News Network) A coalition of Liberty University alumni, students and faculty have launched a petition requesting that the Board of Trustees permanently remove Jerry Falwell Jr. from his position as president and “replace him with a responsible and virtuous Christian leader.”

Save71 states that it is not just the recent unzipped pants photo taken during the “Trailer Park Boys”-themed yacht party that gives rise to the call for Falwell’s firing but rather a pattern of behavior throughout much of his tenure.

“Over the past several years, President Jerry Falwell Jr. has damaged the spiritual vitality, academic quality, and national reputation of Liberty University,” the website for the effort reads.

“Liberty University, like any institution or person, needs to repent of its sins before seeking redemption,” it states. “The Board of Trustees must acknowledge the damage President Falwell has done to Liberty and the hypocrisy and corruption that has soaked into parts of its culture.”

The group, co-founded by alumni Dustin Wahl and Calum Best, provides dozens of examples of concerning statements and actions from Falwell from 2015 to present. Falwell became president of Liberty University in 2007 after his father, Moral Majority leader and university founder, Jerry Falwell, Sr., died suddenly of cardiac arrhythmia at age 73.

Among the examples include Mark DeMoss being asked to resign from the board after expressing concerns over Falwell’s endorsement of Donald Trump; to controversy surrounding the Falwell family’s hostel in Florida, which allows behavior prohibited on campus; to a “Miss Virginia” contest being hosted at the school’s Center for Music & Worship, which included a swimsuit competition; to Falwell calling a student “retarded” in email correspondence; to Falwell’s “end those Muslims” remarks; to Falwell using crude language in regard to McLean Bible Church pastor David Platt and then deleting it.

“Does this pattern of behavior demonstrate responsible and virtuous leadership fitting of one of the world’s largest Christian universities whose mission is ‘Training Champions for Christ’?” the site asks.

“[F]or too long, Liberty’s leaders have used the school’s virtues to shield its sins and used its power to cloak its failures. That must end now,” it states. “We put no faith in riches or comfort, in status or power. We put our faith in Christ alone, and we want Liberty University to follow Him.”

Liberty University announced on Monday that its Executive Committee of the Board has appointed current Chairman Jerry Prevo to step in as acting president since Falwell Jr. agreed to take an indefinite leave of absence at the request…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Heather Clark and originally posted at the Christian News Network