
SBC Pastor Says Gospel Unity Demands Female Pastrixes

Time has been a great friend to Protestia (formerly Pulpit & Pen) as it clarifies the cause and reveals trajectories we called years ago. In 2016 we sounded the clarion call about SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, insisting that little offhand comments and veiled innuendo the convention stalwart was making were, far from being harmless chatter, indicative of deep theological deficits and drift that were bubbling under the surface, soon to be put on display for all to see. We’ve been getting heat over our characterization of the denominational gadfly for years, warning that his small, seemingly innocuous left-leaning comments he’d litter in this combo or that were signs of a darker and deeper theological demon wailing to be unfurled. 

And they have.

 McKissic turned out to be a CRT-embracing, pro-choice egalitarian seeking to wrangle the denomination into a downgrade position that lets him jump on its back and ride it downhill at breakneck speed. 

Prominent SBC Pastor Suggests ‘Abortion is Not Murder’ in Cases of Rape and Incest

Prominent SBC Pastor Advocates For Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest

Progressives Wail and Gnash Their Teeth After SBC Pastor is Caught Taking Pictures with John MacArthur

A new tweet brings even more clarity to the situation. In his most straightforward statement yet on pastrixes, McKissic has favorably tweeted a letter to the editor from the wretched Baptist News Global, where some conniving soul makes a case for women pastors in the worst case possible. 

Noting that “I agree with every word” and describing it as “Encouraging! Challenging! Enlightening!”

The letter states in part that because the country is polarized, the SBC should start ordaining these disobedient and unlearned women to “show the unity found in Jesus.” He pleads: “Why allow women in ministry to be such a divisive issue when it doesn’t have to be?…. I believe there are some things that can simply be left up to the conscience of the local church, and this is one of them…why not take this opportunity for unity?”

Of course, the whole letter is just a smoke screen for this salient point: that if the SBC starts to ordain chick pastors, the moderates will come back and play nice again.

“There is an amazing opportunity right now for the SBC to bring together what was broken so many years ago. Right now, there isn’t a home for the conservative-moderate. SBC, why not choose to seize this moment?

…SBC leadership, why not take this amazing opportunity to bring together all those moderates who left years ago, rather than polarize everyone?”

Which moderates are we talking about? The lost goatlings who were tossed out during the conservative resurgence? Or are we talking about the more recent moderates who left the SBC, fuming because of the perceived lack of promotion of black lives matter and critical race theory?

McKissic himself threatened to leave the denomination over their criticism of CRT, so is he just holding up a mirror to himself, looking around lonely because he was no one else to relate to? This appears to be the case.

Never forget that the conservative-moderate is halfway from being a progressive-moderate, and the last thing the SBC needs is their opinion, presence and influence. 


SBC Credentials Committees Refuses to Remove Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church For Ordaining Women Pastors

No liberal drift? In a convention bulletin released this morning, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Credentials Committee revealed that they’re not going to remove Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church from their roles after he famously and unapologetically started to ordain women pastors.

The Credentials Committee suggests that the title and function of pastor can be separated, and while it’s true that only men can hold the “office of pastor” perhaps women can have the “title of pastor” without having a church that is rife with pastrixes to be being disqualified or found not to be in cooperation with the Baptist faith and message. They note that “(we found)…little information evidencing the Convention’s beliefs regarding the use of the ‘title of pastor’ for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor.”

Instead, the Credentials Committee says they are “unable to form an opinion regarding the relationship of Saddleback Church to the Southern Baptist Convention until clarity is provided regarding the use of the title “pastor” for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor” and they said they will study the issue and get back to the convention next year in 2013.

SBC Referral: To break fellowship with Saddleback Church (Item 68, Proceedings of the Southern Baptist Convention, June 15-16, 2021, SBC Annual, p. 74)

Motion: Shadd Tibbs, Louisiana “That according to Article VI of our Baptist Faith and Message and according to the teaching of 1 Timothy 2:12, that, we the Southern Baptist Convention, of June 2021, break fellowship with Saddleback Church, as they have ordained three ladies as pastors, and all other churches that would choose to follow this path. At the very least, I am asking that the validity of this matter be looked into and report given at the 2022 Convention of the action taken”

Response: It is the unanimous opinion of the Credentials Committee that the majority of Southern Baptists hold to the belief that the function of lead pastor, elder, bishop, or overseer is limited to men as qualified by Scripture and that this was the intended definition of “office of pastor” as stated in Article VI of the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

The Credentials Committee has found little information evidencing the Convention’s beliefs regarding the use of the “title of pastor” for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor. For this reason, the Credentials Committee makes the following report and recommendation:

Report: The Credentials Committee reports to the Southern Baptist Convention during its June 14-15, 2022, annual meeting, that pursuant to SBC Bylaw 8 and SBC Constitution Article III, that it is unable to form an opinion regarding the relationship of Saddleback Church to the Southern Baptist Convention, until clarity is provided regarding the use of the title “pastor” for staff positions with different responsibility and authority than that of the lead pastor. Therefore, the Credentials Committee makes the following recommendation:

Recommendation: The Credentials Committee recommends that the Southern Baptist Convention during its June 14-15, 2022, annual meeting in Anaheim, California, form a study committee, the members of which shall be appointed by the President, to report to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, June 13-14, 2023, in New Orleans, Louisiana, a recommendation providing clarity regarding the “office of pastor” as stated in the Baptist Faith & Message Article VI, The Church, given the many different offices within Baptist churches which include “pastor” in the title, though often with very different responsibilities and authority

This caused even Albert Mohler, who has been in denial for years that there are women pastrixes in SBC churches to publicly rebuke the EC from the convention floor, and then later tweet out:

Rick Warren is the outgoing Lead pastor, and overseer of the 25,000 members, 14 campus Saddleback Church He has recently seen a resurgence from discernment ministries after a few years on the outs. He is famous for peddling to the church the poison and spiritual strychnine that is The Purpose Driven Life for over four decades- a damaging and unbiblical theology that has seeped into tens of thousands of churches, becoming part of their identity.

Over the last few he raise eyebrows for announcing they were having a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black fold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” for blasting white Christians for having no discernment and not caring about black people.


LifeWay’s Spring 2022 Curriculum Written By Non-SBC Pastor Who Denies BFAM, Has 5 Pastrixes on Staff

The Spring 2022 edition of LifeWay’s “Bible Studies for Life” curriculum for senior adults was written by a man who explicitly denies the Baptist Faith and Message’s view of the roles of men and women and is not even a Southern Baptist, being one of the pastors at Mariners Church in California.

Brandon Hiltibidal, who is the former Director of Adults and Discipleship Strategist at LifeWay and who is contributing to the spiritual development and growth of Southern Baptists through this literature, is the lead pastor of a church that employs 5 women “pastors,” including Christine Caine who is a Word of Faith false teacher.

Our source, who did not want his name used for this article, uncovered this egregious act and explained his issues with this practice, which represents the drift in the denomination.

1. LifeWay should not employ writers who show such blatant disregard for God’s Word.
2. LifeWay should practice enough discernment to select writers that agree with the Baptist Faith and Message (The doctrinal statement of the Southern Baptist Convention) and are at least members of Baptist churches.
3. LifeWay should understand their responsibility to local churches as it relates to providing biblically faithful resources.
4. LifeWay should not make a profit off local churches through the sale of biblically unsound curriculum.

LifeWay continues to give churches curriculum that is written by people who do not agree with the beliefs of the churches that use their material or support them.

We could not agree more and hope that this is the sort of nonsense a revitalized and conservative resurgence of the SBC could help smoke out and put an end to.


Thabiti Anyabwile Comes out in Support of Women Pastors?

Speaking at a Jude 3 event, from the “Politics and the Pulpit” panel at Courageous Conversations 2021, (former?) Gospel Coalition author and council member Thabiti Anyabwile advises that it’s better to stay at a church that has women pastors that get ‘a little bit right but don’t go far enough” opposed to staying at a church whose pastor is espousing ‘explicitly or in a veiled way, white supremacy.’

“Some of you are in churches you need to leave, and it’s okay to leave, and you need someone to tell you that it’s okay to leave. Because if that rascal’s in the pulpit espousing, explicitly or in a veiled way, white supremacy, you don’t need to sit under that. Right? You’re not obligated to sit under that. Sometimes leaving is healthy.

“But some of you are in churches with good pastors, who are swimming in the eddies and the undertows and the flood of this present moment, doing the best they can, fumbling sometimes, sometimes getting stuff a little bit right [but] they didn’t go as far as you wanted them to, and so you’re mad, you probably need to stay and support that pastor.

Because that pastor right now, if he needs anything, or she needs anything, it’s courage and encouragement.” 

After being critiqued by Tom Buck and Owen Strachan, Thabiti raged telling them:

Thabiti would later explain in a series of longer tweets:

1. I happily accept the *Bible’s* teaching regarding qualified male leadership in the church. It is our practice at our church.

2. I am *not* a misogynistic, culture-warring “pastor” who thinks women preaching and pastoring is “a gospel issue.”

I understand and accept that faithful Christians with genuine conviction and even scholarly understanding of the Bible May arrive at different positions on the issue. Some of them have even written your favorite commentaries and books (and) are even heroes to the theobros. 

Truthfully, there has not been one theologically evangelical woman in pastoral ministry who has ever been a threat to the gospel, a threat to my household, a threat to my church, or an attacker and opponent on this bird app. Not one. I’ll take a faithful gospel preaching sister over any of these culture warriors dividing the church any day of the week—and, yes, especially twice on Sunday since their labors bear the mark of discipleship far more fully and winsomely than these unloving, divisive jerks. 

So, get over yourself and get off my TL. I will gladly acknowledge a woman pastor in a room that has them in the audience and on stage. Not only because they kindly accepted the invitation to a debate. But because they are my sisters, having a human experience, making their way. If you can’t muster at least that level of courtesy, then YOU are the problem no matter how “correct” theology. And if you think it good to attack someone being respectful, then YOU are the one poisoning the unity of the church.

Gird your loins and prepare for God’s accounting. 

There are of course two problems with all of this.

1. It’s not a binary choice. If a pastor is indeed explicitly or implicitly espousing *real* white supremacy, they should leave that church. In the same way, if there is a pastrix in the pulpit, that person should also leave that church. Having a pastrix is no small thing. Rather it is a sin, and in fact is a judgment of God against a congregation that allows it. This “we personally don’t have women pastors, but……..” isn’t fooling everyone.

2. For Thabiti and the panel and audience at the Jude 3, the vast majority of them have an incredibly low threshold for what is considered ‘white supremacy.’

And so a pastor who is ‘espousing white supremacy in a veiled way’ can mean anything from having voted for Donald Trump, to not supporting reparations, to condemning the Black Lives Matter organization, to opposing CRT.

We’re not talking about a pastor dropping-n bombs from the pulpit or using the state of the ‘negress’ nappy hair’ as an allegory for a disordered or chaotic sin life.

Half the time accusations of racism and white supremacy are leveled at a pastor who preaches on the dangers of woke culture and the problems with social justice. For many in that crowd, that is akin to white supremacy and far more detrimental and worthy of abandonment, with Thabiti more than willing to tolerate or celebrate pastrixes in lieu of that reality.

Note. As a brief refresher to familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden while claiming that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. He has claimed that resisting reparations is ‘the echo of Cain’s voice’. and that white folk who reject systematic racism and reparations can’t read their bibles right.’ He recently stated that if a black man considers himself as a ‘Christian’ but not the preferred ‘Black Christian,’ it will lead to his ‘annihilation’

Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.

Bonus quote
: “My white neighbors and Christian brethren can start by at least saying their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit in murdering a man who only preached love and justice.” Thabiti Anyabwile, TGC, Apr 4, 2018.


Barna Poll: 50% of Mainline Pastors ‘Seriously Considering’ Quitting

More than half of mainline pastors are seriously considering leaving the ministry altogether, according to a Barna study, which polled over 500 protestant senior pastors.

The report, which sought to look at in part at the burnout rate of pastors in the last year, found that while overall 2 in 5 pastors seriously considered leaving the ministry, that rate was much higher among mainline denominations, which comprised of the usual mix of villainous scripture traitors. Basically the ‘Seven Sisters of American Protestantism’- Disciples of Christ, Episcopalians, ELC, United Methodists, PCUSA, United Church of Christ, and American Baptist Churches- with a couple of other queer-affirming ones mixed in. In this group, 51% said they were considering hanging up their collars for good.

Another group with was more apt to quit were the pastrixes. Barna Reports:

Other significant differences arise among gender, with female pastors being far more likely than male pastors to have considered giving up full-time ministry, and ministry tenure. Specifically, roughly one-third of pastors who are considering resignation have been in ministry for about 20 years but have been at their current church for seven years.

According to David Kinnaman, President of Barna Group:

“This is a growing crisis for church leaders in America. Now is the time for the Christian community to come alongside their pastors to pray and support them so they can continue to lead in healthy ways. Pastors, too, need to proactively guard their health and well-being, taking a holistic assessment of how they are doing….More than ever, the Church needs resilient leaders who are humble, agile, rooted in prayer and who are committed to being healthy as an essential aspect of effective leadership.”

We’re all for this here at Protestia. As far as we’re concerned, the more mainline pastors and lady preachers quit, the better.


Plot Twist! Newest ‘SBC Pastrix Scandal’ Reveals Far More Pastors at Vista Community Church, But are they Even SBC?

Another ‘SBC Church’ is in the news for ordaining women. This time it is Vista Community Church in Temple, Texas, led by Austin Fischer- a man whose Twitter feed is populated by quotes from Miroslav Volf, Barak Obama, and the usual band of suspects for of someone who clearly is moving in a progressive way. Last week he announced that the church ordained their first female pastor-Sydney Pfleeger- a move that stirred up the usual fracas between defenders of the SBC (Tom Buck) and destroyers of it ( Dwight McKissic) as if the presence of a preacher with two X chromosomes was something new for the congregation.

That the SBC is rife with female pastors is nothing new. We did a big expose on this too last year, when we discovered that 10% of the biggest churches in the Southern Baptist Convention have women pastors on staff, and another 15% have women functioning in the role of pastor, just without the title. Here is just one example where we dissected a BFAM2k-defying church.

It is a fact. It has been a fact for years. It has been a fact for years that you can throw a rock into any random Baptist potluck and hit a pastrixes right in her Beth Moore Study Bible for the amount of them there are scurrying around unrebuked and un-kicked-out-of-convention. Want a list? Here is a list, courtesy of Thom Rainer and the SBC500.

Yet one thing that is strange indeed is the timeline being given by Austin Fisher. Not only do they have one new pastrix, but they also have at least three others on staff.

In fact, if we take a trip down the Wayback Machine to January 28, 2021, we see that even a year ago, there were two pastrixes on staff, with Sarah Hammond already functioning in that role, along with Sydney Pfleeger- both whom had been with the Church for years. Stroup at the time was still a Student Associate, meaning she obtained her role as pastor sometime between then and now. For Pfleeger, she took on the role of pastor back in December of 2020.

It’s a bizarre ecclesiology that says you can have the title of pastor for a year, and be functioning in the role of pastor for a year within a church, and have the congregation recognize you as such, but not be ordained as a pastor. Does this mean that the other pastrixes at Vista Community Church are not ordained yet, or are they PINO’s (Pastors in Name Only) until they get commissioned via official ceremony?

While all that is interesting, there is one giant matter complicating the story. Despite being listed as an SBC Church, Lead Pastor Austin Fisher denies they are part of the Southern Baptist Convention, making the whole point moot and giving them the freedom (sinful as it may be) to ordain whomever they want.

While that ought to settle things, it still raises at least one curious question.

Did the church leave the SBC so that they could start ordaining women? Or are those records false too? We have reached out to the church asking for clarification and will update this post accordingly.

abortion bad theology Heresies

Truth’s Table Podcaster and Pastrix Promotes Abortion, Purges Sermons

Pastrix Michelle Higgins, one-third of the podcasting trio, The Truth’s Table, got into a bit of trouble recently after she preached a sermon at Saint John’s Church where she prayed over her congregants of goats:Let the Lord show you the queerness of the Trinity in ways that you had not felt welcome to before,” as well as offering a prayer of supplication that they embrace “queer parenting.”

Now, perhaps in response to the negative publicity and backlash, they have Ed-Littonized all their sermons, removing all their content and leaving a big void in their wake.

The move may have been done to give cover to her The Truth’s Table co-hosts. After all, the podcast seeks a veneer of orthodoxy. It claims to be “filtered through an accessible yet robust Christian theological framework interspersed with hearty cackles and cathartic tears” and her open paganism and progressivism would not be good for co-hosts Christina Edmondson (wife of Mika Edmondson) and Ekimini Uwan.

Purging aside, another thing pastrix Higgins is known for, other than being a popular speaker that is routinely platformed by Jemar Tisby and the Witness Black Christian Collective, is being the director/chair and founding member of Action St. Louis, a “Christian” advocacy group that is “dedicated to continuing the biblical story of activism.”

Higgins has publicly stated that she “supports the work of organizations working nationally to ground local contexts in the Black queer feminist politic.” This is indisputable, seeing as how all 8 of the people who currently make up the leadership team at Faith For Justice, are either queer, trans, or non-binary. [Not a lot of diversity there. -Ed.]

Michelle Higgins is openly and rabidly pro-choice, and so is her organization. In fact, while Higgins has been relatively silent on social media since we broke the story of how woke and pagan she actually is, barely posting at all, her organization has been keeping up the work, retweeting and posting on Facebook efforts from Planned Parenthood and NARAL to promote access to abortion, supporting them in their endeavor.

Given how shockingly unorthodox she is, perhaps removing public access to her content is best.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA SBC Super Gay

Denomination That Split from SBC Elects First Trans ‘Pastor’

Mere weeks after the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected their first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination, a Baptist denomination has followed suit, welcoming Laura Bethany Buchleiter to become the trans man to be ordained within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF).

The CBF was formed nearly 30 years ago after a group of malcontent Southern Baptist Churches decided that they wanted to ordain women into ministry. They insisted that they were still conservative, but argued that the scriptures permitted the ladies to be ordained and therefore needed to follow their consciences. As a result, nearly 1400 churches and hundreds of thousands of members jumped ship, formally cutting ties with the SBC a decade later.

Since 1990, the years have not been kind to the denomination. The ordination of women was like being a dam that burst, carrying with it other deviant beliefs like approval of homosexuality and tolerance for abortion that soon became a mainstay within the denomination, with many churches having openly gay leaders. Consequently, the trans ordination is merely more proof of their unfaithfulness and a harbinger of further damnation and judgment.

To wit – the 49-year old Buchleiter divorced his wife in 2014 after coming out as trangendered, and then came out as a lesbian in 2016, much to the surprise of his three children. He spent several years at Christian Theological Seminary before ultimately joining the staff at University Baptist Church in Bloomington, Indiana, under the auspices of current pastrix Annet Hill Briggs. About Buchleiter’s ordination, she told the Hoosier Times:

Our church self identifies as a church that listens to the call of the people irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. It’s not relevant to us. We’re not ordaining Laura Beth because she is transgender.

If you hate your ears, have a sermon from him.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Al Mohler says there’s ‘No Women Pastors in the SBC’ – There are actually HUNDREDS

Abert Mohler took to The Briefing on Friday and made a fool of himself, showing himself to be either stunningly ignorant or purposefully deceptive when it comes to understanding the ecclesiastical makeup and attitudes of the Southern Baptist Convention.

During the first segment, here, he made multiple forceful declarations that there were no women serving as “pastors” within the SBC, when in reality there are hundreds of them. Five times Mohler said that there were no women pastors serving SBC Churches, and each time the sound of the feminine laughter from those disobedient SBC churches grew louder and louder, a cacophony of derision and defiance from the pastrixes who have earned the position of “Pastor” from their wayward congregations. (We call them “pastrixes” as there is no such thing theologically as a “woman pastor.”)

Commenting on the RNS Ryan Burge article Most Southern Baptist Women Would Welcome a Woman Pastor. It’s Unlikely to Happen, Mohler is flabbergasted, forcefully denouncing the reality of the conclusions. He says:

And if you just take the headline at face value, it tells us that the majority of Southern Baptist women, the word of the headline was, “most,” would welcome a woman as pastor of the church. That’s rather stunning when you consider the fact that out of the almost 40,000 churches associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, not one of them has a woman as pastor. 

Over the course of this segment, he says the same thing over and over again.

The problem with that is not one of those churches has a woman as pastor…We’re talking about 40,000 churches. And at the moment, I don’t believe that a single one of them has a woman as pastor…Again, the math, 40,000 roughly, and the other column zero. That’s not a close call…Again, 40,000 in one column, zero in the other…If Southern Baptists want Southern Baptist churches to have pastors who are women, they can do it, but they don’t do it.

Is Mohler, a chief member of the SBC Intelligentsia, so disconnected from the pulse of the convention and from the boots-on-the-ground perspective that he truly does not know that there are pastrixes galore within the SBC?
That their estrogen is soaking through the hallowed halls of the convention, so much so that in 20 years, if this ship isn’t turned around like yesterday, the SBC will be virtually indistinct from the United Methodist Church for all the chicks they’ll have in the pulpit.

One writer gave us a list of a whole bunch of churches with pastors without the Y chromosome, but we likewise did a big expose on this too last year, when we discovered that 10% of the biggest churches in the Southern Baptist Convention have women pastors on staff, and another 15% have women functioning in the role of pastor, just without the title. 47 of them based on 466 churches. Add another 35,000 churches to the list, and it doesn’t take much to know we have a problem.

It is a fact. It has been a fact for years. It has been a fact for years that you can throw a rock into any random Baptist potluck and hit a pastrixes right in her Beth Moore Study Bible for the amount of them there are scurrying around unrebuked and un-kicked-out-of-convention.

Here’s what those churches look like, the big ones with pastrixes on staff.

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Staff at Lakeside Baptist Church
Columbia Baptist Church: Our Staff
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Albert Mohler, if he wants any chance of being relevant and offer advice that actually matters, needs to get with the program, cease either his dishonesty, deception, or doltish ways, and come to grips with the reality that a ton of SBC churches have had “female pastors” on staff for years, and the SBC hasn’t done a damned thing about it.