
Worship Leader Sean Feucht’s Non-Profit Ministry Brings in Millions of Dollars+ Net Income Increases by 31,000%

Worship leader Sean Feucht is a Bethel Church School of Supernatural Ministry alum who gained name recognition after crisscrossing the states for his ‘Let us Worship’ tour during the height of the pandemic. A self-described “missionary, artist, speaker, author, activist, and the founder of multiple worldwide movements,” he frequently drew in thousands of people to his outdoor concerts. Making headlines in major newspapers and media, he would sing Bethel worship tunes while engaging in the charismatic dark arts of “spirit-filled manifestations” on stage, with his events being places to speak in tongues, prophecy, roll around on the ground, engage in holy laughter, and a call to minister healing and signs and wonders to the people.

You can see more information about Feucht HERE, but he’s involved in grave soaking, New Apostolic Reformation shenanigans, has a fascination with omens, and hobnobs with all the usual false teachers and prophets like Bill Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Rick Joyner, Kris Valloton, and Brian Houston. Famine in the Land explains:

Leading people into the “presence of God” is profitable. You may argue that Sean Feucht stands for some godly values, but so do many unsaved conservatives and other religions. You may argue that we don’t know his heart, and I’ll agree with that but what you’re missing is that we do know his gospel – the New Apostolic Reformation gospel, which is a perversion of the true gospel. The point is that none of these NAR celebrity “worship” leaders are –

Leading anyone into God’s presence.

Presenting the true gospel during their shows.

Making a sacrifice to proclaim the gospel.

They are jet setters enjoying the best of both worlds (visible church and the world), deceiving sheep, and entertaining goats. Feucht will tell you revival is coming to your city or nation, but the scriptures tell us a falling away is coming. Feucht will make you doubt the words of the Apostle John who said “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one,” and fool you into thinking the tide is turning and that Christians can shape culture, take dominion of the seven spheres of society, and bring heaven to earth.

You can go to his show, feel “pumped,” buy his hoodie, download his music, and feel confident about the future -things will get better in this world or your nation. If this is you, you have made God’s kingdom about the kingdoms of this world – NAR theology. Furthermore, you’re trusting and following a deceived man who trusts in omens instead of scripture.

At this time, NAR theology does pay. Sean, along with being the Director of 24-7 Burn, Light a Candle and Hold the Line, he oversees Sean Feucht Ministries; a tax-exempt endeavor that “strives to spread the whole Word of God through preaching and teaching engagements as well as through concerts and media sales.” 

While previous years were a bit slower, 2020 was a boon year for Feucht, who saw his net income jump by over 31,000% over the previous year’s income and turning his ministry into a money-making machine. You can see this with his previous filings. 

And then the kicker: Feucht went on a tour across the United States during the pandemic and the dollars rolled in. He went from a total revenue of $283,526 and a net income of $13,615 ,to a total revenue of $5,314,148 and a net income of $4,190,665- after paying himself $167,000 in salary and compensation.

Delving a little deeper, we see that in 2019, he received $281,047 in honorariums and speaking fees, compared to $5,303,651 a year later.


That’s a lot of honorariums. Even secular media has noticed the gains, with the Rolling Stones reporting that he bought a pair of million dollar homes with his good fortunes:

Feucht — who, according to tax filings, is the sole employee of the ministry — also appears to have experienced a surge in personal wealth, raising eyebrows from ministry watchdogs. The preacher recently bought a pair of extravagant homes, one in a glitzy gated community in Southern California and another on five acres in Montana, valued together at well over $2 million, according to property records reviewed by Rolling Stone.

Warren Cole Smith, president of Ministry Watch, which vets religious organizations on behalf of donors, says that leveraging a ministry to live the high life, if that’s what Feucht is doing, is not just unseemly, it’s potentially illegal. “I’m not saying that Sean is guilty of private inurement,” Smith insists. “But if a guy that makes less than $200,000 a year is buying multiple, million-dollar properties, at a minimum that warrants additional questions.”

Calls to the ministry and its board members asking to speak about these financials were not returned. An email to Feucht with detailed questions was not returned

It looks like Feucht has arrived.

h/t to Famine in the Land.

Featured Op-Ed

PSA: If Someone You Know is Considering Adoption, Reach Out to Us

If someone you know is considering adoption, being in a position where they cannot care for the child in their womb or after it has been born, please reach out to us.

As a Christian organization that is a ministry of a local church, we have access to a fully vetted family who would love to adopt. These are wonderfully loving, nurturing, and faithful parents who are sound in the faith and have a welcoming home.

Having them as the parents would guarantee the child would grow up being taught the scriptures, the gospel, and would be well-loved by the family and their friends and community.

The adoptive parents would travel anywhere in the country to meet the child and would pay for all expenses relating to having him or her including prenatal care, all adoption fees, and all living expenses for the mother while she has the child, and even afterward for a time.

If this is you or someone you know, please reach out to us either by PM on any of our social media pages, or by emailing

Church Featured News SBC

SBC Executive Committee Officer Torched by SBC Prez, Others for Calling out ‘Woman Preacher’

SBC Executive Committee officer Rod. D. Martin has been doused with gasoline and set ablaze by the Twitterverse and various SBC two-bit personalities who are angered that he called out a Southern Baptist pastor for promoting his wife’s ministry as, “Solid. Biblical. Preaching,” along with pointing out the fact that she preached at a chapel service to a mixed audience – something she ought not to have done.

Consequently, the response has been swift, with near-universal condemnation of these accusations from defenders of Jacki King, including from the President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Adam Greenway, where both Kings are students.

In response to Martin’s criticism, King posted a series of responses, explaining that she did nothing wrong and that his grievances are misguided.

Since my picture and website are circulating through Twitter I thought I should introduce myself and give some context. Hi @RodDMartin I’m Jacki.

I grew up SBC, have been faithful to the SBC, & a huge cheerleader to all God is doing in the Kingdom through cooperation in our faith family. As a young adult I surrendered to ministry and after participating in several women’s events at churches that were marked by topical & surface level speaking, I decided to learn how to teach the Bible faithfully with all its depth and beauty.

I took… all of the classes my brothers in ministry took. Hermeneutics, homiletics, NT & OT, and I fell in love with Systematic Theology. Ever since I’ve championed women to dig deep into the Scriptures.

I study, make an outline, illustrate main points, I exegete passages, but most of all I have the privilege of sharing/preaching/teaching the “good news” of Jesus to women.

I’m not sure if you are wanting to parse ‘evangelion’ on here). I’m not a pastor, don’t want to be a pastor, don’t teach on Sunday& despite repeatedly having to defend myself, you continue to ascribe false, misrepresent me.

Our convention is not in threat bc of faithful women like me. What is concerning is that a brother would take a simple image &twist/distort it for some Twitter fodder. It’s truly grievous, hurtful & flat-out exhausting. I’m praying for u 

Despite the hoards of people giving him grief, Martin insists that his original condemnations are valid, explaining:

Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Sye Ten Bruggencate Involvement with ‘Vulnerable Woman’ is ‘More Serious than Simply a Broad Moral Failure’

Sye Ten Bruggencate’s recent confession of a moral failure that saw him stepping down from ministry entirely is “more serious than simply a broad moral failure,” according to the elders overseeing his care.

In a series of statements, Aaron Koning and Steve Richardson, writing on behalf of the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church, explain that a widely-shared story by the Roys Report claiming that Bruggencate engaged in a “troubling circumstance” with a congregation member was false and that no other member was involved. [Letter posted in full at the end]

Instead, they explain:

Following admissions by Sye Ten Bruggencate of fornication with a vulnerable woman, and following a formal complaint (with evidence) by the woman concerning the particular admissions given by Sye, the Session has begun a full and thorough investigation.  Sye has been suspended from all privileges without limit of time while the church judicial process is followed.

From what we know, a third party found out about Bruggencate and this woman and threatened to expose him and make the sin public, which is what prompted his public confession.

Upon confession of sin, the “vulnerable woman” brought forth more and new information about the sins that Bruggencate indulged in that were previously not mentioned, filling in the breadth and scope of what it means to have a “moral failing.” In response to her series of accusations, Bruggencate has admitted to some so far, but not others, and this has prompted the session to investigate further.

In an ominous move that does not bode well, Richardson told the Roys Report that “the concerns from the woman are more serious than simply a broad moral failure” and suggested that the woman go to the authorities for help. The reporter covering the story, Jackson Elliot, writes:

Richardson said he does not see anything that suggests that what happened was against the law. Even so, he said he has suggested that the woman go to the authorities for help.

‘Sye has confessed to moral failure, and that is a fairly broad category,’ Richardson said. ‘We want to do the right thing, first of all for the complainant, and also for Sye. If we need help from outside, we will be seeking it,’ he said.

Faith Presbyterian Church Statement regarding Sye Ten Bruggencate

) I had hoped it would not be necessary to use this blog for this purpose, but I am told that already speculation is swirling because of an error made by The Roys Report.  The article reports, “In a statement to The Roys Report, Faith Presbyterian pastor Steve Richardson said that Bruggencate confessed a ‘troubling circumstance’ to the church on Sunday, involving Bruggencate and a congregation member.”  This statement is false. 

I have written to Jackson Elliott (of The Roys Report), and he has told me the correction will be made.  I can say categorically that the “troubling circumstance” did not involve a congregation member.

Here then is our statement regarding Sye Ten Bruggencate and his public confession:  Our church leadership became aware on Sunday evening of a very troubling circumstance involving Sye.  We acted upon the information swiftly and had ample cause within 48 hours to take essential action.   By Tuesday, we had asked Sye to step away from ministry and placed him under the process of church discipline.  We directed him to make public his confession to us that he had acted far beyond the boundaries of acceptable conduct.  

Our inquiry has not stopped there.  As a church, we are investigating further to make sure we have all necessary information to make decisions about additional steps.  We have a rigorous written process for dealing with such matters and we will be following that process scrupulously.  

To respect laws governing privacy, we cannot, as an institution, disclose personal identifying information at this time. 

We are extremely mindful that many institutions, churches but also schools, sports teams, political organizations, media outlets and others, have failed to act swiftly or seriously in the past.  By their delay, they have made worse the suffering of one or more parties. We will not be rash, but we will not make that error, either.  We will be making further public statements when and as the situation allows.

Aaron Koning and Steve Richardson on behalf of the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church

Note: As of 00:25 Friday March 5, The Roys Report has made the necessary correction.  

Breaking Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate Leaves Public Ministry After Admitting to ‘Moral Failing’

Sye Ten Bruggencate, the Christian apologist best known for advancing presuppositional apologetics for the layman via his film “How to Answer a Fool” as well as numerous debates with atheists, announced on his Facebook that he has been disqualified from ministry due to a ‘moral failing’, and would be deleting several of his social media pages as a result.

Explaining that he is “sorry for the shame my sin has brought upon the name of Christ and for the hurt I have caused,” Sye will spend the next season of his life under the care of his church elders, and likely will never be involved in public ministry again.

He writes:

It is with great sadness that I must inform you that I have been guilty of moral failure and will no longer be involved in public ministry. I have spoken with the elders of my church, and they have determined that my sin disqualifies me from the ministry.

This means that I will no longer be involved in teaching, preaching, or apologetics. I am sorry for the shame my sin has brought upon the name of Christ and for the hurt I have caused. Please pray for me.I have submitted myself to the care of the elders of Faith Presbyterian Church, Tillsonburg.

If you have any questions please email my elders at

This post will remain on my private page until I delete my page this evening, but will remain on my public page which my Session will now be controlling.

Evangelical Stuff News Onward to Glory

Voddie Baucham Fundraiser Crosses $1,000,000 + New Updates

Voddie Baucham has updated his supporters about his condition, writing across multiple social media platforms that he landed in Dallas late last night, after a 16-hour flight from Doha. Baucham explains that he is extremely grateful for the prayers and funds and that they continue to trust in the Lord. He writes:

As I write this, we are about two hours from landing at DFW (our penultimate stop). The journey has been long, but God has been gracious. Because we have WiFi on the flight we have been in constant contact with our doctor in Lusaka and others in the U.S., all of whom are monitoring my vitals and how I’m tolerating the journey.

We have also been able to watch as our needs have been met in abundance! We praise God for his faithfulness in providing. We are indebted to Tom Ascol and @foundersministries for not only setting up the GoFundMe (link in bio), but for doing the legwork (with the help of medical advisors familiar with my case) to even get an idea of what the financial needs may be.

We are also grateful to our partners at @meigiving who have been a constant help and guide over the past several years of our work in Lusaka, and who have stepped up big time as gifts came in through them as well.

Finally, we want to thank the people of God whose prayers, words of encouragement, financial support, and offers of other forms of help have been nothing less than overwhelming.

This is not over by a long shot. In fact, in many ways we have only just begun. I will say more later about the ‘team’ the Lord has gathered around us to guide us through this process. But for now, know that we are in good hands.

At the end of the Joburg to Doha leg of the journey, I wasn’t doing well. We almost had to change plans. However, that wasn’t the point. The point was, as we were worrying about how we would pay for this, how/when we bring the kids, etc., the Lord reminded us, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34 ESV)

So for now, we just rejoice in getting through today’s trouble.

Voddie’s GoFundMe also topped $1,000,000 overnight, given by nearly 10,000 donors, with likely several hundred thousand dollars more given privately or through @meigiving, the other platform.

Though some have speculated why he did not have insurance or accusing him of being irresponsible for not having it, no information has been given on why that is, though a plethroa of acceptable reasons might be given, with one being the diffiuclty in getting access to medical insurance in Zambia for a family of 9 at a rate that they could afford and that would competently cover such catastropic health failures.