
Canadian Court Rules the Public Must Fund Non-Binary Man’s RARE, INSANE and EXPERIMENTAL ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery

In yet another act of Canada’s perversity, the province of Ontario’s Divisional Court ruled 3-0 that their publicly funded health insurance plan MUST pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a “transgender affirming” procedure for a man (Identified only as K.S.) wanting to receive a surgically created “vagina,” all the while keeping his penis.

K.S. uses she/her pronouns, mostly presents as female, and says he identifies as non-binary but does not align himself with the gender binary, which is why he wants both parts; or, in this case, a grotesque approximation of a vagina which is little more than a never-healing open wound. While these surgeries typically involve splitting open the penis and inverting it back into the body, this is something entirely new.

K.S. insists that getting a vaginoplasty without a penectomy would “validate” his non-binary identity, ensuring that the gender dysphoria he says he’s experienced since his teens would finally disappear.

This surgery is so experimental that it is not even offered in Canada, which has some of the world’s most advanced and lauded “transgender affirming care” hospitals and surgeons, but rather, the public would fund his surgery in Texas. According to the Globe and Mail:

(The Court) said the Charter of Rights protects the right to equality and security of the person, which includes autonomy and bodily integrity.

Interpreting the health insurance law to require transgender or non-binary people assigned male at birth “to remove their penis to receive state funding for a vaginoplasty would be inconsistent with the values of equality and security of the person,” Justice Davies wrote.

“Such an interpretation would force transgender, non-binary people like K.S. to choose between having a surgery [penectomy] they do not want and which does not align with their gender expression to get state funding, on the one hand, and not having gender-affirming surgery at all, on the other. Such a choice would reinforce their disadvantaged position and would not promote their dignity and autonomy.”


John MacArthur Sends Health Update to Congregants

Pastor John MacArthur sent a new health update to Grace Community Church congregants weeks after the venerated elder underwent surgery to clear a blockage in his arteries. At home recovering, he’s been taking a break from preaching duties while others lead in his stead. 

The news was given by pastor Austin Duncan, who preached the sermon today. Austin is one of several pastors who has been mentioned as being a potential successor to MacArthur, and he reveals:

I’m eager to speak to you this morning from Psalm chapter 12. I come with good news and glad tidings from our pastor. I talked to him yesterday and he’s recovering well. He sounded strong as a bull- classic MacArthur.

He’s going to work three times harder when he gets back, I’m sure and continue to outrun us all. So grateful for good progress for his recovery and he’s doing well. He wanted me to let you know. So that’s good news.

While we don’t know MacArthur’s diagnosis, generally speaking, blocked arteries occur when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body become narrowed or blocked by a buildup of plaque. This plaque comprises cholesterol, fat, and other substances in the blood.

Common in people over 60, blocked arteries can lead to serious health problems, such as chest pain, heart attacks and strokes. It is typically treated with lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery, such as:

  • Angioplasty and stenting, which uses a small balloon to open the blocked artery and a stent to keep it open
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery, which uses a blood vessel from another part of the body to bypass the blocked artery

We continue to prray for his swift and sure recovery.

h/t to Bible Thumping Wingnut on YouTube.


John MacArthur Recovering After Unexpected Surgery

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, has given an update on the health of Pastor John MacArthur, informing the congregation that after a week of testing, the venerated elder underwent a medical procedure designed to clear a blockage in his arteries and that he would be taking a few weeks off to rest and recover.

MacArthur, 83, has had some health struggles over the last two weeks. He was unable to preach the second service at his church two weeks ago and did not preach the previous week, with Michael Reeves taking over that duty. 

While we don’t know MacArthur’s diagnosis, generally speaking, blocked arteries occur when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body become narrowed or blocked by a buildup of plaque. This plaque comprises cholesterol, fat, and other substances in the blood.

Common in people over 60, blocked arteries can lead to serious health problems, such as chest pain, heart attacks and strokes. It is typically treated with lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery, such as:

  • Angioplasty and stenting, which uses a small balloon to open the blocked artery and a stent to keep it open
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery, which uses a blood vessel from another part of the body to bypass the blocked artery

The church informs that MacArthur “will take the next few weeks off from preaching to recover and to prepare for Shepherds Conference.” They say he’s “feeling better and is grateful for the opportunity to rest in the coming weeks” and ask supporters to “please continue to pray for our pastor’s recovery.”

h/t BTWN News

Breaking Church News

Update: Voddie Baucham To Undergo Coronary Bypass Surgery This Morning

Pastor Voddie Baucham is undergoing coronary bypass surgery today, the result of having a major setback with his heart and recovery.

Voddie was about to embark on a book tour for the launch of his excellent Fault Lines, when doctors discovered another blockage in his heart, the result of the weekly tests he stays close by to do. A spokesperson for Voddie explains:

“It was determined that he must have another procedure this weekend to deal with the blockage. Please pray for Voddie and his doctors as he undergoes this new procedure. We expect to have the next update on his condition early next week”

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Coronary bypass surgery is a procedure that restores blood flow to your heart muscle by diverting the flow of blood around a section of a blocked artery in your heart. Coronary bypass surgery redirects blood around a section of a blocked or partially blocked artery in your heart.”

This bad news comes less than a week after updating supporters that things were going great and on the up and up.

Lord willing if everything goes well today, we’ll go from weekly visits to monthly visits for the next couple of months, and if everything checks out, then by the end of may I should be released to go to quarterly visits.

At the time he said that “everything looks good,” and that he’s getting stronger every day, walking a mile at a time and doing pushups, situps, and squats, all while waiting for a release from his doctors that will let him do more, push things and see his heart challenged.

While saying, “We have to be prepared for the possibility that there are more [challenges] ahead,” he informed friends and supporters, “The good news is, I am no longer on a path to heart transplant.”

Continue to pray fro Voddie


Voddie Baucham Having Heart Surgery Today

Voddie Baucham is scheduled to have surgery this morning at 11:00am to repair his heart and “give it a chance to ‘remodel'” according to a post to his social media.

Describing his week as being filled with “ups and downs,” which included two cardiac arrest events, Baucham explains the procedure: “Tomorrow, the home takes the field and goes on offense.”

He further invokes and pleads for his wife, Bridget, for the peace of the Holy Spirit after watching and experience so many traumatic events these past few weeks. He writes:

The last week has been filled with ups and downs. However, everything has been moving forward towards a procedure that could not only repair my heart, but also give it a chance to ‘remodel.’

That procedure is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:00! To quote one of my doctors, “Tomorrow, the home takes the field and goes on offense.”

Please pray for the @mayoclinic team that will do the work. Please pray for my dear wife. She has had to watch me go through one traumatic event after another, including two cardiac events this week that set off alarms and brought the entire staff running into my room to intervene (crash cart and all!). Tomorrow, I will be asleep (under anesthesia), but Bridget will have to spend several hours waiting for news. Pray that the Lord will make his presence known to her and grant her peace.

Pray for our children, both here and back in Lusaka. Pray the Lord uses this to call them to himself and teach them to trust him. Pray the Lord grants healing and restoration. Pray that the Lord brings glory to his name through it all.

Meanwhile, his GoFundMe continues to build, nearing 1.4 million dollars, along with donations sent to his other ministry and funding channels.

While this is a blessing to see the support, all the money in the world won’t help if he doesn’t live to see it. Continue to keep this dear brother in prayer, for physical healing, and for his wife and kids.

Evangelical Stuff News Onward to Glory

Voddie Baucham Fundraiser Crosses $1,000,000 + New Updates

Voddie Baucham has updated his supporters about his condition, writing across multiple social media platforms that he landed in Dallas late last night, after a 16-hour flight from Doha. Baucham explains that he is extremely grateful for the prayers and funds and that they continue to trust in the Lord. He writes:

As I write this, we are about two hours from landing at DFW (our penultimate stop). The journey has been long, but God has been gracious. Because we have WiFi on the flight we have been in constant contact with our doctor in Lusaka and others in the U.S., all of whom are monitoring my vitals and how I’m tolerating the journey.

We have also been able to watch as our needs have been met in abundance! We praise God for his faithfulness in providing. We are indebted to Tom Ascol and @foundersministries for not only setting up the GoFundMe (link in bio), but for doing the legwork (with the help of medical advisors familiar with my case) to even get an idea of what the financial needs may be.

We are also grateful to our partners at @meigiving who have been a constant help and guide over the past several years of our work in Lusaka, and who have stepped up big time as gifts came in through them as well.

Finally, we want to thank the people of God whose prayers, words of encouragement, financial support, and offers of other forms of help have been nothing less than overwhelming.

This is not over by a long shot. In fact, in many ways we have only just begun. I will say more later about the ‘team’ the Lord has gathered around us to guide us through this process. But for now, know that we are in good hands.

At the end of the Joburg to Doha leg of the journey, I wasn’t doing well. We almost had to change plans. However, that wasn’t the point. The point was, as we were worrying about how we would pay for this, how/when we bring the kids, etc., the Lord reminded us, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34 ESV)

So for now, we just rejoice in getting through today’s trouble.

Voddie’s GoFundMe also topped $1,000,000 overnight, given by nearly 10,000 donors, with likely several hundred thousand dollars more given privately or through @meigiving, the other platform.

Though some have speculated why he did not have insurance or accusing him of being irresponsible for not having it, no information has been given on why that is, though a plethroa of acceptable reasons might be given, with one being the diffiuclty in getting access to medical insurance in Zambia for a family of 9 at a rate that they could afford and that would competently cover such catastropic health failures.