
Woke Theologian Dr. Christina Edmondson Trashes White Christians and Their Ability To Love Their Neighbor

Dr. Christina Edmondson, an anti-racist advocate has put the hit on white people again, explaining in a newly unearthed video from 2019 that she has the ability to read the hearts and minds of all believers, and that it comes to loving our neighbors, black Christians are good at it, whereas white Christians “feign confusion” about their call to love.

For those unfamiliar with Dr. Edmondson, last year she wrote an article for Christianity Today which was an excretable, gangrenous cauldron of the worst excesses of woke TGC, ERLC, and #BigEva put together, sprinkled with a healthy dose of Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory rhetoric for that extra bitter kick, where she argued that that inherent in a White Christian’s faith is the built-in justification to commit terrible acts of murder against black people, and that Christians voting for the Republican party is an act of violence against black folk.

What else? Oh yeah, she also co-hosted the Truth’s Table podcast for years with progressive pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ pastrix Michelle Higgins, who taught that the Trinity is Queer, so you know she has a ton of discernment. In any case, she makes the pronouncement:

What does it mean that even now in 2019, as I speak, and someone watches and maybe tweets, hello? What does it mean that we literally are still having debates about whether or not theologians who owned slaves were racist? What does that mean?

What does it mean that we’re debating about the morality of segregation and apartheid? All of these things are indictments of our lovelessness. But more specifically, here’s another question. Why is the topic of social justice so provocative in Christian circles in America? Why does that cause people to get all out of sorts and in their feelings?

You see, for we as Christians serve a God who is decidedly social in God’s being. The Trinitarian God, the one who made us as image-bearers, who are interconnected and interdependent social beings. God’s gospel is shown via the redemption and resurrection of the greatest act of injustice- the death of Christ on the cross.

And God is just, even just, gracious, and loving to the undeserving. And those who call this God ‘father’ are to be like this God as well.

Yet here we are, at this moment that echoes through American history. Whereas to be very specific, white Christians, feign confusion about the call to love our neighbor. I know that’s hard, isn’t it? It’s true.

Good to know!

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PSA: If Someone You Know is Considering Adoption, Reach Out to Us

If someone you know is considering adoption, being in a position where they cannot care for the child in their womb or after it has been born, please reach out to us.

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The adoptive parents would travel anywhere in the country to meet the child and would pay for all expenses relating to having him or her including prenatal care, all adoption fees, and all living expenses for the mother while she has the child, and even afterward for a time.

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