
Lecrae Discontinues ‘Cardi B’ Shirt After Backlash From Christian Rapper, Community

Deconstructed rapper Lecrae announced that he has discontinued his “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians” after being called out publicly by Christian Rapper Dee-1, along with sustained pressure from fans, who have publicly criticized his “Righteous & Ratchet” merchandise campaign. 

According to Rolling Out:

“When I saw he used his large platform to publicly push, promote and glorify a lifestyle of being righteous and ratchet, I was like, ‘nah,’ ” Dee-1 said. “I have a responsibility to use my large public platform to put a message out and let people know that we as believers do not all agree with that and we don’t stamp that. We don’t co-sign that.”

Dee-1 said after he initially called Lecrae out for it, the two had a private conversation and Dee-1 thought they agreed the campaign wasn’t appropriate. But, Lecrae continued to market the line, and he even saw one of the shirts for sale that read, “I can quote Cardi B and Corinthians.”

“He still chose to want to monetize the moment,” Dee-1 said. “So [now], it seems like you’re putting the business before the ministry, and we have to be careful of that in life. When you’re doing ministry and business, it should never be business and then ministry.

In a new post on Instagram, Lecrae revealed he was discontinuing the shirt amid backlash.

“Enough people have been frustrated or upset behind that Cardi shirt, and I want y’all to understand my intentions in my heart. First of all, it will be discontinued, just so you know that. The shirt was not about promoting debauchery or worldliness, that wasn’t the intention.

“I can own the fact that I should have put more thought into that before we dropped it. I didn’t even consider some of these realities. Context is king, and Christianity in major cities and places that I dwell is a hotbed for racism, political ideology, homophobia, anti-intellectualism, and I always want to push back on people when they think that, because we’re not! That’s not what Christianity is, but a lot of people think that’s what it is.”

Despite removing the Cardi B shirt, he has elected to keep his “I can quote Kendrick (Lamar) and Corinthians” for sale .

Bonus: We’ve spoken at length about how by every measurable standard, the deconstruction Lecrae is so grateful to have undergone is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth leading to death. Let’s look at his life over the last two years.

For more on this story:


Lecrae Disses Voddie Baucham in New Song ‘Deconstruction’

Rapper and Producer Lecrae has released a new song, “Deconstruction” off his album Church Clothes 4, where he disses Voddie Baucham and mentions several pastors he once looked up to while extoling the deconstruction and he’s been through, which he thinks has made him a better Christian and saved his faith.

We’ve spoken at length about how by every measurable standard, the deconstruction Lecrae is so grateful to have undergone is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth leading to death. Let’s look at his life over the last two years.

Lecrae believes this is all healthy, and in the song he takes a shot at pastor Voddie Baucham, while namedropping John Piper, Tony Evans, and even wishy-washy Churchome pastor Judah Smith as people who contributed to his deconstruction. In particular, he points to Baucham for telling him he needs to reorient his thinking after he bought the lie that an unarmed Michael Brown was murdered by police for no reason, rather than lawfully killed after attempting to grab a police officer’s gun after he committed a theft.

I would speak at churches, hang with leaders and such
You know, Judah, Piper, and Keller, Tony Evans was clutch
I was so involved, never thought that I could fall, y’all
Right before the fall of 2015, I was all off
It involved killing Michael Brown, had me feeling down
Tweeted ’bout it, Christians call me clown, I was losing ground

And Voddie was a hero of mine, met with him plenty times
This time, when he spoke, it cut me deeper than I realized

Doubled-down, spoke about my pain, I was met with blame
“Shame on you, ‘Crae, stop crying, get back to Jesus’ name”
Cut me deep, I was losing sleep, “God, ain’t these Your sheep?”
Why they hate me like they do? Maybe grace is really cheap
Maybe this is all a lie, they don’t really love me
They just love it when I say the things they wanna hear in public
They’re like following they God mean turnin’ on Black people
Is Black evil? Why do they hate and attack people?
I’m vulnerable and cautious, I’m reading (James) Baldwin
Ta-Nehisi got me thinking, now I’m going all in
I ain’t know if God was real no mo’
Every day we gettin’ killed, and I can’t deal no more

After reiterating the other lie that black folk are being shot by police officers for no reason, He goes on to explain that he fell into a period of depression and sin, where he doubted his faith, but then he had a Damascus-like encounter where he realized that “I let the church trauma turn into a God wound” and after reading Critical Race Theorists like James Baldwin and Ta-Henisi Coates, he’s made for himself a new faith which works for him.

I learned the western world is twisting up the scriptures
So when I re-enlisted, I learned the eastern context the way that Jesus meant it
My peace has been cemented, my soul has been re-lifted
My deconstruction ended, reconstruction is beginning

With the fruit of his deconstruction that we’ve seen so far, we hate to see what the future of his construction will hold.


Stacey Abrams Claims Fetal Heartbeats at 6 Weeks Are ‘Manufactured’+ Why Does Lecrae Fawn Over Her?

In a sign of absolute science denial and conspiracy theory, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claimed on Wednesday that “there is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks,” adding, “It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

Following the comments, Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby killing world, updated their website to reflect Abram’s talking point with the Washington Examiner pointing out:

Planned Parenthood changed its website without any acknowledgment of modifications to say that under the five- to six-week mark of pregnancy, “a part of the embryo starts to show cardiac activity. It sounds like a heartbeat on an ultrasound, but it’s not a fully-formed heart — it’s the earliest stage of the heart developing.” The same webpage previously said that “a very basic beating heart and circulatory system develop,” per an archive of the page from July.

Republican Governor Brian Kemp currently has a 4 point lead over Abrams in the latest poll

Abrams has been previously lauded by several progressives, including recording artist Lecrae, for being a role model for little girls: something she absolutely is not. She’s responsible for the deaths of little girls. She’s Margaret Sanger in black-face. There is nothing commendable about Stacey Abrams that can outweigh her wicked and evil support of abortion.

A few years ago, Lecrae took time to pose for a photograph with the woman who wants to keep the wombs of American mothers a more dangerous environment than any slave ship to cross the Atlantic.

Posting to his Instagram account, Lecrae said:

Dear @staceyabrams, My daughter looks up to you and she’s 9. Not because she’s familiar with your stances and policies, but because you’re a highly educated woman of color who fights for what she believes in despite opposition. She sees that she can be more than what society says. Thank you.

Lecrae, known for LYING about his deconstruction, commends Abrams for fighting “for what she believes in” and apparently teaches his daughter that this is a commendable trait. This, of course, is sub-intellectual.

Jefferson Davis, the first (and only) president of the Confederate States of America, literally fought for what he believed in. Was it honorable? Adolf Hitler, who gassed 6 million Jews and countless others, literally fought for what he believed in. Was it honorable? Orval Faubus, as governor of Arkansas, challenged desegregation and the Little Rock Nine, and fought for what he believed in. Was it honorable?

Of course, people of reasonable intellect know that “fighting for what you believe in” is not a good thing if what you believe in is a bad thing. In the case of Stacey Abrams, this includes the mass-infanticide of unborn black Americans in disproportionate numbers. That’s hardly a good thing. Honestly, it seems as wicked as any Civil War general ever was. In fact, considering that there is no record of any Confederate Civil War general having advocated for the death of infants or for the eugenic extermination of the ethnic Africans, it’s safe to say that Stacey Abrams ‘fighting for what she believes in’ is significantly worse.

For Lecrae, it seems that the primary reason his daughter (supposedly) looks up to Abrams as a role model is because of the color of her skin and her education. There are, of course, countless highly educated black women who don’t promote political policies that accord with the devil, but the will stay unacknowledged by him.

Abrams is a wicked woman, and her wild-eyed attempts to deny biological reality, as most Democrats do, should hopefully see her swiftly punished at the polls.


In New Tweets, Lecrae Lies About His Deconstruction

In a series of posts on Twitter, musical artist and producer Lecrae has challenged the notion that Christian ‘deconstruction’ is always bad, arguing that there are two types; one ‘healthy’ and the ‘dangerous’. One type of deconstruction is healthy and involves “using scriptures to deconstruct unhealthy ideas and practices” and the other is unhealthy because it “questions the bible on account of it not lining up with culture.

It is clear by every measurable standard that the deconstruction Lecrae is so grateful to have undergone is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth that is leading to death. Let’s look at his life over the last two years:

1. He regularly watches pornographic TV shows that are filled with graphic sex and nudity. Is this heathy or unhealthy?

2. He has stopped going to church. Is this healthy or unhealthy?

3. He rebuked a street preacher for preaching the gospel at a rap concert. Is this healthy or unhealthy?

4. He has claimed hanging out on a bus ‘chopping it up’ is ‘church’ and that a recent album release party where people hang out, eat food, and get free tattoos is ‘church.’ Is this healthy or unhealthy?

5. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview. Is this healthy or unhealthy?

He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism, took more time out of his day to dismiss the need for a local church body, and said after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated, that it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb”. Are these unhealthy or unhealthy deconstructions?

He concludes:

Clearly we know the ‘unhealthy’ views that he has thrown out, but that’s not Christ he’s looking at.


Rap Artist Lecrae Has Been Watching Some Filthy, Filthy, Fiiiiiiiiilthy TV Shows

Naw (Indwelling sin) I ain’t trusting you
Ain’t nothing but lust in you
Thanks be to God I obeyed the teaching I was entrusted to.
…See dawg I live by the Spirit so I don’t gratify
All them old sinful desires that never satisfy

…What? A lil this, a lil that, a lil BET late at night
That’s like a lil crack, see you ain’t gone lie to me
I see how you be tryna be
BET tonight becomes addiction to pornography
And that’s in no way honoring the God who’s ruling sovereignly

…after that I sober up and think of Jesus holding up
His skin up on the cross for all them drunken nights I’m throwing up
Every thought of blowin’ up is captured in his flowing blood
I start thinking Philippians 4:8 when you showing up

Lecrae. Indwelling Sin. Rebel album, 2008. Pre-Deconstruction.

Prior to his professed deconstruction of his faith (more on that here) rapper Lecrae was a very different person. He would frequently speak out against sexual sin and lust in his music, along with the battles of his flesh against the draws of his flesh. One example would be his song Indwelling Sin, which we’ve included a few lines above, which describes what it’s like struggle to stay pure against rising sinful desires. Back then, if you asked him whether or not Christians should be watching TV shows and movies filled with sex and nudity, he would have given a firm ‘no.’

This is not the case anymore.

Two shows stand out from Lecrae’s list. One is the adult-rated ‘Ozark’, which we discussed here. Not only is there tons of cursing in this series, between 20-50 F-bombs an episode and a fair amount of violence, the show is rife with sex scenes, including many graphic homosexual ones, resulting in it being rated 18+ in many countries. This is a show where less than three minutes into the very first episode, a semi-nude man receives oral sex and then starts thrusting into a woman, and the rest of the sexual content is consistent and persistent.

Another series is ‘Snowfall’ which also contains a ton of graphic sex and nudity and which Lecrae has watched through. This series has received cautions from both Common Sense Media and it’s IMBD page, who explain:

In fact, in the very first episode, within the first 5 minutes, a naked woman blows cocaine up a naked man’s backside, and then gives the man oral sex, before being joined by another woman for a threesome. In the first 5 minutes,* and Lecrae didn’t turn it off? He kept on watching after that, knowing that this was setting the pace for the rest of the movie? What sort of filth was in the rest of the 4 other seasons?

It’s almost as bad as the Senior Editor of The Gospel Coalition, Brett McCracken, shared that his Favorite TV Show Contains a Graphic Homosexual Sex Scene.

It’s shameful stuff, but Lecrae sees nothing wrong with it. In fact, he’s about to go on his “Unashamed Tour”

Time for him to revisit that song, perhaps, and the indwelling sin that he’s ceased fighting against.

  • Editor’s Note. We have not personally watched that scene from Snowfall, but two independent sources have verified that it’s there. If Lecrae can prove otherwise, we’ll take it down, but every indication is that it’s as described.


Rapper Lecrae Explains Why He’s Stopped Going to Church- and It’s Stupid

Rapper Lecrae continues to manifest the wicked fruit of his deconstruction, which is most evident in his view of what church is. He’s previously said that the biblical, North American model of church is simply a “traditionalist” take that Christians can take or leave, at their personal discretion.

This is not surprising for the spiraling rapper, who months ago specifically and overtly claimed that hanging out on a bus ‘chopping it up’ is ‘church’ and that said his album release party where they hung out and got free tattoos was his ‘church’. These are things he explicitly said, so you know his ecclesiology did not come out of his deconstruction unscathed. 

In a new interview with Church Leaders, Lecrae shares further thoughts on his own reconstruction and deconstruction, and why church attendance must be deconstructed.

It’s worth noting that it’s been about two years since he’s stopped attending church regularly. Prior to stopping, he attended Renovation Church, a woke black church in Atlanta whose pastor Léonce Crump called for “Redistribution Of Power And Resources” In The “Evangelical Church Sphere” and who preached that Genesis 33 is About Jacob Paying Reparations To Esau For ‘Abuse’ and ‘Violations’. Lecrae explains:

….I would say is the goal of a healthy deconstruction is reconstruction. When you find out you have mold in your house, you’ve got to tear it out. We’re not saying you break up the foundation. We’re not saying you take away the foundation, which for us, as followers of Christ, is Jesus Himself. We’re not saying we remove Him, but we’re saying we’ve built a lot of things on the foundation of Jesus that should have never been. They’re more cultural. They’re more political. They’re more economical than they are biblical or Christian. So now it’s making people say, “I don’t even want to call myself a Christian, because every time I think of Christian, I think of all these political things and all these other terms,” which is making people say, “I’m done with it.”

He clarifies that the reason he doesn’t go to church is that he needs to deconstruct why he’s going, so has stopped attending while he figures out if the church is just some manner of “mold.”

So I’m okay with a healthy deconstruction, which is one where the goal is to build back up. I want to build. But I’ve got to tear down all these things, because I don’t know where the mold is.

So I know you guys think I hate church because I’m not going for a season, but I don’t know if that’s where I’m being triggered. So, for a season, I’m not going to go there. I need to figure out what this means and process it. I think that if we’re really serious about our faith, we are walking with people through that process. You gotta think: the disciples walked with Jesus for three years, and they didn’t really get it until it was over…”

For more information: Lecrae’s Answer on ‘Whether or Not Christians Should Go to Church’ Is Shockingly Bad

*Editor’s Note. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb. He also Wore a Shirt with Homage to Filthy, Filthy, FIIIIILTHY Song at Rap Concert and he recently Rebuked a Street Preacher for Preaching the Gospel at Rap Concert.


Lecrae Gives ‘Blessings’ and ‘Appreciates’ Black Hebrew Israelites Street Preachers

Two months after Rapper Lecrae Rebuked a Street Preacher for Preaching the Gospel at a Rap Concert, criticizing his methods and telling him that what he’s doing is wrong and ineffective and that he was“pushing people away with his preaching” the prominent music artist had a decidedly different reaction when faced with a group Black Hebrew Israelites preaching blasphemy and heresy outside the recent Superbowl game, telling the obstreperous men that he “appreciates” them and gives “blessings” to them.

The video was uploaded by Sicarii on March 22, 2022. The Black Hebrew Israelites are a cult known for racist rants and openly antagonistic, vitriolic, and aggressive curse-laden proselytizing. They are not actually Hebrew, being largely ignorant of the Hebrew Bible and deny almost all fundamentals of New Testament faith. They are basically the invert of the KKK and can regularly be seen in public repeating White Supremacist, Aryan, and Neo-Nazi talking points against the “Zionist Jews.”

During the interaction, which can be seen below on Vocab Malone’s channel, Lecrae peacefully and silently observes them spewing out wild conspiracies and blasphemies, and then when asked if he has any questions, he tells them “No, I just appreciate ya’ll representing.” After listening to more of their wretched beliefs, nodding along, he eventually gives them a little wave and tells them “Blessings” as he walks off.

Lecrae appears at the 3-minute mark, but the opening minutes are crucial for context.

It’s interesting that he appreciates the heretic ‘representing’ but decidedly did not appreciate the street preachers encountered earlier in the year.

How is this any different than telling Planned Parenthood groups on campus that you appreciate them “representing?’ while they man their booths and pass out condoms and the address of the nearest abortuary? Do they get any blessings? Or telling a white supremacist group holding a lynching rope that they are appreciated for representing while they take turns peeing on a picture of Emmet Till? Did Elijah appreciate the priests representing Baal at Mt Carmel and give them his ‘blessings?’ Did Paul appreciate the Judaizers representing their beliefs at the council of Jerusalem?


Then maybe he shouldn’t appreciate these folk either.

For a long commentary on this, see Kdubtru’s video here


Fruit of Deconstruction! Lecrae Again Dismisses Need for Local Church Body

Rapper Lecrae continues to manifest the wicked fruit of his deconstruction*, weighing in on his ‘No Church in a While’ album as he explains the reconstruction he’s gone through has resulted in a grossly unbiblical view of what church it, labeling what we understood the biblical, North American model of church to be a simply “traditionalist” take that Christians can take or leave, at their personal discretion.

This is not surprising for the spiraling rapper, who months ago specifically and overtly Claimed Hanging out on a Bus ‘Chopping it up’ is ‘Church’ and that his Album Release Party w/ Free Tattoos as his ‘Church’. These are things he explicitly said, so you know his ecclesiology did not come out of his deconstruction unscathed. Take a look at what he said, and see if you can spot the weasely words he’s employing.

Speaking to CBN News, he first explained:

The church is biblical. We are the church as a body, but then there’s also structure put in place in order to have decency and order. So those are the things I want to respect. But I do think we have to be careful when we start blaming more cultural things, instituting those cultural mandates. And I think we have to fight against that traditionalism, especially in America, where if church doesn’t look like this, it’s not being done right.”

And then on his own channel in a video about why he HAD to deconstruct his Christian faith:

That’s right. I deconstructed. I just did not understand that even though the followers of Christ were doing all this crazy stuff that I couldn’t wrap my brain around, it didn’t mean that he endorsed it. And so I didn’t have to throw the whole baby out with the bathwater, but we’re so inundated with everything looking like the way it looks.

Especially in America, it’s like, well, of course, you know, ‘don’t forsake the fellowship of the assembly’. That verse really does not have anything to do with going to a building with lights and cameras and songs. If you want to do that, that’s great. But what that verse is really about- not forsaking the fellowship- is like not walking away from the faith, the group of people who held you down, growing with believers. Like, look at the context of the verse.

And so in America, oftentimes, where we fellowship with believers is in this institution that is on Sundays in a building, sometimes there’s coffee, and there’s childcare. That’s just kind of the way we’ve set it up. But that’s a description, not a prescription of what church is. Church is people. It’s the body, right? You got elders, you got deacons, you got leaders, and you got people who come together to grow.

And when you’re deconstructing, oftentimes, for me, it was me saying, ‘I don’t like the infrastructures that these people have built that care more about money, that care less about people or marginalized people or poor people. And so I don’t want anything to do with it.’

And you started looking like, ‘well, where does it exist where it’s better?’ And oftentimes, you just don’t see it, because you don’t have access to it, you haven’t been exposed to it. But I’ve been very fortunate to travel the world and realize that there are broken people everywhere, but there are also institutions and infrastructures that do not look like what we have created here in America. (Ed. Note. Sunday morning church with worship, fellowship, elders, deacons, communion, church discipline, worship, etc)

It’s not to say that they’re better. It’s just to say that they have different issues and different struggles. And I began to realize that the struggles that we have are not necessary in other places, right? And so I was able to see the difference between the Christ of the Scriptures and the Christ that we have kind of propped up as like a politicized commercialized version, and I said, Oh, I don’t want to politicize commercialized stuff, but I do want Christ and I do want his church and I do want the fellowship and all of those particular things.

*Editor’s Note. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb. He also Wore a Shirt with Homage to Filthy, Filthy, FIIIIILTHY Song at Rap Concert and he recently Rebuked a Street Preacher for Preaching the Gospel at Rap Concert.


Woke Pastor Calls for “Redistribution Of Power And Resources” In The “Evangelical Church Sphere”

(Woke Preacher Clips) Léonce Crump of Renovation Church calls for “redistribution of power and resources” in a June 2020 panel discussion at the Atlanta-area New Mercies Christian Church. Crump says this in response to a question from moderator Justin Giboney about “practical steps” for Christians to take after the antiracism protests of summer 2020. Lee Jenkins, pastor of Eagles Nest Church, co-signs Crump’s statement, though neither of them offer specific demands. (Editor’s Note. Crump is Lecrae’s pastor, and a while ago he argued Genesis 33 is About Jacob Paying Reparations To Esau For ‘Abuse’ and ‘Violations.)

LEONCE CRUMP: There needs to be, in my opinion, a redistribution of power and resources in the large evangelical church sphere. I’m done.

JUSTIN GIBONEY: So, anyone else? Pastor Lee looks like he might have.

LEE JENKINS: Well, I agree with that. There does need to be a redistribution of power and resources, but one of the ways to make that happen is we have to get involved. We have been speaking and protesting from afar. In sports we call it, we need to stop being spectators and we need to get into the game, which means as pastors we need to understand the world of politics more. We need to train future politicians. We need to run for city council. I mean, we got to get on the field and get involved. And so, I think the church, we haven’t talked about that a whole lot, but I just think it is time that we should be a training center for sending people out into the world to be salt and light to the earth. GIBONEY: That’s powerful.

Editor’s Note. This article is a WPC YouTube Video put into post form.


Lecrae’s Record Company Drops Artist After He Sends Several Scandalous Pics

Reach Records has dropped producer and Christian artist GAWVI (real name Gabriel Alberto Azucena) after it was revealed that he’s been sending unsolicited nude pictures of himself to women for years, removing him from the label and booting him from the upcoming ‘We are Unashamed Tour’, which was announced just 8 days before.

The brouhaha flared up after GAWVI revealed over the weekend that he was divorcing his wife, Brianna Azucena, after being separated since 2020, in a since-deleted Instagram post, writing :

“We did everything we could to make it work for years, but after seeking the support of friends, family and counseling, I came to an extremely hard decision to move forward in a direction that I felt would be healthiest. There is no scandal to gossip about, just 2 adults that made decisions that lead to this point. And if you know me, you know I hate divorce and I’m not here to promote it.”

This resulted in Brianna’s friend, visual artist and designer Cataphant taking to Twitter and raking GAWVI over the coals for his behavior, while also sticking up for his wife who has been for the last year lamenting on her now-private Instagram account for a marriage rocked by infidelity.

In follow-up messages, she reveals that those at Reach Records have known about the situation with him for a while and confronted him about it, but he was unwilling to change. Finally, with the scrutiny becoming too much to bear over the divorce announcement, they had to formally cut ties.

Our question would be if this: if his scandalous activity was known for such a long time, why did Lecrae and his label announce that he was joining them on their “We are Unashamed” tour? which is named after a bible verse about being unashamed of the gospel, less than a week ago? You know this guy is radioactive- why have him on tour?

We have reached out to Reach Records and will update this post accordingly.