abortion Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA News Politics

Rapper Lecrae says Biden Presidency is ‘Right Side of History,’ Claims Dems are ‘Pro-Life’

Fallin’-Away Lecrae, the rapper who has devolved into a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism last seen putting on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, is at it again.

Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae know that’s he has been in a bad way for years, showing clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent.

From promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, to punting the ball when asked whether or not abortion should be legal, he’s barely a blip on the faithful horizon as we wave to him leaving.

Now, on Joe Biden’s inauguration day, Lecrae took a moment to kick back and contently murmur:

Feels good to be on the side side of history…Which of course is the anti-racism, pro-life from womb to tomb, care for the marginalized, anti-Christian nationalism, anti-abuse of power side.

That he believes America is finally on the”right side of history” is no shock, as the Democrats are about to unleash historical levels of pro-homosexuality, pro-transgender, pro-choice, pro-religious persecution, and pro-freedom crashing policies.

One example is that his team confirmed President Biden is signing an executive order within 48 hours to reverse the “Mexico City policy,” which blocks federal funding for NGO’s that provide abortion services oversees.

Yet he somehow believes Democrats are “pro-life from womb to tomb.” Go figure.

When he was asked how he went from his 2008 album “Rebel” which had such theologically sound content that he was welcomed to perform at John MacArthur’s Masters College and Regen Youth Camp, to posts like this, Lecrae was dismissive, saying that he grew out of it.

abortion Featured News Politics

Lecrae Put on Concert to Get Dem Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff Elected to Senate

Update. Link to video and concert HERE

Rapper Lecrae, who has devolved into a biblically unsound, theologically progressive paramecium, decided to put his musical chops to bad use by putting on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. The purpose of the concert was to help them win their Georgia seats, thereby giving the Democrats a majority in the Senate and giving them the power and numbers to push through their progressive, pro-LGBT, pro-choice, pro-God knows what else policies.

It makes sense that he would do this, given the last few months he’s had. Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years, showing clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent.

From promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, to punting the ball when asked whether or not abortion should be legal, he’s barely a blip on the horizon as we wave to him leaving.

Billed as a rally/concert, the event took place December 17 at Turner Field in Atlanta, where he joined fellow-musician Rasheeda and her husband and manager Kirk Frost. Evidently, Lecrae was tasked to get the crowd pumped up and ready to vote the heck out of those ballots come voting day.

We wondered if he played the song “Good, Bad, Ugly” where he confesses that he paid for an abortion years ago.

To that crowd?

Nah, probably not.

Definitely all his new stuff.

In a July 2020 interview with Summer Evans for WABE, Lecrae was asked how he differentiates between political issues and Biblical issues, and the answer he gives is about as clear as mud and twice as dirty.

Issues that I feel are moral, ethical, or Biblical issues, our society has made them into political ideologies. Something that should just be a moral, ethical, or Biblical issue, has been co-opted and made into a policy or agenda. So, when you want to wrestle with that particular thing, then you’re accused of choosing a political side or picking a political agenda…when at the end of the day, loving your neighbor as yourself is not a political agenda, it’s a Biblical agenda.

He doesn’t seem to understand that when a political party chooses to take an immoral, wicked issue and make it the defining, primary plank in their platform; it becomes a political issue.

In fact, all legislation is a matter of morality. No law or piece of legislation exists that isn’t based on moral grounds. Yet in Lecrae’s infantilist world the two are seemingly distinct and unrelated.

Let’s be real about this. If the Democratic party thought they could get away with it, they’d chop off the head of their donkey logo and replace it with a dead fetus with one of its legs cut off, viscera spilling out of her body, and defensive wounds on her tiny hands where the scalpel sliced clean through them, given the fanaticism for which worship at the altar of child sacrifice. Hell, they’d probably use Lecrae’s aborted baby to fill their race-based quotas and infuse a little blackness into their symbol.

Lecrae is helping the ones who are promoting, praising, expanding, and entrenching into law a holocaust that leaves a nation knee-deep in the blood of 12-week old pre-born babies, yet he’s getting a never-ending pass because he paid for some lunatic to murder his child 15 years ago?

We don’t think so. He’s using the dismembered body of his dead daughter as a smokescreen and “get out of jail card” he can point to every time someone questions him on why he’s helping those sending babies to heaven by the truckload.

And it’s about time someone called him out on it. [Editor’s note: In case you missed it, we just did.]

abortion Church Featured News

Rapper Lecrae: ‘Pay us Money or We will Kill our Babies’

No one ever came up with the political idea of ‘people will kill their babies less if we take money from their neighbors and give it to them’ from reading their Bibles. @NateSchlomann

“Reformed” rapper Lecrae, far removed from his articulation of a biblical worldview and now firmly riding at the back of the #wokebus, has come out with a stellar strategy and justification for reducing abortions that boils down to a tricksy progressive scheme.

Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years. He shows clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent, from promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.

It’s no surprise then that a recent Tweet is particualrily illogical and egregious:

Translation: “Let us steal from you or we will kill our babies. P.S.: Vote Democrat.”

Lecrae’s bright idea to suggest extortion under threat of escalating the incidences of mushed-up baby skulls and cranking up the vacuum suction on that dilation and curettage machine is a bold one for sure. You almost want to ask if he knows how women get pregnant and where babies come from, given that none of his proposals are actually required to conceive and not kill a child.

For someone who paid for a woman to have an abortion back in 2002, you’d think he’d have a deeper appreciation for how morally monstrous that really is, this is, notwithstanding the fact that the “systemic racism” and “income gap” that’s caused so much poverty in the black community comes from leftists whose policies created fatherless homes and welfare dependence.

There’s so much stupid and outrageous about his liberal talking point, however, that we and others can easily play the same game. Rather than abolishing slavery:

“What if Christians in the Antebellum South who want to reduce the amount of slaves, supported funding education for slave owners to learn better agricultural practices to maximize cotton crops, dealt with the inherent dishonestly of traders who were capturing and selling free black men, and addressed the wage gap between rich and poor plantations that necessitated the need for slaves?”

Or Jon Harris with a few of his own:

We could go on and on.

Here’s another way to reduce abortion: don’t vote for the party that idolizes Planned Parenthood – the apex-predator of the baby-killing world, and don’t vote for the party that wants to paint the country red with the slurry of scrambled baby parts in the name of feminism and personal choice, vowing to do all they can to entrench and embed that right into law.

Start there, Lecrae, then we can talk.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Rapper Lecrae Sputters ‘You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know’ When asked about Sin of Homosexuality in Interview

In an interview reminiscent of Joel Osteen repeatedly saying “I don’t know” to CNN’s Larry King’s questions about the exclusivity of Christ, a visibly uncomfortable Lecrae hemmed and hawed his way through an interview asking about whether he’d go to a gay wedding and ultimately whether or homosexuality is a sin, serving as a damning indictment against the once-favored son of TGC and showing himself ashamed of God’s word.

In an interview with DJ Vlad, posted in part below, the host pressed Lecrae on his opinion of Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy making statements that are pro-family and against homosexuality, wanting to know if he agrees with them.

Lecrae, clearly not wanting to discuss any of this, engages in a bit of shucking and thriving, dancing around the answers in hopes of maintaining a burgeoning career and the approval of the world, putting on some comically clueless facial expressions and awkwardly asking Vlad “Does he still stand by that today?” as if our Lord’s view on marriage and sex and family is somehow not true yesterday, today, and forever. Seriously. The man looks shook to his soul.

Quickly confronted with a followup question over what the hop-hop-artist would do if his son were to come out as a homosexual, Lecrae puts on a masterclass of Matthew 10:33.

My thing is like this, I don’t… like… my brother’s know what I’m saying? And I don’t…I don’t condemn him. I don’t look down on him for him being attracted to [the same sex]. I don’t condemn him, you know what I’m saying? Like, if anything we will dialogue so that I can have a better understanding. Cuz’ I don’t profess to be like ‘I got this all figured out, and I know the way this should be.’ Like, I’m trying to read the bible, I’m trying to have conversations with people, and I’m trying to understand, you know the perspective, you know what I’m saying?

And I feel like anybody who wants to come at a person negatively, like, if you were a Christian and you came at me negatively, then it’s like you’re not giving me the grace and the space to be a learner. You know what I mean? Help me, you know, give me the grace and space to learn, and that’s how we move forward.

Lecrae is 40 years old and has claimed to be a Christian for half that. He’s rubbed shoulders with the who’s who of Christian leaders for nearly the whole time, and he still doesn’t know that Homosexuality is a sin? Is he ignorant, or just a coward?

“You can point something out to me and say ‘hey, this is what it says, Lecrae. You should know better, you should know this.’ Well, you know, give me the grace and the space to take my time and to understand the perspective on it and to understand why these people think this way and like, that’s the perspective I have. I’m more of a learner and I give people the grace and the space as I’m processing and as I’m learning and just walk with people through that, you know what I mean? Just be a life-long learner, man.

Vlad asks Lecrae if he’d be in his son’s gay wedding if he were asked to, and he totally would.

My thing is this. I want to support my son and let him know that I love him, you know what I’m saying? Let him know that I care about him. So for me it’s not about–my son’s going to know it’s not about a wedding,- it’s about, like, my dad being supportive of who I am as a person through and through, you know what I’m mean?

Unbelievably, he then proceeds to compare the sinfulness of a homosexual lifestyle to a preference between which sports his son is going to play.

Like, it’s not about do you agree with this decision or do you agree with this decision. You know what I’m saying? My son wants to play football and not basketball. I don’t like that…you know what I’m saying? I’m like ‘Bruh, I want you to play basketball, I don’t want you to play football. But I love you.’ You know what I mean? So even if I prefer you play basketball, I love you the person, so I’m going to rock with you the person, and I’m gonna walk with you. I’m a still be with you for the rest of your life.”

So, you know what I’m saying I don’t know. You know, there’s some people who are not seeing, not going to wedding because they just didn’t like the spouse. Was that ok? You know what I’m saying? Like I just don’t like your spouse. I don’t like the fact that they’re older than you or younger than you. That’s some preferential type of stuff. And I mean like, give people the grace and the space to navigate that. ‘Why he can’t marry her? Oh, cuz I think she’s a golddigger’ know..walk through this. You know what I’m saying?

It is quite evident that everyone knows exactly what he is saying.

Now I get it to form the standpoint of it wrong or is it right, and that’s where I will say there’s so much nuance to it for me, in term of like….is marriage uh…..uhh…are we talking as a government sanction situation? Are we talking about two Christians, because if it’s two people who believe in the bible and they’re holding to what the bible says, well then now I’m like “what do you believe the bible says about this?

If you don’t believe the bible, then cool why am I having this conversation with you? You know what I’m saying? It’s like, you do what you want to do.

Lecrae has said the quote he loves and lives by is “If you live for peoples acceptance, you’ll die from their rejection.”

The man is living all right.


Rapper Lecrae Sputters ‘You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know’ When asked about Sin of Homosexuality in Interview

In an interview reminiscent of Joel Osteen repeatedly saying “I don’t know” to CNN’s Larry King’s questions about the exclusivity of Christ, a visibly uncomfortable Lecrae hemmed and hawed his way through an interview asking about whether he’d go to a gay wedding and ultimately whether or homosexuality is a sin, serving as a damning indictment against the once-favored son of TGC and showing himself ashamed of God’s word.

In an interview with DJ Vlad, posted in part below, the host pressed Lecrae on his opinion of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy making statements that are pro-family and against homosexuality, wanting to know if he agrees with them.

Lecrae, clearly not wanting to discuss any of this, engages in a bit of shucking and thriving, dancing around the answers in hopes of maintaining a burgeoning career and the approval of the world, putting on some comically clueless facial expressions and awkwardly asking Vlad “Does he still stand by that today?” as if our Lord’s view on marriage and sex and family is somehow not true yesterday, today, and forever. Seriously. The man looks shook to his soul.

Quickly confronted with a follow-up question over what the hip-hop-artist would do if his son were to come out as a homosexual, Lecrae puts on a masterclass of Matthew 10:33.

Quickly confronted with a followup question over what the hop-hop-artist would do if his son were to come out as a homosexual, Lecrae puts on a masterclass of Matthew 10:33.

My thing is like this, I don’t… like… my brother’s know what I’m saying? And I don’t…I don’t condemn him. I don’t look down on him for him being attracted to [the same sex]. I don’t condemn him, you know what I’m saying? Like, if anything we will dialogue so that I can have a better understanding. Cuz’ I don’t profess to be like ‘I got this all figured out, and I know the way this should be.’ Like, I’m trying to read the bible, I’m trying to have conversations with people, and I’m trying to understand, you know the perspective, you know what I’m saying?

And I feel like anybody who wants to come at a person negatively, like, if you were a Christian and you came at me negatively, then it’s like you’re not giving me the grace and the space to be a learner. You know what I mean? Help me, you know, give me the grace and space to learn, and that’s how we move forward.

Lecrae is 40 years old and has claimed to be a Christian for half that. He’s rubbed shoulders with the who’s who of Christian leaders for nearly the whole time, and he still doesn’t know that homosexuality is a sin? Is he ignorant, or just a coward?

“You can point something out to me and say ‘hey, this is what it says, Lecrae. You should know better, you should know this.’ Well, you know, give me the grace and the space to take my time and to understand the perspective on it and to understand why these people think this way and like, that’s the perspective I have. I’m more of a learner and I give people the grace and the space as I’m processing and as I’m learning and just walk with people through that, you know what I mean? Just be a life-long learner, man.

Vlad asks Lecrae if he’d be in his son’s gay wedding if he were asked to, and he totally would.

My thing is this. I want to support my son and let him know that I love him, you know what I’m saying? Let him know that I care about him. So for me it’s not about–my son’s going to know it’s not about a wedding,- it’s about, like, my dad being supportive of who I am as a person through and through, you know what I’m mean?

Unbelievably, he then proceeds to compare the sinfulness of a homosexual lifestyle to a preference between which sports his son is going to play.

Like, it’s not about do you agree with this decision or do you agree with this decision. You know what I’m saying? My son wants to play football and not basketball. I don’t like that…you know what I’m saying? I’m like ‘Bruh, I want you to play basketball, I don’t want you to play football. But I love you.’ You know what I mean? So even if I prefer you play basketball, I love you the person, so I’m going to rock with you the person, and I’m gonna walk with you. I’m a still be with you for the rest of your life.”

So, you know what I’m saying I don’t know. You know, there’s some people who are not seeing, not going to wedding because they just didn’t like the spouse. Was that ok? You know what I’m saying? Like I just don’t like your spouse. I don’t like the fact that they’re older than you or younger than you. That’s some preferential type of stuff. And I mean like, give people the grace and the space to navigate that. ‘Why he can’t marry her? Oh, cuz I think she’s a golddigger’ know..walk through this. You know what I’m saying?

It is quite evident that everyone knows exactly what he is saying.

Now I get it to form the standpoint of it wrong or is it right, and that’s where I will say there’s so much nuance to it for me, in term of like….is marriage uh…..uhh…are we talking as a government sanction situation? Are we talking about two Christians, because if it’s two people who believe in the bible and they’re holding to what the bible says, well then now I’m like “what do you believe the bible says about this?

If you don’t believe the bible, then cool why am I having this conversation with you? You know what I’m saying? It’s like, you do what you want to do.

Lecrae has said the quote he loves and lives by is “If you live for peoples acceptance, you’ll die from their rejection.”

The man is living all right.

Update: Lecrae Explains Why He Answered the Homosexuality Question So Poorly In Interviews and his answers were really, really terrible.