
Karen Swallow Prior Pushes Leftist Policy Support As Pro-Life Standard

Karen Swallow Prior, the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary English professor who was recently implicated in the SBC scandal that involved the unauthorized leak of Tom and Jennifer Buck’s testimony is back in the news. Instead of going to a Christian Publication to argue her position on abortion, Prior decided to air her complaints about conservative pro-lifers to the pagans at the Washington Compost, in a feature article that spotlighted Prior’s twisted take on what it means to be pro-life. Apparently, the best way for members of Big-Eva to win the optics war against conservatives is to smear their opponents in the secular press.

The article claims that Prior was “shocked and thrilled” with the idea that Roe could be overturned, but quickly realized that the issue of being pro-life is more complicated than just being against abortion.

For Prior, it means much more than overturning Roe. It means more support for child care and pregnant women as well as supporting sex abuse victims, vaccinating as many people as possible against the coronavirus, and helping start and run an inner-city high school in Buffalo.

While most pro-lifers would agree that being pro-life also involves the churches’ work to help pregnant women who are in need, Prior wants the pro-life movement to be a conduit to force churches and conservative Christians to support a never-ending clown car of leftist social programs that have nothing to do with Christianity, the Gospel, or even loving your neighbor. According to Prior, becoming a Karen and insisting on the Covid shot is part of being pro-life. Supporting public child care, the expansion of the nanny-state is apparently also an important part of being pro-life. In recent public debates, Prior has also called for addressing gun-control and racial injustice as pro-life issues.

Prior is disappointed that Roe won’t be overturned under her idyllic set of circumstances. She continues to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and participates in many of the delusions of the “me too” movement.

In her mind all these years, she had pictured Roe ending, under “a truly conservative president who believed out of conviction that abortion was wrong and that there would be justices who weren’t accused of sexual assault.

Ironically, Prior, who is more involved in both Southern Baptist politics and secular politics than most church-going pro-lifers, believes that pro-lifers have made politics an idol.

Prior realized that she no longer put so much faith in politics. To antiabortion activists, politics “has become an idol and we are reaping the consequences for that,” she said.

Perhaps Prior should do some soul searching and take a good look in the mirror, because no one is more political than the woman that allows herself to be referred to as Notorious KSP, in deference to leftist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Notorious RBG) whose death paved the way for the conservative Trump-appointed justices who appear poised to strike down Roe.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Paul Brown for Protestia


SBC Prof. KSP Says Having Roe. v Wade Overturned Wasn’t Worth Having Trump as President

We’ve written many times about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated at the end of this post. Despite having these supposed credentials as a pro-life warrior, she’s about the worst person you’d ever want in a foxhole with you batting to save babies lives from the demonic scourges of this world.

In fact, she’s previously said that “abortion is not murder” and “calling abortion murder” is mean to abortion doctors and it’s “unchristlike” in Christianity Today.

Unsurprising, she was full of hot takes last night, formed from the pits of hell, with the Southeastern Baptist Theological professor explaining that in her mind, far from deserving praise of having pushed through two supreme court justices who ruled to overturn the long-standing abortion law, having Donald Trump as president did more harm than good. In fact, it wasn’t worth having Donald Trump as president in order to have Roe v. Wade overturned.

Thankfully, a majority of people felt that Trump’s ‘misogyny’ was worth the price for the good he did, and though KSP can’t tell which one is worse, having Trump as president or keeping abortion the law of the land, we can.

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SEBTS Email Confirms Karen Swallow Prior Shared Document At Heart of Blackmail Scandal

SEBTS email confirms Karen Swallow Prior shared Bucks’ rough draft with ‘persons for possible publication.’

Tom and Jennifer Buck deny ever authorizing Karen Swallow Prior to share the manuscript with publishers. In fact, the Bucks say there is evidence she never shared it with a publisher.

(Capstone Report) Professor Karen Swallow Prior shared the rough draft at the center of the attempt to blackmail Tom and Jennifer Buck with potential publishers, according to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Tom and Jennifer Buck claim that Karen Swallow Prior did not have their permission to share the rough draft. And in fact, the Bucks say there is evidence against her having shared it.

In an email obtained exclusively by the Capstone Report, SEBTS said that Karen Prior “never shared” the rough draft “with anyone trying to disparage them.” However, in the same email the school’s leadership confirmed that Karen Swallow Prior “shared it with persons for possible publication.”

In fact, SEBTS claims Karen Swallow Prior shared the rough draft with those persons “at their request.” However, the Bucks deny ever giving Karen Swallow Prior that permission.

In a Friday afternoon video, Tom Buck and Jennifer Buck explicitly said they never granted Karen Swallow Prior permission to share the document with anyone.

“There is no evidence whatsoever that she gave it to any other publication,” Tom Buck said. “We didn’t give her verbal or written permission to send it out to anybody.”

To continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report


Polemics Report: Tom Buck, Karen Swallow Prior, and the Mystery of the SBC Cabal

Join David tonight for a discussion of the latest revelations surrounding the SBC elites’ attempt to harm Tom Buck and silence his voice. While we’re not at liberty to share the entire story quite yet, we know much more. We have the receipts, and the pictures, and the audio files. They’re burning a hole in our pockets, and you’d better believe we’re going to name names. Until then, here is what we’re able to share from what has been publicly released so far.


Karen Swallow Prior Lies About Rittenhouse, Slams His Parents

We’ve written many times about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated at the end of this post. Now, in an angry post late at night, she went after Kyle Rittenhouse and his parents, dropped a few bad facts (he never left home to travel to another city with a large weapon, there is no evidence his parents were ‘negligent’, her characaterizing his self-defense shooting of the men seeking to harm him as reflecting poor parenting, etc) and made allusions to necks weighed down with millstones.

The video she is likely referring to was created with self-righteous indignation by Kevin Clancy, a media personality who ironically made the news three years ago after it was discovered he was cheating on his pregnant wife. In it, Rittenhouse is shown expressing his disdain for Lebron James, who tweeted out that he was just crying crocodile tears when describing his need to shoot his attackers, and then fended questions about his taste in women and what features and body types he likes in women.


First interview is with Stephen Crowder of Louder with Crowder

Crowder: “You’re open to dating?”
Rittenhouse “I am. I am very open to dating.”
Crowder: “So maybe that’s what you want for christmas- a nice dame. What are you looking for in a woman?”
Rittenhouse: “Uh….”
Crowder makes hand gestures showing large breast
Rittenhouse: “Yes. Yes.”
Crowder: “Tracks of land?”
Rittenhouse: “Tracks of land.”
Crowder: “No what are you looking for in a woman?”
Rittenhouse: “You know, some person that just wants to date me for who I am. And what I’m looking for in a woman is, I like a girl with a little bit of butt. Slim waist, bit t***.
Crowder laughs
Rittenhouse: “Big Boobs. Big Boobs”
Dave Landau: “Dude you’re a guy. Let people get mad at that….”

She may have also been referring to the You are Here podcast with Elijah Schaffer, in context:

Schaffer “It’s like do you feel like you can live a normal life again? I mean can you ever be normal? Like is that possible?”
Rittenhouse: “I’ll make it normal…”
Hosts joke about his qualifications for dating, ie. he’ll protect you, is a good shot, and is not ‘shooting blank’
Rittenhouse “So I saw this one TikTok of this one person, I think she was like 25 and she was like ‘waiting for all the single patriotic moms to take Kyle’s virginity.’ I’m like ‘too late.’

Later they are discussing what kind of girl to try to help Rittenhouse meet, discussing the pros and cons between cute girls, hot girls, and psycho girls that are attractive but crazy, and Rittenhouse explains:

Rittenhouse: “Crazy is the only way to go…. (send me the) psycho-ist chick you can find.”
Schaffer: “What do you like. What ethnicity do you like? Like all ethnicities?”
Rittenhouse: “All ethnicities.”
Schaffer: “Do you like curvy of thin?”
Rittenhouse: “I like thicc.” (slang for full-bodied, with large breasts and buttocks)

Rittenhouse is by all accounts unregenerate, and he responded to questions and prompts of what type of physical characteristics he prefers in women, after noting he wants someone to date him “for who he is” with the candor and slang of an 18-year-old pagan who has a preferred body type. We don’t know anyone who is celebrating his answers, but from what we can see, Swallow is overselling how wicked, vile, and objectifying evil this conversation and his answers really are, particularly when he was asked specifically to comment on physical characteristics, rather than inner beauty and spirit.

If we want to talk about something truly vile and wicked, we can discuss how KSP is fully aware of sexual predators working on staff at Liberty University who are molesting and preying on women, but she refuses to name names or tell anyone who they are, ensuring they are free to molest and abuse with impunity. That’s worth a discussion for sure.

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Karen Swallow Prior: Will You Name Names of Sexual Predators at Liberty?

We’ve written many times about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated at the end of this post. Recently, however, she’s caused a bit of a stir by refusing to condemn the creepy curiosities of galpal and disturber of the peace Christine Caine. After asking why she won’t condemn her, Prior flatly said “I don’t condemn people. So don’t ask me to again.”

This of course is not true at all, as she routinely condemns those she disagrees with, including the same day, where she lobbed this grenade:

Sounds like a condemnation to us.

Speaking of Liberty, in a move that garnered barely a stir, she tweeted out yesterday that Jerry Falwell Jr. sexually preyed on young people for years at Liberty, and the followed that up with the revelation that ”Other known sexual predators continue to be employed at @LibertyU now under (Jerry) Prevo’s watch as president’ before casually asking when the promised presidential search will be.

This was written shortly thereafter. :

In a move reminiscent of Russell Moore knowing about where all the dead and raped bodies of the SBC are but not saying anything about it for months, if not years, who are the other known sexual predators who continue to be employed at Liberty University? Can we get some names? Can we get some evidence? Are they professors? Teacher’s aides? Janitors? Are they coaches?

If there are at least two known sexual predators working for Liberty while molesting women on campus, and possibly more, what is Prior doing about it?

Prior clearly has no issue naming names when it comes to other people associated with Liberty, making claims that Martin “harasses abuse survivors unmercifully” without a shred of proof, and then refusing to follow up to qualify or elaborate to those asking her to back that up.

So we ask again, which sexual predators are still employed at Liberty? Are these names what she is referring to when she claims that she “tried” to speak up with what she knew? She has the floor and has a big audience: So who are they?

When asked how to support sexually assaulted students, Karen explains that we ought to not “close our eyes” but rather should “speak up and do the right thing when there are people in the room” while “holding people accountable.”

Well, here’s your chance: let’s hear it.

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Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured

Veggie Tales Creator and Karen Swallow Prior Thumb Their Nose at ‘Cracker-Barrel Christians’

Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer, the man who swears he’s not progressive despite knocking creationists as a bunch of dummiescrediting his white privilege for the success of his show, arguing that liberals and Democrats are the real pro-lifers who have been reducing abortion, and recently claiming he didn’t know there was such things black Christians until he was an adult, took a few minutes to engage in some good old fashioned elitism and spiritual snobbery when discussing the demographic differences between those who eat at Whole Foods and Cracker Barrel.

Explaining that people who are more politically or culturally liberal are more comfortable with uncertainty or with trying new things and who have the excitement of discovery (such as himself) He contrasts this to old homely Cracker Barrel, where the conservatives who go there are “psychologically less comfortable with uncertainty” and rooted in a need for the familiar while “ejecting new ideas.”

PHIL VISCHER: I’ve read research that shows that conservatives, and not Christian conservatives, but just people who are generally conservative are psychologically less comfortable with uncertainty. People that are politically liberal or culturally liberal are also more comfortable with uncertainty or with trying new things.

For example, I don’t know if you saw the statistics, something like 80 percent of Whole Foods stores are in a district that’s represented by a Democrat in Congress. And it’s reverse for Cracker Barrel stores. Eighty percent of Cracker Barrel stores-

KAREN SWALLOW PRIOR: That explains my home, my town here!

VISCHER: Yes. Are in a district that’s represented by a Republican. And so I saw someone who then used that to say, and Cracker Barrel is about the comfort of familiarity. Whole Foods is about the excitement of discovery, of finding something new. A cheese from somewhere else. So that you can kind of use those two to, you know, just those two ideas as: if you are conservative, you like the comfort of certainty.

So I’m wondering how much, you know, because Christianity in America has become so closely aligned with conservative values, which came first: the conservatism or the rejection of new ideas or trying, or going to Whole Foods, basically? How long has Christianity been Cracker Barrel and not Whole Foods and which came first: the Cracker Barrel or the Christianity?

HT to @wokepreachertv for the video and transcript

Church Coronavirus Featured Heresies

Karen Swallow Prior: Christians Responsible for ‘Culture of Death’ by Not Wearing Masks, Are not Pro-Life

We’ve written for you before about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated at the end of this post.

Unsurprisingly, she has continued to show herself to be an enemy of the church, this time by saying that Christians are responsible for bringing the culture of death to the world by being resistant to wearing masks and for gathering for in-person church services against the wishes of the government, suggesting that those who do have failed to be “pro-life.”

She writes:

When questioned and asked to elaborate, Swallow says that the “church has failed to lead,” pointing to a series of Tweets by @rungirlPs91 which explains how.

In short, it wasn’t the mismanagement of the California government that led to its bed shortage, which has the 3rd-lowest ratio of hospital-bed-to-resident in the country, that is the problem, nor is it the tyrannical flex of the governor which targeted churches for closure and engendered mistrust and assumption of evil intent. Rather, it’s the Christians who are at fault!

Christians are responsible for “bringing the culture of death” because we did not campaign for mask-wearing, refused to engage in social distancing when it made being part of a church body impossible, did not engage in mitigating measures like not singing during worship, and did not close our churches down for going on 10 months now.

Consequently, the church has failed to be “pro-life” in this regard, and instead contributed to a pro-death ethos.

We would expect nothing less of the “Notorious KSP.”

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Evangelical Stuff Featured News Social Justice Wars

Trump’s Lawyer Curb-stomps Karen Swallow Prior

We’ve written for you before about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and mystified that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles, despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated below.

Fortuitously, Prior recently found herself the victim of a verbal “mark-and-avoid” beatdown when Jenna Ellis, one of President’s Trump’s lawyers and also the special counsel representing John MacArthur and Grace Community Church’s struggle to stay open, took a potshot at her after Prior was caught complaining about someone justifying the Trump-loving caravan that escorted the Biden campaign bus out of Texas.

Displaying more discernment than the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed #BigEva elites who see nothing amiss with Prior’s theological proclivities, Ellis gets in another “name names” kick to the ribs for good measure.

With being called out by Ellis as a flaming troll and embittered progressive, and learning that President Trump retweeted Al Mohler’s support for the President, the sound of the veins pulsing in her forehead and the shrieking “REEEEEEEEEEE!” could be heard halfway across the country.

Promised enumerations below:

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Righteous Defiance

Karen Swallow Prior Doesn’t Know what Persecution is

We’ve written for you before about Karen Swallow Prior, how we continually find ourselves vexed and nonplussed that she’s viewed so favorably and regarded as conservative within Christian circles despite the plethora of problems with her. The list is extensive and has been enumerated below.

Recently, however, she took to calling out Christians who don’t want to wear masks at Church and those arrested while engaging in public worship as not really being persecuted, but rather profaning “True Martyrs” who suffered more severely.

It’s at this point that it’s hard to imagine that the gatekeeping Prior is an English professor, as she seemingly doesn’t understand that there is a semantic domain and range of meaning for the term “persecution” and that’s not all about having one’s toes chopped off or being boiled alive.

No one is saying that the persecution endured by participants in the Psalm Sing event, in which the government arrested Christians for singing hymns in public while not social distancing, despite allowing all sorts of secular public gatherings without the same constraints, is akin to the sufferings of Hugo Jacob Kraen, his wife Mary, and two other unknown souls of Asserow.

In their case, after they became converted they were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church who captured Mary and drowned her in A.D. 1532. Hugo and the two others were likewise soon apprehended and taken to prison into Gravenhage. They were made to renounce their faith through hideous torture but refused to do so. Consequently, they were tied to the stake and burned alive.

No one is saying that the two are comparable. It’s not comparable to having a lion take a hunk out of one’s neck and then feel its bite shatter bits of skull and spinal tendons, but it is indisputable that they are on the same broad spectrum of meaning, particularly when we understand it to include forms like “harassing treatment,” “oppression” due to “religious beliefs and practices” and “persistent troubling.”

Was it persecution when Churches were forbidden from singing in church at all? How about when police threatened to fine churches and arrest pastors having drive-in services where the congregants never even left their cars? Is it persecution when the government said Christians cannot meet in groups of more than 6 for bible studies in private homes and that if they do meet they must wear masks at all times under threat of arrest or fine?

When there is one rule for Churches and Christians, and another for pagans and secular businesses, that is a form of persecution, even if it doesn’t rise to the level of having one’s skin flayed and salted.

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