Charismatic Nonsense Church Heresies

Embattled Prophet Jeremiah Johnson Shuts Down Ministry, Starts New One with ‘End-times’ Focus

Weeks after suspending his ministry after being “visited by the Lord in a very significant way” – prophet Jeremiah Johnson has officially shuttered his ministry page, Facebook page, social media accounts, and deleted all its content from his website, announcing that he is starting a new one in its place.

The move comes as the result of some soul searching by Johnson after he publicly apologized for falsely prophesying that Trump would win a second term. The charismatic brothers did not respond well to this confession, with some sending him death threats. As a result, his funding also dryed up. He explained back in January:

I have received multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry. I have been labeled a coward, sellout, a traitor to the Holy Spirit, and cussed out at least 500 times. We have lost ministry partners every hour and counting.

In fact, Jeremiah was in the middle of a series called I was Wrong when he went on hiatus. One video at last count had over 150k views, 3.5k comments, 3k upvotes, and 1.1k downvotes, with Johnson noting that 90% of the comments were negative. That’s from just one of the videos in the series.

Clearly, the charismatics don’t like it when their own leaders apologizes for false prophecies.

In a move that does not bode well, however, he has formed a new ministry called The Altar Global, an eschatologically themed endeavor designed to “prepare for the return of Christ,” explaining that “Our mission according to Revelation 22:17 is to help prepare the Bride of Christ for the return of our glorious Bridegroom King Jesus. We have been instructed to prepare an Altar for the Wedding day.”

Johnson explained that this was not a rebranding, but a whole shift in focus, particularly with no more political prophecies.

I am not discouraged nor am I drawing back from my calling. Quite the opposite. I feel God is launching me, my family, and our ministry team further into His purpose for us. In response to God’s gracious correction, refinement, and empowerment, I’m choosing to refocus my gaze upon Jesus and the eternal realities of His Kingdom like never before.

For many years, I offered commentary on various political and world events. But now, I am shifting my attention to the preparation of the Bride for the return of our Bridegroom. I will be turning my attention away from social media in order to focus on what God requires of me. Yet I am thrilled to commission our incredible staff to run with, ‘The Altar Global’ on social media…

This is not a name or brand change but rather a complete shift of our ministry’s identity and focus. It requires a gigantic leap of faith for our team to embrace this mandate from God. We are hopeful, terrified and excited about what God is leading us into. Our vision and mission according to Revelation 22:17 is to help prepare the global bride of Christ for the return of our glorious bridegroom, King Jesus. We have been instructed to build an altar to help this generation get ready for the great wedding day,

Along with the new ministry, they are offering a one-year program that people can attend to receive “training from Jeremiah Johnson and other instructors on the lifestyle of an end-time messenger and the return of the Lord.”

Charismatic Nonsense Featured News

Charismatic Prophet Jeremiah Johnson Suspends All Online Ministry After Visitation from Jesus

Charismatic Prophet Jeremiah Johnson has announced he is suspending all online ministry for the next two weeks, a decision he made after he was “visited by the Lord in a very significant way” following the fallout from falsely prophesying that Trump would win re-election and then subsequently offering a public apology.

Last seen running and flipping into the baptismal font, Johnson posted on his Facebook page that he’s really recognizing how much his action can impact the body of Christ, either for good or evil, and that he’s shutting things down while he meets with staff members and so they can “unpack the radical shift that God is asking in its next season.”

He says that at the end of the two weeks he will make “one final public announcement” about the future of his ministry and his plans moving forward.

Jeremiah Johnson Ministries has been in turmoil since the election, with several large financial donors and contributors becoming disillusioned in the wake of his false prophecy, and others becoming likewise in light of his apology. Damning him if he does or doesn’t, the events of the last month have put a deep strain on his ministry resources, and it is expected he will pivot in some way.

The complete letter can be seen below.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatics Issue Death Threats after ‘Prophet’ Repents of Giving False Trump Prophecy

Well-known charismatic “prophet” and speaker Jeremiah Johnson has been subjected to thousands of blistering emails and death threats after apologizing for a false prophecy he made regarding Trump’s reelection, sharing that because he publicly repented of saying what was clearly a false thing, he was been “losing ministry partners every hour and counting” and that he has come to the realization that “the prophetic/charismatic movement are far SICKER than I could have ever dreamed of.”

The furious vitriol and pentecostal panic came after Johnson unequivocally took responsibility for his false claim that the President would win re-election, telling supporters that what he believed her heard at the time was not from God, that it was the product of his own flesh, and that “I was wrong. I am deeply sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.”

Johnson describes the fallout on his Facebook wall:

Over the last 72 hours, I have received multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry. I have been labeled a coward, sellout, a traitor to the Holy Spirit, and cussed out at least 500 times. We have lost ministry partners every hour and counting.

“I have been flabbergasted at the barrage of continued conspiracy theories being sent every minute our way and the pure hatred being unleashed.  To my great heartache, I’m convinced parts of the prophetic/charismatic movement are far SICKER than I could have ever dreamed of.

I truthfully never realized how absolutely triggered and ballistic thousands and thousands of saints get about Donald Trump. It’s terrifying! It’s full of idolatry!  If I helped to prop up this ideology concerning him, I will need to repent again and stir up even more hell.”

Far sicker indeed.

We pray for Johnson that he repents of all his false prophecies, as he still clings to many, and that he would leave the abiding deviltry of the charismatic movement.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Jeremiah Johnson Issues Huge Public Apology for False Prophecy

Well-known charismatic false-prophet Jeremiah Johnson has issued an extremely public apology for false prophecies he made regarding the election of Donald Trump. He unequivocally taking responsibility for his claim that the President would win re-election, in what should serve at least in part as a template and case study for the thousands of charismatic leaders believing they are hearing from the Lord, but are only manifesting their own flesh.

In a letter published on his Facebook page, his ministry page, and sent out as a press release to Charisma News, Johnson writes the following:

My aim in this public apology is twofold. First, I would like to repent for inaccurately prophesying that Donald Trump would win a second term as the President of the United States. I refuse to blame the saints and say, ‘It didn’t come to pass because they did not pray enough.’ Nor will I proclaim, ‘Donald Trump actually won, so I was right, but now it has been stolen from him.’

I believe the first statement seeks to alleviate the prophetic messenger from the responsibility of what he prophesied, and the second statement is filled with potential pride and an unwillingness to humble himself and admit he was wrong. 

I want to go on record: ‘I was wrong, I am deeply sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness.’ I specifically want to apologize to any believer in whom I have now caused potential doubt concerning the voice of God and His ability to speak to His people. As a human being, I missed what God was saying; however, rest assured, God Himself is NOT a liar and His written Word should always be the foundation and source of our lives as Christians.

Johnson then goes into a long and detailed explanation of his prophetic words and process regarding Trump, including notes from his journal that provides commentary along the way.

While he apologizes for the false prophecy about Trump winning a second term, he still does insist that other prophecies and dream visions he received regarding him were legitimate. He quotes a “prophetic dream” he had in 2019  and then writes:

I believe this was once again, a very clear prophetic warning dream that imminent danger was ahead for Donald Trump if he continued down the path he was going. Dire prayer and intercession was called for in January of 2019 concerning the attacks that were coming. 

He finishes with these words by noting that though the Lord did speak to him directly in the first few instances, it was the last one he got wrong, explaining, “Perhaps the first two parts were born of the Spirit and the third part was of the flesh—a soulish desire of mine that was not from God.”

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Charismatic Jeremiah Johnson Does Front Flip Into Baptismal Tank During Church Service

False Prophet Jeremiah Johnson, last seen plagiarizing JD’s Hall’s imprecatory prayer against the now-tormented Ruth Bader Ginsberg and using #charismaticlogic to explain that his false prophesies prove he’s a true prophet got a little wild on stage during a recent North Georgia Revival service when he flipped into the baptismal tank under the supposed power and influence of the Holy Spirit, getting re-baptized in front of a raucous crowd.

In a clip captioned, “Jeremiah decided to jump into the baptismal waters tonight during the altar call and receive a fresh touch from God for himself. More Lord!!!” The pitiful prophet tells the congregation, “I want to be the first one in tonight” and then can be seen running across the stage, not unlike a swine looking for a cliff to jump over, and joins the team who were in the process of baptizing another person.

The team then baptizes him, as he throws his arms up in triumph.

From the context of what is going on, this is hardly Johnson’s first baptism, but seemingly is a regular or semi-regular occurrence. It seems to be a new charismatic method of acquiring a few heaping scoopfuls of a “fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit.” Of course, it is wholly unbiblical in light of the Biblical model of baptism being a one-time thing, rather than a weekly, monthly, or yearly event to “top you up” with that Holy Spirit fire.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

A Compendium of False Trump Prophecies by False Prophets

2020 has been a bad year for charismatic prophets. First, they got hit with the wallop that was a worldwide pandemic that not a single charismatic prophet predicted. Not one. Dr. Michael Brown, being essentially an apologist for the devil tried to point out two prophets who “prophesied” about it, but these guys also said it would be diminished and end by Jewish Passover- which was back in April 2020, and that clearly has not happened. As you’d expect, Brown has been silent about that one.

They doubled down on their omission with a bit of commission, when a cornucopia of them prophecied that Trump would win the election, frequently in a “landslide” and a “red wave.”

While we understand that some giant revelations may be revealed that demonstrates voter fraud extensive enough to overcome the tens of thousands of votes that Biden leads by, at this point it’s in the bag and these prophets have been proven false.

Thankfully, we have Steven Kozar of the Messed Up Church to hold some feet to the fire, as he documented just a smattering of this continuationist malfeasance.

Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Sid Roth, Stephen Strang, Jeremiah Johnson, Kat Kerr, John Hemans, Robert Henderson, Tracy Eckhert, Mark Taylor, Chuck Pierce, Mike Lindell, Kevin Zadai, Tracey Cooke, Paula White, Mario Murilla, Francis Myles, Kim Clement, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Kris Vallotton, and host of others.

Have you ever seen a more motley crew? False prophets all. The fact that they got it wrong should surprise no one, and should only serve to mark them even more forcefully, so we can avoid them more strenuously.

Conspiracy Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic ‘Prophet’ Jeremiah Johnson Plagiarizes J.D Hall’s Imprecatory Post Against Ruth Bader Ginsberg

The self-styled ‘prophet of God’ Jeremiah Johnson was clearly not getting a word from the Lord when he posted “MY OFFICIAL RESPONSE TO THE DEATH OF R.B.G.” on Facebook over the weekend and plagiarized large chunks of his response from Jordan Hall, Publisher of Protestia and Pulpit & Pen.

The post from Johnson, demonstrating another reason why false prophets are not to be trusted to communicate anything that God is supposedly saying, does say some good things that we agree with before it gets to the troublesome parts. He (or perhaps someone else? Who knows if the rest was plagiarized or not) says:

Parts of the American Church have become so lukewarm that they would have tried to comfort Jezebel on a sickbed that GOD himself threw her on! (Rev 2:22) They would have highlighted her accomplishments over the years and found the good in her. They would have found ways to celebrate Hitler and King Herod- all in the name of false justice and an unbiblical definition of love.

That we can agree with and give a ‘yea and amen’, but we see at the end that Johnson has been up to no good with stealing/plagiarizing portions of a message that J.D. Hall gave almost 12 hours earlier.

We’ve included the originals below to show the shenanigans in play

Hall, commenting on the post which now has nearly 5000 comments and 10,000 shares, says:

The fact that Johnson stole it and tried to pass it off as his own is a sin, and a lie, and is a lying sin to his followers and congregation. It’s not like he just tacked it on in a big chunk in the end and forgot to mention where he got it from. Rather, he weaved portions of it in and out of his own thoughts, removing what segments he doesn’t want to say, and showing a deliberate attempt to deceive.

We’ve reached out to the ministry asking for proper attribution and will update this post accordingly.