Charismatic Jeremiah Johnson Does Front Flip Into Baptismal Tank During Church Service

False Prophet Jeremiah Johnson, last seen plagiarizing JD’s Hall’s imprecatory prayer against the now-tormented Ruth Bader Ginsberg and using #charismaticlogic to explain that his false prophesies prove he’s a true prophet got a little wild on stage during a recent North Georgia Revival service when he flipped into the baptismal tank under the supposed power and influence of the Holy Spirit, getting re-baptized in front of a raucous crowd.
In a clip captioned, “Jeremiah decided to jump into the baptismal waters tonight during the altar call and receive a fresh touch from God for himself. More Lord!!!” The pitiful prophet tells the congregation, “I want to be the first one in tonight” and then can be seen running across the stage, not unlike a swine looking for a cliff to jump over, and joins the team who were in the process of baptizing another person.
The team then baptizes him, as he throws his arms up in triumph.
From the context of what is going on, this is hardly Johnson’s first baptism, but seemingly is a regular or semi-regular occurrence. It seems to be a new charismatic method of acquiring a few heaping scoopfuls of a “fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit.” Of course, it is wholly unbiblical in light of the Biblical model of baptism being a one-time thing, rather than a weekly, monthly, or yearly event to “top you up” with that Holy Spirit fire.
Maybe he best be born again first, before he even thinks of gymnastically baptizing himself. Definitely putting the cart before the horse………………………Jn3:3
This happened at Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, Georgia.
Months ago, someone asked me to do a biblical critique on the pastor there, Todd Smith. I also critiqued what one of these “North Georgia Revival” events has happen. You might find it helpful.
I honestly am curious if you were there because much of your description of the events are quite inaccurate, first being interrupting someone else’s baptism. The only people in the pool were the team, no one had been baptized yet, they hadn’t even called for people to get baptized yet. Additionally you are biblically mistaken on baptism. Yes baptism for proclamation of faith for salvation is a one time occurrence however this is not the same thing. This is rooted in Jewish ancient practice of a michva that is about purification, healing, fresh anointing, and empowerment. See John the Baptist, he wasn’t baptizing for confirmation of salvation as Jesus hadn’t even died yet, infact he self michva’d daily. Additionally Jesus was baptized though he needed not salvation as he was perfect but it was apart of Him being anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit for ministry. Look at nehmun in the Old Testament who was dunked 7 times for his healing. The Jewish brides actually had to immerse the night before her wedding to the bridegroom as a rite of purification. MAYBE just MAYBE what is happening here is the bride of Christ being cleansed before the coming of the bridegroom. Maybe do a little more research and actually check it out for yourself before making accusations.
I honestly am curious if you were there because much of your description of the events are quite inaccurate, first being interrupting someone else’s baptism. The only people in the pool were the team, no one had been baptized yet, they hadn’t even called for people to get baptized yet. Additionally you are biblically mistaken on baptism. Yes baptism for proclamation of faith for salvation is a one time occurrence however this is not the same thing. This is rooted in Jewish ancient practice of a michva that is about purification, healing, fresh anointing, and empowerment. See John the Baptist, he wasn’t baptizing for confirmation of salvation as Jesus hadn’t even died yet, infact he self michva’d daily. Additionally Jesus was baptized though he needed not salvation as he was perfect but it was apart of Him being anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit for ministry. Look at nehmun in the Old Testament who was dunked 7 times for his healing. The Jewish brides actually had to immerse the night before her wedding to the bridegroom as a rite of purification. MAYBE just MAYBE what is happening here is the bride of Christ being cleansed before the coming of the bridegroom. Maybe do a little more research and actually check it out for yourself before making accusations. If you actually would like to come it’s at 6pm at Christ fellowship church in Dawsonville ga, check it out.