
Pope Francis Says Biden’s Love for Abortion is Between Him and His ‘Conscience’

Pope Francis has commented on Biden’s apparent love of abortion- manifested by publicly supporting it and passing laws and executive orders to see it further entrenched- saying that he view’s the President’s position as “incoherent.”

Rather than making any further statement about it, or elaborate on how he himself is so easily able to flout Roman Catholic doctrine by giving Biden the Eucharist, along with his priest, despite being in mortal sin, Francis explained that “I leave it to his conscience and that he speaks to his bishop, his pastor, his parish priest about that inconsistency.

According to CNS news Correspondent Junno Arocho Esteves:

#Pope was also asked about Speaker Nancy Pelosi, receiving Communion at Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica despite being barred from receiving in her home diocese. The pope warned that when shepherds lose “pastoral dimension, it creates a political problem.”


Roman Catholic Archbishop Bans Pelosi From Communion in Rare Show of Backbone

In a rare showing that the Roman Catholic Church, led by the insufferably heretical Pope Francis is not just a bloated corpse of mariology and malaise, American Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who leads the archdiocese of San Franciso where Pelosi attends mass, announced that she would be henceforth barred from taking the eucharist on account of her rabidly pro-abortion ways, which are considered known mortal sins within the Roman Catholic faith.

Explaining that “Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others.” Cordileonie explained in a public statement that he reached out to her several times to address the issue but was constantly rebuffed, and told her if she didn’t repudiate it, he was going to call her out, which he has now done.

“As you have not publically repudiated your position on abortion, and continue to refer to your Catholic faith in justifying your position and to receive Holy Communion, that time has now come. Therefore, in light of my responsibility as the Archbishop of San Francisco to be “concerned for all the Christian faithful entrusted to [my] care” by means of this communication I am hereby notifying you that you are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, until such time as you publicly repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.

Again, a rare showing for the Catholic Church, which has taken a consistent cowardly and feckless approach to the plethora of pro-choice politicians in the country. In fact, last year, the decrepit pontiff Francis, whose theology makes the Banquet of Chestnuts feel like a holy gathering in comparison, has consistently affirmed that Joe Biden is a “good catholic” who he would not refuse communion, despite his own septuagenarian penchant for baby blood.

Given that Francis is so wicked, it would not surprise us to see him call out the archbishop and reverse his wishes. Still, it’s nice to see at least some in the Catholic leadership wield some of that authority they claim to have.


Focus on the Family Cites $$$ in Enforcing Biden Vaccine Mandate

(Evangelical Dark Web) With days remaining and the Biden vaccine mandate up in the air, Focus on the Family announced that it would push forward enforcing the Biden vaccine mandate on its employees. The mandate is designed to weaponize OSHA in enforcing vaccine mandates on companies with 100 employees or more and government contractors. While sources have informed Evangelical Dark Web that government contractors have halted or softened their position on the Biden mandate, despite the fact that it is being written into contract renewals, supposedly Christian organizations are rushing at last minute to be in compliance with the regime.

In early January, Jim Daly, the head of Focus on the Family put out a memo declaring that employees had to be vaccinated or be forced to wear a mask and submit to routine testing.

Jim Daly wrote in a statement:

“Therefore, at the recommendation of our general counsel, we need to start implementing the ETS order while praying the Supreme Court acts. Refusing to do so could cost Focus multiple millions of dollars in fines.”

Jim Daly betrays a financial motivation for enforcing evil on his staff. Whereas very pro-COVID vaccine organizations like Daily Wire and government simping ministries, like SBTS, have launched their own fight against the Biden Regency, Focus on the Family believes its fiduciary duty leads it to compliance.

The flaw in this logic is that donors have caught wind of this memo and are greatly disturbed, as are employees who are whistleblowing to the Epoch Times. Daly goes on to write:

“Failing to comply would threaten our ability to continue helping and serving millions of families. At the same time, we don’t believe our employees—or anyone else—should be forced to violate their deeply held convictions in this matter. It is our hope and prayer the Supreme Court will soon strike down this mandate as unconstitutional. After two years of unprecedented pain and loss, it is time for our nation’s policies to heal and unite and not hurt and divide our fellow Americans.”

In a completely beta move…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web

abortion Roman Catholic Stuff

House Democrat Suggests Stripping Catholic Church Of Tax-Exempt Status If Biden Denied Communion

(Daily Wire) Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) accused the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) of politically weaponizing religion by voting to draft a document that could result in a rebuke of pro-abortion Catholic politicians and suggested punishing them by stripping the Catholic Church of its tax-exempt status.

“If they’re going to politically weaponize religion by ‘rebuking’ Democrats who support women’s reproductive choice, then a ‘rebuke’ of their tax-exempt status may be in order,” Huffman tweeted.

Huffman’s tweet was in response to a statement last week from 60 Catholic House Democrats warning the USCCB against what they described as “weaponizing” the Eucharist. The USCCB on Friday overwhelmingly voted in favor of drafting a document that could lead to a rebuke of publicly pro-abortion Catholic politicians such as President Joe Biden. The document, which will be made public at a later date, will advise bishops how to best to enforce the guidelines regarding the reception of Holy Communion.

According to the Code of Canon Law, thos…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by  Jon Brown and posted at the Daily Wire


Joe Biden’s 2022 Budget Proposal Replaces ‘Mothers’ with ‘Birthing People’

In a move that will make the progressive “Christians” grin with glee, President Joe Biden has released his 2022 budget proposal, swapping out the term “mothers” from the language of the bill and replacing it with the phrase “birthing people.”

We wonder if this what those TGC authors figured would happen – the ones who insisted that the Democrats were a perfectly moral and normal choice to vote for, being paragons of virtue that would bring a sense of normalcy to the presidency and would definitely not advance the most radical, nonsensical schemes.

We can’t say we are too surprised, as it’s only a matter of time as this sort of language is imbued within every level of the government – a mephistophelean plot to destroy God’s design for sex and family.


Godless: Biden Leaves Out Reference to God in His National Day of Prayer Pronouncement

(Montana Daily Gazette) Who are we supposed to be praying to, again? What is prayer, exactly? When Democrats attempt to appear vaguely interested in religion, it’s always untheological and done with a heart marked by insincereity and clout chasing. Joe Biden’s recent call for a National Day of Prayer (a presidential tradition), he failed to mention, you know…God and stuff.

Probably being reminded of the tradition by one of his staffers, after being reminded what day of the week it was, that he was president, and that he should wear pants when he leaves the West Wing, Biden issued the cringe-worthy proclamation…

“I invite the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, in accordance with their own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I join all people of faith in prayers for spiritual guidance, mercy, and protection,

To whom? To whom are we praying?

Earlier this week, The Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, issued a pastoral letter stating that after all attempts to convince President Biden not to rip babies out of the womb and scalp them for medical experiments, he should be denied Holy Communion. Cordileone’s suggestion that Biden be denied Communion will probably be rejected by Pope Francis, who is only nominally Catholic but aggressively Marxist.

Despite being a Papist belonging to a church that still, kinda sorta, expresses belief in some kind of diety (for now), Biden seems to have forgotten the three-letter name for the Christian deity, G-O-D.

In fact, the only time a reference to deity is made at all is in the dating of the letter, which refers to the 2021st Year of our Lord, which is how Western Civilization tells time.

Given that the Democratic Party’s platform is a checklist of ways to violate the Ten Commandments, it’s unsurprising that Biden didn’t want to mention the Almighty. Abortion is a violation of the Sixth Commandment (murder), homosexuality is a violation of the Seventh Commandment (sexual sin), socialism is a violation of the Eighth Commandment (theft), “transgenderism” is a violation of the Ninth Commandment (lying), and class warfare is a violation of the Tenth Commandment (coveting).

In contact, Trump mentioned God nine times in his last National Day of Prayer pronouncement.

(Editor’s note. This article was originally published at Montana Daily Gazette. Reprinted in full with permission. A small modification made also with permission)

abortion News Politics

‘Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden’ Feel ‘Used and Betrayed’ after Dems Pass Pro-Choice Legislation

Update. It’s Dead . They’ve shut down

In one of the finest examples of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” known to man, the progressive group Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden are upset and crying foul that the Biden-Haris Presidency has kept to their campaign promises and passed legislation that is anything but pro-life.

Formed 5 months ago, these so-called “evangelicals leaders” worked to get Biden and Harris elected, all on the basis of somehow believing that the Democrats’ overall agenda was more “biblically balanced” than the Republicans’ was. The group was spearheaded by Richard Mouw, President Emeritus of Fuller Seminary and TGC contributor, along with Ron Sider, President Emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action.

Now, in an open letter sent to the administration, the group expresses how “disappointed” and “upset” they are that Biden’s $1.9 trillion bailout excludes provisions for the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayer-funded abortion.

These snivelers describe how they supported Biden with the understanding that he’d more or less preserve the current state of pro-life legislation and have “open dialogue” with them about abortion issues and keep pro-life restrictions in place. But he didn’t, and now they’re crying foul.

Saying they feel “used and betrayed” over it, they describe how “many Evangelical and Catholics took risks to support Biden publicly” and because they vouched for him, Biden and the Dems need to “honor their courage” by not supporting pro-choice legislation.

Naturally, the Democrats ignored this irrelevant group and did exactly what they were promising to do the whole time, playing this group for the fools they are for the whole world to see.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Time Traveling Prophetess Says Media Will Acknowledge Trump’s Victory in Mere Months

Kat Kerr, who has put the fear of God in us anew after she claimed she had a cadre of 150 angels following her around that were ready to kill at a moment’s notice anyone foolish enough to try and do likewise, is back to her usually spunky and silly self.

Explaining that she’s traveled in time to the future with the help of the Lord, this “mainline, run-of-the-mill continuationist” says that every media organization’s knee will bow and every network anchor will confess that Donald Trump is President, all in a matter of mere weeks or months.

They will be forced- I’m talking about the news – will be forced to say these words: ‘Trump has legally won the election and he is the President of the United States for four more years.’

I was taken forward in time, I saw what happened…It may take a couple weeks. It could take a couple months. But the whole time, God is working out that plan until He can get everyone where He needs them

Even the news and the networks will…they [will] be forced to broadcast the crime and corruption that has been exposed will shock and stun people to see who they colluded with overseas to overthrow this government. Everyone’s gonna know who did it and what they did, and in the end, the only thing left that they can do is give the presidency to Donald Trump because he won on November 3, 2020.

Last week, Dr. Michael Brown wrote an op-ed for the Christian Post, explaining that in no way, shape, or form would someone like the firecracker that is Kat Kerr ever be considered a false prophet, despite what…a couple hundred false prophecies in the last decade? Including this one, which will certainly not come to pass?

We suspect that, as The Friendly Atheist pointed out (the source we used for this story – by the way, your transcript is wrong), Kerr will simply say that Satan disrupted the plan due to the other prophets apologizing and backing down, or Trump had a secret inauguration, or that Trump is spiritually ruling in heaven right now, somehow.

Charismatic Nonsense Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff

Kat Kerr Claims Nowhere Does Bible Say Prophets Must Apologize for False Prophecies

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and prophetess isn’t making a fool of herself when she tries to control the weather, she’s been on a bend refusing to accept that Trump lost the election and that her prophecies were false, showing herself to be the ultimate “always Trumper.”

Two weeks ago she describes how God appeared in her bedroom, visibly upset and mad as a hornet, saying that Trump won in a landslide and that Biden stole the election. Promising divine retribution, the Lord of Lords apparently declared that nothing will stop Him from “putting My son Donald Trump back in that White House,” promising to kick Biden out of the White House in what might be generously described as a supernatural storming of Capitol Hill.

Despite that not happening, Kerr is unapologetic and defiant. Though other false prophets have apologized and repented, Kerr will not, Telling Steve Shultz of the Elijah List:

Nowhere in the bible does it say that prophets have to apologize for anything. You’ll never hear me apologize for what God has said to me. I will stand and I will still believe what God said would happen and will happen.

Kerr further states that Biden is “illegal” and “illegally placed” and that “if you knew God more, and if you know how he operated a little more than you do, you wouldn’t be concerned about any of this.”

She reiterates that “God has never changed what he said to me, and he still intends to put Trump in the White House…I can assure you Trump will be sitting in the White House as President.”

She takes a shot at the “other prophets who bailed” on the Trump prophecies and likens their prophecies to Isaiah saying “the virgin will conceive” and that though everyone thought he was wrong, it ultimately came to fruition and just took longer than people expected.

That was a correct prophecy, and I can tell you right now that you should never go back if you heard God, you should never say anything about that.

LGBTQQIP2SAA News Politics

Biden White House Immediately Updates Contact Page With ‘Transgender Pronouns’

(LifeSiteNews) – Just hours after Democrat Joe Biden’s swearing-in as President of the United States, the official White House contact page has already been updated to ask users to include their preferred gender pronouns, another early gift to LGBT activists.

Among the White House website contact page’s usual fields for name, prefix, phone number, and such is a new “pronouns” field, with the options “she/her,” “he/him,” “they/them,” “Other,” and “Prefer not to share.”

That the website was updated so quickly after Biden took over for former President Donald Trump may suggest it was the work of left-wing employees already within the Trump administration, a longstanding source of frustration for…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Calvin Freiburger and published at Lifesite News. Title changed by Protestia.