
Andy Stanley Denies the Genesis Account, Says God Only Said It To ‘Accommodate to Our Capacity’

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences (See endnotes), it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges.

Of note, in a sermon clip uncovered by The Dissenter, Stanley says God gave the creation narrative account of how he made the world-creating light, dividing water from land, and speaking trees into existence, all in six days- to Moses as a means of ‘accommodating’ ancient people, because they weren’t developed, smart or sophisticated enough to understand the truth of evolution and how he actually created the world.

There’s no necessary conflict between evolution and theism. Because evolution is a means. Theism says there was an agent. I have one high school biology teacher Christian here. It’s like, ‘please, would somebody make this clear? I know this is like really important, because people come home, kids come home from biology class, high school. Like well, ‘you know, but evolution’. ‘No, we don’t believe in evolution, we believe in creation.’ Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hang on.

This is very important. The Genesis account of creation, the point of that isn’t ‘here’s how God did it.’ The point of that, is that God did it. And the reason we know that, is because it stood in stark contrast to the Sumerian and Babylonian and the Canaanite and the Egyptian creation myths. And in all of their myths, the gods just sort of appeared magically out of nowhere or they created themselves or they created each other.

And then, Yahweh says, “hang on, I created it all out of nothing. I didn’t use body parts, okay? I didn’t split (the primordian Goddess Tiamat) in half and their lower half became the earth and the upper half became the heavens. I mean that’s foolishness. There’s one God. I’m God. I did it.’ That’s the point of the Genesis creation account.

He continues:

Now this is important. God, as a heavenly father, does something for you and does something for every generation from the beginning that we should be so grateful for. And if you’re a parent, you do this as well. You know what God does? God accommodates to our capacity.

God accommodates to our capacity. ‘Where do babies come from?’ It depends on who’s asking, doesn’t it? And you didn’t lie to your five-year-old when she asked. And you didn’t lie to your 15 year old when he asked. And when a high school, biology student studies reproductive, you know, science- that teacher isn’t lying. We never lie. We change the answer.

Why? Because we’re lying? No. Because we’re accommodating to a person’s capacity. So come on, what was the capacity of ancient, ancient, ancient, ancient slave culture Hebrew? Was there any way in the world and God could explain to them how he did it? No.

Bonus Stanley content:

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal


Andy Stanley Suggests Defending ‘Gay Rights’ is a ‘Moral Value’ the Gospel Set Loose

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges.

We’ve been covering this extensively over the last two months, revealing that not only is Stanley gay-affirming according to multiple testimonies from his pastors and leaders, but that multiple pastors and leaders within his church are gay-affirming, and that the church is hosting pro-LGBTQ+ conferences and family ministries, as well as recommending LGBTQ+ resources to families.

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

During his March 26, 2023, he favorably quotes gay-affirming author Phillip Yancey. In a case of “one of these things is not like the other” Stanley says that when people say things like “we need human rights” and ostensibly gay rights “they’re actually leveraging the teaching of Jesus, whether they know it or not.”

I love this quote by Philip Yancey. I‘ve shared it with you before, I will probably share it with you forever. This is from his amazing book he wrote years ago, called Vanishing Grace. Here’s here’s what he writes. He says, ‘Those Who condemn the church for its blind spots’ and of course we have blind spots. The amazing about the church- we’re going to talk about this in about two and half months- is that the church has a self-correcting mechanism on the inside. But from time to time, church is and the church says crazy things. He says ‘There are those who condemned the church for its blind spots. They do so by gospel principles.” In other words, the very principles that people outside the church use to hold the church accountable are actually principles that came from Jesus. “Arguing for the very moral values that the gospel originally set loose in the world.”

In other words, when people say “we need Justice and we need human rights and we need, we need” they’re actually leveraging the teaching of Jesus whether they know it or not. Here’s what he goes on to say. And there’s so much evidence for this. I’ve shared some of that with you before. He writes “human rights, civil rights, women’s rights, minority rights, gay rights, disability Rights, animal rights- the success of these, modern movements,”- these are all modern movements, “the success of these, modern movements, reflect a widespread empathy for the oppressed that has no precedent in the ancient world.”

Again, what is intuitive to us is not intuitive. We learned it. What is self-evident to us about the dignity that other people deserve, it is not self-evident. We learned it. And it we learned it, it was launched by the teaching of Jesus. He goes on he says this “classial philosophers considered mercy and pity to be character defects.” To be generous to somebody who didn’t earn it was a character defect. To show compassion for someone who doesn’t have anything to do with you and you can’t get anything from them, and there’s no benefit for showing compassion, that was considered a character defect. Nobody celebrated you for that. “Contrary to justice, not until Jesus”-this is so documented- “not until Jesus did that attitude change.”

Full Yancey quote.

“Those who condemn the church for its blind spots do so by gospel principles, arguing for the very moral values that the gospel originally set loose in the world. Human rights, civil rights, women’s rights, minority rights, gay rights, disability rights, animal rights—the success of these modern movements reflects a widespread empathy for the oppressed that has no precedent in the ancient world; classical philosophers considered mercy and pity to be character defects, contrary to justice. Not until Jesus did that attitude change.

When the rest of the world criticizes us for our failings, we should respond with humility and repentance, qualities that lobby groups and activists don’t typically display. Christians know that the church in 2100 will look back on the church of 2000 and shake its head in sad incomprehension. How could we have missed what will seem so obvious to them?

Our challenge as Jesus’ followers is to align ourselves with the true gospel, and to reclaim the force it has released to a world in desperate need.”

~ Vanishing Grace: What Ever Happened to the Good News? 


John MacArthur Criticizes Tim Keller and Andy Stanley During ShepCon Q & A

Pastor John MacArthur took some time during his Shepherds ConferenceQ &A to answer questions about the role of the pastor, centering in on the need to feed the sheep while critiquing those who have an inordinate focus on giving themselves over to the culture.

In particular, he singled out Tim Keller (who MacArthur has criticized before) and Andy Stanley as two culprits who have been guilty of this.

There’s an inordinate affection, strange to say, for the culture. There’s a driving desire that’s twisted to reach the culture. You can go back to Tim Keller’s mandates for urban renewal or Andy Stanley welcoming all the homosexuals because he wants to reach them. But pastoral ministry is not about changing the culture. And if you define it theologically, your church will never have anyone who’s a genuine member who’s not part of the remnant.

…I think ministry has been woefully lacking to the souls of the people of God. And so they have struggled and they have been wounded. They have been without biblical teaching, without solid doctrine, without nourishing truth, while everybody is worried about what the world thinks and making sure we identify with the world and its style and its music and all of that when feeding the flock of God is how we discharge our ministry and how the Lord builds his Church.

MacArthur previously took a few shots at Andy Stanley for his preemptive decision during the summer of 2020 to close his church until 2021. This action by Stanley prompted MacArthur to comment that Stanley didn’t know what a church was.

Large churches are shutting down until they say January. I don’t have any way to understand that, other than they don’t know what a church is and they don’t shepherd their people. But that’s sad. And you have a lot of people in Christianity who seem to be significant leaders who arent giving any strength and courage to the church, they’re not standing up and rising up and calling on Christians to be the church in the world.”

Stanley would respond to MacArthur’s critique in an interview with David Nasser, reiterating his conviction that “The Lord does not require us to meet” for church service, all the while taking offense at being criticized. 

John said some not so nice things about me, not by name, but he’s made some comments about those who have decided not to meet for the rest of the year. He said that we aren’t really a church and we don’t know how or don’t care about shepherding our people, so I’m like ‘wow that’s a lot from someone I’ve never met’. but that’s ok.

Bonus. Stanley is embroiled in an emerging scandal after we broke the story of his church being riddled with pro-LGBTQ and gay-affirming pastors, leaders, curriculums, and conferences. 


Andy Stanley Apologizes and Blames Christians For Pagans Not Being Saved

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology keeps on coming to light.

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

During a recent sermon, Stanley continues his long-standing habit of apologizing to pagans on behalf of ‘Jesus-followers’, granting the unregenerate every excuse as legitimate and understandable for why they’re not believers. 

If concern for other people isn’t the filter through which your (as a Christian) words pass, if you’re not there to build them up, then just shut up because you’re doing more harm than good.

If you’re not a Christian, chances are it was the reckless, un-Christ-like words of Christians that either drove you away or keep you away. Or the reckless un-Christ-like words of Christians spoken to someone you love that drove you away or keep you away-that were the reason you decided to leave faith.

And if that’s the case, I am so sorry. And I hope that you will look past us, and beyond us, to Jesus who,
and you’re going to love this. If you’re not a Christian, you’re going to love this. To look past us to Jesus, who reserved his harshest words for religious people who were careless with their words toward the people he loved.

The biblical view of why they’re not believers is because they hate God. They are born with a sinful nature that they are slaves to, making them enemies of God and children of wrath. They are dead in their trespasses and sins and are in desperate need of a savior, and that is why they are ‘kept’ away from Jesus.

These are men and women who, by their very nature, suppress the truth in unrighteousness because what can be known about God is evident within them; because God has shown it to them, so that they are without excuse.

These excuses include Christians saying mean words to them or those they care about. 


Andy Stanley Repeatedly Tells Congregants ‘I’m Not Arguing That the Bible is Correct’

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges. (See the end of the article)

Stanley, who has a long history of preaching weird and wonky theology, repeatedly took care to point out during a recent sermon (Part 3 of Heaven” Who is in) that as he’s preaching and telling you what Jesus and the bible says, he’s not arguing that what they say is true or that they are correct. He frequently makes this disclaimer throughout the sermon for reasons known only to him.

And then the one that many of us heard growing up,” All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. The point is, I’m not arguing at this point that what the Bible says is true. What I’m arguing is that if you think somewhere in the Bible, there’s a standard by which you live, you’ll go to heaven, you are sadly mistaken. And my hunch is you haven’t actually read the Bible.

The Bible does not provide us with a standard of conduct that guarantees heaven. In fact, it’s just the opposite. And again, I’m not arguing that the Bible is correct, that’s just what the Bible says. There’s no magic list.

…According to Jesus, this is so amazing. And again, please hear me at this point in the series. I’m not arguing that what Jesus said is true. I’m just telling you what Jesus said, for just a moment. Okay? According to Jesus, regardless of how serious you take Jesus, but if you think somehow Jesus is in the mix of good people go to heaven…..

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley 

Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
North Point Pastor Praises Gay Man’s Affirming Org. ‘Lord, Let Him Create More Allies for the LGBTQ Community’
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

For other non-LGBTQ Controversies, he made waves for encouraging Christians to essentially throw out the Old Testament, arguing that believers should “unhitch” themselves from portions of Old Testament Scripture. He went on the warpath against doctrine in general, claiming that “unity is more important than theology.”

Stanley argued that Jesus’ birth and the events surrounding the nativity doesn’t really matter, thus casting doubt upon his supernatural birth by saying “If somebody can predict their own death and then their own resurrection, I’m not all that concerned about how they got into the world” and “Christianity doesn’t hinge on the truth or even the stories around the Birth of Jesus.”’

Stanely has been on a roll since the pandemic hit, telling members that the “Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible,” that the Lord does not require them to meet for church, that George Floyd was “This Generation’s Samson,” and to “Sleep late and skip church” during Father’s Day.

Stanley continues to be in our spotlight due to his theologically bankrupt behavior. Recently, he claimed, “Here’s an uncomfortable fact: white people fear black men” and went on a woke Critical Race Theory tirade by arguing “it’s not enough to be ‘not racist,’ you must be ‘anti-racist,” before telling them that they’re all racists in their hearts. This was a few months after he lamented the fact that churches were fighting the government to stay open and have their church services, saying he was embarrassed by it. 


North Point Pastor Recommends Struggling Christians Attend ‘Queer Parent Summit’

The Q Christian Fellowship is the world’s most prominent gay-affirming Christian activist and advocacy group. Founded by Justin Lee as the Gay Christian Network in 2001, its mission is to cultivate radical belonging for LGBTQ+ Christians and allies. They are perhaps best known for their Q Christian Fellowship Conferences, also widely considered the largest annual LGBTQ+ Christian event in the world.

Past speakers have included fetishist Sam Britton, the non-binary government official that Biden appointed to the Department of Energy that was also into “puppy play” and wearing leather dog masks, mystic Richard Rohr, and Danny Cortez, the gay-affirming pastor who was famously disfellowshipped from the SBC after his son came out as a homosexual.

Other speakers have included Candice Czubernat, who founded a counseling collective of all-LGBTQ therapists that North Point church pastors recommend for struggling gay kids, UMC Bishop Karen Oliveto, and an assortment of random feminist clergy from dying mainline denominations.

They are joined by North Point Community Church pastors and leaders. 

Debbie Causey, the gay-affirming pastor and Director of North Point’s Care Network has spoken there, along with Amy Blakselee, the gay-affirming Director of Parent Connect, which is North Points’ ministry to parents with gay kids. Other speakers have included Greg and Lynn McDonald, Parent Connect leaders and founders of Embracing the Journey, a gay-affirming organization North Point church uses and recommends.

During one of their breakout talks at the QFC, Causey and Blakeslee recommended a slew of gay-affirming resources including Embracing the Journey, Harbor, and the QCF’s own Parents’ Summit.

The Q Christian Fellowship Parent’s Summit is being held this year at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, IL, one of the largest congregations of the apostate PCUSA denomination. The conference’s mission is to “encourage, equip, and connect parents of LGBTQ+ children” through a series of Q &A, breakout sessions, panels, and workshops. The thrust of the messaging is simple: your child cannot and will not change, and so you need to love and affirm them, lest they kill themselves or cut off all contact with you.

Speakers at the upcoming sessions will include the aforementioned Danny Cortez, Linda Robertson, author of Just Because he Breathes and QFC board member, and some other gay-affirming ministers. North Point church’s Amy Blakeslee was the panel facilitator last year, and it’s unclear if she will again serve as moderator this year. 

One thing that is clear, however, is that North Point Church is thoroughly corrupt and compromised. Parents coming for help with their struggling and questioning gay children will not be given hope, but rather pointed to a pathway to hell and hopelessness paved with rainbows and gay-affirming resources. 

From Embracing the Journey to Harbor, the Christian Closet to Q Christian Conferences, is there no one that will point children and parents towards sound biblical orthodoxy rather than capitulation to confusion?

None that we have encountered. 

Those North Point kids are goners. 

For more resources detailing Andy Stanley’s LGBTQ+ affirmations:

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley 

Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
North Point Pastor Praises Gay Man’s Affirming Org. ‘Lord, Let Him Create More Allies for the LGBTQ Community’
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal


Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality

Charismatic Kingpin Dr. Michael Brown, host of ‘The Line of Fire,’ revealed in a recent episode of his show that for nearly a decade, he’s been interacting “very intensely” with North Point Community Church Senior Pastor Andy Stanley on whether or not homosexuality is a sin. 

Brown claims that after exchanging “endless texts and emails” and despite Stanley being “fully accessible” to him, as far back as 2015, he has steadfastly refused to give Brown a simple answer, lending Brown to surmise that Stanley is indeed gay-affirming. 

We’ve been covering this extensively over the last two weeks, revealing that not only is Stanley gay-affirming according to multiple testimonies from his pastors and leaders, but that multiple pastors and leaders within his church are gay-affirming, and that the church is hosting along with pro-LGBTQ+ conferences and family ministries, as well as recommending LGBTQ+ resources to families.

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

Brown is asked by a caller to comment on “the recent controversy surrounding Andy Stanley and his seeming drift on the issue of homosexuality…” and Brown replies:

Alright, so first, Andy Stanley. We have interacted very intensively on this. I have gone back and forth with him with endless texts and emails.

He made himself fully accessible to me eight years ago, when I wrote an article with some open questions for him and he jokingly said, ‘why didn’t you send it to me first?’ Like oh, I didn’t know you were that accessible. He gave me his phone number and email. So we’ve been in regular contact.

But for eight years, literally since 2015, he has not been willing to give me a simple answer on ‘would you agree that according to the Bible, homosexual practice is always sinful, and no matter how loving, same-sex relationships are not blessed in his sight?’

For eight years, including me pressing him every way I knew how to press him (recently?) he has refused to answer that question.

And I’ve told him ‘I just got to believe all the bad reports then, all the bad stuff I’m hearing. I got to believe it’s true.”


North Point Pastor Praises Gay Man’s Affirming Org. ‘Lord, Let Him Create More Allies for the LGBTQ Community’

B.T. Harman (Brett Trapp) is an Atlanta-based content creator. He is perhaps best known for his memoir series Blue Babies Pink: A Southern Coming Out Story, which over a series of 44 podcasts, details his journey from growing up in a Christian home to coming out as a celibate ‘gay Christian,’ to finally a non-celibate gay Christian who would eventually ‘marry’ another man. 

Along with Blue Babies Pink, he would also found Harbor, an online support program for Christian Parents of LGBTQ Kids. He explains this program is helpful for all Christians regardless of their convictions regarding sodomy. “I fall on the “affirming” side of the theological spectrum. This is where I am, but I’m still committed to engaging all parents in a loving, respectful, non-shaming way. Harbor is about learning to create peace with your child, regardless of how everyone’s theology shakes out. It is more practical and less theological.

Despite suggesting the counseling is theologically agnostic, many of the resources he offers are pro-homosexuality and his message is that gay kids can’t change, and so parents need to accept them and celebrate them for who they are. In an unlisted video for his live workshops, he features Susan Cotrell, who runs the gay-afirming ministry Freed Hearts, Greg and Lynn McDonald, founders of the gay-affirming ministry Embracing the Journey, and Amy Blakeslee, the lesbian gay-affirming Director of North Point Community Church’s Parent Connect.

In 2017, North Point Community Church Lead Pastor Clay Scroggins invited Harman to give a message to his church. Calling him a “vulnerability expert,” Scroggins would heap effusive praise on him and his podcast, clearly enraptured by the telling.

One key takeaway from the talk was the importance of being seen as 100% safe and trustworthy for gay people come out to, not 99% safe. Harman recounts that while he spent 20 years in the closet, he remembered and noted every stray anti-gay comment made by his friends. When it came time for him to out himself, he purposefully did not tell anyone who he recalls making critical “unsafe” comments about homosexuality. He instead only spoke to friends that were 100% safe, and Scroggins highlights this as something to emulate and strive to be.

At the end of the event, Scroggins invites Harman to close out in prayer, but not before delivering his supplications, where he openly prays that Harman’s ministry and influence flourish, notably in making allies for the LGBTQ community.

“Father, we just thank you for tonight. I thank you for Brett… I just thank you for his courage and for his authenticity and his genuineness…I just pray that you would continue to use him in powerful ways. I pray that you’d continue to give him creativity in the way he shares his message. You’ve clearly gifted him massively God, just the way he uses words, the way you’ve given him so much help.

...I just pray that you would continue to use him, not just with the LGBT community, but God that you would use him to create more allies for that community. That you would use him in the lives of parents who have kids who have come out. But God for everyone of us that has a secret that we’d never told anybody or something that about ourself that we feel like you can’t accept, I just pray that you’ll continue to use him in powerful ways to free prisoners. Because that’s your ministry and that’s ultimately what we’re all here to do. So I just thank you for him, and I thank you for his willingness to be a part of this tonight.”

This event took place in 2017, but it would not be his only involvement with North Point Community Church. As mentioned, he would cut a promo with North Point leader Amy Blakeslee years later and would give his endorsement to Embracing the Journey Ministries, a gay-affirming counseling resource that North Point church uses.

In 2022 his ministry was given as a recommended resource by Debbie Causey, a gay-affirming pastor at North Point, who was leading a breakout session at the Queer Christian Conference.

North Point Community Church has been going off the rails for a long time, and every new revelation is another nail in the coffin.

For more information about North Point church, click here:


ICYMI. Andy Stanley Says George Floyd Was ‘This Generation’s Samson’

On May 30, 2020, Andy Stanely put up a post on social media where he declared that George Floyd, the man killed by Derek Chauvin, to be “This Generation’s Samson.” He writes:

Dear George, I accept.

Perhaps without realizing it, and certainly without choosing it, you are this generation’s Samson. The last chapter of your life was lived with one hand on the pillar of POVERTY and the other on the pillar of INJUSTICE.

The Samson of BIBLICAL FAME positioned himself between the two central pillars of a pagan temple and accomplished MORE in his death than he did while living. Perhaps you will as well.

Your death destroyed our excuses.
Your final breath was an invitation.

I accept.

From what we can tell this is a wholly original post and was not a reposted meme. The post garnered both support and derision for the short time it was up. Andy Stanley quickly pulled down the post after a brief period of backlash, but not before it was screenshotted and immortalized.

Similarly, a few satellite campuses posted it to their Facebook pages when it was first uploaded and then quickly deleted it. The admins overseeing the Facebook page of Buckhead Church, one of North Point’s multisites, had it up the longest until it too disappeared.

Stanley is currently embroiled in controversies over his church’s tolerance and celebration of homosexuality.

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
ALMOST ALL Speakers at Andy Stanley’s Upcoming ‘Christian’ Conference are LGBTQ+ Affirming!
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality

Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal


9 Minute Video of Andy Stanley Attacking the Bible and the Old Testament

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges.

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Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
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Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

In a new video from a lecture Stanley gave at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2019, he makes a series of audacious claims about the bible, saying that it must not be our foundation for the faith, but rather the resurrection of Jesus must be as revealed in the gospels.

He notes that he stopped saying “the bible says” a decade ago, that “defending the entire bible is the wrong place to dig our trenches and mount our defenses” and that “the only documents we should ever feel pressure to defend is not the bible…but the gospels.”