
MUST-WATCH EXPOSE’: SBC’s ERLC & Pro-Life Movement’s Compromise & Hypocrisy

The team at Apologia Studios have put together an exposé detailing the hypocrisy of the Southern Baptist Convention and their leaders surrounding the events of May 12, 2022, when Louisiana lawmakers advanced a historic bill that would not only criminalize abortion but classify it as a homicide, the Pro-Life Machine stepped in and drafted a letter signed by 70 of their organizations, including the ERLC, to kill the bill and declare they do not support it.

This was the first actual abolition bill to pass committee in any state in the nation so far, and the politicians were getting pressure all week from pro-life groups. Still, the bill’s fate was sealed when earlier in the day, over 70 ‘pro-life groups’ like National Right to Life and their state subsidiaries, along with the ERLC, released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion.

The ERLC was ideologically joined with far-left women’s rights groups and Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world. This lobbying arm of the SBC opposed the bill and declared unequivocally that they could not support it. Planned Parenthood was pressuring its supporters to defeat the bill, and The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission was doing the exact same thing, both pushing from different sides to attain the same goal, despite the SBC passing a resolution at last year’s convention to seek to abolish abortion. But politicians who previously championed the bill were now voting against it.


This video explains why, and how it all came together.


Texas Pro-Life Group Attacks Candidate Trying To Abolish Abortion Completely

Texas Right To Life is a “pro-life” group that has consistently and aggressively opposed any effort to completely abolish abortion in the state. Instead, they’ve raised millions of dollars by championing silly and trivial regulations designed to restrict when, how, and where abortions are done, but repudiating abolishing it altogether.

It’s no wonder then that they released an op-ed attacking Republican candidate David Lowe, who is running a campaign to unseat Stephanie Klick in District 91 in the House of Representatives. They’re claiming he’s been bragging that he’ll “vote no to any pro-life bill” and therefore is seeking to dismantle all their hard work.

This is not because he is a pro-choice progressive or a RINO, as they are grossly implying and mischaracterizing, but because he wants to do more than just regulate abortion. He wants to abolish it altogether, as soon as possible, and views pro-life regulations as cowardly half-measures that betray a fundamental reticence to completely end it. Lowe wants it ended tomorrow, Roe v Wade be damned, and has no love for bills that fail to do that very thing.

This perspective is intolerable to the mainstream pro-life position, and hence the claws have come out from the powerful lobbying group.

For example, Texas Right to Life points out that Klick, a pro-life hero of theirs, “passed the Dismemberment Abortion Ban, a law that prohibits the barbaric and inhumane abortion method which ends the lives of preborn children by removing their limbs while their hearts are still beating.”

That sounds good, but this lauded piece of legislation is emblematic of the problem. Kristine Harehoef, responding to the article, explains:

I wouldn’t be bragging about Klick passing the Dismemberment Ban if I were you.

Passing a ban that says Texas women may not dismember their babies alive, but rather they should dismember them AFTER they’re murdered in accordance with the law… is embarrassing legislation that does nothing to save babies.

Another line in your article says that Klick fought to protect “mothers from abortion.”

Yet is it not the mothers who are making the appointment, walking in freely on their own two feet, signing the informed consent paperwork, paying their hundreds or thousands, climbing up on the table, positioning their body so as to assist with the abortion, and swallowing the pills?

The mothers don’t need protecting. They’re not the ones being vacuumed, force-birthed into a toilet, poisoned, or dismembered — dead or alive. The babies — and only the babies — are the victims needing protection in the typical, everyday, Texas abortion scenario.

It is time to end all pro-life regulation bills that treat abortion as “health care” — telling us as Texas women how, when, and where we may kill our babies, who we may hire to help, and what age our baby-victims should be at the time of the assault.

Free the States, who have endorsed Lowe over Klick, point out that far from being a champion of abolishing abortion, she has frustrated them at every turn and has served as a one-woman wrecking ball to keep these bills from gaining any traction.

[David] Lowe has pledged to Free the States and Abolish Abortion Texas that he will support the immediate abolition of abortion and reject the incrementalism of the Pro-Life Establishment.

Klick, as chair of the Texas House Public Health Committee, refused to even give the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Through Equal Protection Act a hearing in the 2021 session. She is the reason babies are still murdered in Texas.

They’re not wrong. Abolish Abortion Texas explains:

“As committee chair, Klick refused to even give our bill a hearing. Stephanie Klick killed HB 3326, the only bill in Texas which would have abolished abortion immediately and given every single preborn baby the same protections of the law that you and I enjoy….Not only that, but on just the third day of the 2021 regular session, Klick even voted AGAINST requiring a vote to abolish abortion before renaming roads or bridges (House Record Vote No. 23).”

Make no mistake; Texas Right to Life has no interest in abolishing abortion completely. If they can nickel and dime the pro-choice movement for another 40 years, carving out tiny and irritating restrictions here and there, all the while shutting down every and all effort to completely abolish abortion in the state, they’re more than happy to do that and will fight anyone who wants otherwise.

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Cowards! OK ‘Pro-Life’ Politicians Seek To Kill Bill Abolishing Abortion

“Pro-life” politicians in Oklahoma are up to their dirty tricks again, this time seeking to stop the only abortion abolition bill put forward. In an act of extraordinarily convenient and suspect timing, the 13 members of the GOP controlled Health and Human Services Committee are seeking to vote on SB495 early this morning, before the ink has had time to dry on the paper and before the growing abolitionist movement and citizens of Oklahoma have had time to make their voices heard.

Unlike all of the incremental, toothless, nibble-around-the-edges pro-life bills passed by Republicans in the state over the last 40 years and still trying to be passed to this day, SB495 is unique in that it is designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court if and when they invariably interfered.

Despite being the most pro-life state in the country* with a Republican supermajority in the House and Senate, these professing pro-life politicians don’t want to touch abolition with a 10-foot pole. In order to accomplish this furtive task, the vote is being held extremely early under the guise of “getting to bills they never got around to the last session,” even though SB495 is not one of those, having been introduced barely a week ago.

Russell Hunter, a lobbyist for Free the States and the chief architect of the modern-day abolitionist movement, believes this is their way of killing the bill early before Abolition Day, where thousands of constituents will make their voices heard in a mass rally of activism and ideological education.

He notes that all but two of the Senators voted against the previous iteration of this bill, SB13, and that of the two new faces in the legislature, one is a Democrat and the other has not been receptive to abolition overtures. With no intention of letting the bill have a hearing – they’ve chosen to step on the egg and crush the yolk before the baby dragon hatches.

The last action taken by these legislators was to kill the Abolition of Abortion Act back in 2019. Consequently, they’ve not had to deal with the outcry from their constituents about a piece of legislation regarding this subject since, particularly a very vocal segment that is rapidly gaining support from those whose paradigms shifted from regulation to abolition.

By aborting the bill before sponsor Warren Hamilton has a chance to really talk to his fellow Senators, whip support for the bill, pitch it to them, and seek to persuade them to vote for it, “pro-life” politicians are hoping it becomes a non-issue and they won’t have to endure months of sustained campaigning, emails, phone calls, rallies, mailers, and one-on-one meetings about it.

Russell Hunter explains the games pro-life legislators play to avoid voting for abolition

On top of SB495 coming up so early, the session also has 5 other abortion bills to be considered in committee, none of which advocate for the complete abolition of abortion and all of which are useless.

In particular is SB918, introduced by professing “Christ-follower” Greg Treat. This “pro-life bill” says that Oklahoma can only remove laws allowing abortion if the Supreme Court gives them permission. In contrast, SB495 has nullification written into it (from wiki: The idea that the state has the right to nullify or invalidate any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional with respect to the United States Constitution).

Treat is against nullification for preborn babies, insisting that they must abide by the edicts of the Supreme Court, but all the while supports nullification for medical Marijuana, despite federal laws against it. In his estimation, access to weed is worth fighting for, protecting the babies is not.

Perhaps worst of all, if SB495 is voted down, it would be dead for two full years. This is because the Oklahoma legislature operates in a two-year cycle and this bill and this language would not be able to be reintroduced until 2023. For this reason, there is a chance it may be pulled by its supporters in order to have time to gather support and steam and become a centerpiece for Abolition Day.

Hunter states that those caring about abolishing abortion need to stand up to these political games and let their voices be heard.

We need to make sure that…the committee knows that we do not want “defunding abortion,” we want abolishing abortion. We the people demand abolition! We want you to stand up for justice and mercy for the preborn, not just simply “well not with MY money.”

If you’re in Oklahoma this morning, please try to make it down to the Capitol building by 8:30 and join others there. If you can’t make it, Senator Hamilton asks that Oklahomans (and we ask others outside the state) to email all members of the committee asking them to vote in favor of the bill in case the bill is heard tomorrow.

Make sure you BCC all these people with a short but sweet message. A form letter/template has been provided below that should be personalized in some way that may serve as an example of content and length.


Email Subject Line : PLEASE SUPPORT SB495 to be discussed on the Senate floor

Message: Dear Senator,

I am contacting you today to graciously encourage you to put on the courage of Christ and support Senator Hamilton’s Bill SB495 Equal Justice & Equal Protection | The Abolition of Abortion In Oklahoma Act.

Please stand for the Word of God, The Constitution of the United States, and the Oklahoma Republican Party platform by sending SB495 to the Senate floor and on through the political process to establish equal protection and equal justice for all human beings beginning at conception.

Respectfully, Your name

*Oklahoma is widely considered the most pro-life state in the US. Republicans have a supermajority in both the House and Senate in Oklahoma. Of the 48 seats in the State Senate, 39 are held by Republicans and 9 by Democrats, meaning that over 80% of the senators are Republicans.  In the House, the GOP clobbers the Democrats 77 to 24.

Furthermore, Oklahoma has a professing Republican pro-life Governor, a Republican pro-life Lieutenant Governor, a Republican pro-life President Pro Tem of the Senate, and a Republican pro-life majority floor leader. 

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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signs Bill Requiring Aborted Babies to be Buried or Cremated

The Ohio pro-life movement has claimed another victory after Governor Mike DeWine signed into law Senate Bill 27, which requires any babies or “fetal material” killed by abortion to be either buried or cremated.

The newest act of pro-life regulation necessitates that any woman obtaining an abortion in the state must be informed prior to the procedure that she can choose what to do with the dead body afterward – either cremation or burial – with the clinic paying for the costs.

If the clinic does not follow through with this, individuals could find themselves saddled with a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. 

While some organizations like National Right To Life (NRTL) praise the new law, other pro-life groups are less thrilled by this, pointing out that that this is nothing more than pesky regulationism that doesn’t actually do anything to abolish abortion.

Ohio is as red of a state as they come, with massive majorities in the House and Senate. The Senate has 25 Republicans to 8 Democrats and the House of Representatives has 65 Republicans to 35 Democrats, giving them a super-majority of professing pro-life politicians who have no interest in actually making abortion illegal.

Thus, bills like SB 27 are the excuse politicians use to not abolish it decisively. They offer it to their base as proof of action that they can fundraise upon, all the while teaching the culture dehumanizing misinformation about the preborn and idolatrous information about the Supreme Court.

Because they’ll pass laws against it all day along.

They regulate how you can kill your baby, when you can kill your baby, what steps you must take before you kill baby, what hoops you must jump through after you kill your baby, but never that you cannot kill your baby.

During Governors Kasich’s term, he passed 21 laws against abortion, and it is still legal as ever.

Contrast this to Senate Bill 13 in Oklahoma, which is interestingly opposed by pro-life groups like National Right to Life. Senate Bill 13 is wholly unique from many of the incremental, nibble-around-the-edges pro-life bills passed by the Republicans over the last decade in that it was designed to have Oklahoma completely and decisively abolish abortion regardless of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the practice.

Under the proposed legislation, Oklahoma would ignore that court ruling and defy the Supreme Court when they invariably interfered, making it a true abolition bill, and not a toothless inconvenience with the same punishment you’d get for shoplifting.

Until Ohio does something similar, we’ll get bills like this one ad nauseum, and the babies will continue to die at a rate of 21,000 a year in the state.

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Why Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s Death Likely Changes Nothing For the Pre-born

(Free the States) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away from complications related to pancreatic cancer at 87 years old. US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has already released a statement revealing that “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” The upcoming nomination battle is likely to make the Kavanaugh confirmation battle look tame by comparison.

If D.C. Republicans are able to nominate and confirm an anti-Roe justice, it would be conceivable that Roe would be overturned in the coming decade. Not necessarily likely, but conceivable.

Supreme court history informs us that Roe’s reversal would still be unlikely. In 1992, the US supreme court was made up of eight Republican nominees, including three from Reagan and two from Bush. The lone Democrat nominee on the court was Justice Byron White who dissented in Roe v. Wade. So there were eight Republicans and a pro-life Democrat. The Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) decision should have been a slam-dunk overturning of Roe. Yet even the ’92 court upheld legal abortion. The majority was made up entirely of Republican nominees.

The only current justice who has ever publicly stated that Roe should be overturned is Clarence Thomas. Thomas has written separate opinions calling for the court’s abortion jurisprudence to be overturned in nearly every abortion-related case that has come before him, including the recent June Medical Services v. Russo decision. These opinions have not been joined by any other current justice. So while another confirmation would make six Republican appointees, Roe’s reversal would not necessarily be imminent or even likely.

Even if an anti-Roe judge gets appointed, nothing changes for abolitionists. As Christians who strive for obedience to God’s word and to a lesser extent, as Americans who care about equal protection under the Constitution, when we’re ordered to allow mass murder, we’re obligated to say ‘no.’ Ginsburg has passed away, but the court’s order to the states that they must allow mass murder in their jurisdictions hasn’t changed, and the objective standard of morality hasn’t changed. The obligation of states to uphold justice by disregarding Roe, therefore, stands.

According to Russel Hunter of Free the States, the key to the battle against abortion isn’t about anyone dying or leaving the court. It’s about an ideology of unconditional subservience to the court against all reason and humanity that needs to die.

For those who really know what’s going on, the death of Justice Ginsburg doesn’t change a thing. Even if she is replaced by a conservative pro-life justice. Her replacement only returns the court to what it has been multiple times during the abortion holocaust. And it is a historical and ideological fact that pro-life justices would rather uphold their previous rulings in favor of the right to abortion than protect preborn humans from the slaughter.

Liberal judges don’t just need to die. The prideful worship of judicial precedence (stare decisis) needs to die. As does the culture’s general belief that the Supreme Court is the final unquestionable arbiter of what is and is not constitutional.

Don’t be distracted by previously engrained pro-life indoctrination. Creating a conservative Supreme Court is not the key. Creating a culture of dissent and disobedience towards unjust unconstitutional rulings is. Celebrating the death of a liberal judge and working and hoping for a conservative replacement on the bench does not help create that culture of dissent but actually deadens the impulse to seek it.

Evil scheming powers and principalities in high places be damned. Do not be deluded or distracted by this.

The court is still not likely to overturn Roe, and even if it were, we would be derelict in our duty as Christians if we waited for them to do so before giving equal protection to preborn humans. Regardless of who fills Ginsburg’s former seat on the court, our work and objectives remain the same. We must continue working toward the total and immediate abolition of abortion in defiance of the genocidal United States supreme court.

Editor’s Post. The preceding post was written by James Silberman and originally posted at Free the States. Republished with permission.