World News

‘At Least Some’ of the 17 Kidnapped Missionaries are Alive

At least some of the 17 missionaries Kidnapped in Haiti last month are alive according to a senior Biden administration official, who says that the US Government has seen proof of life for a few of the souls.

The group, which includes five children, was abducted after visiting an orphanage in Haiti. According to Children Aid Ministries (CAM), who sent them out and suffered the loss, “The ages of the adults being held captive range from 18 to 48. The ages of the children are 8 months, 3 years, 6 years, 13 years, and 15 years.’

The notorious 400 Mawozo gang is demanding a $1,000,000 ransom per person. Wilson Jospeh, believed to be the leader of the gang, released a video that was uploaded on YouTube where he publicly vowed “I swear by thunder that if I don’t get what I’m asking for, I will put a bullet in the heads of these Americans.”

It is not known at this time how many are alive, or which people have confirmed been shown proof of life for. A statement released by CAM on their website reads:

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7). On the 25th day since the kidnapping, we cling to God’s precious promises. As our loved ones endure another day in captivity, we again commit them to God and His care. 

We continue to welcome notes of encouragement, written prayers, and stories of God’s faithfulness that we can share with the families of the hostages. You may send your messages to We sincerely hope that someday the hostages will have the privilege of reading the messages and prayers that were kindly sent during their time of trouble. Even now, we trust they are being lifted and encouraged through the power of your prayers.  

Christian Aid Ministries | November 9, 2021 2:45 p.m.”

Evangelical Stuff Featured World Headlines World News

Report: Taliban Killing People Found with Bibles on Their Phones

(Breitbart)The Taliban is killing people in Afghanistan they find with copies of the Bible on their mobile phones, a Christian non-profit announced on Tuesday.

The Taliban, a radical Islamist terrorist organization, seized leadership of the country on Sunday after surrounding the nation’s capital, Kabul, prompting former President Ashraf Ghani to flee. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan until 2001, when the United States invaded the country, and established a brutal regime that regularly persecuted political dissidents, religious minorities, women, and anyone considered to be violating Islamic law, or sharia.

According to SAT-7, an organization that broadcasts Christian programs to churches and Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, the Taliban is using “spies and informants” to persecute the Christian minority in the country.

“We’re hearing from reliable sources that the Taliban demand people’s phones, and if they find a downloaded Bible on your device, they will kill you immediately,” said SAT-7 North America President Dr. Rex Rogers told Religion News Service. “It’s incredibly dangerous right now for Afghans to have anything Christian on their phones. The Taliban have spies and informants everywhere.”

Other Christian nonprofits and ministries that specialize in assisting persecuted Christians around the world have been sounding the alarm as well, emphasizing the ruthless nature of Taliban leadership. A Christian contact of one Release International partner described the situation as “dire” in a report published Monday. Release International is a Christian ministry that also assists persecuted Christians around the world.  

“Our brothers and sisters in Christ are telling us how afraid they are..

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Edditor’s Note. This article was written by Katherine Hamilton and published at Breitbart

World News

Fulani Herdsman Behead Christian Father, 7-Year-old Son

(International Christian Concern) – ICC has confirmed an attack reported by Punch Newspapers of an incident yesterday where a father and son were killed by men suspected to be Fulani Militants.

“The victims identified as Thomas Wollo, 46, and Nggwe Thomas, 7,  were attacked and beheaded by some herdsmen close to their home in  Tafigana village, Bassa LGA, while returning from a choir practice at about 8.50pm on Sunday,” said the news source.

The perpetrators of the attack were said to have disappeared into the bush afterwards and have not been found. Zongo Lawrence, the spokesman for Miango Youth Development Association, stated that later that day millions of naira (Nigerian currency), worth of farmland were also destroyed in a nearby village.

“Seventeen of our people have been killed by Fulani herdsmen this year,” Lawrence said in a statement. “The international community should come to our aid; we are under heavy siege.”

 “As a people, we are continuously under attack and nobody seems to be hearing our cry for help,” said the President of Irigwe Youth Movement, Mr Chinge Dodo. “It appears that killing our people has become a routine.”

Editor’s note, This article was written by and published at

News Religion Scandal World News

Kathy and Ed Litton Plagiarized a Tim Keller Sermon in 2012

Apparently J.D. Greear isn’t the only muse that Ed and Kathy Litton have garnered ‘inspiration’ from, as a new compilation video shows the Litton’s plagiarizing a 1991 Tim Keller sermon, making one wonder what his 8-member preaching team actually does all day, or whether or they were so arrogant to surmise that as long as he stole from a sermon that is 20 years removed from his, he would not get caught.

Keller has not yet indicated whether he gave them permission to preach it unattributed.

Previously Litton only admitted to the barest of borrowing from Greear for his Romans series, until it was revealed that far from mere borrowing he practically preached the same sermon. And not just the Romans one, but other sermons as well, going back years. Even another one of his church pastors got in on the action, himself preaching his own plagiarized sermon.

Now, Kathy Litton has joined the ranks of preachers from Redemption Church who has been caught plagiarizing during one of their tag-team preaching jams. While she may not have said the words in question, if she shares in the praise she shares in the pain. If she’s going to preach a sermon with her husband, we’re going to assume she also did sermon prep and wrote the sermon with her husband, making them both culpable for any sermonic shenanigans that may arise.

Capstone Report, who broke the story, explains that comparing sermons “reveals many areas of similarity in the sermons. Too many to be coincidental. Large sections of Tim Keller’s sermon were quoted without attribution by Ed Litton….the sermon utilized many similar points including Keller’s definition of marriage, advice on how to use Jesus to overcome criticism and even Keller’s definition of what shows a servant’s heart.”

Two of several such examples provided by CR show what’s going on.

Tim Keller: “You will start to fall out of like with that person in most cases before you marry them. In the courtship or in the engagement that’s where most people say I guess I shouldn’t marry this person I fall out of like with them.”

Ed Litton: “You are going to fall out of like for one another. As a matter of fact, it is going to happen before you get married just in the process and the minutiae of trying to get ready for a wedding.


Tim Keller: “The essence of marriage is a covenant a legal, a legal commitment.”

Ed Litton: “The essence of marriage, we said last week, is a legal commitment, a binding covenant.”

Tim Keller: “What makes a marriage a marriage?”

Ed Litton: “What makes a marriage a marriage?”

Tim Keller: “A priest can marry. A minister can marry. A justice of the peace. Marriage is marriage. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a captain on a ship. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a justice of the peace marriage is marriage.”

Ed Litton: “Some people say, well, I got married by a priest, do I get married by a pastor, a justice of the peace, a judge or a sea captain? I mean does it matter where I get married? I don’t think that it matters who performs the ceremony.”

Tim Keller: “When marriage pops up, originally was given to Adam and Eve. It wasn’t given to only Christians it was given to human beings as human beings.”

Ed Litton: “God created marriage and gave it to mankind. The first man and first woman were the only man and only woman. And God said, ‘Here, I give you marriage.’ So, marriage is for all groups, all races, all nationalities, all nations and frankly all religions.”

Tim Keller: “What is it that makes you married? What makes you married is this: a permanent and exclusive public legal commitment to share your lives together—all aspects of it. It’s got a permanent. It’s got to be exclusive.”

Ed Litton: “What is marriage? It is a permanent, exclusive legal relationship.

News World Headlines World News

140 Nigerian Baptist Students Kidnapped

(Christianity Today) More than 100 students at a Christian boarding school in Nigeria’s northern state of Kaduna were kidnapped early Monday morning.

Shooting wildly, armed assailants breached the walls of Bethel Baptist High School in Maraban Rido on the outskirts of the state capital, Kaduna, at about 2 a.m. on July 5 and took students in the school hostel away at gunpoint, area residents told Morning Star News (MSN).

Efforts were still underway to determine exactly how many students were abducted. A Bethel teacher told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that 140 students were kidnapped while 25 students escaped, but area residents living close to the school told MSN that 179 children were abducted of which only 15 escaped.

Established by Bethel Baptist Church in Kaduna, a member church of the Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC), the boarding school was attacked after kidnappers overcame security personnel, sources said.

The attack was the fourth mass school kidnapping in Kaduna state since December….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by MSN and published at Christianity Today

World Headlines World News

Germany Shuts Down International Child Pornography Site Used by More Than 400,000 People

(Faithwire) Prosecutors in Germany have busted one of the world’s largest darknet platforms for child pornography, used by more than 400,000 registered members.

Frankfurt authorities said in a statement Monday that, alongside the Federal Criminal Police Office, they arrested three German suspects in mid-April believed to be the administrators for the website, according to the Associated Press.

One of the three suspects was arrested in Paraguay and Germany has since requested his extradition. The three men, whose names have not been released, are ages 40, 49, and 58, the Evening Standard reported.

The three men allegedly gave site members advice on how to evade law enforcement when using the platform to view, upload, or download illegal child pornography. A fourth suspect, a 64-year-old man, has also been arrested, accused of being one of the platform’s most prolific users, having allegedly uploaded more than 3,500 posts. Much of the content, prosecutors say, contained “images of [the] most severe sexual abuse of toddlers.

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and published at Faithwire.

Featured World News

The Netherlands Euthanized 1 in 2450 Citizens Last Year

In an act of radical depravity, the Netherlands euthanized 6938 people last year, representing approximately 1 out of every 2450 citizens. These ghoulish numbers are nearly a 10% increase from last year, when 6361 people chose to engage in state-sanctioned suicide.

Furthermore, this number represents almost 5% of ALL deaths in the country, including, including those who succumbed to the novel coronavirus.

While the majority of people choosing to die with the help of doctors had terminal cancer, there were some who had dementia, cancer where the chances of recovery were slim but viable, and a few people who were chronically depressed and their mental state deemed “not compatible with life.”

The startling increase in case counts is no surprise, however, as government leaders and politicians have been becoming more and more lax regarding the conditions surrounding who may kill themselves and when.

The Netherlands government announced last year their desire to extend the option of euthanasia to children between the ages of 1 and 12, as current law allows euthanasia in teenagers, as well as for newborns up to a year old, should their parents give their consent.

The government is further opening up the service to people who are not at risk of dying, but rather are “tired of living.” This burgeoning accommodation comes after government research revealed that around 10,000 people over 55 have a serious death wish, and so they are seeking to make allowances for that.

World Headlines World News

Four Women Abducted From Baptist Church Service in Nigeria

(PremiereChristian) One person was killed, another injured and four women kidnapped, after heavily armed men, of Fulani ethnicity, attacked a church service in Chikun Local Government Area (LGA) in southern Kaduna state.

According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide’s (CSW) sources, Zacharia Dogon Yaro, a community extension health worker at the Kaduna State Ministry of Health, was killed in Sunday’s attack at Haske Baptist Church in Manini village. The gunmen also abducted Charity Musa, Rose Zacharia, Alheri Bala and Liatu Zakka, a widow whose husband was murdered in an earlier attack.
Kaduna is increasingly becoming the epicentre of kidnapping and banditry activity in Nigeria. Despite being the headquarters of 11 military installations, Kaduna state has become an epicentre of kidnapping, with levels of insecurity almost matching those in the north east, according to CSW.

A CSW source said: “The kidnappers are expanding their activities, particularly in the rural areas.  We are like prisoners. We can hardly step out of the city.  Once you’re on the road your heart is in your mouth until you reach your…

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Editor’s Note. This article was published at Premiere Christian News

Featured World News

Famed Atheist Group Strips Richard Dawkins of ‘Humanist of the Year’ Award for Anti-Trans Tweets

The American Humanist Association, whose motto is ‘Good without a God,’ has stripped their highest honor from the famed atheist Richard Dawkins, issuing a press release stating that they have rescinded his 1996 award on account of a history of tweets he has made questioning/ disparaging transgenderism and the scientific basis for it.

Established in 1953, the Humanist of the Year Award is conferred annually by the American Humanist Association (AHA), recognizing the awardee as an exemplar of humanist values. Communication of scientific concepts to the public is an important aspect of advancing the cause of humanism. Richard Dawkins was honored in 1996 by the AHA as Humanist of the Year for his significant contributions in this area.

“Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values. His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient. His subsequent attempts at clarification are inadequate and convey neither sensitivity nor sincerity.

Consequently, the AHA Board has concluded that Richard Dawkins is no longer deserving of being honored by the AHA, and has voted to withdraw, effective immediately, the 1996 Humanist of the Year award.”

Dawkins for his part has not yet responded to the loss of the award

News Politics Religion Social Justice Wars World News

UK Leader Apologizes For Visiting Church with Biblical Beliefs, Deletes Tweet

In a sign of things to come, the Leader of the United Kingdom’s Labor Party, Sir. Keir Starmer, apologized for visiting a church that believes the only biblical marriage is between a man and a woman, saying it was a “mistake” and stressing he had no idea it had such a sordid reputation with such unbecoming beliefs when he visited it.

Starmer initially attended service on Good Friday and praised the church for their “crucial work in the community” of being a vaccine center and running a food bank, called thing them a “wonderful example” in a since-deleted video.

This praise quickly turned to dust in his mouth, after members of his own party as well as the public criticized him and condemned him for this “malicious” visit, saying that it was “unacceptable” and demanding that he apologize.

And of course he did. Starmer repented of visiting the church and deleted his tweet, saying he and his team failed to do the proper research, for if he’d known that this church’s beliefs ahead of time, he never would have attended.

Unsurprisingly, despite getting blasted for attending a Christian church that wasn’t progressive and given over to Satan, he has never received any blowback for attending Mosques, despite Islam having similar prohibitions against homosexuality.

Expect to see this sort of intolerance within the Democratic Party in the USA in about 5 years.

[Editor’s note: Five years seems a little generous, given that it’s visible now and corporations are caving to it.]