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United Methodist Church Conservatives Forming New Denomination Amid Schism

The conservatives within the United Methodist Church (UMC) have had enough of their denomination’s progressive views of homosexuality and acceptance of other deviant sexual theology, announcing the formation of a new denomination set to go live in 2022.

Called the “Global Methodist Church,” its reveal was announced by the Transitional Leadership Council, a 17-member team of theologically conservative Methodists. They explain that:

The new church will officially come into existence when a United Methodist General Conference adopts the implementing legislation for the Protocol for Reconciliation and Grace through Separation.

Alternatively, if it becomes apparent that the leading bishops, centrists, and progressives who covenanted to support the Protocol no longer do so, then the council will consider bringing the new church into existence without delay. Local United Methodist churches, annual conferences, and central conferences will then be able to join the new denomination.

In short, they’re going to try to do it the amicable way, through the official channels, but if the liberals try to make things hard, then they’ll cut their ties then and there. The conservatives planned to split in 2020 and then again 2021, but their conferences were canceled both years due to the threat of COVID-19. The new general conference is set for September 2022.

While the main reason for splitting is the long-fought war within the UMC over homosexuality and the UMC’s acceptance of it, it’s of note that the conservatives within the UMC aren’t particularly conservative either. For years the UMC has supported a woman’s right to choose abortion as an option to be considered. In fact, for over 40 years their Book of Resolutions affirmed the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. They support strict gun control, and even guns being banned altogether. They allow women leadership into the highest level of leadership, condemn capital punishment, and condemn creationism.

With the formation of the new denomination by the conservatives, however, many of the pagans within the UMC that have been given the freedom to let their leaven fizz and ferment for decades have announced the created their own denomination, called The Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX).

These ragtag reprobates which are headed to hell in a handbasket unless they repent and are saved by a sovereign God, explain on their website:

We are journeying toward a new way of being followers of Christ that refute the imbalance of powers, principalities, and privileges that has plagued Methodism: colonialism, white supremacy, economic injustices, patriarchy, sexism, clericalism, ableism, ageism, transphobia, and heteronormativity. We trust God’s presence and our collaborative labors will guide us toward a new, more liberative way of answering our calling and being in connexion together…

LMX theology is not written in stone because our human understanding continues to evolve as we deepen our personal and collective understandings of God. We have been expanding our methodist theological heritage with various expressions of Liberation theologies, theories, and praxis.  [Editor’s note: Literally woke as hell.]

Featured World Headlines World News

Six-Week-Old Baby Killed in Baptism Gone Awry


A six-week-old child has died after suffering a heart attack during a baptism ceremony in an Orthodox Church in Romania, according to reports.

The incident happened in the city of Suceava at the “Church” of St. Constantin and Elena, where according to Orthodox ordinances, the baby was completely submerged three times for the ceremony.

Emerging unresponsive, he was rushed to the hospital where he was resuscitated and put on a ventilator, then succumbed to his injuries.

According to the child’s father, during the autopsy doctors found 110 mm of liquid in the baby’s lungs.

He told local paper Monitorul de Suceava that he was outraged at the priest’s behavior, particularly because his child was born premature and was “fragile” (Note: We’re using Google Translate for the translation).

The boy was crying, but the priest immersed him three times in water and he inhaled water…

The baby had blood on his nose. I put him face down to get the water out. He didn’t recover.

The priest who performed the baptism, Alexandru Mazarache, was ordained in 2007 and was experienced in the task, having overseeing baptisms for nearly 15 years, according to his Archbishop Doru Budeanu.

Despite the outcry and a petition to cease the practice, he said that the method of baptism will not change, but that “more attention will probably be needed to keep the nose and mouth above the water.”

The baptism was filmed and Police say the priest may be charged with manslaughter.

News Scandal Social Justice Wars World News

Wikipedia Bans Editors from Expressing Support for Biblical Marriage

(The Christian Post) Wikipedia has decided to restrict its editors from expressing opposition to same-sex marriage on its platform ­— a decision that comes months after co-founder Larry Sanger said the site’s neutrality policy was “dead.”

Volunteers who write and edit Wikipedia’s articles can no longer include on their profile page any “userbox” — a badge expressing their beliefs — that is against gay marriage. For example, one such userbox states, “This user believes marriage is between one man and one woman.”

The decision was made after a recent discussion where “predominantly left-wing editors” argued such a stance was “discriminatory” and against site policy, according to Breitbart.

The discussion began after an editor, Adam Cuerden, suggested that just one userbox be deleted, calling it “pretty explicitly homophobic” and citing a site guideline prohibiting “inflammatory or divisive” content in userboxes. Soon, he suggested that other userboxes in favor of traditional marriage should also be…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar, and posted at the Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia.

Featured Religion World News

Pope affirms parents of LGBT kids: ‘God loves your children as they are’

Pope Francis continued his trend of making off-the-cuff gay-affirming statements to those pushing him on the issue, this time telling a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.” 

The comments were made during a 30-minute private audience Pope Francis had with members of Tenda di Gionata in the papal library of the Apostolic Palace.

‘Tenda di Gionata is translated’ to “Jonathan’s Tent” and is a pro-LGBT advocacy group comprised of Roman Catholic parents who have homosexual children. The group’s name, ‘Jonathan’s Tent’ is based on the twisting of scripture that says that David and Jonathan were lovers.

The parents came to plea and convince the pope to relent on the church’s official positon on homosexuality. One of the parents told Francis that she and others in the group had come to think of themselves as fortunate and blessed because having gay children forced them to change the way they viewed their kids. Mara Grassi, vice president of Jonathan’s Tent, said:

“What we have now is a new gaze that has allowed us to see in them the beauty and love of God…We want to create a bridge with the Church so that the Church too can change its gaze towards our children, no longer excluding them but welcoming them fully.”

Francis replied to this heartfelt plea from the parents:

“The church does not exclude them because she loves them deeply.”

and later:

“The church loves your children as they are because they are children of God.”

Along with the meeting from these parental activists trying to convince Francis to make the church affirming of sodomy, they also gave him a book with stories of people who had come to accept and embrace their gay identity, as well as a rainbow-colored T-shirt with the words ‘In love, there is no fear’ emblazoned on the front of it.

Pope Francis recently made other comments that indicated an acceptance of homosexuality, such as when he allegedly affirmed the sexuality of a gay priest.

Featured World News

(Not Clickbait) New Law Could Make it Illegal to Preach from the Bible

New legislation to deal with hate crimes – including “stirring up hatred” – has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament in a move that is sounding the alarm with Christians and even Free-speech advocates.

The Hate Crime and Public Order would make it a crime to “stir up hatred’ against Scotlands protected classes, which include disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and gender.

Scotland’s Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf, one of its chief proponents and driving forces behind the bill, said :

“By creating robust laws for the justice system, Parliament will send a strong message to victims, perpetrators, communities and to wider society that offenses motivated by prejudice will be treated seriously and will not be tolerated…stirring up of hatred can contribute to a social atmosphere in which discrimination is accepted as normal…our legislation, if passed, would offer greater protection for those who experience this kind of behavior…. “What this does is create a protection for minority groups and vulnerable groups in our society against being targeted for hatred, and being targets for hatred.”

The Scottish Police Federation, which represents nearly 100% of law enforcement officers is completely against the bill, cautioning that the bill “could lead to police officers determining free speech and thereby devastate the legitimacy of the police service” by having to enforce hate-speech laws that are “too vague to be implemented.”

Scottland has a history of arresting street preaches for “free speech violations.” such as when they open-air preach against the sin of homosexuality. Here Here Here Here and Here.

Of chief concern is that the bill makes it a crime that even if you don’t intend to foment hate, the fact that any such actions will “likely” result in “hatred being stirred up” is sufficient cause for arrest.

It is also not just free speech that is under attack but printed materials too, with the communication of inflammatory material (preaching from Leviticus 18) being cause for violation.

Ian Stewart of the group Atheist Scotland recently told U.K.’s The Courier that atheists see “merit” in the proposed Hate Crime and Public Order Bill for Scotland. (Note, there is some disagreement over whether or not this letter to the editor is legitimate or is just trolling, or if it’s even a real person. But the point it makes is prescient, real or not)

Pray for our brothers and sisters in Scotland.