The Insurgency News Update for January 18, 2021
New York does away with “gifted” programs because they’re unfair to the dumb kids A “homeless camp” near the capitol...
New York does away with “gifted” programs because they’re unfair to the dumb kids A “homeless camp” near the capitol...
(Disrn) The incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden is preparing a widespread disbanding of pro-life policies enacted under the Trump administration, in...
Parler CEO John Matze hopes that his social media site will be back up and running by the end of...
Kyle J. Howard has taken a break from his usual sensationalistic race-baiting comments to engage in his second favorite activity:...
A man who was arrested and charged for singing worship songs in public, unmasked and without social distancing has had...
March for Life has announced that they've canceled their flagship march on the capital to protest the nation's barbaric abortion...
Franklin Graham took to Facebook to blasted the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, likening them to Judas betraying...
(Reformation Charlotte) Dwight McKissic, a racist, anti-gospel charismatic tongue-babbling black nationalist who masquerades as a shepherd of God’s people has done more...
The email service might have bitten off more than they can chew by censoring the Montana-based group, which is now...
The email service might have bitten off more than they can chew by censoring the Montana-based group, which is now...