abortion Featured News

#SBC21 Abortion Resolution: Where the Tears of Women are Worth More than the Breaths of Babies

Yesterday during the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, the resolution committee tried to shut down a resolution on abortion abolition, but was resoundingly rebuked by a majority of messengers who insisted they be allowed to hear it.

At the heart of the rejection by the messengers was the language of the bill, which decries pro-life lawmaking, regulationism, and demands the abolition of abortion. It contains content like:

(11) WHEREAS, since 1980, the SBC has passed many resolutions reaffirming the importance of human life at all stages of development, but we have yet to call for the immediate abolition of abortion without exception or compromise…


13) RESOLVED, that the messengers of the SBC meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, June 15-16, 2021, do state unequivocally that abortion is murder, and we reject any position that allows for any exceptions to the legal protection of our preborn neighbors, compromises God’s holy standard of justice, or promotes any God-hating partiality

With the resolution being declined, Pastor Bill Ascol and a host of abolitionist pastors took to the floor and made a direct appeal to fellow members.

Southern Baptists were wrong on the abolition of slavery. We have been guilty of applying half-measures on the issue of abortion and have not consistently and intentionally insisted upon equal protection and equal justice under the law for every human being born and unborn. As a result, the wholesale murder of unborn babies continues unabated at the rate of 3000 souls every day…

May I appeal to my fellow messengers to join me by two-thirds and bring this out of committee so we can hear it, vote on it, and leave Nashville taking a stand we’ve never taken before.

This prompted committee member Nathan Finn to rebut the bill and laughably claim that while they “appreciate the spirit behind the abolition of abortion,” their resolution to continue supporting federal defunding of earmarked funds for abortion was the same as abolition, making the abolition resolution unnecessary and redundant.

We did adopt a resolution directly related to abortion – the Hyde Amendment resolution – we have consistently been on record since the early 1980s as a pro-life convention of churches…we do not believe this additional resolution is necessary and I would urge the messengers not to bring this resolution out.

The antagonism against the bill was exacerbated by another hostile committee member; Dana Hall McCain. While she wasn’t active in this interaction, earlier she got emotional and teary-eyed during a mini-speech regarding amending the language in Resolution #3. In her response, she explained that “the Lord showed her” that women who have abortions are victims, have been victimized by unjust abortion industry, and that people need to respond to them in love, not judgment. She is categorically against the use of language describing women bent on butchering their babies as “murderers” and any efforts to adopt stronger condemnation.

J.D. Greear, who is on record as being completely against bills to abolish abortion, took a vote on whether to end things right then and there, or to see if the committee would be forced to bring the resolution up for a hearing.

Much to the disappointment of the committee, the plea to reject the abolition resolution as “unnecessary” was soundly rebuked by a majority of Baptist messengers, with over two-thirds voting to keep it alive for the next day.

This wonderful news is in no small part due to dozens of SBC abolitionist pastors and supporters, who over the last few days spent hours passing out thousands of pamphlets and engaging in hours of discussion, explaining their position in order to gain exposure and support.

Pray for this resolution, that the SBC rejects the status quo and adopts language that treats babies as human beings made in the image of God for the first time in the history of the denomination, so that, as Matt Privett put it, the tears of murderous women won’t be worth more than the breath of babies.

News SBC

Al Mohler Loses SBC Presidency. Pastor who Lets his Wife Preach is the Victor

In a dark day for Southern Baptists, Pastor Ed Litton has won the SBC presidency, defeating Al Mohler, Mike Stone, and Randy Adams to take the helm of the floundering denomination.

In a stunning upset, the first round of ballots knocked off Mohler, who only received 26.32% of the vote, as well as Adams, who got 4.71%. It was Mohler’s race to lose, being seen as the heir apparent and elder statesman of the SBC, and he was crushed. This left Stone with 36.48% and 32.38% for Litton, heading into a runoff.

Demonstrating that the conservatives were right to reject Mohler, his contingency broke left and voted for the most progressive candidate in the race, giving Litton the win, 52%-48; vindicating those who have been sounding the clarion call about Mohler for years and those who support them.

One of the intangible variables that we’ll likely never know is what impact the fake-controversy of Hannah Kate’s meeting with Mike Stone had on voters. This encounter resulted in a story of Stone causing a sex-abuse victim to burst into tears as he insensitively told her that she was bad for the SBC, causing her to retreat into the protection of her advocates and defenders, including one of J.D. Greear’s Worship Pastors, Michael Georges Jr, who was at her side and who we have discussed here.

If there is one upside, Litton will likely prove to be more open and transparent about his beliefs than Mohler has been (though lying about his wife preaching isn’t a good start).

His victory has also brought some stark clarity to the Southern Baptist Convention about what drift the show runners are oriented towards, and we fully expect a mass exodus by conservative congregations from the denomination over the next few years.

Ed Litton won the SBC Presidency.

Time to reap the whirlwind.

Money Grubbing Heretics News

Disgraced Pastor James MacDonald Calls Reporter a ‘GossipS***’ for Asking about Latest Money Grab

A disgraced pastor has launched a blistering series of invectives against Reporter Julie Roys as a result of being questioned over a fundraising email he sent to supporters, the result of him engaging in some serious revisionist history in order to explain away his many acts of monetary malfeasance.

James MacDonald was the Senior Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC), which for years was burning through the sacrificial tithes and offerings of their congregants in order to enable the mammon-loving of their leader. MacDonald had his employment officially terminated by the elder board in November of 2019, which declared him to so far removed from above reproach, that they raked him over the coals sixty ways to Sunday and called him out for the abusive, greedy, two-fold son of hell that he is. 

It was eventually revealed that during his time there, the church, hardly guiltless in his enablement, gave him a nearly unlimited checking account and let him spend $170,851 on hunting and fishing trips, $200,000 on “home security,” $139,502 on meals and entertainment, and $94,017 on clothing and eyewear in just a three-year period

In a story written at the Roys Report, Roys explains how she contacted him over an email he sent former Walk in the Word supporters. In the missive, MacDonald goes to great length to paint his firing as a personal agenda that has no basis in reality, denying any responsibility for being kicked out and flipping the script on his old church.

He told potential supporters “Tragically . . . I was thrown out of the church we gave our lives to by a group of rogue leaders” while describing the actions to oust him by his elders as false accusations that were concocted “as a pure act of vindictiveness” that was designed to cover their looting of his Walk in the Word Ministry, which at the time was worth millions.

As a result of his reputation in shambles, his ability to fundraise has been greatly impacted, going from over 4000 “financial partners” to a mere 150. Irked to no end, MacDonald notes that “only a small number of former listeners responded positively” and that many “who [were] stumbled by the public deception sent many hateful words.”

When Roys reached out to him, MacDonald invited her to discuss her “many many lies” about him in a public forum.

She did not immediately respond to his request, and he called her a host of nasty names while claiming that she declined, which she had not done.

While we have had many disagreements with Roys, her reporting of MacDonald has been impeccable, and he should count it lucky that his false bravado and insults did not result in a real-face-to-face, as she has the receipts to prove all her allegations against him.


Mike Stone Issues Statement After Confrontation with Sex-Abuse Survivor Leaves Her in Tears

A woman professing to be a victim of sexual abuse at the hand of a Southern Baptist leader confronted SBC Presidential Candidate Mike Stone on the floor of the convention this evening. Hannah Kate was handing out copies of SBC SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVORS JOINT STATEMENT, of which she is listed as a signing member.

During the conversation, it is alleged Stone told her that she was “doing harm” to the denomination, resulting in part to her leaving in tears.

One person took a picture of the encounter, with observers commenting that the place didn’t look very crowded, and no corroborators looked to be nearby or that were paying attention, at least when this picture was taken.

Shortly after their conversation, as word got back that there was controversy over their interaction, Stone immediately issued a statement. He claims the conversation was cordial, polite, and was witnessed by several pastors who can confirm his story. He does not mention there being tears during their actual conversation or during his interactions with her, and so far all the witnesses say she was crying in the immediate aftermath, but not during.

There has not been any sort of firm details or corroboration on what exactly was said to her, she to him, or what the nature of the conversation was.

Hannah Kate, who has been passing out the statement sheets for the better part of the day, also shared that she was wearing a #churchtoo shirt earlier in the morning and some pastors were walking by her and calling her a “whore.” From her vantage point at the convention, she also noted that “the pastor who helped cover up my abortion and sexual abuse is outside the #SBC21 protesting abortion.

Incidentally, Kate announced several weeks ago that she was abandoning Christianity and the church, explaining that she needed to leave these things behind so that she could “heal,” be “free” and “live in that freedom.”

Featured News

Beth Moore’s Ministry is Hemorrhaging Money

Beth Moore, whose theological hot flashes have enabled her to build a Lifeway empire on the basis of bad teaching and ecclesiastical usurpation, is hemorrhaging money and has been for many years.

In a post at The End Times, Elizabeth Prata has done a deep dive into the finances of Moore’s Living Proof Ministries, showing that the 501(c)(3) has been in steep decline for some time, with no signs of slowing down.

The most recent filing is for the tax year 2019, filed in 2020. For the last three years, Living Proof Ministries has been operating at a loss. Tax Year (TY) 2016 was the last year, according to the filings, that LPM made money, and only $133,439 at that. TY 2017 showed a net income loss of -$540,356. TY 2018 showed a net income loss of -$722,828. This was the first year also that the Ministry’s functional income fell below 2 million dollars.

Along with the losses, we also see the ministry compensation, with Moore bringing in nearly a quarter-million dollars and the rest of the family likewise making a very nice living (Fitzpatrick was Melissa Moore’s last name before she divorced her husband.)

The gifts and grants to the ministry have also declined as well, with a chart from The End Times showing a precipitous drop in support, starting from a high mark of 2014.

Interestingly enough, the drop in support coincided nicely with our criticism of her and follows a trajectory of continued losses and decline in financial support. With her losses, she has also been less generous with their own giving to other ministries, dropping from$225,607 on the earliest report to $39,000 on the most recent one.

Furthermore, the type of organization that Moore donates to has shifted. She used to donate to churches, (including Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, what a shocker!) missions, organizations that donate bibles, the International Mission Board, and other SBC organizations, and now donates in large part to social causes, social justice causes, and anti-racist organizations.

Though we don’t have her 2020 returns yet, it would not surprise us in the least to see that she donated to Black Lives Matter.

While the ministry is losing money, Moore continues to have a massive influence and her social media presence is unrivaled within her space. Her ministry is in no danger of shutting down, as much as we pray that it might be, but it is drifting and her audience is changing.

As people see that drift, which we have been documenting for years, the populace will react with their pocketbooks, hurting the ministry for the healing of God’s sheep.


Lecrae’s Pastor: Genesis 33 is About Jacob Paying Reparations To Esau For ‘Abuse’ and ‘Violations’

Léonce B. Crump Jr. is the founder and senior pastor of Renovation Church in Atlanta, which was a PCA church plant. Crump was frequently found retweeting radicals like Ibram X. Kendi and liking tweets of Black Lives Matter activists demanding reparations and defunding the police, all before he deleted his Twitter account. He also happens to be Matt Chandler’s mentor who he credits for helping him understand race issues (Chandler wrote the forward to his book), as well as Lecrae’s pastor, which might tell you perhaps from where the rapper gets some of his wokeness.

In 2019, Crump spoke at the 400 Leadership Summit hosted by the OneRace Movement. Referencing Genesis 33 – the story of how when Jacob met Esau later in life and Jacob was fearful that his older brother might attack him and so he brought him gifts – Crump explains that what really was happening was that Jacob was paying his brother deserved reparations. As @wokepreachertv points out, Crump “fabricates quotes that do not appear in the text by saying Esau suffered ‘abuse’ and Jacob admitted to ‘injuring,’ ‘robbing,’ and ‘violating’ his brother.”

When he saw his brother, he decided to send first a series of peace offerings. Hundreds of goats, hundreds of sheep, hundreds of camels, hundreds of cows, hundreds of bulls, hundreds of donkeys. And then he limped forward, hoping for the best. He approached his brother and it says that he bowed down seven times to show deference to the man to whom he owed his life.

And what happens next is astonishing. Esau embraces him, and they both begin to weep. And then Esau initially refuses his brother’s offering, saying that he already has enough, that the Lord has indeed, in spite of the abuse, still allowed him to prosper in the land. And Israel said, “Okay, I’ll keep my stuff.” If you know your Bible, you should have jumped back at that point. No, Israel insisted.

He insisted, “I have injured you. I have robbed you. I have violated you. I have taken from you. I altered the course of your reality, Esau. So you must receive this reparation.”

[TEXT CHECK: Genesis 33:8-11 actually reads:

Then Esau said, “What do you mean by all this company which I met?”

And he said, “These are to find favor in the sight of my lord.”

But Esau said, “I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself.”

And Jacob said, “No, please, if I have now found favor in your sight, then receive my present from my hand, inasmuch as I have seen your face as though I had seen the face of God, and you were pleased with me.  Please, take my blessing that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough.” so he urged him, and he took it.]

You see, Israel knew that it would not be right to simply apologize, because reconciliation, or in reality, and we don’t have time to unpack this either, conciliation, because you cannot reconcile what was not ever conciled, conciliation requires more than simply apologizing for the offense. It requires that defrauded parties be made whole.

And so Israel, formerly Jacob, having met the Lord, having met the Lord, knew that he could not just simply approach his brother with seven bows and an apology. But, in fact, there was a cost required to make him whole.

What does this story teach us? It teaches us how difficult reconciliation is. It involves risk. It comes with sacrifice. It comes with cost. It takes faith, an actual trust in God.

As usual, the comments are gold:

Transcript written by @wokepreachertv and posted with permission.


Largest ‘Christian’ Adoption Agency Warns White Parents Against Adopting Black Children

Three months ago Bethany Christian Services, the largest Christian adoption and foster agency in the United States revealed themselves to be treacherous twofold sons of hell after announcing they would be offering their adoption services to homosexual, lesbian, and transgendered couples.

At the time, it was necessary to allow sodomites to adopt because “the need was so great” and they were taking an “all hands on deck” approach. When it comes to finding safe and loving homes for black children, maybe not so much.

In their annual report, Bethany explains that they have spent the last 2.5 years focusing on becoming “an anti-racist organization” that has required “intensive learning experiences for all staff on anti-racism principles.” (Translation: indoctrinated in Critical Race Theory.)

As a result, they have declared their opposition to the federal law, the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA), which prohibits race from being a factor in adoption.

Being freshly trained in the ways of wokeness, they are now convinced that MEPA has contributed to “disparate outcomes for BIPOC children and families” and are urging that a child’s race be “considered as part of the best interests determination for child placement.” This is being done because allowing white families to adopt black children from the foster care system “can cause a lot of harm to children of color.”

In order to factor in the race quotient, they are putting a much stronger emphasis and consideration on “the cultural, ethnic, or racial background of the child and the capacity of the prospective foster or adoptive parent to meet the needs of a child of such background.”

The report concludes by saying they believe that the laws that say the adoption process should be “colorblind” are misguided, as it “prevents social workers from ensuring the protection and support of Black children’s cultural heritage and from assessing whether a family is ‘unqualified or unprepared’ to parent a child of another race.”

We said it last time and we’ll say it again; shame on them. May they cry out to God in repentance.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Delusional Charismatic Prophet About to Have Reckoning After Declaring Trump Will Return to Power by June 23

A self-proclaimed prophet who seemingly forgot the cardinal rule of charismatic chicanery- never, ever set a date– has gone ahead and done just that, declaring that they would be dancing in the streets on account of Trump returning triumphantly to the office of the presidency by June 23rd.

The remark was made by Jeff Jansen, who we featured less than a month ago after being fired from the ministry he founded on account of leaving his wife and family and other “unscriptural and unbiblical behaviors.”

Now, in a video posted to his Facebook page, Jansen explains:

“President Trump is going to be addressing the GOP and the nation….watch what happens. I said by spring, which starts officially June 23, we’d be dancing in the streets. The Trump administration is on its way in. The pedophilia Biden administration- the fake administration- Biden’s administration, is on its way out. I don’t care if you like it or not- it doesn’t matter. We all know what took place, and God is going to do something amazing in this nation and through this nation, It’s revival time. It’s revolution time!”

Jensen is perhaps best known as being a bold speaker in defense of Donald Trump. He falsely prophesied that Trump would win reelection, and when he didn’t, declared Trump was recognized in heaven as the legitimate President of the United States and that God would soon remove Joe Biden from office and reinstate Trump with the help of a military coup.

Naturally, his followers have been undaunted by his repeated wrong prophecies and gutted personal life, commenting on the post:

We look forward to seeing how he tries to weasel out of this one.


TGC Canada Again Argues that Their Churches Aren’t Being Persecuted

A Gospel Coalition council member and contributor has doubled down on his claim that Canadian Churches have not been persecuted, nor have they endured ill-treatment at all during the pandemic, suggesting that those claiming otherwise need to stop yapping about it, lest they “destabilize” the rest of the body.

This isn’t the first time that author Pastor Paul Carter has had a go at this. Months ago, he published an article insisting that while there was “probably” some “overreach,” by and large, Christians have endured no “hostility and ill-treatment because of our religious beliefs,” as he concluded: “I’m not sure how any reasonable person could argue that [there was].”

Well, he’s back. In a lengthy essay on the Gospel Coalition, he draws a comparison between the persecution in 1 Peter and what Canadian Christians have endured (being hit particularly hard by ruthless government leaders enforcing asinine lockdowns), saying that Peter’s goal was to “stabilize” the Christians there and give them a “realistic appraisal of their difficulties.”

Carter incorporates Pliny the Younger’s letter to Trajan that sought advice on how he should deal with the Christians in their midst, showing that so long as Christians didn’t get too uppity, Trajan was content to enact a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that ensured a sense of normalcy around their coexistence. “Christianity was discouraged but not destroyed, Christian people were marginalized, but not martyred and converts from paganism understood that becoming a Christian would be costly but generally not fatal.”

He argues that up until the time that Christianity was legalized by Constantine, Christians were really only formally persecuted for 2 years. In the other 260 years, things weren’t that bad. Carter explains that “this lesson ought to underscore the importance of being realistic about the challenges and difficulties that we are facing.”

Drawing comparisons to Canadian churches, he says that the churches have had a difficult time, but they categorically have not been persecuted. He points to his own situation in Ontario, which involves him having to get up at 4:00 am and have multiple services, and confesses, “I have a hard time thinking of that as persecution,” whereas something like “4-5 in basements and root cellars, whispering hymns in the dark, knowing full well that if they get caught they will be executed or sent to internment camps” is real persecution.

And here is the crux of his argument:

What we’re experiencing here in Ontario, and throughout most of the Provinces in Canada, is inconvenient and exhausting – but it doesn’t feel to me like persecution and I don’t think it would be helpful for our people if I called it that. I think this letter from the Apostle Peter cautions me about making too much of the difficulties that I’m facing.

That is because he is complying with the government, and the question at hand is what happens if he stops being so cooperative and starts to disobey them?

That’s the fundamental flaw with his argument.

He’s looking at churches that stopped meeting altogether, forbidden by the government to meet in any capacity and forced to do online services, or other churches forced to adhere to nonsensical and arbitrary capacity restrictions.

He’s looking at churches that won’t sing anymore because the government has forbidden them to do so, saying it’s too unsafe.

He’s looking at churches that insist that all members wear masks at all times and social distance, forbidden from having fellowship.

He’s looking at churches that have altogether ceased taking communion, on the orders of the government, removing themselves from the elements for fear of getting fined.

He’s looking at churches across the provinces and is saying “as long as you do all these things, you won’t get persecuted, and it’ll just be hardships and inconvenience.”

In this way, he is 100% correct.

Compliance with the government rules that dictate how and what a Christian church service must look like, and what the congregants can and can’t do will be exhausting but it won’t result in persecution.

But what of the churches that will not comply? What of the churches that insist that Christ is Lord of the church, not the Government, and that they will all gather on the Lord’s day as one body to worship as the Scriptures say?

You know their names by now. James Coates and GraceLife Church, arrested and jailed for a month. That church was barricaded and forcibly shut down, and is now having services in hiding.

Tim Stephens and Fairview Baptist Church, arrested and put in jail. Fined thousands of dollars. Church locked up and forcibly shut down, and they have been doing some services in hiding.

Jacob Reaume and Trinity Bible Chapel. Facing fines of over fifty million dollars – some of which cannot be appealed and must be paid. Church locked up and forcibly shut down, all the while being continually harassed by law enforcement and who has members fearful they could lose their jobs if they are known to be associated with the congregation.

That is persecution.

It isn’t on the same level as North Korea or Syria, but it doesn’t have to be. It is undeniable that it does exist in a milder form and has emerged whenever a congregation gets “out of line” according to the powers that be.

But if you’re a church that doesn’t get out of line – handing your service over to Caesar in order to avoid his judgmental and intolerant eye, you’ll be standing in disobedience to the scriptures and to the word of God, but like Paul’s church, you’ll be just fine.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hunh. Bethel Church Launches Web Series Offering In-depth Responses to Their Controversial Beliefs

In a surprising move, Bethel Church in Redding, CA has launched a YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel’ featuring an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives.

‘Rediscover Bethel’ is a video series that addresses common questions and misconceptions about Bethel Church in Redding, California. This series specifically covers Bethel’s theological beliefs, teachings, and practices—featuring Senior Leader Bill Johnson, Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton, and Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly. This series includes videos on Bible translations, Jesus’ deity, physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit, theology of healing, the gospel of repentance, prophecy, and much more.

During the first episode, they address topics like:

  • Jesus Christ is Perfect Theology
  • The Theology of Sickness and Healing
  • The Sovereignty of God
  • Is The Passion Translation Heresy?
  • What Bethel Believes About The Gospel and The Cross
  • Communion and The Sacrifice of Jesus for Humanity

They spend about 20 minutes on each topic, with the pastors fielding questions from the host that offer the controversial leaders the opportunity to sit in the hot seat.

While he does offer some clarity to a point, unfortunately he might as well be sitting on a block of ice with the air conditioner cranked to 11 for all the tough questions and follow-up Johnson is given.

For example, in the topic of healings and miracles, he clarifies what he believes, but a very obvious follow-up question is, “Then why do you wear glasses?” or “Then what about your deaf son?” or “Then why did your church and the supernatural school of ministry repeatedly shut down their school and the healing rooms on account of COVID?” or “Why was an outbreak at your school responsible for shutting down a county of over 175,000 people if your ministry has such an emphasis and belief on healing?”

But these were left unasked and unanswered. Rather, he says that he believes it is God’s will to heal everyone and then later contradicts it with a story of how “one lady, as I was praying for I could tell you…that if I prayed for healing, it would grieve (The Holy Spirit).”

He explains that when it comes to healing “I can’t pray ‘if it’s your will’ because for me, that’s a prayer of unbelief.”

When the host brings up Joni Eareckson Tada, who’s been paralyzed for years, and what to make of that and her faith, Johnson is introspective and falters, offering:

[I] can’t wrap my head around it…I would never want them to somehow feel less than, or that they don’t have enough faith, or that somehow this is, you know, God’s punishment on their life for that nonsense. I don’t want to do that. But I also don’t want to create a theology…around what doesn’t happen? You know, I mean, I don’t have good, I don’t have explanations at all.