
Woke Sermon: Journey of Baby Moses in Basket is about About Queer Acceptance +Alternative Heteronormative Family Structures

Lutheran Church of the Cross is a Canadian congregation that “affirms and celebrates human diversity in God’s creation.” Led by Lyndon Sayers and Lyle McKenzie, they are an ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada congregation, the canuck version of the ELCA) that is populated by senior citizens, lesbians, and a host of other ragtag goatlings.

During their sermon, Divinity Student Reba, reveling in a God of her own making, explains that the baby Moses trip in a basket on the Nile river has some queer themes, and is actually about kinship outside of heteronormative family structures, as well as a metaphor for the turbulence that trans folk experience at the hands of the church.

First, thank you for doing the internal and interpersonal and communal work of being an affirming community. That’s really important work and it has no definite endpoint. So I thank you for sticking it out.

The second thing I want to do, because I’m a guest is, I’d like to just tell you who I am. My name is Reba. I use they/them pronouns. I am queer in both identity and politics. I am a student at Vancouver School of Theology and a candidate for ordination in the Anglican Church of Canada.

I think every dog is the most beautiful dog in the world. I’m an Aries with a Scorpio moon and I moonlight as a voice actor on a fiction podcast. I am here today because I am a queer Christian and a Christian queer. I’m here because queer and Christian are two of the most important threads running through my life. And they are so interwoven that I couldn’t separate them even if I wanted to.

…Queerness shapes all my relationships, myself, understanding my politics and theology and in general just how I move through the world. Queerness for me, means a diverse and chosen community, a family that is committed to radical inclusion, justice and the abolition of all false boundaries and binaries. It has fundamentally changed my relationship to Christianity, and I genuinely believe that being queer has taught me how to be a better Christian. Put differently, the main reason that I’m still a Christian at all is because I found that there is something very queer at the heart of Christianity, a call to resist harmful and oppressive structures, the breaking down of every binary and boundary that constrains and divides us.

That’s a wild introduction. Reba begins her sermon:

“I want to tell you about why the Exodus reading today tugs at my queer little heart. The story of Moses in the river is a favorite of mine. It’s an extraordinary little tale about found family, literally family found in the reeds, and all the beautifully messy ways that God calls us to be kin to one another outside heteronormative family structures.

…I think it’s really interesting that Moses’ adoptive mother named him after the way that he came to her. The arguably deeply painful and traumatic beginnings of his life characterized by danger and hiddenness and tumbling along the Nile, are what inspire his name, which by the way, is a Hebrew name, not an Egyptian one.

So why would she do that? Surely it would be kinder, gentler, safer to just give him a nice generic Egyptian name and move on. So it makes me wonder. It seems that Pharaoh’s daughter understands that Moses origins are important. They are part of him. And moreover, they’re part of how he got to her…So I think her choice to name him as she does, is also a choice to love him relentlessly and unconditionally. I think it is a tiny act of resistance against an oppressive empire that enslaved Moses, his people. I think it’s a promise to keep him safe. I think it’s a commitment to helping him remember where he came from and to appreciate all the parts of himself.

She concludes:

So too with us and God…. I want to focus on the ways in which this is particularly true for queer folks. There’s the relatively obvious, God creates, sees and loves our queerness before we do. God knew me as the trans, bi(sexual) adult I would become long before I did, and created me as such in fact. No part of me needs to be left behind in order in order for God to love me and call me to discipleship.

But there is another layer, and it’s that one that keeps tugging at me. Because I think about Moses’ traumatic origins. An infant born into an era of oppression and violence, buffeted about on the Nile River with just a basket for protection. And I think about how Pharaoh’s daughter names this trauma, as part of his belovedness.

She drew him from the waters in his wholeness, and it is that wholeness that she loved. Likewise, I think about the confusion, the fear, the trauma that my queer siblings experience, both in the institutional church and in society more broadly. The currents of church hurt are swift and sharp. Nevertheless, time and time again, God rolls up Their sleeves, crouches at the shore, and pulls us from those cold, violent tides of homophobia, transphobia, and queer phobia.

We are drawn from the water and held close as beloved children, we are embraced. We are sheltered in the house of God, and we are lifted up with pride. I know that God loves me utterly and entirely for who I am, that They trace the scars on my soul and still name me as beautiful and whole. They unfold my pain into that wholeness without requiring that I leave it behind for anyone else’s comfort. God’s love for me, which is all encompassing and undeniably queer, is what helps me stay queer and Christian, and helps me stay in the church and hold together my grief and trauma with my hope and love.


9Marks Ministry Criticized for Comparing the Evils of Abortion to Climate Change

Days ago, William Wolfe took aim at a 9Marks article titled Culture Warriors: The Good and the Bad, where author Michael Horton presupposes that “Even members of the same local church might hold widely varying political views, even on the same pro-life basis” and that “Persuaded that global climate change is a threat to life, one might rank the environment as highly as abortion on the list of concerns.”

Amid pushback that climate change is nowhere near a “pro-life” issue in the same vein as 70 million abortions is, the article was edited to take out the troubling comparison, now reading:

The Dissenter was particularily critical of the article, writing:

To clarify, Horton’s argument is not that he personally believes this is true, as he probably doesn’t. However, what he is attempting to do is obscure an act of idolatry in order to accommodate left-wing activists and integrate them into Christian circles. Similar to David Platt’s recent sermon placing far-left activist issues in what he referred to as a “third bucket” that Christians shouldn’t divide over, Horton is justifying the act of voting for Democrats, unjustifiable for a genuine believer, by trying to validate specific issues and elevate them to matters of biblical justice, such as abortion.

By categorizing all these leftist pet causes, such as racism, financial disparities, and now climate change, as “gospel issues” and equating them with pro-life causes, they hope to provide a rationale for left-leaning people who identify as Christians but vote for politicians who support abortion rights and the LGBTQ community

Following further provocation by Wolfe, 9Marks Editorial Director Jonathan Leeman responded and explained that while he affirmed Horton’s original statements, which wasn’t intended to be read as many were taking it, he removed them to prevent unnecessary confusion or quarrels.


Saddleback Church Purges LGBTQ Ministry Pages, But Of Course We Have Copies of Them

Three months ago we brought you the exclusive story that radical Pro-LGBTQ activists were running Saddleback Church’s family ministries Lead to Love. 

Initially we uncovered the fact that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has gay-affirming pastors and ministries, recommends pro-LGBTQ+ counseling for children, and that they’re poised to put on a conference where nearly all the speakers are pro-homosexuality, including one man who is “married” to a “husband” and runs a pro-LGBTQ+ organization.

One of the speakers at this event was Chris Clark. He leads Premarital Mentors and Church Counseling Training at Saddleback. Years ago, his daughter came out as transgendered, and in response, he co-founded an ‘Embracing the Journey’ chapter at Saddleback, along with Shauna and Doug Habel- two radicals if there ever were some. 

Embracing the Journey is an openly “affirming” pro-LBGTQ+ ministry that routinely partners with aggressive pro-LBGTQ activist organizations like The Reformation Project, which seek to advance full LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church. In 2020 they entered into a partnership with Saddleback Church to be their go-to resource for parents with kids who are struggling with their sexuality, and Saddleback even cut a video endorsing the group. 

But now Saddleback is doing another sort of cutting.

Following a widely circulated article by Megan Basham about these very things, Pastor Chris Clark is no longer scheduled to be a speaker at the event, and the ministry page for Embracing the Journey is gone from Saddleback.

But of course, here at Protestia, things are never really gone.

Megan also points this out, asking similar questions that we did.

We reached out to Saddleback for comment but did not receive a response.


Updated: A Gallery Of Woke Signs Put Out By Progressive ‘Churches’ Volume II

A thoroughly deceived congregation of false converts and rebellious demoniacs have been putting out progressive marquees outside their church for years, sharing every progressive trope imaginable with the world, virtue-twerking their way into the hearts and minds of the lost.

Lutheran Church of the Cross is a Canadian congregation that “affirms and celebrates human diversity in God’s creation.” Led by Lyndon Sayers and Lyle McKenzie, they are an ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada congregation, the canuck version of the ELCA) that is populated by senior citizens, lesbians, and a host of other ragtag goatlings. Their services are comprised of the traditional Lutheran liturgy, with a splash of rainbow-themed blasphemy thrown at every opportunity

Woke Sermon: Journey of Baby Moses in Basket is about About Queer Acceptance +Alternative Heteronormative Family Structures

Church Hosts ‘Queer Nativity Play’, Featuring Mary and Joseph As Two Catfighting Lesbians

Lutheran Preacher Says ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ is An Example of LGBTQ Folks Being a ‘Good Samaritan’ to Children

While the majority of their church signs involve their love and celebration of sodomy and sundry queer slogans, some of their past church signs include calls of anti-racism, support for abortion, and Kate Bush lyrics.

For another woke church signs, see Clackamas’ United Church of Christ.


Judge Forces School District to Host After School Satan Club – No Permission Slips Required

recent ruling by a federal judge has sparked controversy after a Pennsylvania school district was ordered to host an After School Satan Club. The Satanic Temple has advocated for establishing such clubs in school districts hosting Christian clubs. 

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed the suit on behalf of the organization, arguing that if the school allows one religion to host events, they must allow all. The Satanic Temple’s children’s club claims to teach kids “benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion” and argues that it is a legitimate expression of free speech and religious freedom. 

U.S. District Court Judge John M. Gallagher, who presided over the case, wrote in his ruling that “when confronted with a challenge to free speech, the government’s first instinct must be to forward expression rather than quash it. Particularly when the content is controversial or inconvenient.” He added, “Here, although The Satanic Temple, Inc.’s objectors may challenge the sanctity of this controversially named organization, the sanctity of the First Amendment’s protections must prevail.” 

Because the only speech that is genuinely free is speech seemingly approved by this country’s evil and God-hating leadership, it should be no surprise that this government court is forcing a school district to host a club devoted to worshipping their god, Satan. 

Perhaps most troubling is that the district will not be asking parents to sign permission slips for this after-school gathering. This leaves parents none the wiser and ensures that children get groomed and indoctrinated inside and outside of school hours.

If at all possible, take your precious children out of these demonic indoctrination centers masquerading as public schools before it’s too late.


‘Amen Church’ Purges Social Media Accounts Following Disastrous ‘Amen Nights’ Message

Last month, Amen Church founder Dr. Field Harrison shocked concertgoers attending the ‘Amen Nights’ worship concert when he attacked the inspiration of the Bible and came out fully as LGBTQ-affirming. Telling the gathered throng, “there are some people that want to treat the whole Bible as equal, just not this guy” Harrison was dismayed when rather than standing up for the voiceless, the crowd instead stood up to leave, disgusted at what they heard. 

Though the church never made a public statement regarding the open gay affirmation, they did change their website to be more honest about what they believe and better reflect their core values, removing the phrase ‘the bible is inspired’ from their statement of faith. Musician Dante Bowe, who attends the church, has not made a statement either. 

Despite having a robust and active social media presence before this event, the concert sermon has changed all that. Following the gay-affirming statements, the church’s social media accounts have gone silent or purged altogether. 

  • The last time they updated their Facebook page was March 19.
  • They have not updated their Instagram since March 19 
  • They have deleted all their sermons and content from YouTube. 
  • Founder/ preacher Field Harrison has taken his Instagram private
  • The church’s sermon links are now dead.

A small army of people has also gone back to comment on any old posts still up, calling him out as the wolf he is, with a small sample featured below. 

Love to see it, and we are hoping that it craters altogether. 


Round 2! Mike Stone Challenges Bart Barber for SBC President

Pastor Mike Stone has thrown his hat in the ring and announced he will challenge current president Bart Barber for the Southern Baptist Convention presidency, citing a ‘serious causes of great concern within the denomination’ as his motivation for running.

Stone, of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Blackshear, GA, previously ran for the presidency in 2021 but lost to plagiarizer Ed Litton 48% to 52%. At the time, we lamented the impact the fake controversy of Hannah Kate’s meeting with Mike Stone had on voters. This encounter resulted in a story circulating of Stone causing a sex-abuse victim to burst into tears after a conversation, leading many to question whether the story was true and consequently pulling their votes. 

In 2022, Barber beat Tom Ascol by a wide margin to secure the presidency. However, his reign has been disastrous, particularly in his consistently insane and schizophrenic positions on abortion abolition, his continued slander of abortion abolitionists, and his consistent refusal to engage his abortion abolitionist critics.

SBC President Twists Scripture To Paint Abortive Women as Victims

SBC Presidential Candidate Bart Barber Claims the Woman is “Never the One Doing the Killing” During an Abortion

SBC President Argues Against Prosecuting Women Who Kill Babies Because *It’s Too Expensive*

SBC Prez. Bart Barber Keeps on Misrepresenting Abortion Abolitionism. Why Can’t He Get it Right?

$60,000 a Month to Hire a Receptionist? SBC Pastor Requests Transparency Over Guidepost Hotline Cost 

SBC President Bart Barber Gives a Lesson on How NOT to Repent

SBC. President Bart Barber Slanders Abortion Abolitionists + Lies About Ectopic Pregnancies and Coercion

SBC President Suggests Spending $2M on ‘Sex-Abuse’ Website is Needed to Keep Hackers Out

The SBC is heading downhill at breakneck speed and Barber is surely contributing to their demise. If the denomination has any hope of turning the ship around, they’ll send him packing with wailing and gnashing of teeth. 


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 38

The thirty-eight in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge them.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album 37


Rejoice! Notorious Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Dead at 81

When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of gladness. Proverbs 11:10.

Notorious late-term baby-butcher LeRoy Carhart has passed away at the age of 81. Unless the Lord miraculously saved him on his deathbed, which we hope that he did, he enters an eternity in hell.

We thank God that he has been removed from this earth, and that his soul has passed into judgement.

For the last 50 years Carhart operated abortion clinics across the country, specializing in second-and-third trimester abortions. He made it his specialty to slice and dice babies as far along as 32 weeks, becoming the poster child for partial-birth abortions. Among the most vocal of abortionists, he would frequently argue that he was the one who was genuinely pro-life because he was saving the lives of the women from a “parasite” they didn’t want.

Estimated to have murdered over 90,000 babies, making him one of the most prolific killers of all time, Cahart became a public enemy of the pro-life movement when he performed abortions at George Tiller’s Kansas clinics. Cahart was poised to take over the business when anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder executed Tiller.

No cause of death was given by the family, and none is needed.

Today is a great, great day.


Report: North Point Church Personnel Knew ‘Lap Dance Leader’ Was Gay-Affirming+ Andy Stanley Responds

Yesterday we brought you the story of LeAnn Legans. Legans spent the last 17 years as a Ministry Leader with Andy Stanleys’ North Point Community Church while at the same time proudly and flagrantly sharing videos and images of herself affirming LGBTQ ideologies, wearing a rainbowed “Ally” shirt, and singing the praises of the annual Pride parade.

She’s not the first North Point leader to flaunt their gay-affirming creds, however. Other pro-LGBTQ leaders at the church include Parent Connect Director Amy Blakeslee, Care Director Pastor Debbie Causey, Production Team Leader Gregory Cook, Creative Director of Design Cameron Smith, Parent Care leader Sandi Harman-Waldrop, and Parent Connect leaders Greg and Lynn MacDonald.

While several of the North Point church leaders listed above have engaged in some scurrilous behavior, such as founding an openly pro-LGBTQ activist and advocacy group ‘Renovus’ which is designed to promote full LGBTQ inclusion and acceptance into the church, Legans went one step further when she headed out to a drag show on her birthday. Here, she handed out dollar bills to the performers, witnessed the sheer debauchery and deviancy of it all, and then received a lap dance from a drag queen, a very active and willing participant in the whole affair.

In our report, we insisted that some of her congregants and colleagues HAD to have seen her sodomy-praising posts on Instagram and Facebook. We posited that they must have known she was openly gay-affirming, as she wasn’t even hiding it, because it was simply accepted.

We were right.

Here is one of the posts she made with the following caption back in 2021:

“June is Gay Pride Month, and some of the best people I have ever known just also happen to be LGBTQ+. It doesn’t define them, but just like all the things that make you and me unique, it’s part of their stories. If you don’t think you know anyone that’s LGBTQ+, I would like to encourage you to not only open up your circle of friends this month and find some people that are different than you but open up your hearts and your minds. Ask about them and ask their stories. Be an ally. Be the change. #GayPride #LoveOneAnother #GayAllys #JesusCallsUsToLove #BeTheChange #PrideMonth #LoveWins #LGBTQ”

Legans received over a hundred “likes” and “heart” emojis from friends, regular North Point parishioners, and then some from former and current church employees. 

  • Jamie Cargill. Spent over a decade with North Point church as their Singles Creative Director.
  • Brandon Coker. A long-time member of North Point’s praise and worship band.
  • Michael Kanner. North Point Church’s Singles Gatherings Director.
  • Meg Adamson. North Point Church’s Journey Director for nearly a decade, where she ‘pastors’ leaders and does vision casting for their ministry partners. 
  • Julie Tiedmann. Spent a decade as a worship leader at Buckhead church, where her husband was also a pastor. Now, she works at ThinkOrange under the leadership of Reggie Joiner, the man who founded North Point Community Church with Andy Stanley.

Legans also posted this image on Facebook with the caption:

“Life is never dull when one of your besties is a drag queen. I love you @alabamatp/ @codybradley (his drag name) And I always will.”

We were only able to capture a small selection of those who reacted fondly to the image before she took her page private, but these include:

  • Katie Peters. The Adult Groups Director + Volunteer Assimilation Coordinator at East Cobb Church, one of North Point’s primary campuses.
  • Sarah Bauer Anderson. Her husband is Rodney Anderson, Director of Singles for Buckhead Church and North Point Ministries, and she is a former North Point staffer. She attends North Point and is the author of the book The Space Between Us. Previously interviewed on stage and promoted by Andy Stanley, a brief perusal of her social media would strongly suggest that she is gay and trans-affirming.

Sadly, this is not the first time North Point church leaders demonstrated how stunningly compromised they are when it comes to sexuality and biblical gender roles.

In late 2021, a young man from the Woodstock City Church came out as a “transgendered woman” on Instagram, explaining that his pronouns were now she/her. As he introduced himself to the world, he asked those who knew him to be open-minded and curious while also delighting in how excited he was to make the change.

This status update was liked by several leaders within North Point, including:

  • Mitchell McGhee, a former staff worship leader ordained by WCC who still performs there occasionally.
  • Jennifer McGhee, the Director of Transit.
  • Ericah Stokes, the Executive Assistant to lead pastor Samer Massad.
  • Meg Davidson, the Community Relations Director.
  • Andy Kaefer, who spent seven years on Staff at North Point and WCC as Production Director.
  • Scott Kitchen, the SPD in charge of service programming for youth events.
  • Trey McKnight, who spent 15 years working for North Point as a worship leader/ communicator and then later WCC as the InsideOut Director.
  • Andy Jones, the Middle School Director.
  • Briteny Kaefer, the Programing & Events Producer at Buckhead Church, another North Point church.

North Point Community Church is broken, and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes widespread and well known.

In responds to the news that Legans was getting a lap dance at the drag show, one commenter wrote “This is NOT church, this is out of the pit of hell,’ causing Pastor Andy Stanley to pithily and dismissively rejoin “You are correct. Definitely not church.”