
Podcast: Everyone is Mad at Us, Christian Nationalism, and Should Christians Welcome Transvestites into Their Worship Services?

Both podcasts are available through all your podcast apps.

On Protestia Tonight, David discusses the danger of the Christian Nationalist debate being tainted by institutional respectability and relevance, and why basically everyone is mad at us.

On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison explore the question of whether transvestites should be allowed in church. While some may argue that the church should be open and welcoming to all, does allowing transvestites individuals to attend services go against the teachings of the Bible?


Sean Feucht Claims 98 people Saved at SatanCon, Satanic Temple Responds ‘(Feucht) is Full of S***’

As the Satanic Temple concluded ‘SatanCon 2023’ in Boston, MA, a 3-day event of “presentations, satanic rituals, discussion panels, and a satanic marketplace,” which they claim is the largest satanic gathering in history, Prominent worship leader Sean Feucht has claimed that covert evangelists infiltrated the crowd, resulting in 98 “verified” salvations. 

Reports of these 98 verified souls being saved caught the attention of Lucien Greaves, the co-founder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple, and the event organizer. He asked for even one name of saved attendee and claimed that Feucht “couldn’t be more pathetically full of s***”

Another attendee likewise questioned Feucht’s claims and challenged him to name some names, but Feucht dismissed and ignored the query.

Church Leaders reached out to Feucht to ask him how he could verify these numbers, and he responded:

“I know the team that was there in Boston. They’re friends of mine. And so when I say verified, that’s what I mean. Like this isn’t like hearsay. These are people that I know that I trust.”

Some of the groups at ground level evangelizing for their faith included Roman Catholics and…others.


Breaking! The ERLC Has Again Succeeded in Blocking Legislation To Abolish Abortion- This Time In Missouri

In what is becoming a common theme, dozens of pro-life groups, including The Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC, have again joined forces to shut down a bill in Missouri that would have abolished abortion in the state.

ERLC President Brent Leatherwood, who is fully supported in this endeavor by SBC President Bart Barber, was one of the 76 signatories to a statement used to defeat and discredit the bill. Steadfast Woman explains what happened:

On Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023, SB356, the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act, was granted a committee hearing in the Missouri Senate. Under current abortion law in Missouri, a doctor may perform an abortion in the case of a medical emergency. It is also legal for pregnant women to preform their own abortions with a chemical abortion pill regimen or instrument through all nine months of pregnancy. SB356’s intent is to change the law to provide equal protection to children in the womb, meaning the same laws that protect born individuals from murder would be extended to pre-born children.

The bill was allowed to have two organizations speak in favor and two to speak against. Bradley Peirce of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion spoke in favor stating the abolitionist belief that “the murder of anyone should be illegal for everyone”. Jeff Durbin of End Abortion Now also spoke in favor of the bill.

Two pro-life organization spoke against the bill. Samuel Lee of Campaign Life Missouri and Susan Kline of Missouri Right to Life both opposed the bill citing the NRCL letter authored last year after the Dobbs leak. This same letter also killed a bill of equal protection in Louisiana last year. The letter openly opposes equal protection for our neighbors in the womb and requests that law makers keep abortion legal for pregnant women

Tellingly, even though Planned Parenthood had representatives there, they did not speak or advocate against the bill because the two pro-life groups were already doing it for them, all the while pointing to the infamous letter which states:

“…Abortion has taken the lives of more than 63 million unborn American children. But the tragedy of abortion isn’t limited to the unborn child who loses her life. The mother who aborts her child is also Roe’s victim….

Women are victims of abortion and require our compassion and support as well as ready access to counseling and social services in the days, weeks, months, and years following an abortion.

As national and state pro-life organizations, representing tens of millions of pro-life men, women, and children across the country, let us be clear: We state unequivocally that any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women is not pro-life and we stand firmly opposed to such efforts.

…we must ensure that the laws we advance to protect unborn children DO NOT HARM THEIR MOTHERSturning women who have abortions into criminals IS NOT THE WAY. (Capitalized emphasis theirs)


We will continue to oppose legislative and policy initiatives that criminalize women who seek abortions, and we will continue to work for initiatives that protect unborn children and policies that provide and strengthen life-affirming resources for abortion-vulnerable women.

In short: it’s not really murder, and it’s not right to punish the mothers when they’re not really killing human beings.

This is particularly egregious on the part of Leatherwood and Barber given that it expressly goes against the will of Southern Baptist messengers, who passed a resolution at SBC21 which explicitly states: “we affirm that the murder of preborn children is a crime against humanity that must be punished equally under the law.”

But neither man cares, and both are extremely pleased that this legislation failed, having the opinion of “we want to save babies from being butchered, but not if it means even one mom goes to jail.”

To learn more exactly what happened, Russell Hunter from Free the States explains:


Over Last 5 Months, Texas Sees a 99.89% Reduction in Surgical Abortions

There was only one surgical abortion in Texas in December 2022, according to newly released figures cited by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, showing the impact of the overturning of Roe v Wade on the state. This follows the trends of a steep decline, with the last five months of recorded data showing 17 abortions, compared to 15,342 the year before, resulting in a 99.89% decline.

In Texas, which has a population of nearly 30 million people, child murder statistics leading up to the Supreme Court decision ranged from a low of 2514 abortions to a high of 3299 in the six months prior. According to reporting, December’s lone abortion was not elective but was considered medically necessary to preserve the mother’s life, which Texas law allows.

While we don’t know the exact nature of these circumstances, one of the most common medical interventions would be in cases of ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized eggs implant in the fallopian tubes rather than the womb. To save the life of the mother, indirect action is taken, which results in the loss of a pregnancy, but which should not be considered the murder of a baby but rather more akin to a miscarriage. 

Some are noting, however that these numbers are deceptive, with abolitionist pastor C.R. Cali cautioning:

Editor’s Note. * While there were no legal elective/ surgical abortions, that is not to say there were no abortions, as pills like Plan B or even many forms of birth control, or IVF are abortifacients and kill babies just as surely as a scalpel to the back of the head will. This is why we welcome legislation like HB 2690 in Texas, which would block websites that sell the abortion pill.


John MacArthur Calls out Ministry for Criticizing Him During COVID Lockdowns: ‘What are you Talking About? We Fight EVERY Battle’

During yesterday’s Q&A Chapel service, John MacArthur addressed the question of courage in the face of adversarial circumstances. He utilized the COVID church lockdowns and talked about the flack and pushback he received from 9Marks ministry. He referred to a July 2020 article by Jonathan Leeman, who cautioned churches not to follow Grace Community Church’s footsteps of insisting that churches remain open. 

Specifically, he called out the advice that the Church should not push back so hard and save their ammunition for bigger battles, with MacArthur retorting that every instance that attacks the church is worth going to the mat for.

I was saying to somebody the other day who said ‘you’re courageous, you fight these battles’ and I said, well, that’s not what it is. It’s not about courage. When when we stayed open (during) COVID, some of the guys at 9Marks wrote an article criticizing me, criticizing Grace Church. They said you know, you’re wasting your ammunition on a minor detail. Why are you fighting this battle? This COVID battle, lockdown, close the church battle. Why don’t you wait for a bigger battle like homosexuality or something?

And my response was ‘What are you talking about? We fight EVERY battle.’ It doesn’t matter what it is. Anything that attacks the church we rise up to defend her. This isn’t about evaluating the attack and trying to figure out whether it’s a three or a six, or an eight, then decide what you’re going to do about it. This is about FIDELITY.

And sometimes what might appear to be a kind of a one on a scale of 1 to 10 is still an assault on the church and on the truth. So it isn’t that we all of a sudden become courageous when we face some kind of large scale attack, it’s that we just keep doing exactly what we’ve done all along, no matter what comes and what goes.

It’s, you know, being a steward and being faithful. So I think the defining reality of my ministry, and it should be, it is of course the mandate for all of you as well, and everybody else. The defining reality is how do you handle the word of God in your teaching and preaching and living?


Baylor University Hosts LGBTQ Student Group’s ‘Queer Sex-Ed Night’

Founded in 1845 and claiming 16,000 students, Baylor University is the world’s largest Baptist University and also one of the oldest. Like many that have gone before, Baylor is deeply compromised despite seeking to be our theological betters. On the one hand, they hosted Beth Moore and Jemar Tisby for a conference on “Racism in the White Church,” tut-tutting those who have gone astray. On the other, they hosted a “Queer Sex-Ed Night whose advertisements featured a Planned Parenthood logo.

With a caption that reads, “Secret is out. See you tomorrow!! You can still DM us to become a member and join our Queer Sex Ed!!!” it quickly became apparent that the event was sponsored by Prism, an alliance of mostly openly and unrepentant queer Christian students at Baylor that has bought into all the lies of the culture.

Baylor can repeatedly tout their Christian creds, but the game is nearly up. Despite affirming that “The mission of Baylor University is to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community” and “the biblical understanding that sexual relations of any kind outside of marriage between a man and a woman are not in keeping with the teaching of Scripture,” nonetheless the University Board of Regents granted the creation of Prism. They wrote in their ‘Resolution on a Caring Community.’

We recognize that Baylor’s LGBTQ students continue to seek care, connections, and community on our campus and a sense of belonging within the Baylor Family. As an important and faithful expression of our Christian mission, we desire to establish trust with our LGBTQ students so that, among other things, they might seek out the resources provided by Baylor…

The Baylor University Board of Regents charges President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., and the University Administration to determine the appropriate pathways to provide additional care, connections, and community for Baylor’s LGBTQ students, including the possibility of establishing a new, chartered student group that is consistent with Baylor’s core commitments summarized above and the University’s policies and statements.

Here’s an altenrate theory. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. How about you don’t bring on students who openly flout basic biblical morality and refuse to abide by it?

h/t Red State


Transableism: The Next Perversion Set to Sweep the Nation

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) is a rare condition in which individuals intensely desire to amputate one or more of their healthy limbs or experience paralysis. This desire can be so strong that some individuals resort to self-mutilation or even request surgical amputations. While BIID has long been recognized as a diagnosable psychiatric disorder, a recent report from the New York Post suggests that the condition is being rebranded as “transableism” in an attempt to align it with the transgender community and gain more acceptance. 

According to the report, some individuals with BIID are adopting the term “transable” to harness the cultural power of gender ideology and advocate for their cause. However, this shift in terminology could also have unintended consequences, such as opening the door for doctors to perform amputations on healthy limbs under the guise of “treating” patients. 

This raises ethical concerns about medicalizing a condition traditionally treated as a mental health issue. Transgendered proponents take note. 

Having the desire to be a gender different than the one God made you used to be considered an instance of demonic possession or a brain disorder. Yet, as society engages in more and more deviltry, these desires have been normalized to such a degree that little girls are having healthy breast tissue removed, and little boys are having their penises mutilated and fashioned into some grotesque approximation of a vaginal canal. 

Sadly, BIID seems to be headed along the same course. The National Library of Medicine defines BIID as a phenomenon that occurs in some people who desire the amputation of healthy limbs or paralysis. It is believed to be a brain disorder that affects an individual’s body image, causing them to perceive their body as incomplete or not in alignment with their identity. As transgenderism has become more widely accepted, some individuals within the disability movement are seeking similar understanding and acceptance. 

Anyone with an ounce of insight can see transableism as the next societal evolution in normalizing non-normative bodily desire, with experts cautioning against self-mutilation as a harmful practice and seeing both transgenderism and transableism as delusional disorders being few and far between.

This is the logical next step in a society that has been completely given over to a reprobate mind. It is a society where the creature is worshipped more than the Creator. Pray for those who have fully bought into this Satanic world system to such a degree that they’ve convinced themselves it is a good idea to remove their body parts.


Video: Watch as Lutheran Racist Troll is Excommunicated from Denomination

Corey J. Mahler is a two-bit theologian with two thousand Twitter followers who occasionally gets noticed after one of his particularly offensive tweets goes viral. We’ve sometimes interacted with him, mainly to be decried as “cucks” whenever we share our support for interracial marriage and the intermingling of all races.

Mahler, who has produced a podcast, articles, and a surprising amount of content, recently got a bit of traffic after sending this message out into the world:

Sadly, having delusions of grandeur of wanting to take over the whole Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and remake it in his own Naziesque image, his plans encountered a snag after being formally excommunicated from the church.

You can watch that process here, praying that he repents.


Christian Men’s Conference Feature Black Panther, Motocross, and a Tank Driven by Chuck Norris Crushing Cars While ‘Danger Zone’ Plays

The 2023 Stronger Men’s Conference, which “exists to empower and motivate men to live out God’s view of manhood and be the best husbands, fathers, and leaders God has called them to be.” has come to a close. It features men like John Lindell, Levi Lusko, Craig Groschell, and Missouri State Senator Josh Hawley. According to the promo material, next year’s conference will be headlined by Mark Driscoll.

As part of Friday night’s entertainment, they frequently have large events, having featured bull-riding, strong-man shows, motocross, dunk contests, and cage fighting, with some of their past highlights seen below.

This time, they had an acrobat on a giant wheel, a fight scene with the Black Panther screaming; ‘Wakanda Forever’ a man doing stunts on a motorbike, and then a tank flattening some cars while the band plays the Top Gun theme song/ Kenny Loggins ‘Danger Zone’ mashup.

Though they allege that the 83 year old Chuck Norris’ is driving the tank while firing Uzi’ as flame cannons go off…. we cannot substantiate that it was actually him.

It’s a trip.


‘My Family was Pretty Upset:’ Charles Stanley’s Grandson ‘Apologizes’ For Auctioning Off Memorabilia on Ebay

Days ago, Charles Stanley’s grandson announced that following the passing of the famous preacher, he rooted through his office and desk had acquired some personal memorabilia that he was auctioning off to pay the bills.  These included an engraved pocket watch, which ultimately sold for $2,375.00 and a signed picture which sold for $3,650.0.

At the time, Matt Brodersen acknowledged that some people were giving him grief and now sees why it wasn’t the best thing to do, with his family chastising him for his actions.

Yes, my family was not happy with me doing this. My Uncle Andy Stanley begged me to take these auctions off of eBay. My mom called me and said, ‘you take that stuff down right now.’ My sister, she was mad at meas well. So yes, everybody in my family was pretty upset with me and disappointed with my actions…I admit the way I worded things. Now I see is disrespectful and I would like to apologize.

He further notes:

This is how crazy and of a whack job I am. I did not even realize that this was going to make people upset. So yeah, I have some issues, some mental health problems. I’m a little disconnected from reality. When I put my Grandpa’s stuff on eBay, I was just thinking about myself. I was thinking about bills I had to pay, and I kind of rushed and had an adrenaline rush and just decided to throw these items on Ebay as fast as possible because I was thinking about me, me, me and can I get some money please so that I can pay my bills.

Nontheless, betraying a lack of real remorse, he concludes by acknowledging that while he shouldn’t have listed them, he wasn’t going to take the items off eBay and rob himself of the profits, because “now it’s kind of awkward. people already started bidding on the items and I don’t want to take that opportunity away from them to get those items. So, yes, I’m going to leave the auction up. There’s like a day remaining of time. So if you were going to get those items, you better hurry.”