Baptist Church to Host Drag Queen Music Concert

By now we’re accustomed to the usual coterie of rainbow-clad pagans that populate denominations like PCUSA and ELCA acting like their father the devil. Having long ago abandoned biblical fidelity or any pretense of affection for the Lord, these vessels for Legion are almost entirely comprised of either octogenarians or twenty-something blue-haired lesbians who have no compunction about inviting over men with body dysmorphia to perform drag shows for the entertainment of their goatlings.
But, it’s not typically behavior associated with baptist churches, until now.
Courtney Allen is the Senior impastor of Grace Baptist Church Richmond, Va– a congregation she co-pastors with Rev. Lauryn Everic. While not SBC, they are affiliated with the CBF- the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
In fact, this pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice hove of theological villainy is the same denomination that @Jonathan_Howe, the interim President of the SBC Executive Committee, is part of.
Days ago, this ‘church’ put out a message announcing that they were hosting a free concert featuring drag queen Flamt Grant, who we’ve covered here, with all proceeds going to support Diversity Richmond, a hub for the LGBTQ+ community.

Surely, the SBC is next.
Bonus. Next year Flamy Grant is going on tour with fellow cross-dresser Derek Webb, currently of Caedmon’s Call.

How dare these wicked individuals leading people to Hell masquerade as emissaries of Christ. Pathetic and disgusting.
God has given those parishioners exactly who they want to hear. They, themselves hate the living God because they don’t want to hear the truth found in the Holy Scriptures. Their ears are being tickled while their hearts are becoming calloused.
I pray the LORD has not given them over to a reprobate mind.
Oops, too late…