
SBC Loses 457,371 Members in 2022: Its Biggest Drop in 100 Years

The Southern Baptist Convention has seen a drop of over 450,000 members, according to a new report by Lifeway, which they record as “the largest single-year numerical drop in more than 100 years.”

While baptisms are up 16%, in-person worship attendance is up by 5%, and giving by 2%, membership dropped to 13,223,122 compared to 13,680,493 in 2021.

The SBC membership levels have been trending downward since the mid-2000s and are now back to where they were over 40 years ago.

According to Lifeway Research Executive Director Scott McConnell: “Much of the downward movement we are seeing in membership reflects people who stopped participating in an individual congregation years ago and the record keeping is finally catching up.”

It’s not just churches that are seeing significant losses, but SBC seminaries have followed suit, with some like SEBTS seeing full-time enrollment dropping 40% in the last two years and SWBTS down 30%.

With the SBC roiling from a fresh crop of scandals and seemingly unable to learn their lessons, we only expect this trend to continue.


Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee Declares Guidepost Report ‘Hearsay and Irrelevant’

The SBC Executive Committee spent more than six million dollars on the services of Guidepost Solutions and the Sexual Abuse Task Force before cutting ties with the LGBTQ-affirming organization in April 2023.

The primary driver of ongoing efforts to create a convention-wide sex abuse registry and bureaucracy is the Guidepost Solutions report. One year ago, Protestia reported numerous issues with the report, including incomplete research, numerous redacted records, and the inclusion of abuses in non-SBC churches in the tally of abuse, resulting in a barrage of criticism from folks who have not yet learned to believe us, as we always are vindicated in the end.

In many ways, the report mirrored reports done by the left-leaning Houston Chronicle. To create urgency within the Convention to implement Sex Abuse Task Force (SATF) recommendations, Executive Committee members supported the report’s release, despite the fact that it was poorly written.

The Executive Committee’s chickens have now come home to roost.

In lawsuits against the SBC and SBC Executive Committee, plaintiffs have cited the Guidepost Solutions Report as evidence of systemic sex abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. In the current civil trial of Gareld Duane Rollins Jr. versus various SBC entities and SBC leaders, Rollins entered the Guidepost Solutions report as evidence to the court. 

In a motion by the defense, lawyers for the SBC Executive Committee asked the court to strike the Guidepost Solutions Report from the record, citing that the report (which the Executive Committee commissioned themselves to chronicle sex abuse) is “hearsay and irrelevant.”

By waiving the attorney-client privilege of the executive committee in 2021, and spending millions of dollars to write a report that mischaracterized the issue of sexual abuse as systemic, the SBC Executive Committee has effectively sentenced the SBC to years of litigation and millions of dollars in sex abuse civil lawsuit judgments and settlements from both alleged victims of sex abuse and alleged abusers who claim that the Guidepost Solutions report falsely implicated them.

Previously, autonomous SBC congregations and Baptist organizations shouldered their own criminal and civil liability. The recent actions of the Executive Committee have effectively placed the civil liability for every single SBC-affiliated church and convention entity upon the back of the entire Convention by way of Cooperative Program giving. The Executive Committee has demonstrated that it has the inability to exercise basic biblical discernment, evidenced by the confusing of a consensual 12-year-long affair with sex abuse and paying the woman involved a $1.5 million settlement. 

It remains to be seen whether the judge in the Gareld Rollins Jr. case will allow the Guidepost Solutions report to be admitted as evidence. Yet the report will almost certainly be used in upcoming lawsuits against the SBC by those accused in the report, including forthcoming Johnny Hunt and David Sills defamation trials. 


Popular Worship Leader Says He Wants To Create ‘Mainstream’ Songs About ‘Sex’ and ‘Relationships’

Chandler David Moore is a singer-songwriter based in Atlanta who has become popular in recent years as the lead singer for Maverick City Music, winning accolades like multiple Billboard awards, Dove awards, and Grammys. 

We’ve written about him on a few occasions, after he issued a defiant apology” following his salacious wedding photos going viral, as well as when he appeared on ‘The View’ and sang a worship song while dancing with Christ-hating host Whoopi Goldberg. In a video shared by Robin Martyr, Moore reveals his mission of branching out to sing more sex-focused secular songs:

I’m on a mission to give Christians globally more life music. Music that speaks to more than your relationship with God. Because the Bible does (unintelligible), Proverbs is all about wisdom in life, wisdom in relationships. You have a whole book, Song of Solomon, it’s about relationships, love, sex. So I’m on a mission to give us music that explores that, this kingdom mindset in mainstream songs and melodies.

 It’s unclear if this will be the new direction of Maverick City Music or rather a solo project. News site The Dissenter was pessimistic about this plan from Moore, writing:

“These self-proclaimed Christian bands are doing nothing except using the Church as a means to launch their secular careers in music. Time after time, these bands go through the same cycle of deconstruction, using Christianity to become famous, speaking out against what the Bible says on social or moral issues, and then ultimately abandoning the faith altogether…..Every single Christian rapper who has sold their soul to the secular music market has deconstructed and apostatized.”


h/t The Dissenter


Bethel Student Says Woman Keeps Breaking Her Toes Watching ‘The Bachelor’- But They Keep Healing Her

In a bit of a blast from the past, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry student Colton explains the “hilarious story” of how he and his fellow classmates keep healing the foot of a woman who can’t stop breaking her toes or injuring her ligaments on her way to watch The Bachelor.

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, led by Chief Prophet Kris Valloton under the watchful eye of Bill Johnson, is a place much ‘woo-woo’ happens, such as that time Bethel church Kids went on a Satanic Treasure Hunt, the instance when Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards, the time Bill Johnson revealed that Students Cannot Graduate from BSSM Until They Give 3 FALSE Prophecies and the simple fact that throughout the COVID pandemic, Bethel shut down their healing rooms and School of Supernatural Ministry.

Now, in a CameoCube video from 2017, Colton explains the case of the broken toes:

One lady that we keep inviting out is Tika. She lives in the neighborhood, and we see her every week. She had kind of standoffish, but on January 12, she had broken her toe from running to watch The Bachelor because the commercials were over, and she had to run back into the room, and she jammed it into the wall, and she broke her toe

So we’re like, ‘can we pray for you?’ She’s like, ‘all right.’ So I put my hand on her foot, real gentle, because she broke her toe and just prayed. And she said she could actually feel her foot coming back together, like she felt the bones moving back into place. 

That was amazing. And she just started laughing because there’s no right response in that moment. And the next week, we come back, and she had again jammed her foot. So we prayed again. She got healed again. 

The next week, same thing. She jammed her foot again. Always running to catch The Bachelor, which I think is hilarious. And she just keeps getting healed, keeps hurting herself, keeps getting healed. 

And then even this weekend, saw her at a gas station, and she had hurt her foot again. She was about to go to the hospital, so I asked if I could pray for her again. She jumps out of the car, pray for her. 

She just keeps on getting healed. Just this silly, ridiculous love. She just keeps getting to meet Jesus in that way, and she just keeps getting healed, even though she keeps hurting herself. And it’s completely her fault. And I think it’s hilarious.”

Alternately, you’re not actually healing her.

h /t The Dissenter.

Bethel Pastor Claims Adam is ‘Procreating With God’ and ‘Co-Creating’ When Naming the Animals
Little God Theology? Bethel Prophet Says you are ‘Made like God’ and Made ‘After the God-Kind’
Never Forget: Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards
Bethel ‘Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’
Bethel Pastrix: ‘Jesus Laid in that Bed with Me and Started to Play with my Hair’
Bethel Church “Pastor” Says Angels Sit Around the Throne of God Having “Farting Contests”
Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’
Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only $2750!


Carl Lentz Issues New Statement ‘I’m Not Preaching…My Role is to Help Give Perspective’

In a new statement from disgraced pastor Carl Lentz, the former head of Hillsong NY revealed that he and his wife are in a great place, that he’s been ignoring all the lies and half-truths about him for the last three years to focus on his family, and that he’s eager to begin working at Transformation church to help others on the same path as him.

In November 2020, Carl Lentz was ousted from the pastorate after it was revealed that he was having an adulterous affair with a New York City-based designer named Ranin Karim. Though his bombshell got him fired ( he should have been terminated a long time ago for having wretched theology and spending church money like a drunken pirate), it was only one of many affairs, according to leaked audio from Hillsong leadership.

Rather than a so-called “one-time mistake,” which is inexcusable but at least partially understandable, Lentz exemplified predatory sexual behavior for years, including long-term grooming behavior and allegations of sexual abuse, which resulted in several sexual encounters and acts of deviance that he instigated.

Last month it was announced that Lentz, who for the previous 30 months had been quiet on all his social media channels, was joining Mike Todd’s Transformation Church in the role of Church strategist, with Executive Pastor Tammy McQuarters offering:” After two years of Carl being in his own discovery and healing process, he has shown readiness to use his God-given gifts towards the local church again. We believe in Carl, his marriage, his skill set, and his restoration.

In a new statement posted to his Instagram, Lentz explains:

For the last 3 years my entire focus has been fighting for my wife and my kids, my family has been my only priority. In order to do that, seeking sobriety and healing had to run parallel with those goals. Honestly nothing else mattered. None of the noise, the lies, none of the half truths that were said about me and or us, mattered. All I wanted was to prove to my wife and kids that I could show up for them like I had never done before.

Although we have a long way to go, with a lot of work, a lot of honesty and a lot of prayer, we have found ourselves in a beautiful, happy and deliberately honest place. So much so that we not only celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary on may 5th but we got to do that in the purest way. Unfortunately that came through a lot of humiliation embarrassment and heartache.

Part of the healing from that heartache led us to the decision to be a part of a documentary that we do not control, that we don’t have any say in and that we haven’t even seen yet. We’ll see it when the world does. We were not interested in blame shifting or responsibility deflection, we focus on my mistakes and the context for what transpired. I can honestly tell you that when you get to a place of honesty and freedom in your life, when you’ve gone through hell and you realize God is still with you.. It is so freeing. It’s the freedom I wish for all of the many people that I know that are called by God and wrestle with secrets and the feeling of not being worthy. Trust me it led me to some dark places.

And even though I’m at an amazing church that loves and supports us, I’m no longer in ministry. Im not preaching, not overseeing people, my role is to help give perspective and insight where I can. I can also say that what gives me joy and hope is knowing that what I have been through, what I have made it past can help so many others. I can do that in so many different ways, inside and outside the church.

I’m not the first man to be in this situation and I won’t be the last, but I can promise you I’ll be the guy
standing with his arms open wide for anyone who’s been on this path of addiction and destruction.
I can say I understand it and my relationship with Jesus in a way that I couldn’t from the pulpit. Repentance and life change is proven over time with consistent choices and that’s a road I look forward to.

It truly makes me wonder if this is what all of this pain was all about. From the lows of where I’ve been, to the grace and forgiveness that God has granted me, I have something to share and so does Laura and my kids. With that said I just want to thank you for even taking a moment to read this.

More later.

Bonus: While we remain unswayed and skeptical, at least Lentz’s apology wasn’t the pathetic and insincere offering that comedian John Crist’s was.


Jackie Hill Perry: ‘Heterosexual Fornication is JUST as PERVERTED as Homosexual Sex’

On a recent episode of The Basement with Transformation pastor Tim Ross, Jackie Hill Perry argued that gay sex is just as ‘perverted’ as heterosexual fornication, offering:

“Because let’s be clear, heterosexual fornication is just as perverted as homosexual sex, because that’s not according to God’s original design. You’re not created to give your body to all these different women that you’re not in covenant to. That’s just Genesis 1 and 2. And Ephesians 5.”

Perry has a long history of some saying some Very Bad Things. When you look at her inflammatory track record over the last few years, from reveling in her love of an R-rated, filthy TV show, saying that all white people are racists, that white people only care about black folk in the womb, suggesting that a lake of fire awaits white folk who preach against CRT, renouncing ‘anti-prosperity gospel’ film while embracing woo-woo theology, and saying that nowhere in the bible is it implied that God wants people to be straight, it’s clear she’s deeply compromised.

We ran a poll about this statement a few days ago, and most people agreed that what she was saying was incorrect and biblically untenable, pointing to God’s order and design as a differentiating factor in terms of its perversity and warped unnaturalness.

Farlow, offering a defense that many were making that “sin is sin” (which was not even the claim being made by Perry) would also note:

“All sin is the same in that all sin separates us from God and will send us to hell apart from repentance but the idea that some sins are worse than others both in consequence and in God’s eyes is found throughout scripture….Just look at Leviticus 20 and note the different penalties for different types of sexual sin, and the different penalties for different types of sins in general throughout Leviticus.”


Anonymous Bidder Buys Charles Stanley’s Items on Ebay, Only to Return Them to the Family

Last week, Charles Stanley’s grandson announced that following the passing of the famous preacher, he rooted through his office and desk had acquired some personal memorabilia that he was auctioning off to pay the bills.  These included an engraved pocket watch, which ultimately sold for $2,375.00 and a signed picture which sold for $3,650.0.

At the time, Matt Brodersen acknowledged that some people were giving him grief for his actions, including his family, but offered up a non-apology apology.

It turns out, the anonymous buyer of the items purchased them so that he could guarantee they’d be returned to the Stanley family. Brodersen explained:

“The guy that won the pocket watch….bought the items, won the auction, and is sending them back to my family. Because apparently when he was younger and his grandfather died … his brother and his cousin … went and grabbed his grandpa’s things and they went and auctioned it off right away and he did not like it.

And so, I talked to him on the phone for like 30 minutes today, and we had a great conversation and it was a little jaw-dropping. he was very nice to me, he was basically saying , ‘I wish my family had not auctioned off my grandpa’s stuff. I would have liked to keep some of those things. I’m so glad I got to buy them and send them back to your family for you.

So that is when it really all sank in about how creepy or weird that was of me to do that.”

The $3,650 bid for the photograph fell through and he initially relisted the item, but then pulled it down after speaking to the anonymous buyer.

“When he told me his story, I just died inside, and I realized how selfish I was being, so I canceled the other eBay auction for the picture frame and the coin collection and I have mailed those back to my uncle. So technically, nothing has gotten sold on eBay. Everything is going back to its right property owners.”


Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Responds to Protestia ‘I’ve Never Been More Proud’

A few months ago, as we began flagging all the gay-affirming pastors and leaders at Andy Stanley’s North Point Church, (see endnotes) we introduced you to Cameron Smith, the Creative Director of Design at North Point Community Church. NPM Creative is an in-house creative team whose goal is to help their ministries, campuses, and partners “create better.” 

We explained that, like many other leaders at the church, Smith has all sorts of troubling beliefs, including being LGBTQ+ affirming and the epitome of a progressive liberal. He’s a big fan of Rob Bell, doesn’t think Roe v. Wade should had been overturned, is against bills that ban sex-changes in minors, said that he grieved deeply when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, and has a penchant for tweeting out Very Bad Things.

He recently discovered that post.

Smith has been busy revealing more of himself over the last few months, with a few notable tweets and retweets being:

Noted apologist Chris Rosebrough, having read the article and seeing the response, sought to correct and rebuke Smith, who was seemingly too glib to care.

Sadly, Smith is not the first LGBTQ-affirming North Point Community Church leader to bristle at being called to the carpet, and he won’t be the last.

North Point Church Personnel Knew ‘Lap Dance Leader’ Was Gay-Affirming+ Andy Stanley Responds
Gay Man with a “Husband” Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids

Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LGBTQ+ Activists

Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise, Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley 


Oklahoma Governor Defunds Public Television for Pushing Pro-Sodomite Indoctrination

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma recently vetoed a bill that would have funded the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) through 2026. Stitt has been vocal about his concerns with the increase in LGBTQ content aired on the station, including on the popular children’s show Sesame Street. 

The governor rightly claimed that the content on the station is leading to the “indoctrination and over-sexualization” of children in defending his decision to defund OETA. In a press conference discussing his veto of the bill, Stitt stated that he does not believe Oklahomans want their tax dollars used to “indoctrinate kids.” 

He went on to say that some of the content on the station “overly sexualizes our kids.” Stitt has also called OETA an “outdated system” and questioned why taxpayer dollars are being used to prop up or compete with the private sector in running television stations. 

The governor’s office has pointed to specific examples of content being aired on OETA as evidence of the “indoctrination and over-sexualization” of children. This includes a segment of the program “Let’s Learn” where a character called “Lil Miss Hot Mess” reads a book called “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.” 

We’ve covered the alarming trend of promoting degenerate lifestyles on public television.  Gay characters are often featured in PBS programming as the government continues to saturate everything in queerness in an attempt to turn an entire generation into lost and confused souls who don’t know their right hand from their left when it comes to basic human biology. 

 Governor Stitt’s veto and comments are a step in the right direction. Unless conservatives fight back against this demonic agenda, an entire generation may be lost to this reprobate ideology.


Andy Stanley Praises Faith Deconstructers ‘Good for You. That’s Wise, Honest and Mature’

North Point pastor Andy Stanley has begun a sermon series on “The Fundamental List of the Faith,” where he’ll seek to answer the question of what is fundamental (indispensable, necessary, crucial, central, and required) to the faith vs. what are peripherals (cultural, comfortable, fashionable, traditions, harmful) and therefore can be cast aside. 

It’s unsurprising that Stanley would preach this series at this juncture in his ministry, given that he’s been under fire by us, along with now the Christian Post and Charisma News questioning some of the pro-LGBTQ shenanigans happening at his church and whether or not he accepts openly and unrepentantly queer Christians as believers. (He does)

North Point Community Church has tons of gay-affirming pastors, leaders, and ministries who are allowed to flourish and openly propagate their beliefs and ideology (see end notes), and in this sermon series, Stanley is likely laying the groundwork to suggest that sexual orientation is not fundamental to the faith but a peripheral issue.

Furthermore, he goes out of his way to praise those who are deconstructing their faith, even though this almost always leads to spiritual death.

(Your mom) will never have anything to do with organized religion and neither will you because of how the church responded or treated somebody you love. Or maybe it’s brother or a sister, and the church says, ‘oh, they’re going to hell’ and you’re like, ‘they’re like the kindest person I’ve ever met. If that’s what the church teaches I am out.’

And you wonder, and you should wonder; does Christianity have anything valuable and important to offer me? And if that’s you, I understand, believe it or not, and I get it. I understand why you threw baby Jesus out with the bathwater. Because your church, or your church tradition, made it impossible to distinguish between the two (fundamental vs peripheral issues.)

Now the deconstructers:

But there’s another group of people and maybe this is you. There’s another group who doesn’t just abandon church and abandon a faith and abandon the whole thing. They just decide, ‘you know what? I’m just going to leave the church. I’m not leaving my faith, but I cannot be apart of that. I can’t be a part of organized religion.’

And they begin to process, and then this is certainly a current term, people are talking a lot about, they begin, or maybe you began to deconstruct or deconstruct your faith. Because you still believe in God and you still believe in baby Jesus, you believe in Jesus. But you just had to, or maybe you’re in the process of deciding ‘You know what? I just need to step away for a minute. I’ve got to step away from organized religion, kind of catch my breath. I’ve got to figure out what’s really fundamental. I got to figure out what’s really essential and what’s not.’

And you’re pretty confident what’s not. You know what you feel like you need to leave behind, and you know, or you feel pretty confident you know what everyone needs to leave behind. And I just want to say something to you. If you’re in that process, good for you.

Stanley begins to praise the deconstructers while at the same time granting their premise and insistence that some things they don’t want to believe in because ‘it doesn’t fit in the world I live in.’

Mature of you. Honest of you. Because you’ve been honest enough to acknowledge that a faith or a faith system, or a church or a church system, a faith that can’t be questioned, can’t be trusted. And now you’re trying to figure out what worth hanging on to. So I’m going to tell you what’s worth hanging on to. Hang on the baby Jesus.

That’s what you got to hang on to… Okay, this is, this is what we’re going to discover together for the next few weeks. Because at the center of our faith, isn’t a building. At the center of our faith isn’t a system. At the center of our faith isn’t a systematic theology. At the center of our faith is a person and some of you who are in the process of trying to figure it out because you stepped away, you are wise enough and mature enough and smart enough to know that.

But you’re asking a very important question. That’s why we’re talking about it. ‘So what do I have to believe? I know some things I just can’t possibly believe because it just doesn’t fit with the world I live in, but what must I believe?’

However, Stanley has it all backward because this is not how things work in the real world. Name a single person who ever deconstructed and came out more biblically faithful, more conservative, and more of a fundamentalist in their word and deed. They don’t exist because deconstruction = death.

You never hear someone say, “I deconstructed, and now I hate sin even more.” You never hear someone say, “I deconstructed, and now I’m even more against same-sex marriage and unbiblical sexual activity.”

You never hear someone say, “I deconstructed, and now I have an even more particular and emphatic view of what the gospel is and what one must do to be saved.” You never hear someone say, “I deconstructed, and now I’m even a more ferocious defender of the exclusivity of Christ.”

You never hear someone say, “I deconstructed, and now I’m more pro-life and even more of an abortion abolitionist.” You never hear someone say, “I deconstructed, and now I have an ever higher view of the scriptures and a greater intolerance for bible twisting and exegesis.”

Instead, all you hear is, “I deconstructed, and now I don’t go to church and am more open to other truths, and also, love is love, and the gay sex is ok. Maybe, it’s ok to curb stomp a fetus.” Deconstruction is spiritual strychnine, and those looking to indulge in it never come out the other side whole or healthy but rather passers-on of the very theological poison they claimed to reject.

North Point Church Personnel Knew ‘Lap Dance Leader’ Was Gay-Affirming+ Andy Stanley Responds
Gay Man with a “Husband” Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids

Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LGBTQ+ Activists

Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise, Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley