
New CDC Report: 1 in 4 High School Students Now Identify as Homosexual, Bisexual or Are Currently Questioning Their Sexuality

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) annual report , a survey of 17,232 High School students between the ages of 14 and 18 found that 25% of them, or 1 in 4, identify as homosexual, bisexual or is currently questioning their sexuality.

The numbers reflect results from 2021, which means given the social contagion sweeping the youth over the last few years, current numbers would likely be higher.

Of the 25% of students who do not identify as heterosexual, 12% consider themselves bisexual, 3% gay or lesbian, and another 9% marked ‘other.’


Transformation Church Pastor Compares Jesus to a Naked Stripper that ‘Puts the Bread in MY Pocket’

Transformation Church’s Oversight Pastor, Tim Ross, is something else. First we brought you the story of how he believes that it shouldn’t be considered cheating for a married man to dance sexually, get twerked on, and slap the butt of a half-naked dancer. Then we featured him praising famed Modalist T.D. Jakes while saying a belief in the Trinity is a secondary, non-essential issue, and that it’s crazy for Christians to divide over Trinitarian doctrine.

In a recent sermon, Ross makes some grotesque claims that Jesus is the only butt-naked ‘stripper’ that we reverence. The Dissenter explains why this theology and analogy is so terrible:

“In his sermon, Pastor Ross brazenly likens money to “bread,” equating it to the biblical miracle of manna. This outlandish analogy insinuates that financial abundance is nothing less than a divine entitlement, encouraging believers to expect God to keep filling their pockets with material wealth. In doing so, he shamelessly perpetuates the dangerous falsehood that faith or adherence to specific practices will lead to a deluge of financial blessings, utterly disregarding the complexities of life and the crucial biblical teachings on stewardship, contentment, and serving others.

But worse than that, he later goes on to compare Jesus to a stripper who, essentially, he pimps out as a prostitute as a way for him to put “bread in my pocket.” During a sermon illustration, he blasphemes God with this sick and perverted illustration.”

“But you know that the enemy’s a counterfeit, right? He ain’t the first one to make it rain. Literally, he’s not the first one to make it rain. I could take you to Genesis to prove to you who the first person was that made it rain. But Scripture said that manna came from heaven and it was bread to them.

We don’t make it rain on booty cheeks. We don’t make it rain on strippers. We only reverence one stripper, and that’s the one that took off glory to put on humanity and then get butt naked on a cross to die for both you and me.

The only stripper I’m in love with is Jesus. And he’s the one that puts that bread in my pocket.”


Video: Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Cheers As She’s Given Lap Dance by Drag Queen

Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has a problem. Besides Stanley’s frequently strange sermons that see him offering new and novel interpretations of the scriptures designed to minimize the Old Testament and the authority of the text, and the revelation that he does not hold to a biblical sexual ethic but instead is privately gay-affirming, is how many of his staffers and ministry leaders at his church are also pro-LGBTQ.

There are gay-affirming pastors running pro-gay ministries, conferences where all the speakers are gay-affirming, pastors and leaders sitting as board members of pro-LGBTQ advocacy groups, pastors and leaders speaking at pro-LGBTQ conferences, and ministry leaders recommending that children struggling with their gay identities attend counseling at a place where 100% of the psychologists and therapists are LGBTQ. There are even ministry leaders praising the transition of a congregant from a man to a “woman.”

You can see all those stories here:

Gay Man with a “Husband” Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LGBTQ+ Activists

Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise, Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley 

Enter LeAnn Legans.

Her LinkedIn profile lists her personal pronouns (she/her), and she’s been involved with North Point Community Church as a ministry leader in some capacity for nearly 20 years. 

Operating out of Buckhead Church, one of North Point’s satellite locations, she’s been the Singles Gathering Leader since 2006 and the Grouplink Assimilator & Connector for North Point Ministries since 2007. The church also employs her as the Director of Operations for Canopy, a singles ministry where unmarried adults mingle while volunteering with the city and local nonprofits. She has also worked extensively in the church’s Guest Services.

Legans is very involved with the church and is known by Andy Stanley, bragging about the Zoom meetings she gets to have with him. With Stanley having ‘liked’ her social media posts in the past, she caused him to tear up at a party when she gave him a ‘Buckhead Church Besties’ picture featuring the two of them together.

She’s also administered at least two baptisms in the last year, overseeing the ordinance and doing the dunking.

Like several North Point pastors and leaders we’ve covered, she’s also really, really, really LGBTQ-affirming and drag-affirming.

Legans is very vocal and honest about her unbiblical views in her social media posts and outward-facing profile. She’s not hiding these perspectives in any way. She’s not concealing her true thoughts for fear that she might be held accountable by her bosses, but rather is publicly declaring them in the presence of her friends, family, church, and congregants. 

In June 2021, she posted a celebration of Pride Month to her Instagram, donning her rainbow-hued ‘Ally” shirt. This post was liked by several North Point staffers and attendees. Not content to have it shared in only one corner of the world, she shared more pictures on Facebook, covering all her bases so that anyone who follows her would know exactly where she stands.

Then, several days ago, she shouted out her ‘bestie’ Cody Bradley, who moonlights as a drag queen ‘Alabama TP.’

It’s not the first time Legans offered her drag-buddy some public support. Two months ago, Alabama TP performed at a drag show where Legans was in attendance. Bradley offered a “Special shout-out to this queen, @lealeag_ 💖” because Legans’ “helped me learn how to command attention and encouraged me to be myself on a stage.”

And what a show it was.

The event itself was filthy, consisting of two hours of 18+ overt sexual innuendo, statements, jokes about oral and anal sex, hundreds of f-bombs, and a rotating cast of drag queen performers more garish and grotesque than the last.

When it came time for Alabama TP to perform, the crowd urged him to ‘bring more energy,’ so he grabbed a laughing and jovial Legans and brought her up on stage.

Here, North Point’s 20-year ministry leader received a lap dance from the drag queen, laughing and cheering with delight as she was gyrated upon while dollar bills flew from the cackling crowd.

Legans participated in several more events during the show, looking like she was having the time of her life the entire time.

It should be no surprise that Legans is gay-affirming, especially to any of her church colleagues. She’s been a mainstay at the church for nearly two decades and it’s safe to assume that at least one of her peers saw her flagrantly unbiblical content on social media over the last few years. They’ve had conversations about some of her beliefs, and they know who her best friend is and how she felt about him, that they know what she thought about all of this. But nothing came of it.

In a biblical church where Christ is honored, any pastor or leader discovered to be promoting LGBTQ acceptance in direct contravention to the scriptures would be removed from their leadership position.

In Stanley’s church, it’s just business as usual.


Chance the Rapper to Headline Christian Outreach Concert, Despite Multiple Filthy Twerking Videos

False convert Chance the Rapper is set to headline Fill the Stadium, a ‘student-led mission to fill the Oklahoma Memorial Stadium for a concert and gospel proclamation on April 29, 2023.’ Other performers will include famed worship leader Kari Jobe, Maverick City Music member Chandler Moore, and a gospel presentation by evangelist Nick Hall. 

So far, over 80,000 people have signed up to attend what has been billed as the biggest University outreach event in history. 

Responding to earlier criticism of Chance’s presence being incongruous with an overt worship set, Hall told concerned folk in early April that the embattled artist wants to “be a part of an event to point people to Jesus’ and that those who do not want to stay to hear him can simply leave.

Chance the Rapper is a well-known rapper, singer-songwriter, and producer. Nominated for over 60 prestigious music awards, he professes to be a Christian, though his life is marked by carnality.

Days ago, the married father was caught at a festival in Jamaica grinding and twerking up against a half-naked woman, laughing as he slapped her butt. Since then, more videos have emerged (warning, graphic content) of him doing the same thing to different women, demonstrating a pattern of chasing his flesh and glorifying the sins of this world.

To event organizers, however, Chance is the bait that will get pagans on the hook, and are more than happy to use him as the lure.


The VP Declares that Baby Murder Will be Biden/Harris’ Signature Issue in 2024

During a pro-abortion rally this week, Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a speech at Howard University, where she unsurprisingly referred to Republican lawmakers opposed to abortion as “extremists.” The address was attended by various pro-abortion groups, including NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and EMILY’s List.

Harris spent a large part of her speech criticizing the few principled Christian conservatives in government still standing for the rights of the unborn, stating:

“These so-called leaders would have the audacity to dictate what’s in our best interest, but we’re not going to allow that. We trust the people of America to make their own decisions about their health and bodies.”

The vice president also criticized the recent heartbeat abortion bans that prevent abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

“It’s ridiculous. Many women aren’t even aware that they’re pregnant at that stage of gestation, yet these extremists want to dictate what women can do with their own bodies.”

This is what the left does best: they invert reality. The “extremist” position is to sacrifice children at the altar of promiscuity and convenience. Harris, like nearly every Democrat, views murdering unborn children as a reasonable position, a clear manifestation of a seared conscience and reprobate mind.

While the speech was not part of an official campaign event for President Joe Biden’s reelection bid, the president and Harris are expected to make abortion their signature issue in the upcoming 2024 presidential race.

Their first campaign video highlighted the importance of personal freedom (leftist code words for the right to murder babies) and criticized “MAGA extremists” who seek to protect the unborn.

The line between good and evil has never been clearer in American politics, and that line will only get more apparent as the 2024 presidential election season ramps up. The Democrats will highlight their love for murdering babies in the womb, and it’s up to Christians to vote against this demonic agenda.


Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz Breaks Silence in New Vanity Fair Documentary

True to form, disgraced former pastor Carl Lentz has broken his silence regarding his ousting from Hillsong, NY, telling his side of the story in a new documentary in partnership with none other than Vanity Fair.

There have been several Hillsong mini-docs and investigations in the last few years, but this is the first one Lentz has participated in. 

In November 2020, Carl Lentz was ousted from the pastorate after it was revealed that he was having an adulterous affair with a New York City-based designer named Ranin Karim. Though his bombshell got him fired, it was only one of many affairs, according to leaked audio from Hillsong leadership.

Rather than a so-called “one-time mistake,” which is inexcusable but at least partially understandable, Lentz exemplified predatory sexual behavior for years, including grooming behavior, resulting in several sexual encounters and acts of deviance that he instigated. He is now employed as a church strategist at Transformation Church.

In the trailer for the film, which seems to focus more on Brian Houston and his trial for covering up his father’s sexual abuse of a minor, Lentz can be heard saying:

“The truth doesn’t go anywhere, just because you covered it up…You do not want to be in this chair. I cannot stress it enough. I’ve had some major lies.”

The documentary airs May 19.


Canadian Town Bans Pride Flags On Municipal Property

(blogTO) A rural southwestern Ontario community has voted to exclude Pride flags and all other non-civic flags from being permitted to fly on municipal properties and streetlight poles, and some local residents are furious. 

The new bylaw approved in Norwich, Ont. will only allow flags representing the municipal, provincial, and federal governments to fly on township property, or banners related to the promotion of downtown businesses or downtown beautification. 

The original bylaw was proposed by Coun. John Scholten at a Tuesday night council meeting and specifically targeted Pride and Progress banners. 

“Whether flown together or apart, these [government] flags are all we need to represent the diverse and multicultural citizenship in Norwich Township,” Scholten said. “By flying these flags alone on township property, we can coexist in peace and harmony no matter who we are or what we believe.” … to continue reading click here

This article was written by Kimia Afshar Mehrabi and posted at blogTO


Hide It Under a Bushel?!? PCUSA Pastrix Moonlighting as Arizona Democratic Representative Hides Statehouse Lounge Bibles

After Bibles recently began to disappear from the Arizona Capital Statehouse lounge, security cameras were installed in the room to investigate their disappearance. Security footage from the room recently revealed that the culprit is PCUSA Pastrix and Arizona Democratic Rep Stephanie Stahl Hamilton. Security footage shows Stahl-Hamilton removing the Bibles from their place in the room. Security staff was called to locate the missing Bibles, which were hidden under furniture cushions and in a community refrigerator.

Caught red-handed and confronted with the footage, Stahl Hamilton initially refused to admit that she was the culprit. In a subsequent statement, she denied that the removal of the Bible was a serious issue and attributed her behavior to “just a little playful commentary on the separation of church and state”, an idea that she has editorialized in the past. Stahl-Hamilton went on to defend herself on the basis of her position as a pastrix stating, “I am a Presbyterian Minister, so I obviously don’t have a problem with the Bible.”

Stahl Hamilton clearly has a problem with the Bible, as do most leftist PCUSA pastors and pastrixes. In 2022, she traveled to Mexico as part of a pro-abortion delegation to advance the progression of child sacrifice in the country.

When recently asked about her stance on abortion, Stahl Hamilton made clear that she supports the full decriminalization and government support of abortion.

“When it comes to reproductive care and reproductive choice, I believe that everybody should have bodily autonomy, and we won’t quit until we know that abortion and access to abortion is protected.”

Stahl-Hamilton’s campaign platform also includes the “protecting LGBTQ Rights”, which is yeoman’s work amongst the pagan priestesses of the PCUSA. The fact that Stahl-Hamilton supports all of the typical leftist causes that are commonplace in her denomination reveals that she doesn’t have a problem with the use of a standard. She simply doesn’t like the standard found in the Bible and the Christian institutions that maintain Biblical orthodoxy.

Fortunately, 2023 is an election year for Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton, who received her appointment to the State House via a 2021 appointment by the Pima County Board of Supervisors. This fall, voters in her district will have the opportunity to send the pastrix home.


Charles Stanley’s Grandson Auctioning Off His Personal Items on Ebay. ‘I’m a Human Being Who Has Bills to Pay’

The grandson of Charles Stanley is facing backlash after announcing he is auctioning some of the late famed preacher’s personal items on Ebay, including a signed picture and pocket watch.

Matt Brodersen, the 29-year-old son of Stanley’s daughter Becky, revealed that after Stanley passed his family and employees went through the house and divided up some of his personal items and memorabilia. Broderson received some things that he will be keeping, such as Charles’s passport, but also some that he’s auctioning off in order to pay the bills. 

These include an engraved pocket watch, which is currently selling for $510 dollars and a signed picture for $960

Brodersen acknowledged that some people were giving him grief but says he has no shame with selling them items.

I went to my Grandpa’s funeral and I grieved greatly. I’m already back in Dallas now, I’m a human being who has bills to pay and you know how the economy is. So no, I don’t really have shame in selling some of his stuff. I’m actually really happy that two of his fans are going to get to have a collection of some of his very personal items that were found in his office and in his desk that were there when he passed away. I think that’s really special or sweet to be able to pass that on. And whoever wins is going to help me pay my bills, which I desperately need right now. I’m not afraid to admit.”

In response to the video, many of the commenters were less than thrilled with the news, writing:

h/t Christian Post


Former PCA Youth Pastor on FBI’s Most Wanted List

Aside from Perimeter Church’s reputation for being the source of much woke rhetoric and spawning several church plants populated by critical race theorists, despite being a member of the conservative Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), the 5000-member Georgia megachurch also has a new claim to fame; having a former youth pastor on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.

Christopher Burns was a youth pastor at Perimeter Church who later stepped down to become a financial planner. According to reports:

Prosecutors allege that for years, Burns lived a double life, swindling approximately $10 million from dozens of investors in a years-long Ponzi scheme that spanned three states. Under the guise of a “peer-to-peer” lending program with high-interest promissory notes, Burns allegedly used the money to fund his lavish lifestyle—which included a boat and numerous trips to Disney World.

But the day before Burns was scheduled to hand over documents related to his businesses as part of an ongoing civil investigation, (in 2020) the 40-year-old vanished without a trace. In his wake, Burns left behind a slew of angry investors out millions of dollars, unanswered questions, and a family left to pick up the pieces.

His son Phillip, who was 15 years old when his father vanished two years ago, told the Daily Beast:

“I have [had] to rethink my entire life. He was my role model. It hurts so much that he left that day. I believe he is still out there somewhere… but [he] is not a part of our family and our lives anymore.”

If captured and charged he woud have to repay $12 million to his victims, civil penalties of nearly $650,000, and could face as many as 20 years in prison.