
A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 48

The forty-eighth in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge them.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18 Album #19 Album #20 Album #21 Album #22 Album #23 Album #24 Album #25 Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47


Premiere Provider of Church Graphics, Story Loop, Features LGBTQ Affirming Media

Dan Stevers, a prodigious American church media creator, has been crafting high-quality worship graphics since 2005. Following a successful decade of running his own website, Stevers recently founded Story Loop in 2021. This innovative platform offers a curated library of premiere church media resources, featuring stock footage, short films, service starters, ministry graphics, countdowns, and social media graphics; a veritable treasure trove for churches seeking to enhance their services.

As their website states, “Story Loop’s curated library of church media resources makes it easier to create a compelling service each week. The blend of big-budget quality with spiritual depth is leaving pastors inspired and people engaged.” One example would be:

Story Loop is tailored specifically to meet the needs of Christian churches and organizations. Boasting 48,000 partners, their clientele includes some of the most prominent churches in the world, including Hillsong, Life.Church North Point, Saddleback, and the Village Church. 

An additional noteworthy aspect of Story Loop is its commitment to ‘inclusivity.’ The organization is apparently LGBTQ affirming, a stance that aligns with Stevers’ personal beliefs. This is reflected in his social media bios where he includes his pronouns (he/him) – an indication of support towards this sacrilegious sexuality.

In the past year, he has also developed a series of pro-LGBTQ+ church graphics, with phrases like “All Means All” in rainbow hues, along with posters of Pride hearts.

Apparently, even damned and demonic churches need cool graphics too, and Stevers and Story Loop are more than happy to provide them.

h/t to Wokepreachertv for the tip


Andy Stanley Says Insisting on Biblical Inerrancy is an ‘Unnecessary Obstacle’ for Believers+ Compares it to Judaizers Insisting on Circumcision

In the final part of this eight-part series on what one must believe to be a Christian, Stanley flat out argues that we must not insist that Christians believe in the inerrancy of the bible in order to be a Jesus follower, saying that demanding potential converts believe the bible is true and without error is an unnecessary obstacle to them coming to Christ.

(In) every generation, new and novel ideas (like biblical inerrancy) get woven into certain expressions of the Christian faith and into certain traditions, new and novel ideas. Some are harmless, some, we’ve discovered, are a little bit harmful. And oftentimes, these new and novel ideas get elevated to the status of doctrine, or dogma, or ‘these are essentials, you got to believe this’. And if you reject some of these new and novel ideas, you’re not even considered a Christian anymore. You can’t even be a part of that faith tradition, you can’t be a part of that church.

And they elevate these new and novel ideas to the point where they’re at the same level with the deity of Christ and you know, some of the things that we all know are essential.

And when this happens, when non-essentials begin to characterize or define a group of churches or church or denomination, thoughtful, honest people of faith, thoughtful, honest people sometimes feel like ‘you know what, I gotta I gotta step back from my church, I’ve got to step back from my faith tradition, I’ve got to step away from my denomination, I still believe in God. And I, I still believe in Jesus. But I’m not sure that approach is the approach.’

His goal is to draw people back by giving them a pass to not believe the parts of the bible they don’t agree with.

If you left the Christian faith because of anything in or about the Bible, if you’ve walked away from faith or you’re considering walking away from faith, because of anything in or about the Bible, I want you to pay so close attention. Because at the end today, I want to invite you back.’

Pointing out that he studied under Norman Geisler, author of the book ‘Inerrancy,’ Stanley recalls that after he received blowback for preaching his infamous sermon series Who Needs God, resulting in evangelical leaders “saying some not-so-nice things about me,” Norman Geisler called him up to encourage him, telling him, “That’s good apologetic preaching. People just don’t understand apologetics, and they don’t know what the bike is. You need to keep going.”

Stanley explains his apologetic:

The bottom line in terms of what a person must believe about the bible in order to be a follower of Jesus, it’s really this simple: you just have to believe that Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John are reliable accounts of actual events. That’s it. …because if you do, then you will also believe that Jesus, who claimed to be the son of God and our king, and everything we’ve stated in this series follows from that one idea.”

He notes that Christian apologists always build their case on the resurrection of Jesus, not the inspiration of the Bible, and that “our faith does not rise or fall on an errorless text” or a bible without error, but rather Christianity rises or falls on the identity of Jesus. He further notes:

When you watch a Christian apologist, somebody’s contending for the faith, debate and atheist, christian apologists always build their case on the resurrection of Jesus, not the inspiration of the Bible. Because these educated men and women understand the foundation of our faith isn’t an errorless text. It is the event of the resurrection.

“There is no single modern view of inspiration that is essential to following Jesus, and when the church elevates a specific definition of inspiration in order to make it the litmus test for who is or isn’t a Christian, that’s a problem.

This is tragic…when a specific view of inspiration is elevated to the status of doctrine, the bible becomes an obstacle to faith to some.

As we’ve said so many times, the foundation of our faith is an event that launched the movement that assembled the Bible.

He rejects the idea that “an error in any part of it undermines the credibility of all of it” saying that “the ‘all or nothing’ view is mistaken, and it is unnecessary, and it creates an unnecessary offramp of faith for some people. It sets people up for an unnecessary crisis of faith.”

“So is the Bible important? Extraordinarily important. But while the Bible is not the foundation of our faith, it is certainly extraordinarily relevant to our faith. But, and this is my point, this is what I want you to hear today. There is no single modern view of inspiration that is essential to following Jesus. I want to read that again. There is no single modern view of inspiration.”

Earlier this year Stanley said “these four ancient first-century documents that depict the life and teaching of Jesus, if any one of these, not even all of them, if any one of these is a reliable account of actual events, even if it’s mostly reliable, then if that’s true, then you need to, and I need to sit up straight and pay attention.”

Stanley previously preached in 2016 in his Who needs God sermon series:

“If the Bible is the foundation of our faith, it’s all or nothing. Christianity becomes a ‘fragile house of cards’ religion. Christianity becomes a fragile house of cards that comes tumbling down when we discover that perhaps the walls of Jericho didn’t. … What your students have discovered, and if you read broadly, you’ve discovered, it is next to impossible to defend the entire bible. But if your Christianity hangs by the thread of proving that everything in the bible is true, you may be able to hang onto it, but your kids and your grandkids and the next generation will not.”

He concludes with a discussion from Acts 15 and the edict from James to the churches, calling inerrancy an obstacle to belief like circumcision was, and it must not be insisted on.

“(James) says, Therefore, having heard both sides, it is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Why would we make it unnecessarily difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God?

Why make something that is not an essential to their faith an essential which becomes an obstacle? He’s talking about his own Bible.

‘James, are you saying that God’s law as as revealed through Moses is a potential obstacle to faith in Jesus?’ And James and Peter and Paul would say, ‘Yeah, let’s not make it difficult, we should not make it difficult.’

And we shouldn’t either. The Bible should never be an obstacle to someone’s faith and decision to follow Jesus.”

Bonus: The end result of Stanley giving his congregants, church leaders, and pastors permission to reject biblical inerrancy:

North Point Church Baptizes Openly Transgender ‘Man’, After Giving Blessing to Transition?
North Point Church Personnel Knew ‘Lap Dance Leader’ Was Gay-Affirming+ Andy Stanley Responds
Gay Man with a “Husband” Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids

Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LGBTQ+ Activists

Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise, Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley 

For other non-LGBTQ Controversies, he made waves for encouraging Christians to essentially throw out the Old Testament, arguing that believers should “unhitch” themselves from portions of Old Testament Scripture. He denied the Genesis account, saying God only said it to ‘accommodate to our capacity,’ repeatedly told his congregants, ‘I’m not arguing that the bible is correct,’ and told his church the ‘foundation of our faith is not the whole bible.’

Stanley argued that Jesus’ birth and the events surrounding the nativity doesn’t really matter, thus casting doubt upon his supernatural birth by saying “If somebody can predict their own death and then their own resurrection, I’m not all that concerned about how they got into the world” and “Christianity doesn’t hinge on the truth or even the stories around the Birth of Jesus.”’


Bathtub Baptisms? Charismatic Pastor Oversees Mass DYI Baptisms Streamed from the Bathroom

Meet Richard Lorenzo Jr., the charismatic founder and Senior Pastor of the Remnant Revival Outreach Center (RROC). He describes his community as a spiritual army, destined to bring revival across nations and breathe life back into the heart of Christianity. 

Lorenzo boasts a colorful past, describing himself as a former drug lord and warlock who practiced voodoo and Santeria. He even went as far as to call himself an ‘apostle for the devil’ before his spiritual transformation. 

His ministry partners include controversial figures like Daniel Adams, often critiqued as the least credible deliverance minister out there, and he can be seen hobknobbing with huckster Isaiah Saldivar, all who share his controversial belief that Christians can be possessed by demons. Lorenzo’s ‘revivals’ often consist of extended worship music sessions followed by wretched teaching, claimed healings, miracles, and supposed demon expulsions. 

However, it’s Lorenzo’s latest online spectacle that has raised eyebrows. In a video, Lorenzo guides almost 50 followers through a DIY baptism from their bathtubs. This practice, featuring a questionable prayer and devoid of any pastoral or congregational witness, stands as a stark deviation from traditional baptism norms. Following their baptism, he instructs them to put their hands on their heads and tells them they’re going to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by tongues, as he prays for them.

I want you guys to understand what baptism is. Again, it’s very simple. It is an outward profession, declaration of what already happened aside. So we’re gonna go through this, I’m gonna have you guys repeat after me. You know, to confirm your faith. And you’re gonna go into that water. When you go under that water. Your body in the spiritual is dying. Your old self is dying. That means everything you did, everything dies with your old body. You don’t get cleaned under the water…you wash your mind with the word.

When you go into that water, you die with Chris. The same way that he died on the cross, the father is seeing you die on the cross with him. Isn’t that crazy? Grace, we don’t deserve it.

So when you go under that water, your old self is dead and you’re being born again. You’re coming up a new creation, your consciousness is being washed. You’re being married to Christ under that water. This is a marriage ceremony. This is a marriage ceremony. You’re being married to Christ. You’re divorcing the world, you’re divorcing the enemy, you’re divorcing your flesh and say ‘no, no more. I’m being married to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.’

It’s very, very important. It’s very, very important for discipleship. Very, very, very, very important work to profess your faith. Your professing your faith by your works, because faith without works is dead.

H/t to Revealing Truth


Televangelist Joyce Meyer Recovering After Suffering Major Blood Clot, Confined To Wheelchair 

Televangelist Joyce Meyer shared with her followers that she’s on the mend and doing better after taking a fall last month that saw her break an ankle and have surgery that resulted in a blood clot forming, resigning her to a wheelchair all last month.

80-year-old Joyce Meyers is long thought to be one of the ‘Big three’ heretics, along with Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. Popular with women and effeminate men, the famed multi-millionaire televangelist’s ministry brings in over $100 million yearly and is known for her word-faith teachings. We tagged her recently after it was revealed she was paid by Hillsong $150,000 for one sermon, and has a long history of collecting sky-high honorariums.

She has a bizarre view of the atonement where Jesus paid for our sins in hell, believes that Jesus stopped being the Son of God for a time, that Jesus had to be born-again, that Jesus went to hell in our place and was tormented, that if you don’t believe Jesus went to hell, you cannot be saved, and that the scripture teaches that we are little gods. This is all while claiming that she routinely receives revelation from God and the angels.

In a June 29 message she explained:

As you know, I’ve had some down time because of a fall that I took, a broken ankle, and a back surgery that developed a blood clot and caused problems in the other leg. And I’ve actually been in a wheelchair for the last month, but today, I got some really good news. I went to the orthopedic doctor and they completely took me off of the wheelchair. I have to wear a walking boot for three weeks, but I’m on full weight-bearing, which is amazing.”

Now that she’s back and in better health, Meyer is engaging in more theological mischief, speaking at an upcoming conference with Sadie Robertson Huff, Lisa Bevere, and Trinity-denying Modalist T.D. Jakes that is sure to be chock full of false teaching and bad takes.

h/t Church Leaders, by way of Not By Sight News on YouTube.


Church Apologizes for Sermon from Duggar Dad That Praised Slaves For Not Rebelling

Fairpark Baptist Church issued an apology after a sermon from Mike Keller went viral praising black slaves in the 19th century for not protesting or rebelling against their ‘masters’ and suggesting that they only gained their freedom after repenting of their wicked ways.

Keller is the father of Anna Duggar and the father-in-law of convicted pedophile Josh Duggar, who is currently serving a 12.5-year sentence for possessing CSAM, and had this to say during a sermon.

Folks, I want to tell you; it is really simple. I’ll show you how to change America.”

A hundred-fifty years ago, or 200 years ago when the blacks were slaves. Did they ever go to Washington D .C. and have a rally 200 years ago to protest against slavery? Did they? No. What did they do? Well, a lot of good people in the plantations would say, ‘hey, it’s wintertime. Let’s let us help build a church for you, dear folk.’ And they loved them and taught them how to read so they could read the Bible. And here’s what the blacks did about 150 years ago.

They humbled themselves. They prayed. They sought God’s face and they turned from their wicked ways. And God made slavery illegal through several white Presidents, right? It worked, didn’t it? They didn’t protest.

Maybe there’s a place for protest. I don’t know. But that was a wise pastor that warned his flock (not to attend the rally)”

As a result of the backlash, the church deleted the sermon and told CBS News.

“Fairpark Baptist Church affirms that racism and slavery are wrong, sinful and violate the scriptures. As a part of our faith we would never condone slavery, or tolerate any kind of prejudice against people of color.” 

In a statement made to Church Leaders, they elaborated further:

The comments were hurtful and reflected a misrepresentation of racial and historical issues and we completely disagree with the statements that were made. Fairpark Baptist Church affirms that racism and slavery are wrong, sinful and violate the Scriptures. As a part of our faith we would never condone slavery, or tolerate any kind of prejudice against people of color. We seek to follow God’s words found in Romans 12:9: “Let love be without dissimulation (hypocrisy). Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.”

h/t Church Leaders


VA Pastor: Zacchaeus Was ‘Oppressed’ And Jesus Helped Him With ‘Affirmative Action’

A Virginia pastor tries to turn the story of Zacchaeus into support for ethnic prejudice in college admissions (i.e. affirmative action). Dwight Riddick, Sr., of Gethsemane Baptist Church says the wealthy tax collector was “oppressed” and a “second-class citizen” because of his height. “Jesus saw Zacchaeus and he levels of the playing field. Jesus institutes an affirmative action program.”

This past week, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action was unconstitutional in permitting colleges and universities to take into consideration race when it comes to their admissions standards. This was and is a major blow in America, a country that is already struggling and who has been working hard to achieve racial equality. And now, the hands of the clock have been more than turned back, it almost feels as though the hands up the clock has been torn off.

…In our story today, we find a familiar character, we’ve called him Zacchaeus….Zacchaeus was a man who was hated. He was a man who, in every sense of the word was at a place of disadvantage. He faced life with doors constantly being closed in his face….(he) suffered and experienced oppression. Not because of anything, but he’s made in a contribution to, he was just born this way.

He didn’t have anything at all to do with his physical stature. He was just born this way and only grew to a certain stature and now because of his physical appearance, he’s being oppressed, he’s been pushed to the side, he’s been marginalized. He’s been discriminated against. Here he is, a short man in a tall world. He is the minority among apparently everybody else on the street that day.

He continues:

..And I know you’re gonna tell me that He was despised because he was a tax collector, he had treated other people wrong, he had overcharged them the taxes due. But I argue today, never mind the fact that he’s rich and a tax collector, he’s still a person who has been the target of hate. And no one likes to be hated. I don’t care who you are, you don’t want people hating on you. Nobody likes to be pushed aside. No one likes to be denied access, have doors closed in their face, and feel as though they’re always hitting the glass ceiling.

And here is Zacchaeus. A short man in a tall world. When Zacchaeus could not get a space in front of others for he could see Jesus, he is forced to settle for a secondary substandard viewing position…this tree was not the best seat in the house. It was not on equal footing with the rest. It was where short people had to go if they were to see the guests passing by.

…Jesus knew that Zacchaeus being in that tree was an indication that Zacchaeus had been put in a place where he’s being made to feel as though he’s a second class citizen. People who are well thought of and treated equal do not meet Jesus in trees. People who are well thought of and treated as equals, do not meet Jesus in trees. They meet him on ground level.

And then concludes:

Jesus saw Zacchaeus and he levels the playing field. Jesus institutes an affirmative action program. The Bible says Jesus invited himself to Zacchaeus’ house. Notice that Zacchaeus was the only one who had to climb the tree and he had to climb the tree to see Jesus because he was short and nobody would open the door and give him access to where Jesus was.

But when Jesus comes by, Jesus said ‘man come on down.’ He said, ‘I tell you what I’m going to do, I’m going to your house today.’ There were a whole lot of people in Jericho on that day, a whole lot of people who wanted to see Jesus but Jesus chose one to spend time with. Jesus only went to Zacchaeus his house.

When everybody else has shut the door on Zacchaeus, God who opened the door. Others hated Zacchaeus, denied him the opportunity of access, but then Jesus comes along and gives him favor. Somebody thank God for favor.

h/t to WokePreacherTv for the title, intro and vid.


ICYMI. Megachurch Pastor Mike Todd Jumps Into Crowd and Crowdsurfs During Worship Service

Pastor Michael Todd leads Transformation Church. He is known for his wild Easter service, preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face,  (twice) claiming his church had 75k salvations in the last 18 months even though none of them stuck around, had a service where ballet dancers with bare butts danced around the stage, preached in a shirt featuring his wife in in a bathing suit, and claimed that Jesus never reached his potential,

In February of 2020, Todd decided to expend some pent-up energy when he jumped into the crowd during a Sunday night church service, having his congregants catch him and ride the wave through the auditorium as the people cheered and filmed him on their cellphones.

Captioned “The way I’m jumping into the blessings of God ALL YEAR,” the video on his Facebook page is captioned #transformationworship#energy#rePRESENT#pastorcrowdsurfing.

Transformations Church bills itself as a “dynamic, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, non-denominational inner-city ministry in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It embraces the spirit of its founder as it expresses a radical, diversified, progressive, 21st century technological church.”


Hillsong Leader Phil Dooley Crowdsurfs During Worship Event

Global Hillsong leader Phil Dooley raised a few eyebrows during a worship session at the 2023 Hillsong Conference this past week, after he jumped off the stage and into the crowd. Dooley floated around for a bit before being brought back to the front, in a video posted to the embattled church’s Instagram page.

The scandal-riddled, embattled church has been running on steam over the last year, with attendance and tithes plummeting to the point that their main campus had to section off parts of the auditorium and reduce services from two to one to appear fuller and less sparse. The day before the conference, Dooley acknowledged in an interview.

“I understand that public perception is not always the greatest. We need to rebuild trust, and that’s earned, Lucinda and I, stepping into the role of leading our church. … We feel the weight of that. We believe we are stepping into a new era. … We’ve got a really clear vision. We’ve got a focus when it comes to our mission, and we’ve been doing a whole lot even with our governance, you know, refreshing our board and making changes there.”

It’s difficult to see how Dooley can rebuild trust when he was one of the ones abusing the system. Member of the Australian Parliament Andrew Wilkie, who used parliamentary privilege to unearth a vast trove of Hillsong expenses, said this about Dooley:

The new head of Hillsong, Phil Dooley, has told church followers he only flies economy, but these documents show him clocking up $58,000 in business-class flights for him and his daughter to Guatemala, $42,000 in business-class flights to Mexico and $32,000 in business-class flights from Cape Town to Sydney via the U.S Hillsong followers believe that the money they put in the poor box goes to the poor, but these documents show how that money is actually used to do the kind of shopping that would embarrass a Kardashian.”

The whistleblower report extrapolated further:

“As a long-term board member, the current Hillsong Global Senior Pastor, and Brian Houston’s replacement, Phil Dooley has been party to all of this misconduct. He has also been involved in this self-indulgent spending and private benefit — and still is. Not only does Lucinda Dooley also fly around the world business class but Hillsong additionally pays to fly Phil and Lucinda’s children around the world — and not in economy class.

Phil Dooley is flying to Guatemala at an airfare cost of $44k, to speak at the church (Casa De Dios) of his good friend and spiritual mentor Cash Luna. Considering that Hillsong does not have a church in Guatemala, and spiritual mentoring can be performed over Zoom, it would be surprising if these $44k flights were not being used solely for Phil to earn a personal benefit honorarium for preaching at two church services — likely to be around at least $20-30k. It is unfathomable why Hillsong is also paying an additional $23k for Phil’s daughter Bella and his best mate ‘Sanga’ Scott Samways to accompany him to Guatemala.”


Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church  
Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church 
Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42)


Southern Baptist Convention ERLC Head Brent Leatherwood Lobbies Tennessee Court to Bury Transgender School Shooter’s Manifesto

In recent months, following the Covenant School Shooting, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission head Brent Leatherwood has been outspoken in support of gun control legislation, throwing the lobbying power of the Southern Baptist Convention behind the gun control proposals of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. 

Leatherwood, whose three children attend Covenant School, supports the governor’s bid to bring red-flag gun control laws to Tennessee, which would result in the removal of guns from the possession of citizens without due process. But actions have consequences, and this move could be used in the future to nullify the second amendment rights of Christians who are deemed ideological enemies of the secular status quo.

The real story behind the Covenant School shooting is the fact that the shooter, Audrey Hale, a former student of the school, was an ideologically driven transgender activist who targeted the school for holding views diametrically opposed to her own. Hale detailed these reasons in a manifesto, which is being withheld from the public.

In addition to lobbying for gun control, Brent Leatherwood has joined the fight to prevent the release of the transgender shooter’s manifesto. Leatherwood claims that those who oppose the move to withhold the documents are “unhinged activists, unthinking partisans, conspiracy theorists, and various media outlets that value clicks over their community.”

If the manifesto was released and the public received a clear picture that the shooter was a mentally ill sexual deviant who chose to target the school because it held a Biblical view of sexuality, the push for gun control in the state would lose its momentum and politicians could focus on the real ideological issues behind the shooting.

If the manifesto were truly a nothing-burger that contained no new information regarding motive, there would be no reason for all of the legal gamesmanship on the part of Leatherwood and others to shield it from the public’s view.

Ironically, the ERLC head, who claims to have the ethical high ground, is trying to hide what happened in a desperate bid to salvage political gun-grab legislation. Several state legislators saw through these efforts in the spring session, resulting in a tabling of Governor Lee’s proposal. The governor has vowed to take up the gun control legislation in a fall special session.

Brent Leatherwood and the ERLC will continue to lobby for gun control, using Southern Baptist tithe dollars for a purpose that would undoubtedly lack support from most Southern Baptist church members.