Commie Zealots Continue to Target Seattle Christian Coffee Shop in Bid To Destroy Business

A Christian coffee shop in Seattle has sustained months of harassment and protest from commies and LGBTQ activists, a group hellbent on shutting them down.
In 2023, Jamie Sanchez, the founder of Recycle God’s Love, launched Drop Cafe to help the disenfranchised. Their goal is to “take someone who’s struggling with homelessness and break all the chains that are holding them down” including “mental health, spiritual coaching, financial advice … getting a job, getting housing — everything you can think of.” Part of this process includes giving them a job at the shop.
The business included a ‘what we believe’ section that featured standard boilerplate verbiage regarding biblical marriage, which caught the eye of the Denver Communists group. This band of unhinged progressives has been protesting the business regularly since July, blocking the sidewalk, handing out flyers, and yelling and screaming at anyone who tries to go inside. Sanchez says this is causing many customers to turn away once confronted by the irrational zealots.
“They stand outside with a blow horn and they’re screaming. If a customer tries to walk in the door that just is a regular person trying to come in, they will scream in the blow horn and say, ‘Don’t go in there! Don’t go in there! Literally scare them from even wanting to come into the cafe.”

Chelsea Jacobs, one of the protesters, explained back in the summer: “For about a month, the Denver Communists have been running a campaign against this cafe because it is bigoted; it is shrouded as a charity organization. It is a for-profit cafe, a front for a right-wing, bigoted church that is against the queer community. And we, as communists, believe in queer liberation. We believe in human liberation for all. And we think that as long as there is hatred against queer people, we are all oppressed.”
A recent status update shows how unhinged and conspiratorial these protesters have become:

Keep Sanchez and this business in your prayers.
The leftists are going to get their shooting war. They will RUE it.
Welcome to a society government by the godless. How much longer will Almighty God withhold His righteous anger against this increasingly evil nation that at one time honored Him?
This isn’t WHY God will judge us, this IS the wrath of God being revealed.
“God gave them over” is used three times in Romans 1:18-32. As a nation, we refuse to honor or even acknowledge God and the result is gay communists who have depraved minds and darkened hearts.