IHOP Full Investigation Finds: “Mike Bickle engaged in inappropriate behavior including sexual contact and clergy misconduct, in an abuse of power”

The International House of Prayer has revealed the full results of the investigation report into the actions of founder and ‘prophet’ Mike Bickle. Prepared by Rosalee McNamara from the law firm Lathrop GPM, she says she was allowed unhindered access to all parties and players involved, except Mike Bickle himself, who declined to be interviewed directly but did respond to written questions, and the primary Jane Doe that Bickle has already admitted into having an inappropriate relationship with before the formation of IHOPKC, on the advice of her lawyer.
Some of the highlights of the report include:
The evidence is clear that MB has publicly admitted that 20 plus years ago he “sinned by engaging
in inappropriate behavior. My moral failures were real.” [Mike Bickle Personal Message December
12, 2023.]
With the primary “Jane Doe,” identified by initials in the “Documentation of Grave Concerns,” MB
admitted that “over 25 years ago, prior to the [May 7, 1999] formation of IHOP, I recall five
occasions where I engaged in inappropriate behavior with [her] (which includes two occasions
when we kissed). We both repented and agreed that those actions were wrong. Our friendship
has been entirely appropriate for decades, over which time I have received dozens of friendly
emails from [her]” and spoke at her marriage ceremony over twenty years ago. The dates would
make her 19-20 and him in his 40’s at the time of the contact.
MB also admitted to inappropriate contact on three occasions with an individual connected with
IHOP around 2002 to 2003. He described the contact as “consensual sexual contact that involved
her touching me but not me touching her.” He said they both agreed it was wrong and the conduct
stopped. MB’s account and the account of the individual are very similar, including that it occurred
in 2002 to 2003, and I find the individual’s account credible
I spoke with four women identified by others as alleged “Jane Doe” victims or possible victims
stemming from the Documentation of Grave Concerns. Each of these women, without exception,
was very credible, assertive, and cooperative in the interview.
They clearly were not happy about hearsay and rumors suggesting that they were victims
or in any way subject to abuse or inappropriate treatment (whether sexual, physical, emotional,
spiritual, clergy/member/ churchgoer, or any other form of abuse or mistreatment by MB or others
connected with IHOP). Each expressed concern about being “harassed” or intimidated by others
who they said tried to get them to acknowledge that they were victims of such conduct or
attempted conduct. Each emphatically and persuasively denied that any inappropriate conduct,
attempts at inappropriate conduct, or any relationship or conduct other than an appropriate,
professional relationship and conduct occurred.
Witnesses have stated that MB was “quirky.” One witness who said MB was “quirky” said he
sometimes called female members of the close-knit MB team “my girls”; tousled men’s and
women’s hair; and bumped shoulders with men, and that based on observation these things were
done in a playful manner and not with ill intent or intent for it to lead to anything inappropriate. By
some, hair tousling or a touching on the back was sometimes seen as odd or not appreciated
Members of the AG have stated that their goal is for MB to repent and to ensure that practices do
not allow for these types of conduct to occur in the future, including preachings and prophecies that may discourage individuals from reporting inappropriate conduct. Others have stated that many people, including former senior leaders who are now members of the AG, knew many things and did not deal with them promptly at the time.A witness reported that a former senior leader said words to the effect that he didn’t want to be
on MB’s bad side. The context of this comment related to knowledge that MB’s son was having a
relationship outside of his marriage while the woman was in some stage of separation from her
Based on all the credible evidence, including his own acknowledgements of contact with the two
Jane Does over twenty years ago, it is more likely than not that MB engaged in inappropriate
behavior including sexual contact and clergy misconduct, in an abuse of power for a person in a
position of trust and leadership. As previously stated, after these allegations emerged, in
December 2023 IHOPKC announced it was “immediately, formally and permanently” separating
from MB
he’s not going to give up that easy money. Bickle is a profit after all.