Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Charismatic Conference Sees 4-Year-Old Kids Taught to Speak in Tongues, Prophecy, and Get ‘Slain in the Spirit’

A worship session during a charismatic children’s conference had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit, with rejoicing testimony that these young ones were “falling out under the power and crying and trembling.”

The Fire21 Kids Conference was held in Orlando, FL, and ran alongside the Fire21 Conference, a 3-day charismatic extravaganza that featured speakers Daniel Kolebda, Todd White, and Bethel’s Sean Feucht.

In a video that was uploaded to Facebook, children as young as 4 years old sway and raise their arms while worship leader Jenny Weaver leads them through a read and response, asking them to repeat after her, which they enthusiastically do. She is joined by her daughter on stage, a 10-year-old who travels with her and has allegedly cast out demons and healed the sick.

Fill me up
To overflowing
I receive now
My prayer language
In the mighty name
of Jesus.

Weaver tells them, “now just begin to speak in your heavenly language!” as she begins to “speak in tongues” from the altar, prompting the children to imitate her and follow suit, with some beginning to shout gibberish as others look around confused and uncertain.

She concludes by bending down and releasing an impartation, touching several of the children on the head and shouting, “Fire, fire on your life!” and “Never the same!”

During another part of the conference, some young girls get up on stage in front of adults and a mixed audience and begin speaking in tongues. Done under the thundering, rhythmic music setting the stage, one girl preaches about the “breaker spirit” and declares that the “spirit of religion” would be broken.

While receiving overwhelming support and awe from the charismatic community, nearly 7000 shares and thousands of positive comments, a few naysayers pointed out that this sort of thing would not have nearly the same effect if it were done in front of a quiet room without the crashing drums and pulsating drone of the music permeating every word, along with pointing out that these children don’t know what they’re even doing and likening the whole event to spiritual abuse.

Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Sye Ten Bruggencate Involvement with ‘Vulnerable Woman’ is ‘More Serious than Simply a Broad Moral Failure’

Sye Ten Bruggencate’s recent confession of a moral failure that saw him stepping down from ministry entirely is “more serious than simply a broad moral failure,” according to the elders overseeing his care.

In a series of statements, Aaron Koning and Steve Richardson, writing on behalf of the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church, explain that a widely-shared story by the Roys Report claiming that Bruggencate engaged in a “troubling circumstance” with a congregation member was false and that no other member was involved. [Letter posted in full at the end]

Instead, they explain:

Following admissions by Sye Ten Bruggencate of fornication with a vulnerable woman, and following a formal complaint (with evidence) by the woman concerning the particular admissions given by Sye, the Session has begun a full and thorough investigation.  Sye has been suspended from all privileges without limit of time while the church judicial process is followed.

From what we know, a third party found out about Bruggencate and this woman and threatened to expose him and make the sin public, which is what prompted his public confession.

Upon confession of sin, the “vulnerable woman” brought forth more and new information about the sins that Bruggencate indulged in that were previously not mentioned, filling in the breadth and scope of what it means to have a “moral failing.” In response to her series of accusations, Bruggencate has admitted to some so far, but not others, and this has prompted the session to investigate further.

In an ominous move that does not bode well, Richardson told the Roys Report that “the concerns from the woman are more serious than simply a broad moral failure” and suggested that the woman go to the authorities for help. The reporter covering the story, Jackson Elliot, writes:

Richardson said he does not see anything that suggests that what happened was against the law. Even so, he said he has suggested that the woman go to the authorities for help.

‘Sye has confessed to moral failure, and that is a fairly broad category,’ Richardson said. ‘We want to do the right thing, first of all for the complainant, and also for Sye. If we need help from outside, we will be seeking it,’ he said.

Faith Presbyterian Church Statement regarding Sye Ten Bruggencate

) I had hoped it would not be necessary to use this blog for this purpose, but I am told that already speculation is swirling because of an error made by The Roys Report.  The article reports, “In a statement to The Roys Report, Faith Presbyterian pastor Steve Richardson said that Bruggencate confessed a ‘troubling circumstance’ to the church on Sunday, involving Bruggencate and a congregation member.”  This statement is false. 

I have written to Jackson Elliott (of The Roys Report), and he has told me the correction will be made.  I can say categorically that the “troubling circumstance” did not involve a congregation member.

Here then is our statement regarding Sye Ten Bruggencate and his public confession:  Our church leadership became aware on Sunday evening of a very troubling circumstance involving Sye.  We acted upon the information swiftly and had ample cause within 48 hours to take essential action.   By Tuesday, we had asked Sye to step away from ministry and placed him under the process of church discipline.  We directed him to make public his confession to us that he had acted far beyond the boundaries of acceptable conduct.  

Our inquiry has not stopped there.  As a church, we are investigating further to make sure we have all necessary information to make decisions about additional steps.  We have a rigorous written process for dealing with such matters and we will be following that process scrupulously.  

To respect laws governing privacy, we cannot, as an institution, disclose personal identifying information at this time. 

We are extremely mindful that many institutions, churches but also schools, sports teams, political organizations, media outlets and others, have failed to act swiftly or seriously in the past.  By their delay, they have made worse the suffering of one or more parties. We will not be rash, but we will not make that error, either.  We will be making further public statements when and as the situation allows.

Aaron Koning and Steve Richardson on behalf of the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church

Note: As of 00:25 Friday March 5, The Roys Report has made the necessary correction.  

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

RZIM To Restructure as a Grant-Making Organization to Support Abuse Victims

Amid plummeting donations and a reputation in tatters, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries has announced that is will no longer be known as an apologetics ministry, but rather will restructure and pivot to become a grant-making organization to supporting evangelism and abuse victims.

Not content to close everything down and walk away in light of the horrific abuses perpetrated by their namesake, the late Ravi Zacharias, RZIM will instead slash 60% of their jobs, change their name, and undergo changes at a leadership level, in a bid to restart the company, according to an internal email sent by CEO Sarah Davis – the daughter of Zacharias.

Since a preliminary report on the investigation just before Christmas and the full report and its findings in February, we, as a ministry, have been processing a wide range of emotions, including intense grief for victims of abuse, abhorrence at Ravi’s actions, disillusionment, dismay, anger, and uncertainty about the future of the ministry we love and serve…

In the past few months we have experienced a steady decline in financial support to the ministry as well as the loss of our certification with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) due to findings in the Miller & Martin investigation. We made a decision to stop soliciting—or accepting— financial contributions to RZIM until further notice. Some of you have had invitations to speak rescinded, while others have lost opportunities to publish…

In praying about and seeking direction for our near and long-term futures, we have reached four conclusions, which we would like to share with you today.

1. RZIM cannot—indeed should not—continue to operate as an organization in its present form. Nor do we believe we can merely rename the organization and move forward with “business as
usual.” That, we are convinced, is not right for numerous reasons.

2. We plan to transition RZIM from its current form of a global speaking team of evangelists and apologists with offices around the world to a grantmaking entity, much like a charitable foundation, which will support a variety of ministries, causes, and kingdom-building efforts.

Specifically, we expect this new entity will make grants in two areas: furthering our original mission to preach the gospel through the questions of culture, and the prevention of and caring for victims of sexual abuse. We plan to continue to make grants to many of the organizations we already support, in particular to our national offices around the world, and we also anticipate grants to seed new organizations that fulfill the mission on which RZIM was first started. In this way we hope to honor the intent of the gifts our donors have sacrificially made to further the gospel…

3. Our focus during this transition will be fourfold: Repentance, Restitution, Learning, Serving. We intend for every department of the ministry to focus their gifts, skills, and resources toward making meaningful progress in these four areas. In the meantime, this transition period will allow us to complete the Guidepost review that is underway.

4. Finally, and sadly, the current economic realities, coupled with the needs for the journey before us, will require that at this time we make a significant reduction in our global workforce—our ministry team. Specifically, we will be reducing our team by approximately 60 percent beginning as soon as tomorrow…

The move to pivot and become an organization that will support both evangelism and “the prevention of and caring for victims of sexual abuse” will take between 4 and 6 months until it is complete.

The organization previously announced on Saturday that they were purging the organization of all Ravi Zacharias content and would likely include a name change, explaining, “We are in the process of taking down Ravi’s content from our website and social media platforms, including publications, videos, and other forms of content, and we intend to change the name of the organization…”

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Korn Guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch Says He May Have Gone ‘Too Far’ with his Christianity

A new interview with Korn guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch, has the famed musician-turned-Christian saying that while his faith may have saved him from an alcohol and drug addiction, he also may have “went too far” with his preaching, explaining he “got obsessed with it, just like I was obsessed with drugs.”

Speaking to Robb Flynn on the No Fu—- Regrets Podcast, Welch explains that he was deeply addicted to drugs, even doing meth for 700 days straight. Lost in his addiction and dependency, he found Jesus, quit everything cold turkey, starting aggressively sharing his faith, left the band in 2005 (later rejoined in 2013) and has since then released albums and documentaries about his experience and life.

After Flynn asked Welch if he believed his faith became his “new addiction,” replacing drugs with a Jewish Messiah, Welch responded:

The crazy thing is I had an experience with something from another dimension. And it wasn’t the religion — going to church and being a good boy — it was, like, I felt something come into my house, and I can’t explain it to this day. But I believe that it was Christ doing something in me. So that was real — that was very real.

But yes, I think I went too far with it. And I got obsessed with it, just like I was obsessed with the drugs. I believe I did, for sure. And I had to come out of that and find normalcy, because there’s nothing worse than a freakin’ irritating religious person just shoving it down your throat — there’s nothing worse than that.

And you saw it on the documentary [Loud Krazy Love], Jonathan’s [Davis, Korn singer] like, ‘I hate those motherfu—– people, can’t stand ’em.’ And for years, we’ve had those Christians outside of Korn concerts, saying Korn’s of the devil, and all this. It’s crazy — it’s a crazy thing. But I’m just glad I got through it. And I’m glad that I am who I am now, and I have a lot of peace and rest for my soul. I feel very leveled and at peace with myself.

Welch is deeply ingrained in the charismatic/pentecostal side of the faith. A few years ago he was featured on the Film “Holy Ghost” where charlatan Todd White did a leg-lengthening parlor trick on film at a Korn concert, with the film director explaining:

So we headed out to the crowd, with both Brian Welch and Fieldy, the bass player in the band and another born again believer in tow, and what followed was simply electric. Within minutes we were surrounded by nearly a hundred kids, an atheist was healed, and about 40 kids accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior. The guys were so pumped we decided to do it again after the concert.

Sure enough, another 20 or so kids accepted Jesus, many were healed, and Brian and Fieldy realized what they were capable of using their celebrity for on the road.

Furthermore, after South Carolina passed their controversial HB2, the law stating that people could only use the restroom and changing facility that corresponds with the sex on their birth certificate, tons of musicians, artists and government agencies cancelled the state. Welch and Korn spoke out against this “hateful bill,” saying in a statement:

We don’t care where you pee – just please flush. It’s pretty simple, really. We’ve decided to partner with Equality NC, the LGBTQ advocacy group leading the fight against this hateful bill. You can talk to Equality NC at our show about how to get involved, and get registered to vote in NC. That way we won’t have to talk about this the next time we come back there. We’re coming to North Carolina to show our fans that they can make the difference needed to repeal this law and return their state to a place that welcomes everyone and values differences.

Church Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA podcast Polemics Report SBC Videos

Podcast: Beth Moore Finally Goes Home

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 9th, 2021, JD talks about the blessing of Beth Moore finally leaving the SBC and evangelical elites like David French and Russell Moore throwing faithful believers under the bus for being skeptical of the vaccine. In the patrons-only portion, JD discusses the latest instance of JD Greear mocking the Word and Southern Baptists who insist on biblical orthodoxy.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

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Evangelical Stuff Featured News Politics Religion SBC

Attention Seeking ERLC Head Russell Moore Virtue-Twerks With COVID-19 Mask as Prop

A prominent Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) leader has garnered criticism for a selfie he took and posted to social media, with opponents describing the photo as a shameful act of self-promotion and an instance of “virtue twerking” – a term used to describe the most obscene and transparent cases of “virtue signaling.”

Russell Moore, the head of the Ethics and Religious and Liberty Commission (ERLC) recently took a personal hit when he was torched by the SBC’s Executive Committee for the way he runs his organization, summarized by the phrase, “the direction of the ERLC is a significant source of division and creates a very real challenge to reversing CP [Cooperative Program] decline.”

Now, not content to merely note that he received his vaccine or perhaps show a picture of his paperwork, Russell Moore tweeted out a picture of his new prize. From inside his parked car. All alone. No one around. With the windows probably rolled up. In the image Moore wasn’t just wearing one mask but rather two – a necessary accessory if one is to properly broadcast evidence of one’s moral goodness.

This is nothing surprising coming our favorite progressive Democrat. After all, there’s some virtue to signal, and it ain’t going to signal itself.

Moore also uploaded one of his WaPo articles, where he wrote last month:

We have all lost much during this pandemic. For Christians, one of the most awful aspects, apart from the deaths of those we love, is the isolation we have had from one another, along with our feelings of powerlessness to change the situation. The vaccines change that equation.

By getting vaccinated as soon as our time is called, we can actively work for what we have been praying for — churches filled with people, hugs in the church foyer, and singing loudly together the hymns we love.

This, of course, is only true for those who have been shut down like Moore’s church and other disobedient shepherds and congregations. For many, their church has been filled with people, hugs, services, and public worship this entire time, or with very brief intermission over the last year. For this reason, the vaccination has no role in determining whether not a church opens up and worships God, doing absolutely nothing to change any equation.

But if by doing so Moore can get a few eyeballs his way, signaling his virtue and ethical virtuosity with all the subtlety of a man running naked across a football field during halftime, then we expect he will do that very thing. We await the next picture of lying in bed at home, triple masked, with a newly installed particle air filter in the background that’s hashtagged #SafeAtHome and #GospelIssue.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Gay Pastor Says Jesus Used “Racial Slur,” Woman Confronts Him, Jesus Repents of Racism

(Reformation Charlotte) Brandan Robertson, a homosexual and self-described “pastor” and a rising star in progressive evangelicalism says that unless you are a “gay-affirming” Christian, then your theology can only lead you to conclude one thing, that you want all gays to die.

Robertson is an advocate for sexual immorality and teaches that premarital sex is “good” and “healthy.” Of course, conservative Bible-believing Christians would never consider Robertson’s claims to Christianity valid, but the world sees things like this and brings reproach upon Christ.

Robertson said in a recent video that in Mark chapter 7, Jesus used a racial slur. In an absolutely heinous display of biblical stupidity, Robertson says that because this woman was willing to buck up to Jesus, Jesus changed his mind and repented of his racism.

Did you know that there is a part of the gospel of Mark where Jesus uses a racial slur? In Mark chapter 7 there is the account of the Syrophoenician woman–a woman who is Syrian and Greek–both of which there were strong biases against within the Jewish community.

And she comes to ask Jesus to heal her daughter who is possessed by a demon. And what is Jesus’ response? He says, “it’s not good for me to give the children’s food [meaning the children of Israel’s food] to dogs.” He calls her a dog. What’s amazing about this account is that the woman doesn’t back down.

She speaks truth to power, she confronts Jesus and says “well you can think that about me but even dogs deserve the crumbs from the table.” Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes Jesus’ mind. Jesus repents of his racism and extends healing to this woman’s


#progressivechristian #progressivecatholic #christiansoftiktok #biblestudy #bible

♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) – Danilo Stankovic

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlottle.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Op-Ed SBC

You Want a Wild Rant about Beth Moore Leaving the SBC? You Came to the Right Place

For years we at Protestia have drawn the finger-wagging ire of many within the Southern Baptist convention over our criticism of their glorious jewel, Beth Moore. Both the well-meaning and miscreants have filled our inboxes with messages about what a nice lady she is, how much she’s taught them, and how why she doesn’t have an unkind bone in her body. From our perspective, that’s because they’re likely all calcified and fused into one big skeletal mass that frames and conceals her dark, dark heart within. We said this about her many times, and we’ll say it again:

If you can picture a crazed woman, who having managed to scuttle herself atop a Chick-fil-A rooftop, is now alternating between throwing rocks down upon irritated patrons below and urinating on them as they pass by, all while the police watch, sit back, and stand down, then congratulations, you’ve accurately comprhended the state of the Southern Baptist Convention when it comes to Beth Moore.

For years she’s been given free reign to pelt passers-by with impunity, a hollering harpy who remains unpunished and out on bail because her uncle is Russell Moo- the Police Chief and dad is the County Judge, and so long as she stays on this side of the complementarian vs. egalitarian debate, even if it’s straddling on a technicality, they’ll put up with their favorite little hellion and won’t even give her a citation.

As a result, we’ve been consistent in calling her out for varied scurrilous offenses, making eye-contact with other discerners who are watching the events unfold while making the “are you seeing this too?” connection of shared understanding.

Now, after nearly a decade of pointing the finger in her direction, documenting the shift from a bible-twisting occasional oddity to pervasively subversive spinstress, Beth Moore has finally left the SBC in worse shape than she found it, smashing all the windows on her way out. The fact that she actually had to announce that she left shows how little she thinks of everyone. Like we didn’t know she had departed years ago? We listed some of her many grievances here, but to say the SBC is better off without her is an understatement.

It would be an error to suppose though that this is somehow bad for her or that her notoriety will diminish, far from it! Right now Lifeway, the publishing arm of the SBC that is nearly bankrupt (and not just morally) is licking their chops and rubbing their greedy little paws together at all the sweet lucre they have coming their way – one last hurrah before their swiney bodies rush headlong off the cliff.

They’re still going to publish all her material. She’ll still be a vaunted “Lifeway Woman,” joining crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can Christine Caine as an author they will push and promote. Only now, they don’t have to deal with the headache of her affiliations and association with the denomination. Now that she’s out, there is a lot more tolerance for her wayward and aberrant teaching, given that she’s no longer considered one of their own needing to be policed. This absolutely works for them.

For their part, you can basically think of Lifeway as a run-down mobile ice cream truck chugging along the highways and byways of the SBC. The kidlings come for something cold and refreshing, but all they get are a couple of half-frozen freeze pops injected with spiritual strychnine and renamed the “Beth Moore Bible Study.”

The rusting wheel wells and peeling paint known as Living Proof Ministries aside, now that Moore has broken free of the “systemically racist” SBC she will have the freedom to be more explicit in whatever little creepy heresy she has come up with in the deep recesses of that dark little mind, the controversy being a windfall for her distributor.

Within six months she will come out in full support of “women pastors” (unaffectionately called pastrixes), and another year after that she will making some sketchy softball comments about LGBT acceptance, joining Jen Hatmaker in hitching a ride to hate-Jesus town. This controversy will only add fuel to the fire, and Lifeway is there to suck in all the smoke.

Naturally, our SBC overlords and effete men will scroll through Twitter while they pass the time on the toilet, posting white knight defenses of her newly public positions as they pee sitting down. There will be no mea culpa by the ERLC elites who spend all their time hobnobbing with Democrats and polishing their monocles, acknowledging that she was getting squirrelly with the scriptures. Rather, these Top Men will emerge into the blogosphere after spending some time pinching their own cheeks so as to appear publicly flushed, sputtering, and harumphing while protesting that they weren’t there cheering her on, even as we watched them supply her rocks to hurl from their hidey-hole around back.

Beth Moore can go home, kick off her shoes, and set every room on fire for all we care. The SBC is already a smoldering building, burned over by BLM rhetoric, a sympathy for CRT, and a ruling class that wouldn’t know how to exegete 1 Timothy 2:11-15 if it were tattooed to their foreheads or carved into their arms. The SBC has a lot of problems, sure, but the last thing they need is “Auntie Beth” sticking around and kicking in all the windows.

Goodbye, good riddance, and get the hell out of here.

Church Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA SBC

Beth Moore Frees Herself to Fully Apostatize

In what can only be considered a “look at me” formality, lady preacher and theological peabrain Beth Moore has announced that she is no longer a Southern Baptist. Apparently, she has taken gullible Southern Baptist congregations for all she could and is now moving on to even more liberal and gullible pastures.

Moore retweeted an article at Religion News Service announcing her breakup with Lifeway, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention and peddler of wares from all over the spectrum of fake Christianity. She claims she no longer “identif[ies] with some of the things in our heritage that haven’t remained in the past.” We assume she means the orthodoxy of forbidding women from preaching (1 Tim. 2:12) and the orthodoxy of not engaging in rank false teaching (2 John 9). Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that her Living Proof “ministry” lost 1.9 million dollars between 2017 and 2019.

While the article links Moore’s departure to pushback by Southern Baptists over her anti-Trumpism, she has notoriously led the charge into full-blown liberalism by the SBC for over 10 years, becoming more and more egalitarian, ecumenical, and brash in her disregard for scripture. Her theological ineptitude and outright horribleness is the stuff of legends, as she has routinely claimed direct revelation from God (like her famous tale of God telling her to brush a guy’s hair instead of witnessing to him), affirming so-called woman pastors and those who affirm LGBTQ+, labeling her entire denomination racist, and claiming white supremacy is “running rampant” in the church. She has liked tweets dissuading believers from sharing the Gospel at BLM protests, claimed the Holy Spirit inspired her to write her book When Godly People do Ungodly Things, and pals around with pathological liars like Kyle J. Howard.

She is a pathetic and embarrassing expositor of scripture and the poster child for what happens when churches and denominations fail to take the scriptural roles of men and women seriously.

Beth Moore leaving the SBC (assuming it sticks) is not a surprise to anyone paying attention. The SBC is not downgrading nearly as fast as she is, and now her lousy studies aren’t selling. She clearly left the orthodoxy of the Baptist Faith and Message long ago, and her recent inability to draw a moral distinction between Trump and the Democratic Party was just the latest peach on her massive tree of bad fruit.

The discernment ministers at Protestia/Pulpit and Pen called Beth Moore out years ago as not being one of us (you know, not a Christian). She is and has always been a charlatan, bilking gullible Christians out of time, money, and real teaching for years – aided and abetted by the Christ-less hucksters at Lifeway who shelved her pap alongside heaven tourism nonsense and moronic “relevant” teen devotionals. Now apparently SBC women’s ministries will be forced to rely on “menstruation is a parable of the crucifixion” Jen Wilkin for their monthly doses of feminism.

While I am no prophet, I predict that within one year, Beth Moore will come out as fully LGBTQ affirming and adopt the title of pastor for herself in whatever “church” she finds herself. Such is the nature of apostasy.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies News

Prominent Charismatic Warns of Demon Hair Spirits

A prominent charismatic leader reached into the library of hell and brought back the secrets of satan, giving us a lesson in Christian demonology by explaining that sometimes a bad haircut isn’t just a bad haircut, but spiritual warfare being fought by harrasing hair demons.

Jennifer Leclaire, the former Senior Editor of the flagship Charisma Magazine as well as the current Senior Leader of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries and Awakening House of Prayer was last seen pontificating on the “Wild Ass Spirit” and before that the “Sneaky Squid Spirit.” She now explains:

You know you’re in spiritual warfare when the devil messes up your hair. Go ahead and give a good belly laugh but there’s a principle I want to share with you- this is a spiritual warfare moment.”

Leclaire recounts how she’s had the same hairdresser for over 15 years and never had a bad cut- when out of the blue, her stylist thinned it out a bit too much. “I looked like a wet rat. You know how sensitive I am about my hair.”

“The enemy knows, here’s what I want to get at, laugh if you want to…the enemy knows what you’re sensitive about, and he will target those areas to harass you. To hinder you. To cause you to feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed. So I bind every demon power right now that’s causing you uproar in your soul, in the name of Jesus. I break the power of hindering, harassings spirits over your life in Jesus’ name.

Despite what may sound to be odd revelations by some, she is utterly and completely mainstream. She is not some kook relegated to the outer circles of the greater church body, but rather is a run-of-the-mill charismatic who would be welcome to speak at any continuationist women’s conference or revival.

h/t to Brother John Elving for the link