cancel culture Conspiracy Featured Politics

Payback: Tweets of Trump Supporters Being Archived for Future Revenge

(Montana Daily Gazette) A liberal organization has admitted to archiving all of your pro-Trump tweets on Twitter for future payback. If it sounds like Orwell’s 1984, well…it’s just 2020.

The infamous Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the socialist Representative from New York, suggested on Twitter that people keep track of tweets from “Trump Sycophants” in case they want to delete their opinions later. An organization calling itself the “Trump Accountability Project” reached out to say they were doing exactly that.

The organization, which sure enough is real, is dedicated to doxing Trump supporters, volunteers, and employees for longterm political payback. Their ethos seems to be, “Remember What They Did.”

Notice that Michael Simon, who is verified on Twitter with a blue checkmark, says that they are archiving tweets. Spooky.

The organization is collecting and saving the data of those who voted or financially supported Donald Trump (see below).

Editor’s Note. This article was Written by JD Hall and published at the Montana Daily Gazette. Reprinted in full with permission.

abortion Featured Politics

Flashback: TGC Member Thabiti Anyabwile Hopes Election is Hacked – Did he Get his Wish?

In early 2019, the discernment world watched spellbound as a Trump Derangement Parasite crawled into Thabiti Anyabwile’s ear as he slept and started chewing through the soft tissue of his brain. Going to town on his corpus callosum and hypothalamus, it caused his biblical reasoning and metaphorical fine motor skills to be consumed and destroyed.

How else can one explain a series of Tweets where he openly hoped that foreign powers would hack the 2020 election and depose Trump?

When pressed that what he was suggesting was collusion, Thabiti pushed back:

Thabiti, who voted for Hillary Clinton last election (Once again, The Gospel Coalition people) and by all accounts voted for Biden and Harris this election, suggested after being buried by an onslaught of feedback and negative comments that he was just joshing. Yet two years on, his fantasy looks quite prescient.

Cue two years later.

In a post from earlier this evening, The Big Eva Alum commented that people who are suggesting voter fraud or “outside interference hacking the election” have a sickening stench about them, unlike him who’s giving off the aroma of Christ by proudly encouraging others to vote for the Pro-choice Democrats. All that talk of hacking the elections years ago? That must have washed off.

However, we would suggest that one man’s “Jesus stank” is another man’s strong metallic odor, the result of dousing oneself in the blood of aborted babies and then smelling the iron therein.

It is not pleasant. It smells like death. And that’s exactly what’s emanating from Anyabwile now.

Conspiracy podcast Polemics Report Politics Religion Righteous Defiance

Podcast: Voter Fraud, Carl Lentz Adultery, and Time to Dig Trenches

On today’s episode, JD speaks about voter fraud, the election results, and gives news updates from Protestia. Then, JD discusses evangelical arguments for Biden and why no one is really both a Democrat and a Christian. He uses the example of Lecrae and Pastor Matthew Lyon to discuss those who “creep in unawares” and “wear sheep’s clothing.” He also brings up Keller and Deve both being registered Democrat. JD also discusses Carl Lentz’ “fall” from ministry.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:35 — 68.1MB) | Embed

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News Politics Religion Scandal

ERLC: ‘There is NO Evidence of Voter Fraud’ in the 2020 Presidential Election

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) released an article/position paper today saying that there is ZERO evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election, and telling millions of Christians not to trust their lying eyes.

Written by “ERLC Staff,” the article runs down several topics related to the vote, acting as a primer to answer questions like why it’s taking so long to count the ballots, what are the candidates’ path to victory, and what it means for a news organization to “call a race.”

Picture a TGC article from Joe Carter with less Wikipedia citations.

Then, under the heading of whether or not voter fraud has been occurring or whether or not there have been any suspicious shenanigans these past three days, the ERLC assures us that there has been not even a whiff of voter fraud or anything untoward.

“No evidence.” Not even a smidgen or a smattering. Not a scintilla or a soupçon.

In fact, everyone has acted above board the whole time, and saying otherwise is conspiratorial crazy talk. It’s over. Done with. Wrap it Up. Biden has it. It’s dunzo. Trump lost and anyone saying otherwise is just making noise and behaving all “unchristlike.”

Which begs the question: do you actually believe that? And better yet, why does the ERLC want you to believe that?

Breaking Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff News

Tim Keller Pancreatic Cancer Update: Results are In

Pastor Tim Keller, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer has gotten his results back, and it’s good news.

Keller was diagnosed with pancreatic back in June 2020 and thankfully has been taking positive steps towards recovery, writing that his recent CAT scans show continued improvement and the physician is “surprised” and “delighted” with the headway he is having as he burns through rounds of chemotherapy, calling his progress “incredible.”

Though we generally regard Keller as imminently theologically dangerous, with links to why here, we wish him a swift and ongoing recovery.

Church Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Politics

Exit Polls Show Evangelical Support For Trump dropped 5%. Big Eva Rejoices

We wrote three weeks ago how certain men who make a living creeping in unawares have been waging a war to shave points off the evangelical vote for Trump and turn the tides of war towards the baby-killing braggarts of the Democratic Party. According to exit polls released by the New York Times, they got their wish.

In 2016, Evangelicals voted 81%-16% for the Republican Party. Following four years of leftists losing their ever-loving minds and promising a radical mandate that would make even Canada blush, the numbers shifted to 78%-23%, with Trump losing 3% but most alarmingly, Biden gaining 7% of the evangelical vote.

While not claiming to be prophets, we said last month, “The good news is that Donald Trump is gaining supporters in the black and Hispanic community commensurate with what he’s losing in evangelicalism. And the irony is sweet; the evangelical talking point against Donald Trump is that he’s racist. It would only make sense in God’s divine irony to make up for his evangelical losses in minority communities.” By all accounts, this has occurred, with Trump gaining large swaths of the Black and Latino vote.

Men and ministries that have encouraged people to either vote for the Democrats, or vote for either party include Tim Keller, JD Greear, TGC, 9 Marks Ministries, John Piper, David Platt, Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, and a host of others.

Mark ’em even more.

abortion Critical Race Theory Heresies Social Justice Wars

Jemar Tisby’s Black Christian Collective Promotes Pro-Choice Ally Henny to Vice-President

Jemar Tisby’s Witness Black Christian Collective (WitnessBCC) has made major structural changes to its organization, elevating several key members into new roles such as Tyler Burns to President and and promoting openly pro-choice advocate Ally Henny to Vice-President.

The Witness BCC was founded by Jemar Tisby in 2012, which at that point was called the Reformed African American Network or RAAN. Tisby, perhaps best known for writing the book The Color of Compromise (which unsurprisingly is compromised theologically) has left his position and will serve as founder of The Witness Incorporated, a 501c3 organization that is the parent company for The Witness Foundation (A newish venture that gives certain black folk $50,000 a year to train and raise them into leaders) and The Witness Black Christian Collective.

Despite the new structure, what has remained unchanged is the fact that this organization has no credibility to speak on the biblical, scriptural, and theological understanding and application of racism to the church. They have no clue what constitutes issues of mercy and justice are so long as they continue to platform and promote so many unbiblical, unscriptural, and untheological writers and contributors. Chief among them is Ally Henny, now the Veep.

Henny is a regular contributor to The Witness and writes about race, cultural identification, black motherhood, and topics related to the black experience from a faith-based perspective. She is also overtly and unabashedly pro-choice.

She recently tweeted about how black people should join the Episcopal (US Anglican) church. When pressed on why any Christian should do that, given the denomination’s stance on abortion and homosexuality (they are openly and enthusiastically in favor of both) she responded:

I believe that all people should be welcome to worship and serve in the church regardless of their identity….

I actually considered joining the “other” Anglican denomination here in the US, but I decided against it. My nephew came out as trans at the same time I was taking steps to enter into discernment. I realized that I could not be ordained somewhere he could not be his full self…

There are disagreements within the Anglican Communion on this issue. As a new Anglican, my hope is that we would err on the side of love and not pronounce anathemas against one another because we disagree.”

She’s not the only one working or associated with the Witness BCC who has dubious views on abortion, if not also flat out pro-choice. Michelle Higgins routinely tweets out support for Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby-killing world, and Ekimini Uwan doesn’t want to abolish Roe v. Wade, but rather wants it to be the law of the land.

In the Witness BCC, refusing to swallow Critical Race Theory’s view on “anti-racism” will get you kicked out, but being for the killing of babies in the womb as a human right will get you promoted. So spare us Jemar Tisby when you go on podcasts and talk about mercy, and justice, and loving your neighbors, and hatred for the oppressed. Your people support baby-killing, dude. We’re not buying it for a second.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Todd Bentley Is Up to No Good

Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever condemned (and that only slightly), is up to no good, bringing himself back into the spotlight and putting on a conference after a year of silence.

Like clockwork, Christians who engage in sexual sin always restore themselves after a year, whether they apologize or not. In this case, Bentley joins a long list of evangelicals who do the two-step restoration shuffle, joining sexual creepers like John Crist in bringing himself back to the light as if nothing even happened.

Bentley, you’ll recall, went relatively radio silent after being accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched and they found that Bentley was guilty – a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.

Despite these findings, Bentley has been able to maintain a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation. This should surprise no one, however, as charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior of their leaders, and this case has sadly proved to be no different.

It’s for this reason that Bentley is putting on a 3-day conference extravaganza March 18th-21st in Charlotte, NC.

The only announced speaker is Todd Bentley, with more to follow. The conference is currently looking for volunteers to join their street evangelism team, prayer team, setup and breakdown team, merch tables, and healing team.

In a post explaining the vision for his conference: Todd writes that he had a prophetic experience where they Lord suggested he was the next George Whitfield after naming a hammer after him in a dream vision (long story), writing in part:

I saw in the vision that the Lord was speaking about being on the “edge of the greatest harvest.” We are now stepping into the fields. I also knew by the Spirit that some of the greatest revivals would be literally in open fields again. I believe the grace that was on Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the First Great Awakening is now upon us in a new season of harvest and preaching.

We are being commissioned into a new season of harvest like we have never seen before. In this vision, we were stepping into the great harvest after many years of being trained and equipped. More than ever, we are entering into a reaping season. We are moving from just sowing and seed time to a harvest of all the seeds of Promise. Accelerated Harvest!

If you’re anywhere near the Charlotte area in March and see Todd around, feel free to send a rebuke his way on behalf of Protestia.

Breaking Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Breaking: Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Fired For Cheating on his Wife

In an Instagram update posted hours ago, Carl Lentz informed his congregation members, fans and friends that he was fired from Hillsong NYC for sexual immorality, explaining that he “unfaithful in his marriage” and cheated on his wife. He writes:

Our time at HillsongNYC has come to an end. This is a hard ending to what has been the most amazing, impacting and special chapter of our lives. Leading this church has been an honor in every sense of the word and it is impossible to articulate how much we have loved and will always love the amazing people in this church.

When you accept the calling of being a pastor, you must live in such a way that it honors the mandate. That it honors the church, and that it honors God. When that does not happen, a change needs to be made and has been made in this case to ensure that standard is upheld. Laura and I and our amazing children have given all that we have to serve and build this church and over the years I did not do an adequate job of protecting my own spirit, refilling my own soul and reaching out for the readily available help that is available.

When you lead out of an empty place, you make choices that have real and painful consequences. I was unfaithful in my marriage,
the most important relationship in my life and held accountable for that. This failure is on me, and me alone and I take full responsibility for my actions. I now begin a journey of rebuilding trust with my wife, Laura and my children and taking real time to work on and heal my own life and seek out the help that I need.

I am deeply sorry for breaking the trust of many people who we have loved serving and understand that this news can be very hard and confusing for people to hear and process. I would have liked to say this with my voice, to you, in person because you are owed that. But that opportunity I will not have.

So to those people, I pray you can forgive me and that over time I can live a life where trust is earned again. To our pastors Brian and Bobbie, thank you for allowing us to lead, allowing us to thrive and giving us room to have a voice that you have never stifled or tried to silence. Thank you for your grace and kindness especially in this season, as you have done so much to protect and love us through this. We, the Lentz family, don’t know what this next chapter will look like, but we will walk into it together very hopeful and grateful for the grace of God..


Lecrae’s Answer on ‘Whether or Not Christians Should Go to Church’ Is Shockingly Bad

Rapper Lecrae recently did an interview when he was asked about whether or not Christians should go to Church. Far from giving a simple, easy, clear answer, his unclear, jumbled, Tim-Kelleresque response was about as bad as one could expect.

Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years. He shows clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent, from promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview. Recently he promoted the threat from women of “pay us money or we’ll kill our babies.”

In an October 30 interview with Torae on Hip Hop Nation, Torae and Lecrae delve into a bit about what “restoration” is about, given his new book and the press tour Lecrae is on promoting it, as well as the relationship between faith and religion.

Far from articulating this theology like a once-upon-a-time “reformed rapper,” Lecrae sounds like an 11-year-old on her first day of youth group, arguing what ultimately boils down ” I don’t want religion, that’s bad. I want a relationship.”

Torae then asks him, on the topic of church attendance and gathering on the Lord’s day for worship and the word:

Q: As the world changes, do you feel that what people generally, traditionally know faith, religion, and church to be is changing as well?

A: I like to think of myself as somebody who is spiritual, but I’m not in church like I was when I was younger. I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior and I pray good times, bad times, and different. Sometimes people, you know the elders will look at you like ‘you’re not in church, you’re not tithing, you’re not doing XYZ,’ and so they try to devalue what my relationship is.

More relevant answer:

Well like I think in any relationship you take the time to understand the other person. It’s kind of like if I tell you my cousin’s name is Jimmy but his name is John, I might not really have a good relationship with my cousin. So if [you’re] really developing and cultivating that relationship, it’s going to show and it’s going to shine. I think a lot of the older generation rightfully so, they leaned on these institutions because these institutions were like guard rails.

And there’s nothing wrong with traditions, but something’s wrong with traditionalism, where you’re doing it to do it, and it don’t have no meaning or substance, it’s just going to be empty. And so I’m not really with the traditionalism either, I think the institution we know as the church in America is not really what God tried to set up. I think he wants us to be in community with each other, connected to each other, and helping each other to become better versions of who He created us to be.”

To which the host replies “Absolutely.”

So there we go. Torae’s takeaway, (who isn’t a Christian, despite his claims) is that Lecrae affirmed him in his choice not to attend Church, and Lecrae devalued the importance of it, writing off the church as “not really what God tried to set up” and then generally emphasizing a “be in community with each other, help each other, connect with each other” liberalized mentality that could fit in any lecture one might hear in a mosque or Buddhist temple. [Editor’s Note: it sounds like that classic Abe Lincoln riff from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, “Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!”]

Far from being merely a swing and a miss, at this point, it seems like Lecrae is being paid by a bookie to throw the game.