
Money Grubber Rod Parsley Claims Jesus Never Said ‘My God Why Have You Forsaken Me’ On Cross

Rod Parsley is the impastor of World Harvest Church and a noted Word/ Faith televangelist. A NAR heretic who never met a bible verse he couldn’t twist, he is known for his constant money-grubbing, constantly cajoling the masses by promising that anyone who sows a seed into his ministry will receive miracles and megabucks. 

During a recent service, after shilling his wares, Parsley claims that Jesus never said, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” on the cross, and that is an invention of the KJV, which got it wrong, despite pretty much every other translation saying the same thing. 

“You ought to send a $40 gift or more right now to get that last message, Seven Declarations from the Cross.

Do you know that Jesus never said “My God, why have you forsaken me?” He never said it. Wow you’re quiet. Looks like I need to preach that again. Or you can just get the message and I won’t have to do it again.

I prove to you that Jesus never said that. If Jesus, if the Father would have forsaken Jesus, Jesus could forsake you, and he cannot forsake you. If God turned his back on Jesus, Jesus can turn his back on you. And he will not.

So he never said it. King James Version says he said it, but the King James Version is wrong in that regard. Still one of the most trustworthy Bibles ever in existence, but that is wrong. He never said that. That’s against every other theology you have. You with me?

How many of you’d like to know what he actually said? Well send a $40 gift.”


CCM Singer Amy Grant, LBGTQ Icon, To Host Niece’s Same-Sex Wedding

Contemporary Christian Music icon Amy Grant, an artist who has sold over 30 million albums, won six Grammys and 26 GMA Dove awards, has been gay affirming for a long time. Though her position was always couched in just enough plausible deniability, she came out clearly last year, saying in a 2021 interview:

Who loves us more than the one who made us? None of us are a surprise to God. Nothing about who we are or what we’ve done. That’s why, to me, it’s so important to set a welcome table. Because I was invited to a table where someone said ‘Don’t be afraid, you’re loved.’ …Gay. Straight. It does not matter.” 

“It doesn’t matter how we behave. It doesn’t matter how we’re wired. We’re all our best selves when we believe to our core, ‘I’m loved.’ And then our creativity flourishes. We’re like, ‘I’m gonna arrange flowers on your table and my table.’ When we’re loved, we’re brave enough to say yes to every good impulse that comes to us,

In a recent interview with the Washington Post, she explains that her and husband Vince Gill plan to host her nieces same-sex wedding on their farm, and she couldn’t be more excited:

Grant recalls her reaction when she learned her niece had come out: What a gift to our whole family to just widen the experience of our whole family.

“Honestly, from a faith perspective, I do always say, ‘Jesus, you just narrowed it down to two things: love God and love each other,’ ” Grant said. “I mean, hey — that’s pretty simple.”

Over the last three years, multiple bands and personalities have come out as Pro-LBGTQ, including Relient K, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, Five Iron Frenzy, and Kevin Max. She’s just another one on a long list that’s getting longer.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church. Album 19

The nineteenth album in this year’s series showing our brothers and sisters in Christ gathering for church service as faithful believers.

While going to church does not make one a believer, refusing to faithfully attend a local church should seriously call that faith into question. This is a glimpse of what the global church is up to, and will feature images in chronological order, week to week, of the men and women being obedient to the scriptures. As always, click pictures to enlarge them.

Album #1Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album #17 Album #18


Podcasts: Not Having Church on Christmas, False Salvations, and Refusing to Eat Food Offered by Church Folk

A bit late with this, but on this episode of Protestia Tonight, we discuss the differences between true and false salvation. In the PT VIP portion, we answer sincere questions about Christian charity, moving Sunday services for Christmas, and hating lost people.

On Bible Bashed, Harrison and Tim will discuss the biblical implications of rejecting food offered to us due to diets, preferences, and allergies and whether or not it honors God in these various situations. With the rise in specialized diets and the decline in demonstrating hospitality towards one another it has become standard to decline food offered to us. However, in ages past this would have been viewed as a supreme act of disrespect and dishonor.


J.D Greear’s Church Closing For Christmas, Suggests He Was Inspired by Covid Shutdowns

The New York Times released an article titled O Come All Ye Faithful, Except When Christmas Falls on a Sunday, which notes the increased cancellation of church services on Christmas by Christian pastors, almost five percent fewer, and quotes several ministers giving their reasons for not having services, including SBC pastor and Summit Church leader J.D. Greear, who, to quote Eric Conn, “equated holding church to the actions of the Pharisees. He said Covid shutdowns (his church closed for a year) showed him a pattern for “exceptions” to gathered worship.”

One person featured is Mitch Chitwood, pastor of StoneBridge Christian Church in eastern Nebraska. Explaining that the last time Christmas fell on a Sunday, barely anyone attended, he posited that church elders had to be practical in light of the no-shows. “We still believe in the Sunday morning experience, but we have to meet people where they are.”

Then comes Greear, whose 11 multisite churches will be shuttered. They quote:

“Sunday is the Lord’s Day, and it ought to be a day you spend with the family of Christ,” said J.D. Greear, the church’s pastor, who was the president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2018 to 2021. “But I don’t want to be the Pharisees of this generation, where I turn it into some kind of rule that there’s never an exception for.” He pointed to the Bible’s account of Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath, in defiance of local customs about proper behavior on that day.

…Mr. Greear said the decision to close had an echo in his church’s approach to the pandemic, when the Summit closed its church facilities for most of 2020. “You could almost look at Covid, at lockdown, as a year of an exception,” he said.

*Note: A prior version of this article referred to Greear as a former SBC pastor. To our knowledge, Greear and Summit are still in the SBC.


Pope Francis Defrocks Famous Catholic Priest and Pro-Life Leader, Frank Pavone, Over Social Media Posts

‘Father’ Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life and high-profile pro-life advocate, has been defrocked from the priesthood by Pope Francis, according to the Catholic News Agency.

In a letter sent to US bishops by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Pavone was forced to hand in his clerical collar for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.” The decision is final, and there is no possibility of appealing it.

Though the letter did not give the exact reason for his dismissal, it was believed his social media posts played a role. He offered extensive political commentary, frequently against the wishes of his Bishop, openly supporting Trump and bashing the Democrats and their leaders. You don’t say things like this without making a few enemies:

In response to his ejection from the priesthood, he wrote on Twitter “Hi friends… So in every profession, including the priesthood, if you defend the #unborn, you will be treated like them! The only difference is that when we are “aborted,” we continue to speak, loud and clear.


Abortions Down 97% in Texas Following Overturning of Roe v. Wade+ Strong State Laws

Abortions in Texas dropped precipitously in the month following the overturning of Roe v Wade, dropping 97% according to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which released their preliminary results.

Whereas child murder statistics leading up to the Supreme Court decision averaged ranged from a low of 2514 abortions to a high of 3299 in the six months prior, July only recorded 68 abortions in the state.

The average of 2800 abortions a month before the overturning is also down 40% from the year before. Texas averaged around 5000 abortions a year until stringent laws introduced in September 2021 cut the number nearly in half. 

Presently, all abortions are banned in abortion, unless the mothers life is at risk. There are no exceptions for rape or incest.


SBC Megachurch Justifies ‘Willy Wonka Christmas Worship Service’ with Stupidest Bible Twisting Ever

Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, an 8000- member Southern Baptist megachurch, continues its celebration of all things fleshly. Known for their extravagant attempts to keep their members entertained, in the past few months alone, they played a cover of Run D.M.C’s sleazy and sexual song Walk this Way in church, as well as performed Kendrick Lamar’s N95, only cleaned up and sanitized for church audiences, removing the curse words and racial epitaphs for a sermon illustration.

Now, as part of their worship service earlier today, immediately after a rendition of Hark the Herald Angel Sing, demonstrating how creative and relevant they are, they perform a modified version of Bow Wow Wow’s I want Candy with a Willy Wonka theme, seamlessly interchanging between “Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth” with “I know a guy who’s tough but sweet. He’s so fine, he can’t be beat. I want candy. I want candy.”

This is not part of the sermon illustration, but rather is purely meant to entertain, with the senior pastor and Chief Entertainer David Hughes previously explaining that they are a “hyper-creative church”, and they embrace a “whatever it takes” mentality in order to “entice a lot of families to come check out our church.” He reveals after the show:

Welcome to this… I don’t know what to call this anymore. I really don’t. The team does such a great job. Give it up for our creative people, if you would-thank you guys, for making this so much fun.

I guess technically we’d call it a service, it’s a worship service, that’s kind of short for worship service, a service, our Christmas service. But it’s an experience. It’s a Christmas experience. It’s now an event. In fact, I love my friends who don’t do church a lot, the last few years they say, “David, what time are your Christmas shows? What time of your Christmas shows?”

And it used to be I try to reframe that “no, it’s actually a worship..-” Guess what? It’s a show. Yes. Welcome to our Christmas show. And if you’re deeply spiritual that offends you, like we shouldn’t have show. No. We should have a show.

The church should have a show- every weekend we should have a show. I’ll tell you why. For my super spirituals right now, don’t log off, because Jesus promised and Matthew’s Gospel that anytime two or three or more would gather in his name, he would SHOW.

Note. The I want Candy song was abbreviated, leaving out these lines:

I go to see him when the sun goes down
Ain’t no finer boy in town
You’re my guy, you’re what the doctor ordered
You’re so sweet, you make my mouth water

I want candy
I want candy


Candy on the beach, there’s nothing better
But I like candy when it’s wrapped in a sweater
Some day soon I’ll make you mine
Then I’ll have candy all the time

I want candy
I want candy


Hillsong Christmas Featuring Ballet Chefs, Breakdancing Santa Clauses, and Exploding Flour Pastries

Hillsong has put on a lot of awful productions in their time. There was the satanic Budhist dance, the  insane one we just featured, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted).

Hillsong Sweden has released another strange one, this time the 2021 Christmas extravaganza, featuring a scene with chefs doing ballet, breakdancing Santas, even more dancing, and exploding flour pastries,

It’s all done to entertain the congregants, because what you win them with, you’ll have to keep them with.


After Famously Leaving SBC, Pastor John Onwuchekwa has Left the Pastorate

John Onwuchekwa, who gladly accepted $175,000 in SBC money to renovate his church (as well as NAMB money to secure the loan for the building), only to leave the convention in 2020 after accusing the denomination of not being woke enough and insinuating that churches made up of mostly minorities should do like his – take the money and run, has left the pastorate.

At the time Onwuchekwa had this to say about his former denomination.

I do not see the utility of our church made up predominantly of ethnic minorities remaining in the SBC. Because rather than being an agent of change, I fear our presence has largely been an advertisement for other churches of similar makeup saying “Come in…the water’s fine.” The sign I’d rather hold up is “Enter at Your Own Risk!”

He would later co-found the Crete Collective with Thabiti Anyabwile Ron Burns a church planting network that specifically excluded white pastors. He explains in an announcement:

On Monday, October 17th, after much prayer, consideration, and conversation, I have concluded that my season of pastoral ministry at Cornerstone Church has ended. December 18th, 2022, will be my last official sermon as Teaching Pastor of Cornerstone Church, and January 31st, 2023, will be my last official day on staff. At that time, I will be stepping out of the office of pastor and more fully into the role of member.

Onwuchekwa goes on to say that “this particular season and shape of ministry is giving way to something else. That something else isn’t yet fully formed or known” and assures his readers that his stepping down is not due to “personal frustration, scandal, or moral disqualification.” He notes that his transition is the “culmination of ongoing angst and wrestles I’ve had over the past few years regarding calling, passion, and even vocational fit.”

He concludes:

Pastors aren’t meant to stand between you and God. Pastors exist to make sure nothing else does. We are not priests, nor are we mediators. We are merely servants (seasonal ones at that…all of us are here for a season predetermined by God) of God to help you grow closer to Him.

Owunchekwa will not be going away, completely, however, but will continue to grow the Crete Collective and plans to work at Portrait Coffee, a coffee roasting company in Atlanta.

h/t RNS