Podcast: ‘Deep’ Tweets by Tim Keller, Beth Moore, And Mask-Based Sheep Beating
On today’s program for October 8, 2020, JD goes through the news of the day including Beth Moore, the latest...
On today’s program for October 8, 2020, JD goes through the news of the day including Beth Moore, the latest...
Christianity Today continues its theologically obstreperous ways, accusing white Christians of being inherent racists who commit acts of spiritual violence...
The morally and theologically bankrupt Episcopal Church, long given over to Satan and all his minions and which likely boasts...
Although a recent poll showed that 79% of college students said that Columbus Day should be discontinued because of their anti-Western Civilization...
Paul Davd Trip is fabulous. But despite being an evangelical leader with perhaps the fewest manly qualities besides almost anyone...
Phoenix pastor, Jeff Durbin, dropped a few potty-mouth bombs in a sermon a few weeks ago. And by potty-mouth bombs,...
I loved the lyrics of 'Reformed Hip Hop' back when it was a new(ish) thing. And this is coming from...
John MacArthur, Pastor of Grace Community Church (GCC) in California who has been engaged in a protracted battle with the...
Many associated with Paul Washer's HeartCry Misssionary Society and Christ Church in Radford, Virginia, are reeling from shock and lament...
After centuries of embracing Freemasonry, the Roman Catholic church officially banned their members from belonging to the pseudo-religion in 1738...