Social Media: Where You Can Find Us
With fake accounts "roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it,” we wanted to provide a list of...
With fake accounts "roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it,” we wanted to provide a list of...
"Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: `This is what the Sovereign LORD...
Russell Moore's "MANCHURIAN BLOG" continues to lie about the cash they get from George Soros, but the facts are getting...
The Southern Baptist Convention's Executive Committee task force charged with studying and reviewing the effectiveness of the Ethics and Religious...
This presentation from JD Hall was given at the Stand Against Marxism conference, and this is the first time the video has...
Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever bothered to...
The Editorial Director for 9Marks Ministries, one of #BigEva's proud sons Jonathan Leeman, gave a talk during TGC2020 entitled "Identity...
The Gospel Coalition has a creative new solution for how Christian adults should process suffering and pain in light of...
Family Feud host and self-professed Christian Steve Harvey stunned his fans after appearing in a video on his YouTube page...
Twitter has continued its trend of science-denying activism by suspending two of Lifesite News' accounts for the sin of calling...