Did This Charismatic Prophet Prophesy the Death of Pat Robertson? You Decide
Charlie Shamp is an evangelist and 'prophet' who claims to have supernatural abilities and insights from God. He is the...
Charlie Shamp is an evangelist and 'prophet' who claims to have supernatural abilities and insights from God. He is the...
Discover Community Church is...a strange church. Two congregations that merged in 2019 to form a new entity, they have campuses...
Rebel News has announced their upcoming documentary Church Under Fire: Canada's War on Christianity will have its world premiere on...
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman has announced that NHL players will no longer be allowed to wear specialty jerseys for pre-game...
The theologically conservative Presbyterian Church in America had its General Assembly last week where they passed Overture 12: Petition Government...
Mika Edmondson is a frequent Gospel Coalition contributor and the lead pastor of the Koinonia campus of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville,...
Former professing complementarian Aimee Byrd has ripped into her former church while revealing she now attends a church led by...
Malachi O’Brien is the pastor of the Church at Pleasant Ridge in Harrisonville, Missouri. We wrote about him years ago...
We recently brought you the story Jen Hatmaker Org. Supports 'Gender Affirming Care' for Children+ Gives Money to Groomers, which looked...
Progressive mommy-blogger Jen Hatmaker is giving tens of thousands of dollars to pro-LGBTQ+ organizations, and her most recent grant winner,...