GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson was ERLC Trustee, Helped Kill Anti-Abortion Bill in Louisiana

While many are lauding the appointment of Southern Baptist congressman Mike Johnson as the newly elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, noted activist group Abolitionist Rising has revealed that “well-produced content that’s been in the works for months exposing what Johnson did to keep abortion legal in Louisiana last year is about to be released.” They explain further:
For those who’ve been following popular narratives around Johnson, this news may surprise you. You may have seen that he was a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, a leading pro-life legal group, and that he has an A+ rating from SBA Pro-Life America.
The reality is the more connected to the pro-life leaders somebody is, the more they often militate against the abolition of abortion. Johnson pulled out every stop he could to keep abortion legal in Louisiana last year when there was a bill to abolish it.
Notably, prior to the overturning of Roe v Wade, abolitionists in Louisiana succeeded in getting a bill to immediately abolish abortion passed committee, the first in any state in the nation. Louisiana lawmakers advanced a historic bill that would not only criminalize abortion but classify it as a homicide. HB813, or the “Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022″ was voted by a committee 7-2 to give it a vote in the House of Representatives.
Though many initially pledged to support and champion it, the bill was defeated after an amendment was adopted that absolutely gutted the bill and rendered it useless and toothless.
How is it that politicians who were championing it were now voting against it? They’d been getting pressure all week not only from pro-choice groups, which was to be expected but from pro-life groups and pro-life colleague as well.
Ultimately, the bill’s fate was sealed when earlier in the day, over 70 ‘pro-life groups’ like National Right to Life and their state subsidiaries, along with the ERLC, released an open letter opposing the bill, disparaging it for going too far in its efforts to abolish abortion.
Because it amended the Louisiana homicide codes to define “unborn child” as “an individual human being from fertilization until birth,” and “person” as “a human being from the moment of fertilization.” These redefinitions would classify abortion as homicide by including preborn children among those protected by the laws against murder, and therefore women who kill their babies in the womb would be subject to the same fines and punishments as those who kill their babies out of the womb. Equal protection under the law. Equal justice. Either it’s a baby, or it’s not.
Mike Johnson, then a congressman, played a significant role in defanging the language and preventing abortion from being abolished, taking a leadership role in making phone calls to key state legislators telling them to oppose the bill.
Despite being a member of the House Freedom Caucus and self-described “grassroots conservative,” Johnson does not want to see abortion abolished and has demonstrated that he will actively fight against any legislation before him.
Pray that he repents:
Protected abortion? That’s a hard fail.
Sorry, but it’s getting more difficult all the time to find a conservative without one foot in the swamp.
At least the first bill he will bring to the floor is a resolution ‘in support of our dear friend Israel’. Who cares about abortion when all we have to do for God’s blessing is bless Israel.
Israel is a secular nation whose only friend is herself. The people of Israel (the offspring of Isaac) are God’s chosen people. They had the opportunity to accept Christ during his life but declined. That branch was broken off and now the Believers have been grafted on per Romans 11. Those that currently live in Israel are not necessarily God’s chosen people; especially if they hate Jesus.
We should pray that the saving grace of God would be revealed to the Nation of Israel but other than that, they are not special to the the Body of Christ
There can be much discussion around the role of the Nation of Israel as time goes on but the mindless support of a clearly secular nation is unsupportable via Scripture, or any other reason.
I protect and support the innocent, no matter their ethnicity
I believe you are fundamentally correct.
I agree, and find it really sad how a lot of Christians will say things like “Jews worship the God of the Old Testament” because they have been conditioned to conflate the religion of unbelieving Jews with Christianity. It doesn’t help that terms like “Judeo-Christian” get thrown around like nothing even though that has never been a term used in historic Christianity and only came into popular usage in the early 1940’s (at least according to Google’s “Ngram viewer”). If someone started using terms like “Islamo-Christian values” to describe opposition to the LGBT movement, people would look at you like you lost your mind yoking Islam to Christianity with a hyphen like that but that is the same thing that people do with Judaism even though non-believing Jews actually have a lower view of Jesus than Muslims do. What it boils down to is that anyone who rejects God the Father, by necessity rejects God the Son and vice versa. There is no such thing as a person who “believes in the God of the Old Testament” yet rejects Christ.
It truly is grievous how some Christians are trying to sanctify this war with Genesis 12:3, especially when you consider the history of the conflict.
Racist and anti-semetic. Neat.
I’m just noticing patterns.
Peter is trying to quote from the Abrahamic Covenant, but he incorrectly applies its conditions to the secular nation of Israel today. The sentiment of supporting Israel as the way to be blessed by God is a sad belief of many in the church today — a false conclusion stemming from Dispensational theology. Galatians 3 makes it clear that those who are in Christ are Abraham’s offspring. There is but one way to be God’s “chosen people” and that is through having faith like Abraham in the person and work of Christ. The Abrahamic Covenant is more appropriately applied to the church of Jesus Christ today. Those who curse/reject/persecute the church, that is, curse/reject/persecute the witnesses to the person and work of Jesus Christ (proclaimers of the Gospel), will be ultimately cursed at the judgment.
Ian, the tone of my comment was that of sarcasm and I more or less agree with you.
There is a particular vein of evangelicals (dispensationalists) who use Genesis 12:3 in a superstitious way to make sure that God will bless the United States of America. That is how you get tracts like this:
The problem I have with Mike Johnson is he will trip over himself and bend over backwards to profess his loyalty to a country thousands of miles away, but won’t do what it takes to outlaw abortion in his own country.