Jude 3 Project: Black Churches Need To Exist Because of ‘White Christian Terrorism’

(EWTC News) The “Christian” media outlet, Jude 3 Project, has released a video on September 20, 2023 blaming the existence, and continued existence, of black churches on “white Christian terrorism.” The speaker, Dr. Willie Francois, then went on to say that the same bigotry that existed in the past in America is what is keeping the black church separate from other ethnicities. Here is the full quote from Francois:
Because the only reason why we have black churches are because white people want to put us in the balcony, they didn’t want to serve us communion, they didn’t want to baptize us in the same baptismal fount as their children, right? Black churches exist as a response to white Christian terrorism. Black churches exist, not because….
To continue reading reading click here. This article was written by Jordan Smith and published at EWTC News
Repugnant racism from a dim-witted religious huckster. Pathetic.
Could it be that people just want to be around others that are like them? I think that sometimes people get so caught up in calling racism “bad” that they forget that it simply “is”. Of course, using that as an excuse to sin against others crosses a line, but even Paul had a soft spot in his heart for his fellow Israelites. There’s this idea in Christianity that “there’s only one race, the human race” and at the same time people say “the concept of race came from Darwin and there is only “ethnos” (or ethnicities) AND at the same time saying that racism is bad even though they just said the basis of racism (i.e. race) doesn’t even exist. (This is a side note, but it seems like all the evils of in-group preference and racism don’t apply to the Jews because they are “God’s chosen people” and all the Gentiles are chopped liver in God’s plan of redemption even if they are Christians).
There should be Christian unity because we are all one in Christ, but the reality is fellowshipping in a community filled with false converts, and true Christians with varying degrees of (un)sanctification leads to “black” churches, “White” churches, “country” churches, “city” churches, “small town” churches, “high” churches, “casual” churches, “big” churches, “small” churches, etc.
In theory, a true Christian should be able to fellowship in any of these churches, but the reality is that it is easier to connect with, and fellowship with people that are like you. I used to go to a “small town” church that was heavily involved with the local college and high school, and if you didn’t go to those schools, you didn’t have a lot to talk about with those people. Yes there were some that were “kindred spirits” when it came to the things of God but outside of that, it was very difficult to connect. After a while, I ended up at a different church where people had a similar background, and it’s a much better “fit”.
Culture is downstream from race and I don’t have a problem with “black” churches because it allows people with a similar culture to practice their faith. However, the bottom line is that if (some of) these churches teach that the only reason they exist is “White terrorism” they probably have some other issues.
tl;dr racism is cool
*race realism
**Baseless race science propagated by halfwits
***Based science propagated by gigachads
****I’m making it painfully obvious that I’m a virgin with little life experience or exposure.
*****I believe what is true rather than what is popular.