Televangelists Say Trump is Saved Because He’s Said the Sinner’s Prayer on FIVE Different Occasions and ‘I’m sure one of ’em stuck’

Televangelist Jim Bakker, the hucksteriest of all hucksters, joined forces with Lance Wallnau, a NAR enthusiast who crashed and burned after falsely prophesying that Trump would win the election a few years ago, to assure their listeners that former President Donald Trump is a Christian because he’s been led through the sinner’s prayer on no less than five occasions, and they’re sure “one of ’em stuck.”
The last few years have not been kind to Bakker. Two years ago, the embattled Bakker had his credit card companies cut him off and reduced him to only taking checks to support his ever-dwindling ministry. This has made him desperate to hawk any prophecy, piece, or potion he can to keep the lights on, including selling a $1000 miracle blanket or having guests that claimed a Reptile Alien pretended to be her husband in an attempt to seduce her.
Now, they theorize:
Bakker: “So why people think Trump is not a Christian… now I happen to know- I’m telling stuff that I only know because I know the people who have led him in the sinner’s prayer. I mean people who have literally prayed with him. And I know- Lance you know people that have prayed with President Trump to accept Christ as Savior, isn’t that right? “
Wallnau: Yeah I’m laughing because I just hope he doesn’t think he has to accept Jesus into his heart several times a year in order to become a Christian. You only get born again once but I can tell you Dr. Dobson prayed with him, James Robison prayed with him, Pastor (unintelligible) prayed. And those are just three I talked to that said he said the sinner’s prayer, and he meant it.
Trump has prayed three times that I know of to accept Jesus (“And we know a couple more”) and I’m sure one of ’em stuck.
Nothing would make us happier than for God to save Donald Trump, but so far we’ve seen no evidence than he’s anything other than a lost and hellbound pagan that is dead in his sins without Christ, regardless of how many “sinner’s prayers” he’s prayed or have been prayed over him.”
h/t Right Wing Watch
I am not going to argue that Donald Trump is saved, but I will argue that we just don’t know. Do we see the fruit of Christ in his life? No, not really. But this is pretty much always true of recent converts. When a person first trusts in Christ, their speech and actions do not enjoy the benefit of spiritual maturity and years of God’s sanctifying work in their hearts.
Praying a prayer one does not really mean is no evidence of salvation, for there may truly be no genuine repentance and faith. However, if one IS sincere in expressing repentance and faith through such a prayer, then they ARE saved at this point, even if the fruit of this salvation has not yet become evident in their lives, and even if they are a former President and a notorious sinner.
There is no guarantee that any of the five prayers mentioned in this article “stuck.” One can certainly be a false professor five times. But we just don’t know. If Trump is still lost, it has to do with his own insincerity and not with the faithful gospel witness of those seeking to lead him in expressing true repentance and faith through prayer. We should not mock those seeking to lead the lost to Christ.
This is a very cogent take.
I hope Trump is saved but I have no idea.
I agree, only God knows a person’s heart but repentance tends to produce fruit of the Spirit.
NO ONE is saved by repeating a prayer that just happens to “stick”. No one. That is not salvation, nor how one attains it, and I think that is the real issue this article is pointing out. Though a person who is brought under the conviction of their lost state and condemnation by the Spirit of God may very well call upon the Lord in prayer, we are saved by faith– not prayer– and the fact that Bakker and Wallnau would say this shows that their understanding is significantly lacking. As far as Trump’s actual spiritual state, while we can say we “don’t know”, until there is an actual confession of faith and at least SOME fruit, it seems safer to assume that he is still in need of salvation.
How did Trump get feted by the NAR and Seven Mountain crowd? I mean, Paula White was one of his chief “spiritual advisers.” Maybe Kat Kerr was on vacay in heaven when she was to be tapped, so Trump had to settle for Paula?