OnlyFans Model making $330,000/month Turns to Christ, Deletes Account, Throws Out All Her Immodest Clothes

Top OnlyFans creator Nala Rey has converted to Christianity and is beginning to show fruits in keeping with repentance, according to recent videos posted on her Instagram.
Rey grew up as a pastor’s daughter in Illinois, where she was home-schooled and read the Bible daily. She attended Baptist church every Sunday, along with most other days of the week, and her whole world revolved around that identity. Feeling trapped by the experience, which she says included some inordinately other strict rules and like never being allowed to wear makeup, she rebelled at her upbringing. She took a job as a waitress and quickly realized that by flirting and oozing her sexuality, she should get more significant tips, recounting that by 16 years old, she knew she wanted to be a sex worker.
She moved to Florida and went to school to become a dental hygienist and a fitness model on Instagram. After being persuaded to launch an OnlyFans account, she reported making $85,000 in her first month, prompting her to focus on creating pornographic content full-time.
Within a year, she was raking in the dough, bringing in millions as the top 0.1% of creators. She bought a mansion in LA, traveled the world, engaged in sexual hedonism, and gave herself entirely to the life, telling the Mirror in 2021
“I’ve been so closed off for so many years that it feels like I’ve had my eyes opened to a whole world of sexual and sensuality. I am desperate to be around all these people who are sexually liberated….I wake up every day and I am in total charge of my day and my life. I am living my dream. Growing up, everything was a secret and shameful – and now I’m open and unstoppable.”
Then months ago, something started to change. Nala gave insight into what was different about her by posting a video of herself being baptized.
She shared more of her testimony, saying that she gave her life to Christ through the efforts of a friend (and now partner) who was praying over her, sending her bible verses, and showing her God’s love. “I am truly a believer; God radically saved me from this darkness.”
She then deleted her Onlyfans account and purged her pages of most* of her immodest content.

This is much to the chagrin of many, who accuse her of having a new grift or mocking it as a phase that won’t last. For her part, Nala seems to be bearing fruit in keeping with repentance, saying that she’s been asking God to convict her of sin. One thing that the Lord has laid on her heart lately is the need to be more modest, resulting in her throwing away hundreds of clothing items.
And I have been feeling convicted because there’s in Psalms 139- I can’t quote the scripture directly- but it’s talking about, asking God directly: “God, where am I falling short? God, tell me my sins. God, please open and reveal these things in my life so that I can get rid of them to serve you better.”
It’s about fixing what’s in here before you go out there, okay? So this is what God’s been laying on my heart lately.So, you know, I’m a female, I bought a lot of clothes and all this crap. It’s truly crap, by the way materialistic things are just crap. So God has been laying on my heart that, number one, I need to be more modest, okay? And that is literally- to be able to find your future husband and truly not tempt others with your body or with anything else, God is telling me “Hey Nala, you need to be more modest, okay?” So I was like, “Okay God, what is it that I can do to become more modest?”
So I have bagged up-there’s like so many more downstairs- I have bagged up all of my clothes. Not all of them, but like anything that I felt that might be lustful or immodest and bagged it up. I’m throwing it away, I don’t care.
I have given away all of my designer things. I don’t own one designer thing right now. I’ve kept a couple sentimental things but that is truly because they were just gifts. But God is truly speaking to me and telling me “hey these are you this is your wickedness right here and I need you to take care of it for me so that I can plant my seed in you and so that you can go out into the world and be a true soldier for Christ…”
*A quick perusal of her social media shows that there’s still an abundance of immodest content up there. New believers are going to be very imperfect in their sanctification, and we are praying that the seed has been implanted in good soil and will grow at the Lord’s hand. We also pray that she will become more and more convicted through multiple “passes” of her content with spiritual eyes and will excise it all.
The next HUGE challenge is finding a solid biblical church, one in which she can be thoroughly equipped, all while avoiding the countless errors inside of the church.
That is, most unfortunately, a daunting task.
We continue to pray for God’s will to be done in her life 🙏
The Catholic Church.