Fake Conservative Commentator David French Urges Republicans to Vote for Biden

David French, who we like to unaffectionately call ‘The State’s Fool”, is a self-proclaimed “conservative” Christian commentator who can always be counted on to give the worst take possible on any situation, including the whim of whatever demon is whispering into his ear at any given moment.
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This is especially true in a recent NYT Op-ed, Why Haley Voters Should Support Biden, where he argues, “A second Biden term would be a better fit for Reagan Republicans (and Haley supporters) than Round 2 of Trump.”
In the article, French condemns the Republican Party for being enamored with Trump. He lists all his grievances with the former president, including “his self-evident disregard for democracy, Trump’s weakness in the Ukraine conflict, and his hostility to American alliances.”
He condemns Trump’s fiscal policies while lauding Biden’s economic stewardship as “sound,” says the murder rate was worse under Trump’s tenure, and that “it’s the Democrat who can say that (Biden) who tougher on Russia and better on crime, and overseeing an economy that’s the envy of the world.”
Very picky and choosy, and no mention of the rate of homelessness, drug use, and petty crimes in Democrat-run states or cities.
Lastly, he touches on the issue of abortion, writing:
The most fraught issue for many conservatives considering crossing the aisle is abortion. That’s certainly the most difficult issue for me. But while Trump nominated the justices who helped reverse Roe v. Wade, he also failed on the most important metric of all: the number of abortions performed in America. Although Barack Obama was very much a pro-choice president, the abortion rate decreased by a remarkable 28 percent during his two terms, with 338,270 fewer abortions performed in 2016 than in 2008. By contrast, there were 56,080 more abortions by the end of Trump’s presidency in 2020 than there had been in 2016, and the abortion rate rose for three consecutive years, in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
To put it simply, French tells Christians not to believing their own eyes and ears, and especially not to harken to the angry and vitriolic State of the Union speech a few days ago where Biden recommitted his entrenchment of abortion policies to restore abortion up to birth across the land.
French says Biden is better on crime and the economy, without hitting on the impact of allowing 10 million undocumented immigrants into the country in the last three years, and that “only one party is nominating a man who’s been impeached twice, indicted in four criminal cases, found liable for systemic financial fraud, and found liable for sexual abuse and for defaming his victim.”
All his claims against Trump are spurious, of course, with French not mentioning that only one party is hell-bent on their mission to trans the kids, castrate children, entrench abortion and mass murder of babies, destroy the family by normalizing perversion, see men viewed as women, clamp down on free speech, and create a nanny state.
French is a fool, and it’s no wonder he and Russell Moore have Teamed Up Launch Curriculum to Teach Christians How to Engage in Politics. He wants Christians to vote for Democrats, because he is one, and few things would make him happier than a generational shift to the left.
Only the morally and intellectually retarded care what David French thinks about anything.
Is this the same David French who was Bill Kristol’s anti-Trump presidential candidate for about three days (or was it three hours?) in 2016?
the same guy indeed
I am glad that he smoked himself out. There is no excuse now for any pastor to have anything to do with the Christians and politics curriculum he and Russell Moore put together. Any Christian who is encountering this in his church needs to make his disapproval clear and be ready to look for a better church.