So…Uh…Jory Micah Is a Hamas-Defending, Israel-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist Now

Jory Micah is continuing her devolution into total anarchy and insanity, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ, despite her frequently-touted Master of Arts in Christian Doctrine and History.

When she’s not claiming white folk adopt black babies so they can ‘enslave’ & ‘abuse’ them, claiming she’s part of Antifa while spewing vitriol for police, or getting charged with aggravated assault for biting a police officer’s hand during her many public intoxication arrests, she’s reinvented herself as a Hamas-defending, Israel-hating conspiracy theorists.

Here are a few of her posts, the majority from the last 48 hours.

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2 thoughts on “So…Uh…Jory Micah Is a Hamas-Defending, Israel-Hating, Conspiracy Theorist Now

  1. A godless loon defending the rape, torture, kidnapping, and murder of innocent Israeli men, women, and children. The only deity this warped individual is serving is Satan.

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