Gospel Artist Dante Bowe Lies About Leaked ‘Inappropriate’ Selfie: ‘it wasn’t like a sexual photo’

Former Maverick City Music singer and celebrated gospel artist Dante Bowe has commented publicly for the first time on the existence of an ‘inappropriate photo’ he took of himself that he accidentally leaked, claiming it wasn’t ‘sexual’ or ‘that bad’ despite him being fully nude.
Last year, Bowe was ejected from MCM for unspecified wrongdoing. Bowe issued a brief non-apology apology that he later deleted. Since then, he’s continued to spiral into worldliness and obscenity, from recently wearing a disgusting shirt during a Vogue photoshoot that is unprecedented in terms of behavior that we’ve seen before from a self-declared Christian worship artist, to his new filthy music video ‘Wind Me Up’ which features half-nude women dancing and gyrating throughout.
Bowe also made the news after his pastor, friend, and business partner went on a pro-LGBTQ rant at a worship concert his church was hosting. Afterward, in response to his pastor claiming that the Bible has errors and is not equally inspired, Dante’s church removed ‘The Bible is the inspired word of God’ from their statement of faith, at least being honest about what they believe and who Bowe is sitting under.
None of this has phased him much. Bowe continues to rake in the accolades, recently being nominated for four Dove Awards at the esteemed Gospel Music Association awards show, including one for ‘Songwriter of the Year.’
During a recent interview with Vibe Houston, host Amir Diamond pressed Bowe on the real reason he was expelled from Maverick City Music, asking if it was because he ‘beat on somebody,’ if there were ‘sexual videos of him somewhere,’ or if it was because he was caught dancing to an explicit ‘Bad Bunny’ song. Bowe reveals publicly for the first time:
Yeah, I mean it wasn’t that. Also it wasn’t like….okay so I accidentally posted a photo of myself that was like inappropriate, but it wasn’t like that bad- it wasn’t like a sexual photo. However, it was for none of that.
I mean me and Maverick hadn’t been working together for a while at that point technically, because I had a solo career. I was the most nominated gospel artist ever like in history… I mean I got nominated the most times in one term, the first one to ever do that. At the Grammys I was number one in my single joyful, I was winning the Doves…but we was having like all these little feuds at the time….…So yeah, like I think what happened between me and them at the time with Bad Bunny, me posting that video dancing to Bad Bunny or the picture of myself, or whatever the case may be, I feel like it was just their leeway to just go ahead and pause the relationship with me. But they offered me a record deal two weeks later, but nobody knows that. It’s in my email.
It’s a bold lie, and we’re curious to know how he thinks he can get away with it. It’s possible Bowe doesn’t know we have that ‘inappropriate’ picture and posted an edited version of it ten months ago, reaching out to his media manager, record label, and publicist asking for comment that never came. But because he lied about the nature of it, the result is more truth to counter his claims.
It’s not a single ‘non-sexual’ picture that wasn’t ‘that bad,’ but rather two videos, one a POV shot of his crotch with pants on, and another of Bowe filming himself fully naked in front of a mirror, wearing only a tank top rolled up to his armpits, preening and fully exposing himself. (Warning: image is blurred but still explicit.) Here is one single image from it.
Since Bowe left MCM ten months ago, things have gotten worse, and his behavior has become more unacceptable and corruptible. Still, what we wrote about him back then still holds to this day:
We pray that Bowe cries out to God for mercy and forgiveness, that he would repent of his sins and enter into a right relationship with his God and Savior, rather than continue on this treacherous path that only leads to destruction.
I seriously doubt if this man is even a Christian. If you read the interview, there is nothing about his faith. It is all about how many Dove Awards and contracts for recording and stuff like that.
Yep, it’s all about the Benjamins and fame. Yet another worldly opportunist cashing in on naive and undiscerning believers.