Megachurch Puts on ‘Encanto’ Themed Church Service +Free Popcorn and Candy!

Life.Church in Anarillo and Austin, Texas recently concluded week 3 of their kicked At the Movies campaign with an Encanto theme, decorating the church and crafting a sermon based around the adventures of the magical Madrigal family, intercut with scenes from the movie.
It’s not a one-off for the 85,000-member, seeker-sensitive, multi-site-based Oklahoma church that has 40 locations, but rather something they do every year. Led by Craig Groeschel, the pastor and lead visionary who is an awful preacher and habitual scripture- twister, and who recently launched the metaverse for the megachurch, their promo material explains:
At the Movies is an annual summer event at Life.Church. We decorate our lobbies in our favorite movie themes and invite friends and family. During the experience, we show snippets of popular films, and Pastor Craig creates a message based on themes from the film. It’s one of our most popular and fun series, and we look forward to it every year.
Life Church Puts on ‘Jurassic Park’ Themed Church Service + Animatronic Dinosaurs
Mario Sermon Series? Life Church Transforms Church into Mushroom Kingdom + Singing Bowser
Church goers are treated to drinks, bags of popcorn, and other movie theater confectioneries. Everything about the service screams that this is all just a show- an offering to Baal on the altar of entertainment.
They’re not the first church to do a themed Encato service. This church took an offering while singing ‘We don’t talk about Bruno’
Bread and circuses…