Former Leader of ELCA Goes Off On Jesus in Sermon, Calling Him ‘Mean’, Troubling, and Even a Little Racist

Last Sunday, former head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Mark Hanson preached a sermon at Elk River Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota, where he went off on Jesus, describing him as mean, cruel, troubling, an advocate of Nimbyism (Not in My Backyard) and quite frankly, even a little racist.
It’s no big surprise, as the (ELCA) is functionally one of the most heretical and demonic denominations in America. It has denigrated to one massive pen for goats, run by spiritual criminals and hirelings, with barely a sheep to be found anywhere. From Planned Parenthood Logo on Clergy Clothes? to Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades, some of their ‘greatest hits include:
ELCA Considers Expelling all Conservative, Anti-LGBTQ Pastors from their Midst
World’s Grossest Lutheran’ Pastor’ Says More Gross Things About ‘Heteronormative Marriages’
Church Holds’ Pride Worship Service’ Featuring All LGBTQ Songs
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Pastrix Says Jesus Called Syrophoenician Woman a ‘B*****’ + “Jesus Screwed Up, She Redeems Him”
Recounting the story of the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7, Hanson spends half the sermon condemning and belittling Jesus for how he treated her. He describes Jesus’ behavior towards her as “despicable” and suggests he echoes the same attitude towards her that bad people have towards immigrants and children who are gender-transitioning.
Hanson concludes his sermon by revealing that Jesus eventually relented from his cruelty and “changed his mind, changed his heart, changed his attitude, changed his action.”
Guess he’s been watching too much of The Chosen and the false Jesus they portray. What makes what they are saying worse is the fact that they still have people sitting in the pews.
How dare this man defame the Son Of God from a pulpit. Absolutely disgusting.
A few hundred years ago this guy would be nothing more than some charred remains in the town square.
ELCA has turned into a spiritual waste land of leftist agitators. I have not attended a church service since late 2021 and have been closer to The Lord Jesus with my self study Bible without the clown show that is today the suicidal ELCA.
Do not neglect the gathering of the body, Dave!