Drag Queen’s Album Hits #1 on iTunes Christian Charts

Drag Queen Flamy Grant (Real name Matthew Blake) is celebrating after his debut album ‘Bible Belt Baby’ hit the number #1 spot on the iTunes Christian albums chart ten months after its release.
His single ‘Good Day’ also made it to the top of the iTunes Christian singles, fueled partly by some drama between him and Sean Feucht. The prominent worship leader criticized former Caedmon’s Call singer turned cross-dressing atheist Derek Webb appearing on Blake’s album, resulting in hundreds of Blake’s followers streaming the song and elevating it to the top of the heap.

Bible Belt Baby is about the spiritual trauma Blake endured growing up in a town where his whole world was a “faith-saturated, fundamentalist, very evangelical space that didn’t exactly embrace a queer kid with cross-dressing tendencies.”
Blake, who describes himself as a “shame-slaying, soothsaying, hip-swaying heathen and infidel” collaborated with Jennifer Knapp, Grace Baldridge (Semler) and Derek Webb on this nasty little endeavor.

Despite hitting number one in the charts, this is not to suggest that Blake is a successful artist. He has many music videos and songs on his YouTube channel, and nearly all of them only have several hundred views.

Furthermore, despite being out for a year, most of his songs have under 10,000 streams on Spotify, including several under 5000 listens.

Retaliation for “Reclaim the Rainbow” dominating the rap chart.
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That’s a whopper of a sob story, if I’ve ever heard one – traumatized by Christian music …
What would Holden Caulfield call someone who blatantly disregards the fourth commandment?
There’s more to his phony sob story. His supposedly fundamentalist parents took, or allowed, pictures of him in a dress and high heels as a young child. Nah. His story doesn’t add up.
Of course, it goes without saying that a transvestite is a liar. Transvestites bear false witness every time they commit the abominable sin of making themselves appear to be the opposite sex (Duet 22:5).
Since we all know you’re the resident troll, and I know you’re probably talking about me, and the fact that I never married, since you said the same thing to me before, that I supposedly dishonor my parents, I’ll tell you I dated several girls through school and after. They all dumped me.
I never had a relationship that lasted more than a few months, though there was one girl in high-school who kept dumping me then calling me back then dumping me again, over and over, which continued on up into college years.
I just wasn’t what women wanted. Many men aren’t. And many women aren’t desirable to men. That’s just the facts. Many of us live our lives single. It’s God’s doing. We accept it.
Does that make you happy? I’m sure it does.
Now, I don’t exactly know how that is supposed to have dishonored my parents. And I don’t exactly know what anyone would expect me to have done, short of kidnapping a girl at gunpoint or something.
Quit this stupid mess. You’ve already shown that you are far, far, super, duper superior to me, and that I’m an old lowlife loser. Alright. So let it go. Everybody already knows. Enough.
No looks. No money. No prospects. I had nothing a woman would want.
And shockingly enough, there are probably hundreds of millions of men on this planet in the same boat.
That’s called reality. It’s called God’s doing.
Anybody home in there?
Is your brain cell functioning?
I got over it decades ago. But for some insane reason, you can’t get over it, and you don’t even know me. Enough of the stupid, insane, reprobate trolling.
If not kidnapping, then rape I guess …
Who knows what in the sam hill is going through your deranged mind.
I’ve never known a woman who was pro-rape, but I guess maybe you’re the exception M.
I don’t know what else you would expect to achieve by belittling every man alive for not being sexually immoral. Whatever it could be, it most certainly wouldn’t be good for women.
Of all the women I’ve ever known. My family. Friends. Girlfriends. Acquaintances.
I’ve never known, or even heard of, a woman who wanted men to be sexually immoral.
I don’t know what your deal is, M, but something ain’t right.
I’ve repeatedly told you that your “premise” is false, your suspicions are false, your accusations are false.
You should get down on your knees and thank God that I’m not the sort of man who would go out and commit some such atrocity against some poor woman, in response to your bullying, and abusive harassment.
Some men might lose it and do something like that. Some might lash out at all women because of what you’ve done and continue to do. Some might develop and extreme hatred of women. But the Lord has given me strength greater than most. There is no such wickedness in my heart.
You want evidence that I’m not a phony?
There it is …
As I said to you before, you’re like a poodle nipping at the heels of a pitbull. I told you that you cannot move me. And you’d better be thanking the Lord that you can’t.
You think about that, and think about what your wicked behavior is doing to and for women …
You want the sexual abuse of women to stop?
Maybe, I don’t know, you know, it might be a good idea to stop belittling, bullying, ridiculing, and harassing men for not being sexually immoral.
You know, because doing that sort of mess would be reprobate stupidity …
Just a thought … 🙄
Lest you forget, in case you balk at what I’ve said here, I’ve never initiated any confrontation or conversation with you. Not once.
You are the aggressor. Not me.
Your behavior is bullying, harassment, abusive, etc. Not mine.
Your behavior is arrogant, and indicative of some sort of superiority complex. Not mine.
I could go on, and I’m a tough old man, so you can’t really bully me. But that is your behavior here, and has been for years. Everyone else here knows it, M. You are, and have always been, the initiator and aggressor.
How bad must your personality be that you insist that the only way you can have sex is by rape?
The fact that you mentioned rape so frequently is frightening.
Yeah, my personality is terrible. I’m a terrible, terrible person. You are so far, far, super, duper, extremely superior to me. You can even read minds and stuff.
Yet you prove my point. Do you, as a woman, consider me to be a man who’s desirable for marriage?
No you obviously don’t.
Case rested.
Now that you’ve heard what you want to hear, get lost.
As everyone reading can plainly see, as all are familiar with your tactics, you completely and intentionally ignore the point I was making.
But the point still stands …
What would the other alternatives be?
Hire a whore? … bad for women
Pick up a woman and use her? … bad for women
Anything outside of marriage, by God’s design, is not only immoral, it’s bad for women (and men).
You think I despise women. You couldn’t possibly have it any more backwards.
My desire to honor the Lord, and to do what is right in His eyes far outweighs the desire of my flesh. It’s that simple, M. I just repented and reached that point earlier than most, and therefore remained a virgin. That’s all.
You and your pals, M, have not bothered to consider the ramifications and consequences of your behavior in the event that your suspicions may be wrong. You never bothered or cared to consider it – because you are extremely arrogant and prideful.
I’m showing you some of what those ramifications and consequences could be, this time using plain reasoning, because you have no regard for scripture.
I know all too well, because this is not the first time I’ve been falsely accused. It is very common for single men, who don’t go partying and sleeping around, to be falsely accused. The world – and pharisees, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men – always assumes there must be something wrong with us. You are brainwashed to believe such assumptions. And you continue, like some sort of cultist, even when presented with many concrete facts which obliterate your premise. There have been tens of billions of us.
Even you, as wicked as you are, were you to ever marry, would want your husband to remain faithful. You’d want him to be sexually moral. You might say you wouldn’t care, but you’d be lying.
Even if you did have such an “open marriage”, you’d have limits
Even sleeping around as you apparently do, you have limits.
You have standards – just not God’s standards
You have moral limits – just not God’s morals
Of course, all that being said, there are no good consequences for your wickedness here, M.
Nothing good could result, whether your suspicions were correct or not.
The only possible reason you could be doing this mess, that could be somewhat considered “good”, would be if you had a crush on me or something along those lines. But if that were the case, then I’ve never seen any more self-destructive behavior. At this point, you’d just about be the last woman on Earth I’d ever give the time of day. Talk about misery. If you have, or ever do have, a husband … well, I’d just like to tell him that your porneia here (to support sexual immorality is to be sexually immoral) is justifiable grounds for divorce, according to the Lord.
To summarize your conclusions:
-You’re a great guy who is also a victim
-We must all collectively have a huge crush on you
-You’re not a fan of the greatest American poet.
Just wow.
And people wonder why I never married …
I’m going to tell you the God’s honest truth, M. As bad as it is, I’m going to tell you …
If I had married a trouble-making, pain-in-the-posterior, wicked-hearted woman with a mouth like yours, I might’ve just lost it one day and smashed her face in …
That’s the truth. I’m not proud of it, but it’s the truth.
It’s a good thing I didn’t marry …
I have never taken kindly to being falsely accused …
I was a strong young man. High school and college football.
I could’ve killed you with one punch …
And it’s only by the grace of God that nothing like that ever happened in my younger days. As I’ve told you before, I can look back and see that it was all the Lord’s doing. And I am grateful to Him for seeing me through … I am, at this time, exactly where He wants me to be, and I know it without a doubt.
I told you that I was born a sinner just like everyone else. Well, there you go.
Of course, indignation in the case of being falsely accused is not a sin …
Under Old Testament law, M, the sins that you have accused me of are death penalty offenses. Since the accusations are false, you would’ve suffered the same penalty, and your sentence would’ve been carried out without pity. False accusation is not a small offense …
15“A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established. 16 If a malicious witness arises to accuse a person of wrongdoing, 17 then both parties to the dispute shall appear before the LORD, before the priests and the judges who are in office in those days. 18 The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, 19 then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil from your midst. 20 And the rest shall hear and fear, and shall never again commit any such evil among you. 21 Your eye shall not pity. It shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.” – Duet. 19:15-21
There would’ve been no wild premises, suspicions, and assumptions followed by trolling, harassment, bullying, and so on. None of that deceitful, sinful mess allowed.
It would’ve been, bring your two or three witnesses, or you die …
These are surely the last days. How much longer will God allow his Word to be ignored and twisted?
The ‘last days’ were in 70 AD.
We’re in the Millennium now …
And when Jesus comes back, it will to receive His Bride