Francis Chan Joins Benny Hinn as Speakers for Upcoming ‘Pastor’s Conference’

Francis Chan is once again partnering with an arch-heretic on the preaching circuit, joining Benny Hinn for the upcoming ‘Pastor’s Conference,’ hosted by Jesus Image.
Jesus Image, led by Michael and Jessica Koulianos, frequently collaborates with Benny Hinn and is a run-of-the-mill hyper-charismatic/‘you must receive the second baptism in the spirit’ sort of ministry.
The conference’s purpose is so that people can “learn from trustworthy men and women of God who have invaluable wisdom to share from lessons they’ve learned in ministry” so they can “receive training and encouragement.”
It’s par for the course for Francis Chan, once a Master’s Seminary grad and now a spiritually squirrely scoundrel who was last seen healing an entire village without the Holy Spirit, butchering church history, speaking at a Roman Catholic conference, praising false teachers like Todd White and Benny Hinn, claiming that taking communion Is basically like having ‘intercourse’ with Jesus, getting upset that Roman Catholics won’t take communion with him, and recently claiming that the Holy Spirit is moving Baptist and Roman Catholics to worship together and become one big church.
The two previously participated in a Send event together where Chan was cautiously optimistic about Hinn attending, saying:
I did know there was a possibility that he [Benny] would be there, and actually, my friend said ‘hey, I know you’re speaking in this conference, I’m considering having Benny Hinn there.’ And I’m like ‘whoa!’ And he says ‘hey, will you come to meet with him? I don’t even know what I think about it.’ And I’m like ‘alright, let’s go.’
…The first thing Benny does is say ‘you guys eat. Do you mind if I just talk for awhile?’
And he just starts pouring out his heart. He starts saying ‘do you guys believe you can lose the favor of God? Like he doesn’t trust you anymore?’ He goes ‘I believe I have lost God’s favor. He gave me a gift and I got concerned about money, about friendships about my family and fame, and I have not been close to Jesus in years.’
He goes, I want to say two or three months ago, he says ‘I’ve blocked out this time where I just want to be alone with Jesus and nothing.’ And I mean, he goes on this whole discourse where I’m like ‘whoa, this is not at all what I expected.’
And then he plays this old hymn, he says ‘before you talk about this or that, will you just quiet yourselves into the presence of God, because this is where I have failed.’
Francis says that Hinn concluded by pointing to him as a random audience member and exhorted him to never love anything more than Jesus and keep his heart pure, and talks about the struggle of trying to fight and come back.
And so am I saying ‘hey, I’m a Benny Hinn follower now?’ I started praying for him after that because he’s got his world that kept sucking him into these things and yet there was something inside that was pulling him away from the money.
And I don’t know where he is today. I don’t know where that is, but I’m just going, gosh, when I hear someone talk like that-and no I didn’t do all the research and everything else- I just, I was scared of him you know, so I say that and to anyone whose listening, I don’t know you guys (Remnant Radio hosts) and [yet here we are talking]
What a whiney individual. His fake piety is beyond off putting
Not to even mention his numerous heresies …
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The indwelt Holy Ghost that arrives the moment of justification causes all the fruits of sanctification (actual repentance, true faith, the grand commandments, love thy enemy, charity, etc) for God’s Word is pure (KJV is the AV).
Fake churches redefine grace, redefine repentance, omit the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the life of a true believer simply because the pastor is not a true pastor and the church not the true church.
God as all sovereign causes all this to pass, for His plan of redemption and judgement upon His creation is perfectly orchestrated.
His Word is not for private interpretation, and His bride is not a splintered group.
Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.