Francis Chan Claims the Holy Spirit is Moving Baptists and Roman Catholics to Worship Together and Become one Big Church

Francis Chan, once a Master’s Seminary grad and now a spiritually squirrely scoundrel who was last seen healing an entire village without the Holy Spirit, butchering church history, speaking at a Roman Catholic conference, praising false teachers like Todd White and Benny Hinn, claiming that taking communion Is basically like having ‘intercourse’ with Jesus, and getting upset that Roman Catholics won’t take communion with him, has continued his trend of not understanding that Roman Catholics declared the gospel ‘anathema’ at the council of Trent, and in fact have a completely different gospel then Protestants do. We can’t worship along side of them because they’re lost! We believe in grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ’s work alone, not some weird and wonky merit based system of justification that they have concocted from the mad minds of their popes and princes.

Speaking at the Send 2022 in Norway, Francis Chan explains:

And again in verse 23, he says, “I in them, you in me, that they may become perfectly one so that the world may know that you’ve sent me and love them even as you’ve loved me.” This is the only way we’ll convince the world.

So as long as we keep dividing from one another, and we have this critical spirit rather than a loving one, and I, there are times when I may be in sin or error and you need to confront me, but we do it in love and gentleness and humility because we don’t want to destroy what God has put- building together.

What I love is I feel like something very special is happening in this room. During worship earlier, I was just watching this crowd and this thought came to my mind. I thought, ‘I bet you, they don’t really want to leave and go to their own churches. I think they would love right now to just be one big church.’ Wouldn’t that’d be amazing?

I feel like there’s a generation that says ‘I don’t want to be labelled Baptist anymore. I don’t even like the name Pentecostal or Roman Catholic. I just want to bow before this holy God. I just want to get on my knees and tremble before him and tell him how amazing it is that he would send His Son to die for me.

I just want to tell him that that he’s a great king and I love following him. And I just want to be together with everyone else that’s on their face worshipping God. And I actually, for the first time in my life, I’m actually believing that can happen in our lifetime.

h/t The Dissenter

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