Disgraced Pastor Stovall Weems Files Lawsuit Against Association of Related Churches

(Ministry Watch) The story of Stovall Weems and his former church—Celebration Church of Jacksonville, Florida—has taken yet another turn. Weems and his wife Kerri filed a lawsuit July 12 against the Association of Related Churches (ARC), claiming the leaders of the ARC “masterminded” to destroy the couple and take over Celebration Church for their benefit, which include “expand[ing] their church growth business interests” and “effectively gain[ing] control over its operations and substantial assets.”
The couple is seeking more than $75,000 in damages claiming they were framed for financial crimes they did not commit that destroyed their reputation and ultimately led to their dismissal from Celebration Church.
Weems resigned from the church in April after the church suspended him in light of allegations of financial misdealings involving church money. The week following Weems’ resignation, the church released findings of an investigation they initiated into his behavior. Accusations ranged from Weems leading the church to the brink of insolvency to him creating a culture of fear…to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Daniel Ritchie and published at Ministry Watch
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“church growth business interests” This is Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Robert Schuller and Peter Drucker’s legacy to the American church. Over 30 years ago these men led the Church to open their doors to the world and modeled themselves after the world in direct violation of Jesus’ own words found in the Bible. I said then (since I graduated seminary in 1992) that it would bring disaster on so many churches and that is exactly what happened. We have Biblically illiterate 40 years olds and under and we wonder why these people are so screwed up today with no direction in their lives and accepting of every sinful lifestyle as long as their feelings tell them it is okay.